gates For Want Advertisements In Thia Column. Minimum Charge Foi Any Want Ad 25c. This siw 1 cent pel word each insertion This size rype 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. PAINTING and decorating J. B. MEETZE Phone 789-R, 801 W. Marion 11 16c _SHOES' PARASOLS AND scis sor; repaired. Second hand shoes ior sale. Sellers Shoe Shop. tf 6c 'VALENTINE CARDS FOR SALE. Prices lc to 15c. Austln-ComweU Drug Co. tf 5c ' WE PAY CASH FOR COWS. Telephone No. 5. F. S Dedmon. tf 29c 'FOR SALE: FIRST GRADE RED clover hay $16.00. grass *9.00, com stager and wheat straw *5.00 per ton, J. S Whitener, R-2, Lincolnton, 5 niiles north of Lincolnton, Star town road. 9t I2p SAVE WITH SAFETY! BUY non-asseseable mutual lire and au tomobile Insurance from Anthony & Anthony. tf Oct 28c CAREFUL PHOPERTY OWNERS ure safely oaving from 20 to 40 per cent on their fire Insurance in suring with Anthony & Anthony. tf Oct 28c MONUMENTS We have certain designs in monu ments, it special prices. B R. Del linger, 8hop near Hospital. tf 19c VALENTINE CANDY. HEART shape bo:is and others. Prices 50c and up. Austin-Comwell Drug com pany. tf 5c WANTED: TWO LARGE OR three small rooms for light house keeping. East end of town prefer able. R. W. Miller, State Prison guard, Shelby, N. C., phone 331-J. 3t 10c SMALL FARM FOR SALE: 9 acres one mile from Ellenboro, four room house. Priced *1,000 cash. J. B. Nolan Co. ltc IF YOU HAVE A LEAKING i oof or a chimney which needs cleaning out see me. X can stop the teaks and fix the chimneys. Can also paint your roof. First class work. J. W. Denton, telephone No. 11- tf 9p WE PAY CASH FOR HENS. Magness Market. tf 3c MR. FARMER AND FER tilizer Dealer: I am offering guaranteed 20% T. P. A. Flor ida Phosphate cheaper than last year. Also can fill your orders for any fertilizer ma terial or mixed fertilizer. E. F. McKinney, Shelby, N. C. tf-12c MEN’S SOLES AND HELS, 98c; Ladies soles and heels, 75c; shoe shine 5c Ah work guaranteed. Shel i>' Shoe Shop, 224 S. LaFayette St, Aud door from Carolina theatre. tX Oct 30c NOTARY PUBLIC AT Office. tf-31p VAR RENT: TWO NICE LARGE roonu, for light housekeeping. Close ih Phone 41. tf 3r PR®® GAS! HOTEL SERVICE Nation. - tf 20c WANTED: A SMALL~6AFE J. D Llneberger. itD EOS SALE $25 CREDIT CBR nficate on Sterchl's for 10. Phone ,34~J~ 2-12C WE WANT TWO DRY BAT J/J£Y telephones. See us. D. Beam Co. lt-12c " hen YOU BEGIN’ fo figure on fertilizer and fertilizer mater ia* call to see D. A. peam Co., manufac turers of Super-Gro. tf20<* tn, / PAY CASH AT PALL8TON ,, lc T*T St0re* for ^ country i ham* W. Tillman. Pail ... tt Wed 16c f<'H SALE KOREAN LESPE >eeds clear of dodder. J. W. fce_t_Jr ’ Belwoo<1' 4-10p ,FOtR 8ALE: 60 ACRES, 4 T “ . j of Shelby on No. 20 hlgh »■. ■ u ^'en roonj- two story borne, „V; Price $68 per j B Nr,il*hai,f Cash’ b#lance Co' 100111 »* Roj’^r —■_ lte ‘^'"■’E^TwEAVES. . *eading colors in I'nng material o n S f, *“'eveland Cloth Mill Wednesday. tf3c Zoar Community j News Of Week (Special to The Star.) ZOAR, Feb. 12.-*-Thosc on the sick list at this writing are Mrs. M. D. Humphries and A V. Allen. Mrs. E. J. Crane’s servant. Es telle King, fell last week on the ice and injured her hip Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Putnam and daughter Rebecca and Sidney Hamrick were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hamrick of Lat-, timore Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schien and daughter of Concord, called Sun-' day afternoon at the home of Mr. I and Mrs. Miller Spake. Grady Parris of Chesnee, 6 C.,1 spent the week end in the com- ’ munity visiting friends and rela-j tives. Miss Verdie Bridges of Latti more has spent the past month at! the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Crawley. Mr and Mrs. Gail McDaniel of Kings Mountain spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cordie Hollifield. St. Paul Man Enjoys Fox Hunt In East NC (8pecial to The Star.! SPT. PAUL. Feb. 18.