fetM Far Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charga For Any Want Ad 25c. IHs else l cent per word nob insertion TMa siza type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. NEW FALL AND winter Patterns in Dress Goods have ar rived. On sale at re tail each Wednesday at reduced prices. Cleveland Cloth Mill. tf-16c _ Jfi5i-<fb-liiKA8URE CLOTHES 122.50 and up. Milton Loy. second floor Royster building. tf-S13c NOTARY PUBLIC ATSTAR OFFICE. tfllp AUCTION SALE AT JOE AN thony’s near 8baron church, No vember S at 9:30. Farming tools, drill, mower, rake, other tools, blacksmith shop, two mules, one milk cow and yearlings. 3-lp WANTED ENOUGH ~SQUEAK8 to fill our grease pit. Hotel Service Station. All grease Jobs guaranteed tf 11c ANNOUNCING THE OPENING of a state accredited school of beau ty culture. Board and tuition very reasonable. Bee me Mrs. Lester Houser, phone 17-w, Cherryville, N. C, 9t 14c WANTED TO BUY~CHKAP CAR for cash. Must bo bargain. Phone M7-J. tf lie careftJl property owners are safely saving from 20 to 40 pgr cent on their fire insurance in suring with Anthony & Anthony. tf Oct 28c f<bk SALE: AUTOMATIC WAT er systems. All sises. prices right. On demonstration at Ed. W. Bridges store, six miles north of Shelby on No. M highway. at 30p WE PAY CASH FOB COW hides. P. S. Dedmon at Msgness 4c Oo ] Market. et 3*c ^TREASURE CHEST! FIRE proof and safe for keeping valuable papers in your home, filling sta tion, store or office. Guaranteed to withstand fire. Only $13.50. 8ee them at Star office or telephone and a salesman will call and display. 4t 38p SAVE WITH SAFETY! BUY non-assessable mutual lire and au tomobile insurance from Anthony & Anthony. tf Oct 38c NOTICE! I WILLTHRASlifCANE seed and lespeders at my home, Friday. November 8th qharlie Lee, Shelby, route 1, 5t 30p PANSY PLANTS LARO E clumps, in bui and bloom. Hie very best money can buy. 50c doe. small er plants 1c each. Patterson's Flow ers, phone 700. et 30c ~ FAIR GROUND~SERvicE~STA tion will pay 30c lb. lor country cured hams. E. C. Hendrick. 21 lc FOR RENT. STORE AND FILL lng station, best country location in Cleveland county. U you want real location for good cash business see us immediately. Royster Oil Co. 8helby; 3t ic GIVE YOUR CHILD THE PROP er background for school. Tiny Tots Kindergarten. Phone 317-J. 4t 4p FOR RENT SIX’ ROOM HO USE, 301 E. Sumter St. Phone 320-J. Mrs. Yeago at Mrs P M. Washburns. 3t lc YOU HAVE MISTED something if you haven’t tried CREAM BUTTERMILK. CAROLINA DAIRY. 3t-4c T: 2 PAIRS CHILDREN'S ■hoes, from Belk's. Mistakenly put in wrong Fbrd car, Saturday afternoon. Finder please return show to The 8tar office. Itp NOTICE: WE HAVE MOVED our taxi yard to the Campbell lot between Dixie Diner and Campbell’s •tore. Our new phone will be 58. We also have a waiting room. Drivers: H. W. Whitworth, Bee Spake. A. D. l ewis, J. F. Price. 3t 4c STRAYED: THURSDAY OR FFtf day from pasture, two-year-old yel low, nice Jersey healer, with crum pled horns. B. B. Buttle. 3t 4c SMALL FARM FOR SALE: 27 •eras, 3 room dwelling, good loca tion, 1-2 mile from consolidated school and close to church, 7 acre* cotton land. Price: $1,160. Easy terms. Anthony * Anthony. ltp FARM FOR SALE: 78 ACRES at Lattimore, productive land, good with 2 tenant houses as the T. C. Stockton land i adl at a bargain if sold during SHOES, SCISSORS AND LAWN mowers repaired. Sellers Shoe Shop, near Bus 8tation. IX 15c MONUMENTS We have certain designs tn monu ments, »t special prices. B. K. Del linger, Shop near Hospital, tl 19c FOR RENT: FOUR ROOM apartment, with bath; unfurnished, first floor. Apply Star office, tf 23c I HAVE ANY WEIGHT IN country-cured hams, which have been eared for during the summer. All are guaranteed against every thing but fat. Hall W. Tillman, Fallston. tf-S2dc j FOR RENT: STEAM | heated office space, one-half block from square. Janitor ser vice. Apply at Efird’s. _ tf-23c LEE, FULGHUM, Norton, seed oats, blue stem seed wheat, winter peas, clover, vetch, and all other kind of field seed. D. A. Beam Co. 6t-23c SUPER-GROW FER TILIZER. Grow bet ter crops with Super G r o w Fertilizers. Manufactured by D. A. Beam Co., Shelby, N. C. 62-23c WATER WELL DRILLER— Ralph Robbins telephone 807-X Box 358. Gastonia, N. C. 8-16p WE PAY CASH FOR COWS Telephone No. 8. F. 8. Dedmon. tf 29c FARM FOR SALE~~70 ACRES, 5 room dwelling, 45 acres in cultiva tion. balance wood and pasture, good land in a good section, on sand 'clay road and near Pleasant Hill