cates For Want Advertisements in This Column. Minimum Charge For-Any Want Ad 25c. mis uae l cent pei word each insertion fhis size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. “c^EKUL property owners gre safpn saving from 20 to 40 per tcnt on (heir fire insurance In uring with Anthony & Anthony. tf Oct 28c MONUMENTS We nave certain designs ur monu ments. «s special prices B B Del ynger Shop near Hospital. tt 19c FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN: Graham Paige four-dour sedan. See De» Elmore at Propst & Son's nore, tt 8 c 'SAVE WITH SAFETY! BUY ni,D..)ice. jhie mutual fire and au tomobile insurance from An.hony & Anthony Oct. 28c MEN S SOLES ANJU HELS, 98c; hatiiei soles and heels. 75c; shoe >tune 5c All w rk guaranteed. Shei Shot Shop, 224 S LaFayette St olid door from Carolina theatre. tf Oct 30c FOR RENT: TWO STORE OR ;hop buildings on North Washing ton ftrett. Will remrdel for desir able tenant See R. T. LeGrand or Charles Eskridge. 6t 17c "wiTpayTash for cows. Telephone No » F. S- Dedmon. tf 29c If YOU HAVE ANY CATTLE for sale, see F. S Dedmon. He pays cash and usually just a lit.le high er. Magness and Co. Market, tf 13c “TORMENT •: FURMSHEDlHEAT ed bedroom. Phone 265 3t 20c ' for sale at all times. Figs, shuts and tat hogs. All pigs •rateri against cholera N. F. Cost Ber, Double Shoals. 3t Wed 22f STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY: Reliable man wanted to call or farmers in Cleveland and Lincoln counties. No experience or capital atedec. Write today. McNess Co. Dept. 7, Freeport, ILllinols. ltp ~FOR RENTl TWO OR THREE room apartment, furnished or un ‘“fcirnishtd, with kitchen sink. Ad joining bath. 426 South Washing ton street, phone 723. 3t 22p LOST WRIST iVATCILMON op Southern tracks, near yard limit. Reward if return*d tc Southern agent. _ 3-22c ; FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR tent in Pendleton’s apartment. See w A. Pendleton, tt. 17c I HAVE ANY WEIGHT ~IN tcumry-ciixed hams, which have oeen sared for during the summer. Alt are guaranteed against ever'y iflmg: out fat. - H»li W Tillman, taljston. tf Frt 17c LOST JANUARY TENTH. DIF Eer rid£ Reward if returned to- 8ti office. Emma Ervin, Lily Mills C office, Shelby, N. C, 3t 22 FOR SALE: FEMALE-ST. BEF nara doe 8 months old. Mrs. Cat Greene, Boiling Springs. 4t 21 LOST BROWN LEATHER BA containing price book of Text! Mill Supply Co., Charlotte. Retvaj pjven for re„urn. -.. j. s. Clemme Hotel Charles. 2t, 21 FOUND. N c. AUTO LICENf 'ij between Fall?ton and DiX' --■tore. Owner may get same at St Ulc* b" P»ying for this advert!s ment. . ■ HOLIDAY FIREWORKS' OF AS !?, pDncec ught, Get them f * ; StrV!Ce station, highway ^MjargroUnds. tf ns Q" yoiT root HAVE a LEAKI1 cl 1 01 a crUmney Which . net - arnng out see me. x can £top , *lK ntim tlX the chltatieys. C ISkTtycur roof- First cj> K J " Denton, telepnona I tf 1! lNllNG and dsgorath J- B. MEfiTZE don* .88-R, box w. Marion tf : pahasols aniTsc f9r set!!' S#cotul sh shoe Shop, u PAr^ASH Ntghess Market. FOR 1E JUT CORF Peas> c«ne seed, s l« FREEMAN'S “SHOE SHOP: Men’s special soles and heels,' 98c; ladies 75c. Shoe shine 5c. Prompt service. Freeman's Shoe Shop, op posite First National. Blue Front. fit 34c FOR SA^f.rAT pAftfJAQJ, ONE pair of competing scales, 80 lb capacity. See E. O. Lee, at Rein hardt Grocery. $t 22c FREE GAS! HOTEL SERVICE Station ‘ rf 20< FIVE ROOM APARTMENT FOB rent. Bath, private front and back entrance. Phone 171 tf 27j FARMS FOR SALE 51 acres near kings Mountain, i room house, one 4 room tenant house, ode haif in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber. Price $1,80C cash 140 acres, known as Ponder farm, adjoins Gaston Ifoyie and others 10 room residence, 5 room tenant house, good barns and outbuildings two good wells, orchard, pasture, wood, land well terraced. Price 863 per acre. 48 acres 3 miles from Cliffaide, ?6 acres in cultivation, balance in tim ber and pasture, 8 room house and good outbuilding*. Pyjee $1,659. 53 acres ip No. If township, pea; Glover 811} c^grch, 85 ecru In euj t}vatt£m.-t foom >eu»e, ajeg 4 room tepapt house. Price $8,990. yperaJ terns. . 107 aejea. lu$bwn as Lawfepcc Weir !;«■ home traot. ' - 30 acres -near EUeabpfo. c*ji five possession pow. Price $1,250. 50 acres located 5 miles from Shel by, 6 room home and good barn This farm is paying 10 per cent on sale price. 83 acres locared near Bessemer City. Price $3,600. Pay $900 cftsh. bal anWPin 15 years.' J. Pt Nfllftn Co. Room Nr ?3 Roa ster Building .-.■*h~ gram, according to Supervisor E. J. Clary. The possibility that the Cher okee county request may be substt tuted for some approved project elsewhere which may be cancelled la not being overlooked, he stated. In this connection Supervisor Clary made public a letter be ha* Just received from Congressman I. P. Richards, representative of the fifth South Carolina district. COLDS FEVER u?rS,TSSP*Hlf»dacha. naoes Financed by ROGERS MOTORS | BACK HOME AGAIN By E<1 Dodd t- 'i ia ,ru.ji. n*to t» M ». IW. THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE Knee Deep Ip Clover. ■ "*" t : ... * —..■■i. i — —;__ _._ By E. C. SEGAR fin? >01 >1 l8E JOYOOSy Ulka.8LOVJ hE OOVJN! X THERE’S A SHIP LOADED WITH SPINACH - AN’ SHE’S REAOV TO PULL OUT I’LL STOW AWAY »N HER HOLO- HE COUNTRY NEEDS SPIN ACH v WELL,BLC^ME DOU)N-\60RE AM IN GOOD r U»W, IVAM THE 6U)NB UMCH KNOCKED THE S HECK GOT OF THE DOCK < WATCHMAN Self Service. WELL. HERE»YAM STOW'D AWAY ON A EMEHY SHtPy LOADED OGWN W»TH / SPINACH, l NEVER SEEN) t SO MUCH SPINACH IN fi ALL ME UK. trCTSWi V SOOT' AMERICA. BC WELL NEVER <*E1 THERE-HAH! TW* SPINACH 1$ GOIN' TO jLm SPlNACHOVA ME SOUI8S>jT NEEDS