Wu SOCIETY VifT:TkS NEWS.... Mrs. Renn Drum, Editor Mr* Drum is on duty all-day at The Star offloc and can be reached by Star Telephone No. 4-J. Personal and social items must be telephoned in not later than 10 a. m. on press mornings. SECOND DIVISION TO MEET ON THURSDAY Mrs. R. X LeGrand and Mrs. J. O. Corfe&t wlH be joint hostesses to menabeR.jOf.- the second division or the Womaiib club at Its regular meeting Thursday afternoon at 3:30 at ihe rjub rootp McDowell la to be lead er fo'rjja^ .afternoon. MRS. BRABBLE TO GIVE tea ion Airs dewitt Tbe foijoWlijg Invitations have been .issued; * "Iv^rs. Atrtiore pill Brabble, Clcve-j land Springs C JUntry Club, after-1 noon-tea. Saturday, October twen tyMrs- Spurgeon C. Hewitt.” j OugsU are being invited to call; between 3 30 and 6:30 o’clock. •MRS. CARROLL. MRS. WOODS TO BE HOSTESSES Mrsr'Mason Carroll and Mrs. R U. Woods will be Joint hostesses Friday-afternoon at the Country club. to members, at the weekly bridge tea and golf tournament Those who expect to play In the j golf tournament are asked to be; present at 3 o'clock; the bridge1 games will begin as usual at 4. MRS.VlLLIS McMURRY HOSTESS TO CLUB Mrl Willis McMurry was a cordial I hostels yesterday afternoon to members of the Renaissance Study club, entertaining them at her home on South LaFayette street. Mrs. Henry,, Edwards, president, con ducted a short business session, prior!td the program. MrekJoe E. Nash read a paper on *Orimiv and Mrs. H. S. Plaster talked! Informally on 'Events of1 CurreMt Interest.” Pretty refreshment plates with a| salad.1 ^sandwiches and coffee were passed* at the close of the after noon. MISS LEDFORD WEDS HUGH LEDBETTER Ml* Joyce Ledford became the bride*ff Hugh Ledbetter in a sim ple cpfemony last Friday morning, October 18, at 8 o’clock. The mar riage took place at the home of Zemri Kistler, Justice of the peace, who performed the ceremony In the presence of e large group of friends. They left immediately after the eereniony for a short wedding trip through thj mountains, but have returned Rtid are making their home, with the bridegroom's parents on SOuth Lafayette street. Mri and^Iirs. Ledbetter both work at the Cleveland Cloth Mill. S_r. __ VISITORS HONORED AT FORTNIGHT BRIDGE CLUB Mr.«and Mrs. George Spoolman of Windier were special guests at the raeetmu of the Fortnight bridge club iFric^y evening when their hosts.! Mrrand-Mrfc.-Henry Edwards, entrained the club. Mr. and Mrs Spoolftan tRgeh received a gift, and the prises for high score in bridge went to Mrs. R. W. Morris for ladies and John Sehenck for men. Other visitors enjoying the hospi tality pf Mr. a«d Mrs. Edwards were Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McBrayer and Mrs. H. S. Plaster. After bridge had been enjoyed during the evening nice refresh ments; were served at its close. REVIEWERS' CLUB WITH MRS. FRANK KENDALL Mrs.! Frank Kendall entertained members of the Reviewers' book club yesterday afternoon at a reg ular meeting at Hotel Cleveland. An entertaining program on "Short Stories" was given, which in cluded the reading of a number of “short short stories" taken from recent issues of Liberty and Colliers, as examples of this type of fiction Mrs. Kendall and Mrs. H. C. Thompson each read two of these stories, and Mrs. Aaron Quinn read a sketch of Catherine the Great,” which appeared last month in The Readers’ Digest. After the program Mrs. Clyde Nolan helped Mrs. Kendall to pass refreshment plates with an elabor ate salad course. SHERRILL NEWTON CLASS IN REGULAR MEETING A regular meeting of the Sherrill Newton Bible class of Central Meth odist church was held Monday aft ernoon at the church when Mrs R. L. Hendrick. Mrs. D. M. Free man, Mrs. John Beam, Mrs. J. T. Ray, Mrs. Oscar Patterson and Mrs. R. Z. Riviere, were Joint hostesses. Mrs. -T. A. Spangler conducted the deyotional and after a business session' s good program was given. Miss Nettie Rayle sang three, num bers, “I Love a Cottage.” “Your Song from Paradise." and "Family Trait." Mrs. Jack Hartigan played her piano