Advises Farmers To Regulate Hunting To Preserve Wild Life high POINT, NOV. 4.—“It is very desirable that the farmers and land wnfrs take an active ^interest in t,f regulation of hunting on their property, especially during the next (fW years, so that the supply of samf already present can increase sufficiently to make full use of the improved food and cover condl ycns, which have resulted from thej ,rosion control work of the Soil | Conservation Service in North Car olina. ln controlling gullies, terrace (ni;lets and other badly eroded areas and m developing small odd cor ners about the farms, the Soil Con nervation Service is making possible (or « much larger number of birds ^successfully come through the winter period. Lespedezas and otter food plants and shrubs, which are King used extensively to control fr0sion throughout the Piedmont rrgicn. will greatly increase the irinter carrying capacity of the land. The question is: Will there be a sufficient supply of birds left when ,l,f hunting season is over to make the best use of these 4mproved en vironments. If a large number of birds are left after the gun has taken its toll, then a satisfactory increase might reasonably be expect ed during the coming years. How ever. increasing food an dcover is only a part of the picture. Whether or not there will be an increase of game animals," added Mr Stevens, “Is a matter which, in the final analysts, rests with the land-owners and upon the whole hearted cooperation of the sports men Hunting should be .regulated so that a sufficient breeding stock will be maintained for restocking the farm lands to capacity each year.” Toluca Folks Have Jobs In Shelby Fiore's Are Sowing Small Grain. Clyde Bradshaw and Rennie Carter Are Married. 'Special to The Star > TOLUCA. Nov. 2.—Several girl* and boys from Toluca are working in Shelby on Saturday. Mi*»es Min nie. Sadie and Juanita Mull are uorkinr In Woolworth's store and toy and Thaxter Sain are working w <1. C, Pennea company. f»ple are maknng great pro P* with their fall work. Cotton llbout all picked. Wheat sowing * 'n full sway since the good rain wently and a lot are gathering *nd husking their corn. Ch’de Bradshaw and Rennie Cirter motored to Gaffney Sunday «od were que'tly married. The bride 11 th'> daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Bob Carter, the groom Is the son »f Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradshaw. Mrs. M S. Boyles spent a few «ys the past, week with her par Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davis of Rockdale. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 'Little and '*milv of Statesville, spent last Tuesday. at the home of Mrs. > Lit J1® sister, Mr. and Mrs. W H. Young. Mrs. Grace Roberts df Besseme 5pent Sunday with Mr. an ^ c. G. Boyles. ,.Mr STlci Mrs. Dixon Smith e «o^nton spent the week en 1 her parents Mr. and Mr Lu'her Hosteller. k!1k l'lf1 Mrs' °Men Seagle c ueek spent Saturd*y nigh ,;h,. h°me of her brother M; ^ Mrs- Ed Costner. Jr- *n<* Mra- Coy Young. M: Vvt 'c W ^°unE motored t «ith m Sunda-V and sspent the da 1 ‘ and Mrs. Carme Young. Closed For 5 ear* Is Resuming Birl V ^^ILLE, Nov. 2._The as thl^Aw cotton miu- now known turinc r_ eniethy-Houser Manufac t«o , („ ,mpany wh,ch started about live ve!kS ag0 after beinB idle for ls gradually adding to , at the Present time 'ration °f the ml» *‘"8 »«> op uo ,viu ,Sorne of the finished prod "11 br shipped next week. tcp ift prcsent time there are be "lirn i .and 45 people at work and there hmi11 ts ln fuU operation Mr on , be approximately 100 peo «fc»- Lthe pay roll' » is expected • the mill will be in full opera ln a week or two. *CORPfiF HOOVER CABINET LS FDR AT CONFERENCE .greenwood. CTrin*,. ~ — WM *■*'-*■ a.-^ Arthin i. ^f fetaj-y w^griculture S. C., Nov 1, -h •' “vde warned the Uppei Wk * JUC earned the uppei Metlna conference of thr scuth irv.v EP°£ccpal church Mjf d