Pass In Review Votes And News From Here And There About Cleveland County People You Know t,\an\ER is planning an ' Jai a trip to Mexico City to visit f"Vnd <’f long-standing. Am t l(] r Josephus Daniels. Mr. 'T.f; : commenting today at ‘,;)l ii c Star on that special j,,ion i.-. ucd Sept. 27th. He keeps , ",oml, with home and memories ^ 'cieirimd "ere refreshed when f ,;, an entire evening reading ,,^'historical edition. Max will take . '; plan* trip when he sets p-t for Mexico City. T\Kt t r A HOBBY, was the ad „c 0f <- rral physicians who look S om a Shelby man suffeting t ill angina. One Md. suggested that It try amateur photography. That too expensive. Another would 18VC him c ither antiques, which, too, is an expensive pastime. The third ipena list suggested the recording of it range epitaphs on combstones in dri renlct'erir;. That was too “re minding'* for an angina sufferer. \0 GEESE OR DUCKS have so Journed on the Lineberger-Thomp Ka lake thus far this season, indi ting Uiat winter is some distance may .... Cap:. Broadway became ? highway constructor 28 years ago yesterday and "lias been engaged in that business constantly except for a year devoted to real estate . . . . John Southards, machinist at the Dover Mill, has a picture^pf the em ployers who wjy-toed in the old Scbenck Mill at Cleveland Mills. About 25 employees made up the pay roll *nd one of them was Mr. I | Southard’s grandfather who was a | boss . . These modern cars do ! travel and these drivers have no ^ear of speed .... A party of Shel 1 by yougsters returned from the football game in Raleigh last Sat urday In four hours driving time. iThe distance of over 200 miles has been covered In less time . . . And I speaking of distances, Knoxville, JTenn., and Atlanta, Ga., are not much farther away than our own : state capital. SATURDAY AFTERNOON In Shelby has taken on that annual 1 trend of buying when residents from cut in the county make their an nual or semi-annual trips to •'town” to lay in the needed supply of [goods. Here and there is an aged colored man with his arms full of i overalls and four or five little pic I raninnies with ‘boxes that must contain shoes. Likely his buying spell cost him at least his part of two or three bales of cotton and probably will not occur until next year at the same time. Merchants realize that this is the time of the year, consumers have most money and will bargain for sales almost recklessly. Extra clerks work overtime lo wrap garments and household articles to be used in rural homes. When money flows freejy, everybody Is happy. HIGH UP IN THE AIR, resem bling a giant bird but with vaster poise and speed and with a drone that tells one that three throbbing engines keep it up there, one may see at dusk the huge mall plane winging its way across the sky. When it .was very cold the other day we noticed it, skimming along through the air and the next morn ing appreciated more the letter "air mail." In rain or shine, sleet or snow, daylight of dark, the mail has to go through, and very little is known about the actual techni calities that Uncle Sam has to over come to give as fast air service. CHARLES A. EVERETT, corres pondent of The Star from Grover worked in Shelby last fall and win ter, aiding in the government cen sus and found out a lot of things while here. Among the interesting, tilings which he remembers seeing while going from place to place in clude: A sampler made in 1819 by Helen Vasseur at the age of 12, hanging on the wall of the parsonage home of Dr. E. K. McLarty. He also re calls that an old fashioned hour glass, by which time was measured as fine sand poured through, is one of the yhoicc possession. A log house, which you would never guess had a log about it, at 404 East Marion, now occupied by Roy Sisk. Mary Reeves Forney and other members of the family. The house has been done over (both in side and out. He was told that the original structure is at least 150 years old. This column would be glad to know if there Ls a house In Cleveland county which approaches that age. Let us know. Old things command respect. They reflect char acter and quality by having lasted so long. They also revive memories and recollections of people who liv ed at that time who made other contributions to the welfare of this section. DON'T PAY OYER 50c FOR MEDICINE Thursday, Friday And Saturday 4LL WHO SUFFER: DON'T BUY Medicine Until You Read This! I No matter WHAT your trou I hie may be, and no matter f hen many medicines you lha't tried or what you have V'Mn PAYING for them, read lour offer. r'e make this unusual offer |,n PR0\ K to the padpie of l^hflhy and vicinity that we jhave medicine which will help |!l,f man or woman who isinot ferline 100 PER CENT. jAnd e'en though the price of I hat medicine is $1.25, fifty rents is all it is going to cost |>ou at the Cleveland Drug rtore Thursday, Friday and |>saturda\. i j luM bring the coupon that I "Ppears below to our store land HPTy CENTS is all the |casn required. GEO. W. POWELL Originator of Fow-O-Lin We mean it! No tricks, no "catch,'’ not a mis-print. If you are sick or ailing, the right medi cine will hc:p you! Come and get it Thursday. Fri day and Saturday for 50 cents. For Sale By CLEVELAND DRUG COMPANY many otherwise normal, healthy men and womei.