THG DAY’S NGWS IN PICTURGS Pictures From Italy ill >_.i i TVM o o a a o From a balcony of Vonesia palace in Rome, Premier Benito MuMolini greets a group of followers from 16 nations, visit ing II Ouce with an escort of 1,000 picked Fascist troopers. 3 3 3 3 *‘A»kari«”, or native Eritrean*, are numbered among the military force* of Italy on the Eritrean front. They are fieing an exhibition of a war dance, performed preparatory %, to a battle. □ □ □ □ n □ □ Q □ in ‘This interesting picture wa» made 10 years ago, when the then Ras Tafari, now Ethiopian emperor, visited Italy and viewed troops with King Victor Emmanuel of Italy, and Crown Prince Humbert. a COMMON SIGHT IN ETHIOl’lA •—While his “King of Kings”, Haile Selassie, concerns himself •with the Italian invasion, this lit tle Ethiopian beggar boy, garbed in a few shreds of tattered rags, stretches forth his hand for alms. This is a common sight in Addis Ababa, even at the gate of Se r rnJ&m- ib'vJw ■-Jr ,*■. 4sm>I ’ M*kZ3 J2 ■ v &r\ ^ss^aiSwiit WHAT DID I'HINCE OF WALES TELL LAVAL?—Groat interest urrounds this meeting of the Prince of Wales with Pr> mi or Pierre Laval of France. Did the heir to the British thro > convey any assurances from the British government in exchange ter any .assur ances from the Frehch government? The French have agreed to kid the British with their fleet in the Mediterranean provided the _£pttish agree to help France in case of “aggression on land” mm - T'A KS 01’ A NATION Tf RN WORE—Within this massive ne w structure, in Washington, the United State supreme.court - its for the first time—and debates the fate of New Deal laws. I ,.#v5 ■ /• *»•*' .-t* ;' i* AV • •.w : v& *S&S FACTORY BLOWN TO BITS—Workers clear- wreckage of a six-story soya products plant in Chicago, blasted by an explosion which took a dozen lives and injured CO other persons. Debris was heaped as high as 25 feet. |T£TJ“XDS i ™R Castel Gandolfo, Italy, as he enij two-month sojourn there and i turns to the Vatican. ETHIOPIA SENDS ENVOY TO JAPAN—Daba Birrou, pian envoy to Japan, is greeted by Chusaburo "iugawa. ^ consul in Japan, as he arrives at Kobe, Japan. Birrou ^ ' sion was to renew general diplomatic relations between •’•ll J Japan, with the aid of Yugawa. He denied he intent Nipponese help against Italy Central Press Association, ■