accompaniment Miss Margaret Smith played a beautiful piano solo, “The Rosary." littie “Bonny” Rav. son of Mr. and Mrs. A T. Ray, sang an amusing solo Jones read two pleating selections. Hallowe'en-decorated refreshment plates were passed during the social half hour. GLADYS SHARPE Y. W. A. HOSTESS TO FIRST B.APTISTS The Y. W. A. of the Second Bap tist church was hostess to tha Y. w. A. of the First Baptist church Mon day evening at the home of the president, Miss Annie Ray Jones. The meeting was opened by the vice-president. Miss Stacey Duncan and devotional by the president. Miss Ruby Taylor, chairman of circle 4, was in- charge of the pro gram which was a comparison of Henrietta Hall Shuck and the Modem Girl. Miss Christine Lang ley gave an effective portrayal of Henrietta Hall Shuck as Miss Ruby Bridge* gave a sketch of her life. Miss Dorothy Roberts posed as the modern girl as Miss Aileen Jones compared life today with that of Mrs. Shuck's day. The poses were framed in the doorway by candle light. The program was closed with a duet by Miss Mary Lewis Wilson and Miss Annie Ray Jones, accom panied by Miss Gertrude Roberts at the piano. . Simple refreshments, black magic ice in orange jack-o-lantems with chocolate cakes, suggestions of the Hallowe'en season, were served dur ing the social half hour. LOCAL ART GROUP TO WORK WITH STATE GROUP (Special to The Star.) The music and arts division of the Woman’s club of Shelby has been asked to cooperate with the art department of the North Car olina Federation of Womans clubs in putting on a county-wide art ex hibit in the spring. The object of this exhibit is to discover new talent and stimulate original art. The artists will be di vided into two classes: the junior, under 16 years of age and the sen ior, over 16. No work' will be accepted unless it is original, that is, done from living models or nature studies. No copies will be accepted for the ex hibit. Each artist will be allowed to en ter two paintings which should be framed. Whether or not the paint ings will qualify for exhibition will be left to competent Judges. The awards will be blue ribbons and honorable mention. Any further information will be published from time to time. —__ BRIDE AND VISITOR PARTY HONOREES — Miss Sara L«e Hamrick, whose marriage Friday afternoon will be an event of social interest, and Mrs. Lewis Brown of Concord, guest this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Lcfler, were complimented last evening at a pretty party given at the home of Miss Nita Benton on South DeKalb street, Miss Benton and Miss Grace Gaddy being host esses. Miss Hamrick wore a becom ing model of maroon satin with bouquet of Talisman roses and Mrs. Brown wore a frock of plum colored crepe. Bridge was enjoyed a! four tables during the evening, the bride's table was centered with a small altar and bride and groom, and the other three tables with small vases of mixed flowers. Chrysanthemums were effectively used as decorations. jWhen scores were counted it was [found that the two honorees had tied for high score and each receiv ed an award In addition the host esses gave Miss Hamrick a tomato server and Mrs. Brown a set of hot plate mats. A salad course with sweets was served. Those playing were Miss Hamrick, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Joyce Wilson, Miss Flossie Grice, Miss Mildred McKinney. Miss Ruth Whisnant. Miss Helen Collins, Miss Helen Bess. Miss Mary Louise Benton, Misses Charlotte and Mary Tedder, Mrs. Eubert Irvin, Mrs. Newman McIntyre, Mrs. Carl Newman and Miss Benton and Miss Gaddy. Womans Club Of Fallston Meets Friday The regular meeting of the FaJl ston Woman's club will meet Fri day afternoon at S o'clock at the home of Mrs. Edward Cline. All members are urged to be present as this Is an important meeting. Ct.EVKI.AND LODGE MEETS HERE FRIDAY NIGHT The regular communication of Cleveland lodge No. 202. A F. & A. M. will be held Friday night at the temple. More than 3,300 ears of corn were selected and entered at the recent Cleveland county fair by