for limited time only all new supplies $7.50 WAVE ..$6.50 $6.50 WAVE-$5.00 <5.00 WAVE .. $3.50 <3.50 WAVE. $2.95 EN DCURL .. $2.50 _ all WORK GUARANTEED — the french beauty shoppe — PHONE 670 — IT PLEASES US JO PLEASE OTHERS" BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS NOW A small payment down will reserve anything in the store. Many have already bought Diamonds and Watches. We have an exceptionally large stock of the best and newest things suitable for gifts and you are in vited to come in and look around. Grand Engagement Rings, Wedding Rings, Din ner Rings at the lowest prices ever known. Elgin, Hamilton, Waltham Watches for Men and Women, in all the new designs, priced reasonably. T. W. Hamrick Co. JEWELERS Gantt & Co. Says-— When the men who founded the Roberts, Johnson * Rand Shoe Company wrote the slqgan_ STAR BRAND SHOES ARE BETTER” |-they meant it. That statement became a policy from I wtnch they have never deviated. Those men had vision. I!• as long as there was a consuming nub ^?UALITy MERCHANDISE would be in dfmand and from the time that statement was first uttered to line present day, they have been doing that very thing— miking STAR BRAND SHOES BETTER. We have our new fall stocks of Star Brand Shoes l--complete in every detail—in sizes for every member I i/°Ur /ami y ‘ the leading styles for fall !"?wlnter 1935! Come in and let us fit your family pith these Quality Shoes. Gantt & Company FALLSTON, N. C. WEBB THEATRE jHELBY’S LEADING PLAYHOUSE lTo<Uy and Tuesday — Another Big Hit! "/ kissed him ...the first time we met. Maybe it was the moonlight. But I never said 'Till death do us part/ That was his idea .. IHV LIFE , BRIAN AHERNE | UNK MORGAN" • ALINE MacMAHON —Dyke Production » A Mefa»-geWy^4«y„ WrtsX , - __Al s() CARTOON AN1) NEWS KEEE °ming Wednesday — Ronald Colman in “CLIVE OF INDIA” Moiwiirai P Joan, novor so gorgoous, as tha hard t o • go t charmor who moots hor match. HorOroatost Romanes! local and • .PERSONAL News Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Yates of Vin cenes, Ind.. came to Shelby Priday night to spend a week with their I nephew, D. R. Yates, and Mrs Mrs. Yates. Miss Mary Wilburn, teacher in the Blacksburg high school, was crowned queen of the Hallowe'en carnival held Friday evening in Blacksburg. She was elected in f contest sponsored by the athletic association. She is a dtughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilburn of Kings Creek, S. C. C. W. Dickson of Hartford, Conn., a business friend of Mr. Blackley's was supper guest Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Shem Blackley. Mrs. c. B. Freeman of Columbia, S. C.. Mrs. c. B. Alexander, Miss Augusta Alexander visited Clary Alexander, patient at Oteen, Satur day and found him much improv ed, since being taken to the hos pital some weeks ago. They retum jed to Shelby Saturday night and I Mrs. Freeman spent the night and I Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudson and daughter, Mary Alice, Mias Ettalie Moses and their guest, Mrs. V. B. Ingram of LaOrange, Oa., spent yesterday in Durham visiting the former’s son. Hill Hudson, jr., stu dent at Duke university. Misses Kate Wilson, Anita Win kler, Jessie Mackie, Amelia Steph enson, Jo Shaw and Gertrude Tay lor were among the local teachers who spent Friday night in Charlotte and attended the Saturday sessions (of the Piedmont district teachers j meeting. i - Miss Ruby McDonald spent the week-end at Splndale as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Max Watson. Mrs. Nelson Lattimore spent the week-end with her daughter, Miss May Lattimore, at W, C. U. N. C., where the latter holds a position in the college office. Miss Sara Thompson spent the week-end at Duke university with friends. Judge Hoyle Sink who is holding a term of Superior court here, spent the weeki-end in Greensboro with his family, returning to Shelby this morning. , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Weaver of Richmond, Va., announce the birth of a son, John Thomas, on Novem ber 2 at the local hospital. Mrs. C. E. Staten of Morven is spending sometime here with her daughter, Mrs. Max Washburn, and Mr. Washburn, and their new son, Alfred Seaton. Grover Hamrick and a friend, Mr. Boardman, of Albany, Ga., vis ited the former's rdtattves here yes terday. Among those he visited was his sister, Mrs. W. H. Jennings, who is a patient in the local hospital. Mrs. Jennings’ condition remains about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Ford, Mrs. Tula Abemcthy and E. O. McGowan visited Mrs. J. R. Nixon in Lincoln ton yesterday. Mrs. Nixon, who has many friends here, has been ill and a hospital patient for the past ten months, but is now much improved and has