Shelby Will Meet Lincolnton Wolves On Tuesday Night njvidr Pair With Polkvillc Friday Night; Play Fallston Thursday. _ 51,flby'i Flying Phantoms in the ja-KPiball togs will be up and at ’em m the. high school tin can here XueAday night when they take on jbe howling Wolves from Lincolnton High school. Coach Bill Gocdson said this periling that he knew for a fact that Lincolnton has a good set of tram this year and will give Shelby gome real competition. Divide Contests In a game with Polkvillc Friday! mgiit Shelby divided with Polkvillc,' the boys winning 17 to 14 and the, liris dropping iheir contest 27-20. Neither team was up to par In the two games, as Shelby has play f(i very little thus far In the season, tut most of the candidates are try ing hard for positions and according to the roach, “They are learing fast and looks as if we might have a fair tram after a few weeks." A large.crowd is expected Tuesday, night at 7:30 to see the first West rn conference game of the year. Block Smith's youngsters will make ihe locals play hard if anything will. Shelby will go to Fallston Thurs day night for the last game before Chri. tmas. Two Are Killed, Two Hurt In S. C. Auto Collision SUMTER. S. C., Dec. 16.—OF) —Dr. L. V. Brown, 26. Sumter pharmacist, and Miss Ruth Far rellv, 22, Georgetown county home demonstration agent, were killed and Miss Helen Jones, Hrrbert Jones, and Miss Aug ustine Sox Injured early today In an auto crash near here. Brown, driving toward Colum bia Alone, was instantly killed. Miss Farrelly, riding in Jones’ ear with Miss Jones and Miss Sox, died in a hospital here. Mis Sox suffered serious head injuries. Jones and his sister escaped with minor cuts and bruises. The accident occurred Son a sharp turn. Brown was thrown through the windshield of his car and under the other car. His car caught fire immediately after the crash. The other was also practically demolished. Plan Ladies Night At Bowling Center A "ladies night" at the Shelby Bowling Center Is being announced for Wednesday night at 7:30 when a pair of expert teams from Charlotte will give an exhibition in bowling here. Seats will be reserved for ladies of this city and some interesting |.features will be arranged, accord ing to the manager, Wade Arledge. This is the first time a move has been made in Shelby to Interest la dies in bowling. Penny Column FOR SALE: *ize about 14. Warren street. A MISSES COAT, Address 521 West ltc DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS for sale; southwest Shelby. C. S. Young property, fully restricted to guarantee attractive homes. Let us *how you the $200 lots. Anthony & Anthony. ltp FOR SALE: ONE OLDSMOBlLE 1927 model. Good shape. Phone 542-W. St 16p FOR SALE: SOME FRESH wules at L. A. Blanton’s place, Shel by, route 5. 3t 16p WANTED GOOD SETTLED COL wed woman to nurse, and cook and 'ive on premises. Call telephone 175 w or 112. tf 16c FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS WHAT Nol's large or small, a fine line Prices reasonably, furniture build P'S repairing and overhauling, se ,Re' G. D. Oaks, Shelby, N. C., Lll; Mill a* FOR SALE: ONE FIVE ROOI bouse jn casar, also twelve lot! ,w®nty fnot front, and one Dele •'Shting plant. Call at Casar Casl •torr 1f 61 acres near polkvilli 01 $500 cash, 10 ypars on bal huj-s the Billy Wiggins lan i 'mm: George W. Gold and other, foom dwelling, good barn An bony * Anthony. It holiday dishes call rv ■•ipping cream. We have it alway J^i25. Carolina Dairy. 3t It P°R SALE. ESKRIDGE CAS u_r* ’■tock fixtures, 3 acn busmpS '!lby"Polltvlllt road’ 8°° Amh * ocation' Price reasonabl Anthony & Anthony. Fainting and decorating J. B. MEETZE here’s What New Auto Licenses Cost (Continued from page one) registered for 1935. Individually, private auto plates this year will cost exactly three elevenths less than they did last year for the same weight of cars. Mr. McLaughlin estimates. On the more popular makes of cars for 1935. the reduction amounts to nearly $5 apiece. Reductions are illustrated by standard, five-passenger sedans as follows: Chevrolet, reduced from *14.85 in 1935 to *10.80 in 1936: Ford reduced from *15.40 to $11.20; Ply.: mouth standard, reduced from $14.85: to 10.80; Desota alrstream, reduced | from *16.50 to *12.00; Dodge, re-1 duced from $15.95 to *11.60; Olds-1 mobile, series F-35. reduced from i *18.15 to $13.20; Pontiac Six. reduced from *17 60 to $12.80; Terraplane; Special Six, reduced from $14.85 to I *10.80; and Buiek. series 40. reduc-1 ed from $1760 to $12.80. In the luxury class. Cadillac plates j will be reduced from a range of $25.85 to $33.55 to a range of $18.80' to $24.10. Corresponding models for 1934 and ! 