Seniors Leading Mid-Term Honor' Roll With 29% On (Continued from page one.) 1 wo, Ruth Toney. Margaret Tram- ‘ ■Ml, Mildred White ner. Margaret ] White, Sims Blanton, Julian By- I era, Grady Dover, Rush Hamrick 1 Jr., Avery Willis McMurry, Bruce Morgan, Billy Smart y Tenth Grade. 1 Lloyd Boat, Floyd Boet, Carl Gal- 1 Bmore, George Morgan, George Watson, Margaret C&biness, Helen , Swing, Elizabeth Falls, Dorothy f Greene, Eva Lane Jones. Dora Mc Swain, Catherine Roberts, Virginia } Shytle, Agnes Silvers, Bill Behe- } ler. Fred Callahan y Eleventh Grade. j W. C. Blanton, John Dorsey, Earl Hamrick. Richard Jones, Billy Mil- 1 ler, Louise Brown, Helen Carrlck, Gwyn Davis, Juanita Eskridge, Germaine Gold, Eleanor Hoey, An- 1 nabeth Jones, Dovie Logan, Kath- , ryn Morgan, Ruby Morgan Janette y Port. , Mary Beth Toms. Jane Washburn, t Pantha Weathers, Louise Whiten- ( er, Elizabeth Harris, Mary K. Wise, Herbert Elam, Mildred Lit- c tletohn. i **w:; MM ■§ SOUTH SHELBY , first Grade Blanche Olover, Earline Watte, j Rush Mull, Earl Parker, Loyd Self, j Billy Weaver, Billy Bridges, Fran* j eea Pruitt, .Wanda Orant, Bobby Ponder. Martha Randall, Jerry Randall,. ] Second grade-Janice Camp, j Floyd Davis, Selma Hawkins. J. C. j Kennedy, Ruth McSwain, Rosa { Oaks, Vergle Patterson, Howard , Wright, Maryland Carter. Louise Lee, Elinor Ann Price, Betty Joe ; Putnam, ‘ Selma Tesseneer, Nellie j Bridges. Third grade—Herman Tesseneer, Marveta Blanton, Ruby Ledbetter, , Louise Mull, Bertie Tesseneer. . Fourth grade—Mildred French, ] Mary Ledford. Doris Hughes, Bea trice Chapman, Dale Randall, i Griffith Byers, Rosa Lee Allen, ( Doris Coates, Paris Fortenberry, Dorothy Orantt, Joyce Reinhardt, 1 J. T. Jones. Fifth grade—Melda Duncan, Ralph Morehead. Lula Mae Chap man. Sixth grade—Bob Reinhardt, Ra chel Brown, Burtie Patterson,, Seventh grade—Dwight Ledbet ter. Roy Sue Turner. Bonnie Wil son. Frances Jones, Irene Walts, Lillie Hamrick. LaFAYETTE SCHOOL. First grade—Geraldine Martin, Betty Joe Queen, Virginia Panth er, Tommy Holland, Bobby Evans, Carolyn Kendrick, William Mc Swain. Second grade—Eulas Kennedy, Delores Smith, Juanita Black. Ev erette Osborne, Vera Lee Rainey, Haael Moore, Daphine TOwery. Third grade—Jack White, Ger ald Allen, John McMurry, Elisa beth Bumgardner, Dorothy Cost ner, Gwendolyn Green, Louise Oenoble, Martha Roberts. Pfcurth grade—Mary Elisabeth McDiarmid, Anther Towery, Mar tha Champion, Pauline McSwain. Fifth grade—Ralph Ray Glenn, Eunice Lee. i •»*tn grade—None. , Seventh grade—Herman Crooke, * Marie Towery, Catherine Lee, Al- t leen Rainey, JuaniU Noggle. WASHINGTON SCHOOL. , That grade—Louise Blanton, ] Marilyn Elliott. Sara May Ham rick. Hazel Oteby, Pattie Pay Over- j ton, Jacqueline Smawley, Ned 1 Cestoer, James Love Crowder, P. i M. Mauney Jr. Seeond grade—Henry Overton. \ Third grade-—Loretta Freeman, Vhgtnla Heffner, Jacqueline Par- < ker, Mary Boyce Mapney, Pitt .1 Beam Jr., Clayton Francis. 1 Fourth grade—Bari Honeycutt, Jimmie Weathers, Billy Wilson, ] Gwendolyn Grayson, Doris Lips- 1 comb. Betty Wilson, 1 Fifth grade—Ophelia Jackson Sixth grade—Billie Mae Dlxcm, ^ Bynum Weathers Jr., Margaret 1 l*mg, Rachael McClain. Thelma Poston. < Seventh grade—Margaret Jones ' JEFFERSON SCHOOL. 