fartrera of Three Wreck Victims Still In Hospital Herbert Champion, Moore* boro resident and who was Injured Sun day night near Beaver Dam in an accident that killed Rex Brooks was reported today at the Shelby hos pital as somewhat Improved. He is still suffering from shock and .soreness from bruises. He also has a broken clavicle and some broken ribs. E. C. Horton, in the fatal Potter accident near Mooresvllle, is still in the hospital, but is holding his own. Birthday Dinner; St. Paul News (Special to The Star.) ST. PAUL; Oct. 23—A number of people from this community at tended the birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Dellinger of Mount Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crowder and children, June and Hubert, of Lawndale were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Beam. Mr. and Mrs. Griff in. Murray of Belwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Murray. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Moss Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moss and daughter, Myra Jean, of Balls Creek and Mrs. Will Dingier and son, Dale, of Le noir. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Dellinger and daughter, Betty Jo, of Belmont spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Dellinger, Mr. and Mrs. George Tate and chlldiVi of Belmont visited Mr. and Mrs. Del linger in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Canipe and children of Maiden spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. W. A. Ca nipe. Mrs. Calvin Houser and daugh ter, Nell of Crouse spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Craft. Miss Elisabeth Craft, student at Brevard college, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Craft. The Home Demonstration club will meet Thursday afternoon at the club room. Mrs. Alvin Harrelson and son, Wiley Lane, of Henrietta visited Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Harrelson Satur day. Rev. and Mrs. Scott Attend Conference; Fallston Personals (Special to The Star.) FALLSTON, Oct. 33.—Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Scott left Wednesday to attend the annual meeting of the Western North Carolina conference of the M E. Church, South, which is being held In Salisbury. Mr. Scott has completed his third year as pas ' tor on the Belwood charge. Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Watson an nounced on Saturday the birth of an 8 1-3 pound daughter. Mrs. F. B. Toney, Hugh Clay. Bryte Wiliams, Reid Luts and Clemmle Hoyle, Jr., went to the Lincoln Hospital In Llnoolnton Tuesday and had their tonsils re moved. Max Boggs and son, Kenneth, and Clenso Wright went to Brevard Sunday and brought Thelbert Wright, and appendicitis convales cent, home with them where he will remain until he is able to return to Brevard college where he is a stu dent. Misss Zara Boggs accompan ied them as far as Asheville where she visited her sisters, Maxine and Ruth, who are in school at Ashe ville Normal. Alice Falls, winner of the coun ty 4H Club dress review will go to Raleigh Thursday where she will enter her attractive costume In the State dress review. Boyd Dixon was at the State fair last week as a judging contestant. "Uncle Andy” Wright who cele brated his 84th birthday Tuesday of last week had as his guests Wed nesday Mr. and Mrs. Logan Sain of Crouse. Ellis Hoyle Is able to be back at work. Miss Viola Wright, of Rutherford ton with some friends visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright Sunday, Oettys Parker, Floyd Cline and Claud Stamey are In Tennessee on business. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Lattimore and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Lattimore and family of PoUrvllle spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cline. Catherine and Janice Wallace spent Sunday with Sybil Wallace of Lawndale. Misses Nettie and Edna Wright visited in Lincolnton Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Mathewel Griffin with their families of Evergreen were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cline. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hicks and ! children spent Sunday with Mr. | and Mrs. J. L. Sain of Toluca i Mi1, and Mis. Ed Hoyle and fam ily of Charlotte visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Wise and Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wise and family of Lincolnton and Dick Spangler of Double Shoals spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cline. Anti-Alcoholism Is Being Taught School Children RALEIQH, Oct. 23.—“Alcoholism and Narcotism,” a two-page mimeo graph bulletin Is being sent out this week to all superintendents for distribution to principals of all schools In the state, State Supt. Clyde A. Erwin announces. “Ths purpose of this bulletin is to call to the attention of all school officials ths law with reference to the Instruction of alcoholism and narcotism required to be given in ths publie schools, and to point out what treatment the subject must be given In order not only to comply with the law but also to give really some adequate attention to this Im portant part of our course in health instruction,” Mr. Erwin said. “As this bulletin points out, some attention is given to the subject In both the state-adopted basal texts and in the supplementary texts rec ommended for use In the public schools of the state. It was felt by the last general assembly, however, that this rvs not adequate, and so authority was given the Textbook Commission and the State Board of Education to adopt textbooka cover ing this subject, pr a next text on "Health' which would give more adequate treatment on the sub ject of alcoholism and narcotism. This bulletin la an attempt to meet the requirements of the law until the Textbook Commission can find the proper material which may be adopted for this purpose,” Mr. Er win said. Double Wedding Of Belwood R-l Parties In S. C. • Special to The Star.) BELWOOD, R-l, Oct. 22 —A dou ble wedding that came as a sur prise to their friends, was perform ed at Gaffney, 8. C„ on Sunday, October 20, that of Miss Evaree Wiggins to Theodore White and Miss Jossle Lee Wiggins to Royal Hamby. The only attendants were Misses Ethel and Selma White and Clinton Hamby. The brides were both dressed in blue swagger suits with accessories to match and are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wiggins. Mr. White is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis White and Mr. Hamby is son of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Hamby. Both are prosper ous young farmers. Oscar Blanton has been very sick with pleurisy. Jake Hamby has had pneumonia but is better now. Mrs. T. Z. Bumgardner has also been sick. Mrs. Effie Wease • carried her daughter, Colleen, to Raleigh this week to a kidney specialist. The little girl has been suffering with diabetes for several weeks. Cotton is just about all picked out In this community. A large part of corn has been pulled and shuck ed; also some wheat of oats are be ing sowed this week. Miss Nannie Sue, a member of the faculty and supervisor of the D. D. school at Morganton visited her brother. Mr. Sherwood With row and Mrs. Withrow Saturday evening. Mrs. Roy Warlick visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chap man of Casar for a few days last week. Mrs. Chapman has been very sick. Five Grain Combines In Lincoln County (Lincoln County News.) Speaking of farm activities Coun ty Agent Morrison states that "a lot of lespedeza has been cut for seed. Some of the fanners are stacking the clover and will thresh out the seed later and some are threshing the clover seed as they cut it in the field, and some arc picking out the clover with a com bine and threshing as they go. Mr. Luther Yoder of the Daniels sec tion has Just bought a riew com bine and will thresh clover this fall and will use it on his wheat and oats in the spring. We now have fiva combines in the county.” QUICK SERVICE While You Wait FREEMAN’S SHOE SHOP _Warren Street FOR SALE 400 Squares Galvanized Roofing Let us quote you a price