*: It will cleanse the BOWELS clean er than they may have been for months, or for years. (Not violently or severely in a way to destroy your appetite.) It will give you the greatest appetite you EVER HAD. It acts as a diuretic to sluggish kidneys, flushing out quantities of Impure matter whleh may have be came dammcd-up in the system (a common cause of backaches, sharp pains, rising at night.) It will wake up that lazy liver get that old bile flowii£, and thus help any bilious person more than phy sics. Sick headaches will just dis appear. Hie Medicine That v\e Recommend „1 0 medil'i>*c we hope you will try is NOT a M'fnt medicine” or “cure-all,” but a new KIND of ««!cine that works a NEW WAY. It is called and mixes with the food in your stom «b. is a remarkable medicine of a new type. I,,pins thousands of people who have never ,l"’1 hplpcd by ANY medicine. And they are h ° '* ;5—and paying it gladly—for the regular ur arf giving you Thursday, Friday and Sat "•aay for FIFTY CENTS. ,l,r ,10ur this new medicine begins mixing with 10 ,our stomach it helps throw-off the nl~ fS' 25 b*W* of POW-O-HN for only Me. ,s m , where else are paying more than twice much •' nSl'1 n°W- And ®ust Pay over twice as Rtmu‘‘ our store- too. after Saturday. P-.,T.. 11 *s * Pure> high grade medicine of rosij,, ' fl11 ,nula' compounded of valuable (and n| uy Plants. Those who have been help M * di j. ' will tell you that it is a bargain ,ivr d'-u ar a,Ul a Jtuart«r. or would be a bargain' at iSt] h,,a.)n Hcre are *°m* °f the things it can do b-*, h^ad ^ **1°Se "bo have been miserable ****!:h. drew**' ■P*Us. consiipation, and that run-down condition common to so Be Sure To Bring * The Coupon for this remarkable treatmei.'i Thursday, Friday or Saturday and before another week has passed you sense a BIG improvement. Notice the condition of your SKIN as soon as the organs are rid of impurities. From the day that the stomach, liver, kidneys, and bowels are ALL more active you will LOOK, ACT and FEEL years youi.'^er. In light of what it has done for others, wouldn't It be a mistake not to try POW-O-LIN? Our offer makes it possible for anybody. And we sincerely believe that everybody who does accept our recom mendation of this new and superior medicine will ceme back to express their thanks. Bring in the coupon Thursday, Friday or Saturday. A clear saving of sevei.'iy-flve cents If you act now. We a: Mire you that such an offer can NEVER be re peated. Here is your coupon: Valuable This coupon and only SO cents good for a full sized regular $1.23 bottle of Pow-O-Lin —At— Cleveland Drug Co. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nwnie __ — Address —-— SHARON PASTOR TO GO TO CONFERENCE; COMMUNITY NEWS (Special to'The Star/* SHARON. Oct. 23.—Attendance at Sunday school still passed the 100 mark Sunday. Several new members were added to our enroll ment, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shields, Misses Grace . and Ruth Lane. Farmers were delayed for a short while in' gathering their crops due to the refreshing shower that fell Sunday night. Our pastor, Rev. J. N Wise, leaves Thursday morning for gen eral conference which convenes in Salisbury. He will be accompanied by D. E. Origg a delegate from the Shelby circuit to the annual con ference. The check-up meeting for the circuit will be held at the par sonage Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Our church is proud of the fact that it can be reported 'paid out" in full. Quite a number attended the circuit check-up meeting from our church last week which was held at 8ulphur Springs with president elder, Rev. Joe S'Hlatt in charge The congregation was greatly in terested in the Inspiring pictures shown by Mr. Hiatt and also the lecture c-n tliP Indians told In Mr Hiatt's most Interesting manner Those attending from our church were Mr. and Mrs T. F Jenkins and daughter. Mr and Mrs. J.-A. Smith, Mrs. W W. Smith and chil dren. Mr and Mrs. C P. Morchead, Misses Johnnie and Ila Ilorchead, Mr. and Mrs Carver Blanton and daughter. Mr. and Mrs Beattie Spake. Miss Lillian White. Messrs. O. G. Blanton, Zeb Blanton. E. O. Blanton, D. E. Grtgg. At the recreational institute being held in Shelby this week the follow ing are representing the Sharon Shanghat Woman's club and the 4H club: Mesdames W. B. and J- F Dodd, Misses Mary l ee Moore and Johnnie Morchead. Messrs. Pack ard and Ralph Elliott. Mr. and Mrs 8. A Smith are announcing the birth of a son. Mrs. Ollie Blanton and son. Charles are .spending a week In Chester, S. C., visiting relatives. Miss Selma Wellmon, a student of WCTC at CiMlowhee, this state spent the week end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. B B. Wellmon. The Wellmon family attended a re union at Zion church Sunday. w. B. Dodd is much Improved after suffering very acutely the past week with a carbuncle on his knee. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Lemons and daughter, visited the former's par ents Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lemons of the Poplar Springs community Sunday. Mr and Mrs A. VT. Kirtcaid and children of Bessemer City visited Mr. and Mrs. 1) D Dodd Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis and chil dren Mr. Zay Davis and chllldren of Gastonia visited Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Blanton Sunday. T. O. Hamrick. Sam Hamrick Watson and Loyd Hamrick of Shel by spent the week end in Jeffer sonville, Ga. They went down es pecially for a surprise birthday din ner for Messrs. R. H. and Rush Hamrick. Mr. Rnd Mrs, Cyrus Hawkins of Greensboro visited P. P. Hawkins and other relatives In the com munity Sunday. Miss Johnnie Morehead \tsltcd her aunt Mrs. R E Ledbetter and Mr. Ledbetter Saturday night. She was present for a six o'clock din ner given by Mr. and Mrs. Ijedbet ter Saturday evening compliment ing Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ledbetter who were married Friday. Other guests were Mr and Mrs. C. M Ledbetter, Mrs. O. Bridges, Mias Hester Bridges and Mrs. Brady Klstler. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Hughes and family of Charlotte and Miss An nie Hughes of Shelby visited Mr. anti Mrs. E. o. Blanton last week. Mrs. W. N, Blanton received word that her Invalid sister Miss Erie Wolfe, has shown a slight Improve ment. Miss Helen Morehead and Miss Hattie Beck of Morganton, super visors* st thP school for the deaf, will arrive Saturday to spend the | week with the former's parents . _ Strike Is Settled At Blacksburg Mill GAFFNEY, S. C., Oct. 22 - R E. Clline, general manager of the Rroad River mills at Blacksburg, said today operations would be re sumed In the near future as the re ■ suit of an agreement reached be tween the management, and striking employes. Cline said the agreement, i the terms of which were not dis closed, was reached at a conference | between himself and the union's | shop commit tee The w orkers went : on a strike three weekR ago In pro test. against. Inauguration of a 10 Uiour day. Georgia WiliTest • Bankhead Cotton Act WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 33 — 'The supreme court, has dtracted the i United States to .show by November |ll why Georgia should not*be per I mltted to file a suit to teat the con jstttutionallty of the Bankhead act. The petition to file the suit has ;becn presented In behalf of Gover 'nor Talmadge of Georgia. I J. L. Hartley of Ltnvlllc, Avery county, sold strawberries from his patch from June 30 until the middle of October. Improvement PI An ^ For County Home In Rutherfrtrd forest cmr, 04.. ax-Hicke j Hill and Powell s. Owens, mSiftbeA o( the board of Rutherford county | rommlMtonera. hove been appoint* I ed by the board to) confer wrtth at* 1 finals of the OCC camp hare and | the assistant county farm affant In regard to necessary work and Im provement to be done at the coun ty home. They will make such Con tracts a a are necessary to terrace and improve the conty farm, keep* tng In line with the aoll erosion program now being conducted In the county. • ’ Death Toll Rttchti 115 In September RALE1CIH, Oct. 39.—Automobile i accidents Helmed 110 lire* m North Carolina In Sept amber, only one leas than the record highway death total for ona moofcfc , which was set in December 1M4 it HI. In nine months this War' auto mobile accidents claimed 7S7 Uvea in the state. 110 more than tha 047 ' killed In the similar period of 19M. An increase yield of com from right to 8S bushels an acre has been secured on the Alexander county home farm during the eight yean a definite crop rotation. Including lee jpedesa. has been followedne ti "I WOULDN’T HAVE BELIEVED IT COULD MAKE SUCH A DIFFERENCE" SOW ,(> I YOU may think you know all about fine beer. But when you taste it out of a Cap Sealed Can, you’ll decide you never tasted such delicious beer before. It’s the usual experience. For this new and improved can that opens like a bottle brings you all the original goodness that the brewer puts into his Beer. None of the rich flavor, the sparkle, the rest is lost. Why is this? There are three reasons: The can permits faster pasteurization; It has a special lining that is to metal what beer bar rel lining is to wood. And the beer is abso lutely protected from the harmful effects of BEER IN CAP SEALED CANS Tastes better • Easy to open Protected from light No deposit • Cods quicker No empties to return Takes up less space No danger of breakage AM FOR scHUT* UM IN CAR SCALED CANS TODAY flavor-robbing light. The Cap Sealed Can opens nary bottle opener. It has a shape it easy to pour or drink from the can. And the beer never touches the outside of the can in opening or pouring.. Each can holds 12 fluid ounces, same as a bottle. No deposit to pay; no empties to return. The cans cool quickly and take up little space in the icebox. , Tonight, try some beer in Cap Sealed Cans, and re-discover for yourself how good beer can taste. HAS ALL THESE ADVANTAGES Sanitary—. used ones—thrown away Holds 12 fluid ounces, same as bottlo Opons like a bottlo Drink right from can if you wish