church; Price: 82,250 with 8350 cash, leasy terms on balance Anthony and | Anthony. lip WANTED TO KENT GOOD two horse farm, owner to furnish stock, can finance self. J. E. Street. R-l. Mooresboro 3t 30p BARGAIN SALE: FOR THE next 60 days, we will sell you a monument at 25 per cent off. Pay you to look our stock over before buying. Cleveland Marble and Granite Works. In front of Buick place. tf-20c FOR SALE: A LEADING SOUTH ern Music house has a small ma hogany bungalow upright piano and a beautiful apartment size grand in this vicinity. Will sell at a sacrifice for cash, or terms may be arrang ed. Address reply "Plano” this news P»P*r- 3t 30c MEN’S SOLES AND HEL8, 98c; Ladies’ soles and heels, 75c; shoe shine 5c. All work guaranteed. Shel by Shoe Shop. 224 S. LaFayette St., third door from Carolina theatre. tf Oct 30c MILL WORK FORE VERY ~DE scription—lumber for every purpose. Phone 107. Z. J. Thompson, tf 9c PUT ON A NEW ROOF WHILE the season is most favorable. Easy terms if you like. Z. J. Thompson, phone 107. u j»c SHOES DYED AND COLORED at reasonable prices; all work guaranteed. Shelby Shoe Shop. 224 South Lafayette St, third door from Carolina Theatre. Mon.-tf-Sept.-2c FOR SALE, PITT GAMES ALL kinds, special Saxon Warrior H. L. Wray, Box 65, Shelby. 3-4c FOR SALE: BABY CRIB, BAR gain. Telephone 757-W. 3t 4p HOUSE FOR RENT. FIVE rooms with bath. Close in. Griffin P. Smith. Ac FOR RENT: TO COUPLE, TWC furnished rooms for light house keeping. Close in. Mrs. M. R How ell, 233 East Arey St. it] FOR RENT: TWO ROOM FUR nished apartment. First floor. Close in Mrs. Jack King, 413 E. Marian St.. Shelby. N. C. Uo FARM FOR SALE; 35 ACRES, near Oak Grove church, No. 4 town ship, good 5 room dwelling. This ib a small, rough tract about 1-2 mile from good road, but la worth our Political Rumblings Indicate Possible Revival OfNRA In ’36 By BYRON PRICE (Chief or Bureau, The Associated Preos, Washington! The effort to revive NRA, or at least to preserve its essentals in orte form or another, quietly is as suming proportions which seem to insure widespread discussion during the coming session of congress and in the 1936 campaign . Already there have been many rumblings of speculation about the fact that NRA headquarters carries on, with hundreds of employes, months after the supreme court de clared the codes unconstitutional; but less public notice has been tak en of numerous scattered hints that the venture scarely can be regard ed as a closed incident. Until recently, the official explana tion of the continued presence of a large NRA staff in Washington was that it was compiling a •'history" of the experiment, and tv as seeking to conserve for the future the lessons learned in the drafting and admin istration of the codes. Just before he left for his Pacific trip, however, the president issued without comment an executive or der appointing George L. Berry "co ordinator for industrial cooperation" and giving him powers of consider able scope with respect to the con duct or what was lert of NRA Washington took no particular note of this act, and the country appears to have been even less in terested in ft. •‘Coordinators" ot one kind and another have come and gone with frequency on the national scene, and most of them have left little trace, It now develops that Major Berry has been taking his job quite seri ously. He has not been saying much for publication, but he has not been idle. What little he has said, and the evidences of his activity, have been exceedingly interesting. baby orangutang dies of STARVATION IN CH1CAGA ZOO CHICAGO. Nov. 4,—Little "Cy", the 10-day old orangutang at the; Lincoln park zoo which attracted nation-wide attention, died of star-1 vation Friday. Baby specialists administered ad renalin, human milk was rushed from a hospital. keepers scurried about in high excitement. But Di rector Floyd Young's hope of be ing the first to raise an orang born in capitivity vanished. when the pound and a half Simian suocumb ed to„malnutrition. “Uncle Bob” Ha* Served 55-Year* On The Sentinel -i-—_ WINSTON-SALEM, Nov. 4.