been removed to her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. McLarty, Jr., of Greensboro, are visiting at the home of Dt. E. K. McLarty, and will be here with him until he moves to Hendersonville on Wednesday. Another son, Rev. James B. Mc Larty, returned to his home in Asheville Saturday after being here several days last week. Mrs. B. L. Smith and little daughter, Mary Blair, qpent Thurs day in Gastonia with the former's sister, Mrs. Me. O. Anders. Judge and Mrs. E. Y. Webb visited their daughter. Miss Lily Taylor, at Salem colege, Winston-Salem yes terday. Lily, has oeen a patient in the college sanatorium for two weeks, suffering with flu, but is now out again. Mrs. Shem Blackley and son, Bhem, jr., will go to Charlotte this afternoon with Mr. Blackley, where they will attend the Ringling Broth ers circus. Miss Harte Oliver left last week for a two weeks' vacation which she will spend with a sister in Louis ville, Ky., and with her mother, in Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lutz attended the State-Carolina game in Raleigh Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Beunna Bostic was able to return to her work at LaFayette school this morning after being ill most of last week at the home ofi her daughter. Mrs. Shem Blackley,! on South Washington street I Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lineberger and Miss Nancy Lineberger spent the week-end in Asheville with Mr. and Mrs. John Lineberger. j Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morris and daughter. Sue Brevard, spent the week-end here with Dr. and Mrs E. B. Lattimore. Miss Mildred McKinney and Hen ry Lee Weathers attended the foot ball game at Duke University, Dur ham, Saturday afternoon and both spent the week-end there with for mer school friends. Miss Frances Lowry of Wash ington, D. C., is here visiting her mother. Mrs. T. M. Lowry, and her jaunt, Mrs. R. L. Rybum. Miss Winona Walker, school li brarian, spent the week-end In Bel mont with Miss Sadie Miller. Mrs. Beulah Nixon and Miss Tilly Jones spent Sunday and Sun day night at Chapel Hill visiting friends. Mrs. G. C. Keever Is seriously ill in the Charlotte Sanatorium where she has been undergoing treatment since last Wednesday. Mr. Keever spent yesterday at her bedside. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webb, Jr., and two children, Ann Taylor and Paul, III, left yesterday for Winton to visit Mrs. Webb’s mother. Mr. Webb will return home In a few days, leaving Mrs. Webb and the children for a visit of several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Baird and chil dren spent the week-end in Char lotte with relatives. Revs. H. F. Fogleman and J, D. Morris of Fallston and Rev. Robert Troxler of Polkville, will attend the Methodist Protestant conference which convenes Wednesday in Hen derson. Dr. E, K. McLarty preached his last sermon yesterday morning at Central Methodist church and will move this week to his new charge at Hendersonville. Rev. R. M. Court ney who has been assigned this church hy the Western North Caro lina conference will move to Shel by with his family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ‘Carroll, Felix Hamrick, Paul Wilson and Carl Newman attended the State Carolina game in Raleigh on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Mitchell and two children of Mt. Holly visited Mrs. W. F. Mitchell here yesterday. Mrs. W. H. Webb, Mrs. Raymond i Cline and daughter. Doris, Mrs. Cleveland Gardner, and Mrs. Og burn Lutz attended the flferal fair at Kings Mountain Friday after noon. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Osborne, and Dr. and Mrs. Joe Osborne, the lat ter of Rosman, were the spend-the day guests yesterday of Dr. J. R. Osborne’s daughter, Mrs. Garland Green, and Mr. Green at Boiling Springs. I _ I Around 200 teachers from the schools of the county and city at tended the meeting of the South Piedmont district teachers associa tion held in Charlotte Friday and Saturday. Dr; S. F. Parker will attend the meetings of the obstetric clinic, be ing conducted each afternoon this vteek in Gastonia by Dr. J. R. Mc Cord of Emory university. Dr. D. F. Moore leaves this afternoon for Baltimore, Md., to at tend clinics and to visit his nephew who la serving an interne at the University hospital, Baltimore. He will be away for two or three days. Mrs. Joe Wray and son, Joe, Jr„ of Gastonia, visited Ed Wray, also a son of Mrs. Wray, and Stough Wray here yesterday afternoon. The latter, a patient in the hospital, is reported as Improving. Mr. and Mrs. John McDaniels and Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDaniel, of Andersonville spent yesterday here with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sweet, who