—Edwin Cline1 enjoyed a fox hunting trip in East ern Carolina several days last week. ■', „■... i Mrs. Sherman Costner spent Wednesday evening with her moth er. Mrs. J. Y. Eliott. Miss Emma Sue Jones, of Waco, was the Wednesday night guest of Miss Mary Editt Murray, J. W. CrafPwted his iaugfit^f. Miss Elizabeth Craft of Brevard college Wednesday. Miss Neva Whitworth was the guest of Mrs. E. A. Cline Wednes day night. Mr. and Mrs. George Murray of Waco visited in the community Sunday. Mrs. Perry Costner spent sever al days with relatives in the com munity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Lackey of Play spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eliott. Brunner Bess of near Zion, spent the latter part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bess. FaHston Section News of Interest • Special to The Star.) FALLSTON. Feb. 12.—Miss Char lene Stamey, buyer lor -the Stanley Co., will spend next week In New York city. Robert Dixra and Thelbert Wright of Brevard college spent the wee* end at their homes here. Miss Thelma Hoyle teacher at Plttsboro, is spending some time at the home of her father, E. A. Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dodd are visiting at Mrs. Dodd's former home In Maxton this week. Miss Nelle Stamey of Asheville, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Claud Stamey. William Scott of Brevard col lege had an attack of appendicitis Monday and wa* brought to his home here Tuesday. Mrs. Morrison Will Give Dairy Trophy CHARLOTTE, Feb. 12.—Mr*. (V™ eron Morrison will award an annual trophy, to be known as the "Mor row-craft Trophy,” to the champion Jersey cow, and it will be prevented at the National Dairy Show which, this year, will he held at Dallas, Texas, in October. The trophy was* named after the Morrison farm on Sharon road. The design for the trophy has been accepted by Mrs. Morrison and has been returned to silversmith in New York City to be made. The winner of the trophy will keep it for one year, and, unless he wins the trophy the second year, be win turn it in and will be given a replica. If a person wins the trophy three times in succession, it becom es Ms property. FOR RENT: APARTMENTS Also heated rooms. Mrs Packard St 12c FIVE ROOM APARTMENT FOR wnt Bath, private front and uacfe mtrance Phone i 71. u -?7nl Ontario Makes Plans To Build A Playground For Quintuplets CALLANDER, Ont.. Feb. 12.—The government of Ontario, acting for the guardians of the Dionne quin tuplets. disclosed it was planning a playground for the little girls next to the Defoe hospital. The playground, oaid David Croll, chief guardian, will give the five sisters a place to play with other members of the family and will re move a souvenir stand so close to the hospital that the quintuplets "could smell hot dogs cooking " Oliva Dionne, the girls’ father made plans to contest an action started by the government to ex propriate 200-feet of his farm. The farm land, which Croll said was rock and had never been farmed, would form part of the playground, together with a similar frontage next to the hospital. In each case, the value of the land will be determined by Judge T. F Battle of North Bay, and the guardians will pay the cost. Croll said the expropriation proceedings were started after Dionne refused to negotiate last October. The playground is to be sur rounded by a high wire fence cov ered with a substance devised by Prof. W. E. Blatz of the University of Toronto, which permits visitors to look In but prevents the children from iieelnc the curious watehen. Croll said every effort will be made to keep the girls unaware they are on 'exhibition * The little staters all had colds to day, but the only 111 effect was slight discomfort and disruption of their feeding routine. Beef Is On Way In Big Quantity More good beef will go to market in the first four months of ISM than In the same months of MM. If cattle feeders carry out their first of-year plans, says the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. But cattle In the feed lot at the first of this year In the 11 com belt states numbered h to N percent less than the b-year average, al though 41 percent greater than last year, the largest increase In the 14 years that reports have been made. Last year, the decrease in fatten ing cattle from January 1. 