1936 vary only a few cents from the j license costs for 1935 models, it was said at the Motor Vehicle Bureau. | The minimum rate for any car is as compared with $12.50 in 1935.) The truck rate was unchanged by j the legislature, | P-«f-one Award Of Three Schools Bids ran higher than expected on j three school projects set for award i Friday afternoon, so contracts were not let on Lawndale, Bethware and Latttmore schools. On these three projects, all bids were rejected and new bids will be asked for In January, It was learn ed from the office of V W Breeze, architect. In the meantime, fhere will be a revision of plans In the hope that the next bids will be In line so that all contemplated pro jects can be carried out. The school bus garage is also being held up. pending the letting of contracts on the entire eleven school projects. Lutz and Webb, Shelby contrac tors were awarded contract for 1,850 for a sewage treatment plant at the No. 2 township school. Thirty Cases in Recorder Court; One Liquor Haul Thirty cases were on the docket of the recorder's court when it open ed this morning and at noon, 24 had been disposed of. All were for minor offenses such as petty larceny, vio lation of prohibition laws, etc, While there were no arrests last week-end for driving drunk, the highway patrolmen made seven ar rests over this week-end, four in Cleveland and three in Rutherford, in Cleveland, Sam Proctor, Ed Ham rick, Lionel. Shields and Woodrow Morris are charged with driving while drunk, but all cases have been postponed. Several asked for Jury trial. Bob Hutchins was arrested by Bob Kendrick and charged before U. 3 Commissioner John P. Mull with possession of nine half gallon Jam of liquor. The liquor was no on the. premises of Hutchins who lives #r, S. Washington street but tracks leading from his house to the stor age place caused Commissions Mull to bind him over under 5500 bond to the next term of Federal ~ourt. The aborigines of Tasmania, who blonged to the early stone and wood age, are now extinct. Handel’s Messiah Is Well Received By Big Audience A vivid rendition of Handel's fa tuous musical version of "The Mes islah" was given before a large crowd | at the Central Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Miss Nettle Rayle, music director of the church directed a choir of 30 voices In the production and took |the soprano reclts. Anna Coble. Rob ert Cooke and Clyde Brown took the «lo and tenor solos, respectively. Mrs. J. J. Hartigan was at the or gan and Miss Margaret Smith at the piano. * Tlie church was attractively dec orated with Christmas candles, potn settlas, a background* of greenery and a brilliant star was suspended from the celling. | ' Comment, o the audience! was that the production was by far the best classical work - ever given in Shelby, and there was some conjec ture that It might be given again Miss Rayle said this morning that at present she thought it would not be. as many members of the choir will be out of the city for Christ mas. t Ask Clemency COLUMBIA. S. C., Dec. 16—(Ti— Plans to ask executive clemency for two negroes condemned to die for killing a highway patrolmen, were made public here today with the statement the grounds would he that negro witnesses who testified against them were first beaten and flogged by law officers. Roy A. Powell, secretary to Gover ! nor Johnston said the governor had | agreed to hear defense counsel for Cornell Luster and Harry HiU, Greenville county negroes, Infor mally at a conference this week. ! Roosevelt Meets With His Advisors (Continued front page one' •tlement administrator, left little t ; doubt Uiat the purpose of the con ference was to consider the outlook • for federal relief demands and what ■shall succeed the four billion dollar j works program. i On the relief program largely rests the outcome- of Mr. Roose velt's announced Intention of bring-! jlng federal income and expenditures near Into line. The estimated deficit for the current fiscal year exceeds three billion dollars. First Conference i This is the first time relief ad jmlnlstratora, whose divergent views Ion the standing of the four billion | dollar fund this year have created pome confusion, have been called I into conference together on next (year's program. It had been Indi cated Now Deal chieftains were lcav j ing the sire of the relief progrant I iuntil the last moment to see how, i the economic situation developed. If President Roosevelt plans, how jever. to submit definite relief fig ures In his budget estimates at the 'opening of congress next month, the i decision must soon be made. 1 Moor^nboro Tot* Will Give Plays There will be a Christmas program Wednesday night at the Moorea horo school auditorium, put on by the elementary grades. Several one jact plays will make up the program. I with i>osstbly other features, i Among the playlets will be The First Christmas. The Happiest Crist mas. Santa Strikes. The Radio Broadcast, and Dicky Falla Asleep.’ There will be a small admission for benefit of the elementary grades, ac cording to Mrs. James. Harris. Once a year we reserve a special day In offer a bit of friendly advice to the ladies. Soon you’ll want to get a most important gift for a most important man-Then why not be practical and consider WRAYS? Our exclusive line of apparel make a man feel I smartly dressed as well as look it. The finest workmanship and materials to be found are in our line of Nationally Advertised Brands. Be confident in the Gifts you select. As always, we stand ready to help the ladies please the men-folk. Arrow Shirts $1.95 White and Colored Pig Skin & Fur Lined GLOVES $2-49 “> $3.50 HICK05 BELT And BUCKLE SETS $1 50 10 $3 00 1 le And Collar Pins 50c •TIE CHAINS 50c ROBES Pajamas FLANNEL . silk $1 95 SILK sateen *1 $5'00 to $ J Q.00 $J"oo GIFT BOXES FLRNISHED^AND WRAPPED Open Nights Beginning Thursday Through Christmas Eve. Men's Store SHOP EARLY.... SHOP EARLY Arrow Handkerchiefs 25c up Cheney Ties $1 to $5 NO CHARGE for PACKINGS. ASHTRAYS AND TIE RACKS FREE belief Agencies Bring Santa Claus (Continued from Pag* Onal bi brought, according to Dr. Zano Wall. Central Methodist Rev. R. M. Courtney. Central Methodist pastor and Capt. B. L. Smith, superintendent of the Sun day school sAld the young peoples' department will have a snower oi Rifts, and other classes and de partment will adopt families and needy cases Rev. H. N. McDlarmtd said his church will give a Christina.- pag eant and that all gifts brought to the service will be for Christian edu cation and the aid of needy old ministers. Salvation Army The Salvation Army under the di rection of L. W. Morton will give a -S--JJHWUUUJ J.J-.... .1 j Christmas party for all needy chil dren at the Ella Mill communltj house Saturday night. They will also mend toys and give supplies to about 400 persons now on the list. Shelby firemen are busy as bees working on old toya repairing them and giving them a new ooet of paint. They will make 'old Saint Nick” come for numbers of small er tots In the city. Other churches, leagues. civic j groups and classes have projects, | some large and some small will co operate in giving aid. The Woman’s club is selling Christmas seals, and the county and1 city are doing their bit through reg-j ular welfare channels. With an enrollment of 1400 rural boys and girls Into the 4-H clubs of Johnstan county, there Is an In crease of 100 percent above the en rollment for last year. 165 Worker.*; Dine At Textile Meet* 'Continued from page one) wrre given a ChrUUnaa box “con • (ainging a beautiful hour-tn-hanrt tie. Clyde R. Hoey was the speaker at the Cleveland hotel where 8A "key" men from the Dover and Ora mills gathered In annual banquet. Jack Dover who shares In the high esteem In which hia lamented fath er was held, presided at this gath ering. Favors were given to all guests present and a well known negro quartet rendered several enjoyable selections of negro spirituals. Cig ars were placed at every plate. Mr. Hcey delivered one of his charac teristic speeches which makes a man think better of himself and love his fallow-man and his nation with a keener devotion. Our Budget Plan of buying ®"ly a eery anaU cash payment end the balance ia billed out in amall month. Iy paymenta on your regular monthly atatement for aarrice. Uae “Reddy Kilowatt'. Budget Plan" m3 gieTthe P*——*» you want with only a email outlay of money. A filt of comfort—-The Reflector Heater gives instant heat at the turn of a switch. Sturdy construction, fast heating. It's an added protec tion these cold mornings against ga nr* colds and discomfort .. Coot of operation: One and nine-tenths cents per henr Automatic Towter and Serv in* Tray.This is a gift that tha modern hostess will ap preciate, Two Slice Toaster. Tray, Serving Dishes, and Condiment Dishes. Makes in formal parties easy and its loads of fun at a buffet dinner. Let Reddy serve those Informal lunches with this set for only » s-5 cents $16.95 # How good wattles would tt»t» these cold mornings made the electric way. Here's a lift that the whole family could enjoy — and good waffles served crisp and hot right at the table make light •f “breakfast rushes." Beautiful design, chromium finish, with heat * a aw indicator . $4*299 Cast ef opataUen: twe cents per heur. A necessity for the sick and a comfort to the well. A heating pad tor Christma* means long hours of com* foil. Three heats, washable cover, guaranteed. This pad has thermostat control to protect against £ Q QC overheating _ vOtirw Coat at operation: one seventh at a cent per hour. * Sure, she hat an iron— but wouldn't the appreciate thii scientifically built, easy to um. Universal? It’* chrom ium finished, guaranteed and balanced to take a mini mum amount of An qr energy . Cee» of operation: one and fear-fifths cents ptr hear. k Here'a an electric percola tor you would bo proud to have right on the table, and coffee made the electric way ia truly delirious. A fast ‘ perker" and it’s easy to clean—Take a look at ybur present percolator and then include this in your shop ping lint jChromium finish, " $5.85 cup ^ vp&iUmi tstf we*ftHh ottis per hour. This corn Poppn wilJ af ford lot* of fun and pleas ure. Pops in a jiffy. No bothar of muss. Oat ona for younalf and £ a aa tha kiddiaa ... * 1 .UU Cant af operation: one and leor-flfths aaata par haur Give this Electric Kettle to Mother and then watch the rest of the family use it. Heats three quarts of water in ten minutes. Ideal for dishes, shaving water and baby’s 0 oy ^ a bath. tP / ,OU H««t 3 Qu. Water For Only Vi Cm! • II Two ilice, Universal toast er. Serves hot. crispy toast right at the table. Saves time and steps. It’s econami csl to use. too .. t ost of operation one and nine-tenths rents pee hour. $2.95 Many Other Ideal Gift* Net Mentioned — Drop In Todeyl -Wwl. ami mi*7