have an apartment at the home of Dr. and Mrs, J. R. Osborne on Cleveland Springs road. Mrs. Hugh Bettis of Nash, Inc. is attending a school in corset fitting at the Hotel Charlotte thl6 week. Miss Blffie Propes, Miss Clara Greene, Miss Katie Mai Toms and guest, Miss Dot Joy of Columbia, S. C. and Paul Wray, spent Sunday in the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Thompson vis ited friends in Charlotte Sunday. Mrs. B. B. Mathews and daugh ter. Marguerite, have returned home after an extended visit to the for met V: parent,v, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hanson, in Montevideo. Minnesota. _ EVERY TIME HE STARTS OUT- a , HmruMuhrd lhmu|b Court* «j ft ih« Jitmrhlj Commfrn*] App**) * ' ' Invaders Face Shortage ot W atcr .... -..- -.. 'i, r~ I It is the task of a large corps of men to sink new wells in the wake of Italy’s advancing troops in Ethiopia to provide the invaders with their all-important water supply. Water piped from one of the new wells is being tested, above. Shortage ef water has been held ai serious a threat to the Italian campaign as their Ethiopian opponents No-Drinking Plan Is Well Received DAVIDSON, Nov. 2—The anti drlnking campaign at Davidson col lege football games this year has brought forth favorable comment from all sections of the south. A statement of policy, evolved aft er conference among leading mem bers of the student body and faculty, is read at the beginning of each football game over the public ad dress system in the stadium. The statement reads, “It is traditional on the Davidson campus that we have 1 no drinking. Our guests at football games are particularly requested to j refrain from violating ,in this im- • portant matter the wishes of trus- j tees faculty, students and friends otj the college." I With the reading of this notice at each game since the South Caro lina contest, there has been a great, deal of applause, led by the David son college student body, who un animously indorsed statement be fore it was read at a game. LIGHT USED CARS Fords - Chevrolets Financed By ROGERS MOTORS n unr COUCH YOUR HEAD Off ASK FOR MENThOMULSIDN If it Fails to Stop Your Couqh immediately Ask for your MONEY BACK Sold By 4 Cleveland Drug Co. 11 Cleveland Girls At Woman’s College GREENSBORO, Nov. 4.—Among (ho 1,523 students enrolled at the Women's college of the University of North Carolina are eleven girls from Cleveland county. Six of thee" girls arc from Shelby. They are: Misses Rachel Conner, Helen Vir ginia Harwtck, Marie Llneberg’r ! King. Janet Morrison. Esther Ann j Quinn, and Dorothy B. 8mlth. Other girls from Cleveland coun- j ty are: Misses Mary C. Conwell n ! Lawndale: Aileen Crowder of Lat- j timore; Annabelle Lee of Pallston; and Douglas Plonk and Helen Will iams of Kings Mountain. FOR SALE — 400 Squares Galvanized Roofing Let us quote you a price an your Galvanized Roof ing Requirements. We sell the 29 Guage 5V Crimp First Quality — Guaran- ! teed. OUR PRICES ARE j LOW. CLEVELAND HARDWARE CO. WASHBURN’S PLACE SHELBY, N. C. SPECTACULAR You will thrill to the tree test of Dumas classic* ... it is equal to 8 great pictures In one . . . combining all the qualities known to theatre entertainment-ro mance, royalty, conquest, conflict* edy, treason, tragedy! TODAY-TUES - 10c-25c The reckless sons of the fighting blade ride and fight and Lo\/c again WfP'jr't— ifc Note Because of the urgent demand for this great picture in other cities, we will not be able to hold it over for extra runs. Be sure you see It either today or Tuesday—your only chancel Jk&L WE ARE IN A POSITION TO MAKE HOME LOANS ii i In keeping with our long service to the people of this community, wo arc making loans for the pur pose of buying, building, or improving homes in „ Shelby and this vicinity. Those loans may be re paid in convenient monthly or weekly installments, and you have the added advantage of dealing with home folks—where you cam drop in for a discussion of any phase which might arise in the future. Sec us about this. There is no aggra vating red tape connected with a loan from this institution. THE SHELBY BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION Cha«. C. Blmfton, Pits. i. F. Roberta, S«e.-TroM WRAY’S SAMPLE SHOES Just Received 200 PAIRS LADIES’ SAMPLE- , SHOES. ALL COLORS. SIZES " 4 and 4£. $1.98 A. Y. Wray & 6 Sons 5JOOO HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Meant 20,000 in tense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 people about it in these columns. Genuine Dry Cleaning AT LOWEST PRICES QUICK, DEPENDABLE SERVICE ALL PHONES 105 THE WHITEWAY Shelby's Leading Cleaners and Dyers” _ _

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