—Last week. Bob Carmichael, Sentinel newsman, hurried into the news room and anxiously inquired if his telegraphed list or Methodist ap pointments form Salisbury had made the second edition deadline. Assured that it had, he marked with pride that it should have, since he had "beat” all other reporters to the bishop and obtained the first copy of assignments. The unusual thing about this commonplace incident was that no one on the Sentinel thought is un usual. For between the first news paper chore begun by Bob Carmi cael and his latest out-of-town as signment stretch 55 years of news paper work, all of it on The Twin "Uncle Bob” went to work for The Western Sentinel on November 1, 1880. nearly five years before the daily was started. He has been with _._ Children's Colds Yield quicker to double action of VISM STAINLESS now if you prefer Polk vi lie School Plans Libraries; Community Briefs 'Special to The Star ) POLKVILLE, Nov 4.—The Polk ville school opened Thursday, Oct. 31 after beingt closed for 6 weeks for the cotton picking; season. The school has ailded a new set of the world book encyclopedia. The old set will be UBed by the grammar grades. The complete works of Ed gar Allen Poo has also been added to the bibrarx During the year the school hopes to enlarge both high school and eltementary libraries. Within the next two months the elementary teachers plan to give several progrslms to raise money for the grade library. f The boys (fed girls of Polk vi lie school will stlpt practicing basket the weekly or'Daily Sentinel from that day to this—a record of conuo— uous service ’With one newspaper that would bp difficult to match. ONC MAT OVEK TNC OIB WAUMKt ■aananma 8old at sjhrlby Supply Co. ball soon. Rev. R. S. Troxler will leave for Hendersonville where he will attend the Methodist conference which is to be held from Nov. 6-11. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pope have moved from Union into this-com munity. On Monday night, March 11, the WBman's Missionary society of Polk ville will meet at the home of Mrs. J. A. PhHbeck of Shelby for a reg ular monthly meeting. Note Of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to all our friends and neighbors, for their sympathy and help given us,1 in the loss of our home. May the Heavenly Father bless and keep you is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. John Wacaster. PRESCRIPTION No. 88 . FOR COLDS (Tivp* Quirk Relief PRICE 25 CENTS Gardner Repre,e„u South At Borton BOSTON, Nov. 4.-T; _ land Council announced t JJ* would bring together .,pok(,MTle ‘ the South, West and e, , ember 21 and 22 to promote mulUa understanding of regional rconoT problems of needs. Former Governor o m , , .. ,V1,1* Garo, ner of North Carolina will rept^ ent the South while w w w mack^ associate editor of the rJJ ter-Tribune, Des Moines ta * speak for the West. “ The two-day gathering will brate the tenth anniversary oil formation of the counch "a bl^ ness and industrial promotional nr ganization. '' Try CARDUI For Functional Monthly p*j Women from the 'teen * change of life have genuinely helpful for the nw functional monthly pains tfuT? food they eat. Mrs. Crtt. Hwn» Mo^ writes: "I used ~ wtaoii fill 'for crimp, .os Mniflclie I hive Tiovntl. mi# - durtn* the chaniv of Uff t ,u7 " voni, hid hCai back t>«ir. Wl| ^ consult a physician ™°*n* BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd YEH, TOM.I WANT ONE O' THEM COMBINATION HAIR CUTSf-KINDA LONG IN FRONT TO PLEASE MY OLDEST BOY JOE, KlNDA SHORT OVER THE EARS TO PLEASE AUNT' MINNIE,- CUT IT COLLEGIATE ON TOP FOR MY DAUGHTER ALICE LEAVE A LITTLE HERE AN’TAKE OFF A LITTLE THERE TO SHAPE UP THE KNOT'S SO AS TO PLEASE MV WIFE AN' WHEN YOU GET THROUGH PUT SOMETHIN’ ON TO __ MAKE IT AL_L COME OUT AS n SOON AS POSSIBLE *» ^ ^ li IT BEGAN 'nattier > Parachutc THE. FIRST RECORDED ACCOUNT OF THIS CONTRIVANCE IS IN SIMON DC LOUBIERE’S *H)3T0RV OF SlAM”(l69l) WHICH DESCRIES THE FEATS OF A SIAMESE VWO FREQUENTLY AMUSED THE COURT BY JUMPING FROM HIGH PLACES WITH TWO UMBRELLAS FASTENED TO HIS GIRDLE. Reiigate, England THlbfc TOWN IN SURREY, ENGLAND* WAS* NAMED FROM ANGLO-SAXON ftRi<S”CA RIDGE) AND *GATE”(A WAV) IN ALLUSION TO AN OPEN ING THROUGH THE RIDGE OF SURRY HILLS. ITS NAME WAS OFF Cl ALLY RECORDED IN 1186. THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE Love Is Blind. By E. C. SEC HNb THERE BEEN fSW VjOORD * U3E (^N’T A<EDXX-TH\NCa FROM -•-^ HER*. T——'■'" 6" UOOMfrU The Handwriting on the Wall. the title of our NEW CHAPTER VS — NOO CANT EXPECT . APWISHOVJEPS FROM WAP CLOUDS" « — — ---o AT£RR\F\C PRAHA1. WILL POPEVE'S NEW NATION SURVIVE???? THtRESAWOWAN BROTIAN SPV in POPtyrS PALACE ftVGWT THIS MlNOTE - CM NOt GOING TO HOLD MV HANDS UP ANV LONGER'. in Getting 7VOOUWWE WORSE THAR , CRAMPS IF YOU L^UT'EM I VOONT MISS VO0 ‘-- time ■ J Ott, My \GOSH

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