on your Galvanized Roof ing Requirements. We sell the 29 Guage 5V Crimp First Quality — Guaran teed. OUR PRICKS ARK LOW. CLEVELAND HARDWARE CO. WASHBURN'S PLACE SHEI/iY. N. C. The first mission in the islands of the South Pacific was establish ed by the London Missionary so ciety at Tahiti in 1797. Fifty-five purebred Guernsey' cat tle were entered by 35 farmS-s in the recent Burke County Guernsey cattle show. The Abbai riter or Blue Nile has its source near Mt. Denguiza'm the Go jam highlands of Ethiopia. Mrs. Julia M. Sutton Passes In Gaffney Mrs. Julia'Melton Sutton, 55, wife of . M. Sutton, Blacksburg merchant, died at the City hospital at Gaffney Sunday night about 10:30 o’clock following an opera The coffee plant is indigenous in the Kaffa country of Ethiopia, whence it takes its name. THE ?irt$tont HIGH SPEED TIRES MASTERPIECE OF TIRE CONSTRUCTION 4.40-21 TERMS TO SUIT YOU ?ire$tone STEWART-WARMER AUTO RADIO CASH PRICE Low Woolly reyments Low Weekly Payments On All Car Meeds^ BATTERIES BRAKE LINING AUTO SUPPLIES COURIER TYPE TIRES AS LOW AS 37« "V Our convenient budget deportment eneblet you to got oil your cor noodt On Timo. Tormi to tuit you. Lot ut Kelp mole your driving lofor ond mAe onjoyoblo — pay 01 you ride. Tillman’s Service Stations LaFayette and Belvedere PHONE 804 PHONE 805! tion performed several days agcT Mr. and Mrs. Sutton, formerly lived in Gaffney, but moved to Blacksburg a number of years ago. Three sister:; and five brothers also survive, as follows: Mrs. G. W. Moseley and Mrs. Gaffney; Mrs. Roy Gruvs T H ’PPer, 0( lotte; G. S., C. C and G. Char ton. of Gaiffney; z, \\ Mel Springfield. Mo ; of Lattimore. and T j ''’on. of Mr an. DRILLS The Cole 3-Row Grain Drill Is the Practical Way to Sow Grain. Grain sowed in furrows prevents freezing. A wonderful time saver. The greatest labor saving drill ever invented. Equipped with PLOWS or DISCS, or Both. WITH PLOWS ....$24.00 WITH DISCS....$26.00 WITH BOTH. $30.00 Clark Hardware Co. PHONE 97 — SHELBY, N. C. Guaranteed Alarm Clock A sturdy, I’UjJ accurate timekeeper 2 for *1.50 Nyal Aspirin r 80c ^ 'Muriel As tor Toiletries L2for50c A UU BOX of "ST 12-five \ HHHJ grain tablets 2 for 10c 2 for 1 ’ ’ Nyal Home Remedies Nysis Neil Polish...... 2 ter 2 5c Nyal Face Cream.2 for 50c Brilliant Lilac Hair Oil. 2 tor 50c Nysis Hand Cream.... 2 for 50c Hirsutcne Hair Tonic. 2 for 60c Nysis Face Powder... .2 for25c Nysis Cuticle Remover 2 for 25c Nylotis Face Powder... 2 for 7Sc Nyglo Hair Dressing... 2 f or 75c Nylotis Baby Talcum.. 2 for 25c Nyseptol Tooth Pasta. .2 for25c Koldtite Plate Powder.2 for50c Pylora Tooth Powder.. 2 for 50c V8 Vegetal Lotion.2 for 35c Ultra Bay Rum—lotion 2 for SOc Nyal Com Remover Ends pain and quickly MB removes corns. Beef, Iron &Wine Full pint I 2 for / Ny ad Health Soap Excellentfortoile*, L ^K^shampoo or bath Large bar ■TVAD I Full pint Nyseptol mouth wash 2 for 50c Nyal Magnesia Tooth Paste 2 for 25c Nyal Antacid Powder 80c sire 2 for 50c Nyal Nasal Drops 35c bottle 2 for 35c ffTAL diner**' EVERYDAY DRUG NEEDS Ultra Cocoa-Castile Shampoo—pint.......2 for 50c Adhesive Plaster—1 inch—S yd. roll....... 2 for 23c Gauze Bandage—2 inch—10 yd. roll.2 for 15c Nyal Pure Epeom Salt—pound box.2 for 20c Nyad Fountain Syringe—2 quart. .2 for*12? Needee Cleansing Tissues—pkg. 250...2for35c Ladies' Dressing Comb—8-inch siss.2 for 20c Cadillac Stationary 24sheets and env.... .2 for 37c Bath Dusting Powd.—large box and puff.. .2 for 50c Mareurochrome or Tincture Iodine.2 for 25c r Nyal 1 Mineral Oil Full pint . 2 for 75c , T Nyal > Milk of Magnesia Full pint 2 for —50c. Nyalgesic for poin, strains A and sprains 50csiie^w/ Ultra \ Hand Lotion Full pint ^ Nyal ^ Halibut Invar Oil Capsules Box of 50 2for$1.25 Ultra Witch ■ Hazel | Extract Full pint fi 2 for 50c Nyseptol Tooth Brush Solid-set bristles in pastel handles— . your choice 2 for 35c Playing Card* •‘39" Shaving Needs Your choice 2 for 35c • PHONE 65 • yt FILL AKY DOCTORS PRESCRIPTION N YA 1 2 1 Sf*1 SI 11

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