EDWARD VIII BEGINS REIGN AT FORTY-ONE tm until 11111n 33 y»r* eld K«r«, ComtorUbU foW«r—-193). Three generation* of British royalty, left to right, the then Prince of Wale*, King Edward VII, and the new king of Britain. Family picture, left to right, Prince George, Duke of Kent; King Edward VIII; Prince Albert, Duke of York, and Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester. The royal children, when all were young. Back row, left to right. Prince Albert, King Edward VIII, and Prince Henry. Front row, left to right, Prince John (now dead), Prince** Mary, Prince George. Inspecting naval guard at Portsmouth, England, 1926*^ | A«>ride hit favorite mount, 1921 j' I VUiting U. S.—Ncw York—in 1^19]J At Annapolis, Md., 1919, with the then Assistant Secretary of tH, Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt, left, and the then Secretary of th* Navy Josephus Daniels. In Japan in 1922, accompanied by representative of emperor. With King Fuad of Egypt during King Fuad’* vitit to London, 192? IE With hi* great grandmother. Queen Victoria ■ML1" »0 y—r» old || P“ l| Royal C Royal Grenadier—1919 Recent photo of new and late king* | In vetted with hit title At an Indian colonel CVntrul Press Association Inc 19,.1;