1U4. to January 1. IMS, waa the grente* ever recorded.' Feed-lot operations Increased about 41 per cent In the western corn belt aa compared to about M ■- 1 1 Greatest percentage Increases wen South Dakota. no. Noteatom. IN; Missouri. IN; and Kuna, UO. CatUc on feed to tha U Western Ttsaa and Ofclahnma on Jhauary 1 numbered It per rent more than those on food a year sgo and nearly one-third larger than the average for tha five yean. lggO to IMt Refuse Clemency To Col. Luke Lea IUUBOH. Feb. IS^Oovmor ■hrlaghaue hae refined a raipieet that clemency be extended at thto time ta Lake Lea, former United States senator from Tran riser n. eo that Laa might aooept a position with the Cincinnati baseball team end go on the dob's spring MOt trip ta Puerto Uea. Laa Is serving sU to ten yean in **** * prison for violation of state banking laws In <w»w.w««fl «tth the fall ore at the Central and Trust company of AsbevtDe several ysgn ago After a lengthy formal heoriiv In Ibe esse but year Lea's petition for ijardon “ *“ Sentenced to INI. Lea did not etogr prison until May MM as hie Police Seek Negro On Assault Charge LEWOOI, Feb. I*.—Pahre late Monday night were searching for an unIdentified negro man who crim inally seesulted a Lenoir young woman earlier In the night. The gtrl wae walking aorom the yard of Seat Harper eehool. on her way to Halt a neighbor, when the attaokar Jumped from behind a hedge and oearpowered her. She waa able to give officer* a fairly good daacrtptton of the man. rohce Immediately put blood - hounds an the attacker's nail. Cold Weather Herd On Germs, Insects COLUMBIA, a c reb » tnrn «dd weather has harsher effect on germs end formy-carrying insect* then It has on humans, the people of South Carolina are sufferng lees than usual from tfcknam this wtn Dr- June* A. Hsyne, state health officer, disclosed cold weather as a preventative” for oeitaln of disease which usually ha nun South Carolinians. Ha cttad the feet that for Janu ary only 4MB cnees of Ucknetu were reported la the elate as compared wMh 11,411 for January. ISM. officials deecrtb winter as the second an record stnoe the bureau «• hi IM1. Th* ra January w 41J hpm m ootn parad with M decree* (or the na« two month* In 1*17-1*—th* rrtirai on reoord. ***» person* haws been reported from to death In South Carotin* durine December end January. To hasp water ton nnunns into culhaa US* nfefatac land moteture, IMRMMBt Ittlnwif has* devised shallow, level fitchea an tba contour* at MU*. Try Star Want Ads f %% Beware The Cough From t common cold On | BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd * " ' ) " 1 '■«« ■■ ' ' ' '!■ ,'i | ** BUT, ACCH. (SNICKEB} WE -* WE CAN'T KEED « THAT (M THE HOUSE > (SNICKEB SNIC^EB) ti WE MIGHT ' QOOM FOB IT INI ^ THE GARAGE»' GO CUT OOWKi TH OL8E& CAS2VED <XJO *J1TIALS ©kFB WE BE MAPBtEO I SWEAT AN woe* like a 006 TOGfcr <T what oo l GET P«OM SOU JHOBSE LAFF! SCNTIM& 'fi TME FIQST YEACb 4(ZE ALWAVS> THE HARDEST —rr csa wsiEsaats* cold Cream • «ALEN, CENTURY GREEK PWSICIAN, WHILE LIVING M ROHE, PREPARED NUMEROUS COMPLICATED SALVE PORMU LA*. AMONG THESE MEDICA MENTS WAS A SOFT, OILY PREPARATION FOR SOOTH INS THE SKIN, WHICH HAS COME DOWN "TO US IN ITS ORIGINAL PORM AS “COLD CREAM.** rJ?T Mr. Hoppe* "CWCVAL TKASELMS MOVf MEN AL<MWS INCLUDED 94 THEIR CASTS KT LEAST ONE DANCER, WHO WAS NIC* NAMED "HOPPER*! PROM THIS CAM* THE FAMILY NAME OP HOPPC*. THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE Dinner It Served! v By E. C SEGAR WrtffT'SJ rrs * THM/UHtMl^EEDS thing) spinachto me * L Jj/A^JLMVUWI-POT W* TWt TUBE M YE* 4u«?n TWIT „ _ ' I 1.1 II A Dote Of His Own Medicine. vRchY ■\ THE. J THIS SPlMfcCH FROM EW CCRTIKGLV VtS SlOEU- j ——^—

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