1 First grade—Eugene Ensley, Hai ry McKee. Jimmie Whitmire, Bob- , ble Jane McAlister, Katherine Quinn, Mary Ann Teele. - Second grade—Billy Brown, Wayne HiU, Billie Rae Rabb, Rich ard Weaver, Vivian Brymer. Velma , Grigg, Audrey Kelly, Dorothy Pearson, Dorothy Mae McAllister, Annie Lou Bridges. Third grade—Jean Bun ton. Jean Dockery. La von Meacham, Marilyn Moss. Betty Mae Smith, Nellie Sharpe, Paul Montieth, John Wag ner. Fourth grade—Mary Trammel, j Gertrude Wilson, Helen Kelly,) Helen Pritchard, Doris Sides, Ev erette Lail, Preston Pearson. Billie; Sliver, Harry Teele. Filth grad*—R. N. Ivle, Ruth Lanear, Ralph McAlister, Coleen Cralgg. Sixth grade—Clyde McAlister, Virginia Godfrey, Verdie Lee Led ford, Glayds Wagner, Frances Mel ton. Seventh grade—Joe Lane. Mar jorie Lail. Gwendolyn Blanton, Lillian Bums. Part Stephenson. MARION SCHOOL. First grade—Mary Jane Mauney, lene Gregory. George Thomas Hor laday, Helen Jones, Wendell doser. Mack Poston, Frances [hotnpson, Clyde Wilson Jr. Second grade—Charles Beam, delville Cohen, Edwin Hardin, ohn Ray Jr„ Herbert Toms Jr„ /mine Chandler, Jane Cooke, Anne dcNeely, Betty McNeely, Helen Itephenson, Doris Weaver, Caro im Hawkins, Carolyn Wilson, Billy Campbell. Third grade—John Landrum lawklns, Ann Weldon, Bobby teynolds. Newlln Schenck, Carver Vood Jr., Joy Ann Beam. Fourth grade—John Campbell r„ Jimmy Gardner, John Henry Jverman, Nell Roberts, Betty imith,, Betty Anne Washburn. Fifth grade—Fay Greer, Drusilla lendrick, Aliver Anthony. Roy iendrlck, J. W. White, Harry Voodson. Seventh grade—Marie Justice Virginia Falls, Betty Ellis, Chris ine Crawford. Ben McWhlrter. «T. PARAN CLUB HOLDS^ MEETING (Special to Hie Star.) MT. PARAN, Feb. 19—The Holly irove Home Demonstration club net with Mrs. J. H. Collins with fra. Crayton Cornwell a* ja££ i os tea* on February 14, with six teen members present. After a pro ram the meeting was turned over o the demonstration agent Miss Williams of Gaffney, S. C. She dis ussed the outlook for 1930 and ave a demonstration on making studio couch. A number of Valentine contests rere enjoyed. The hostesses assisted y Misses Thelma Neal and Kath sen Collins served delicious re . vmiuivktw nuivu tmucu UUb Uie ralentlne Idea. The following young people are onflned to their homes with tumps: Misses Grace Foster and teba Martin and Lee Putnam. Marion Moore is slowly recover ig from a fractured hip he recelv d In an automobile accident near ihelby over a month ago. Miss Jane Martin Is recovering rom an attack of acute asthma. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hardin and amlly of Charlotte visited Mr. and 4rs. J. H. Ramsey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cash of Tay ors, S. O. spent the week-end with 4r. and Mrs. J. M. Sapoch. They rere accompanied home Sunday by Hisses Irene and Beona Sapoch irho will be their guests this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Martin of laffney. S. C., Mr. ahd Mrs. Dewey iartin and children visited Mrs. J. I Moore and family Sunday. Mrs. Lee Roberts and son, Joe )onald, of Shelby is spending this peek with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. 8a och. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore of Ilckory spent a few days last week dth John A. Moore and family. Mrs. Callie Moss and son. Eugene, f Blacksburg. S. C. spent the week nd with Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Car oil. Bun Martin of Fayetteville spent he week-end with his mother, Mrs. 'rice Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Blalock of tear Kings Mountain visited Mr. •nd Mrs. G. O. Moss Monday. Pastor Called To Kings Mt. Church 'Special to The Star.) KINGS MOUNTAIN. Feb. 1#.— rhe Kings Mountain Second Bap ist church has called Rev. C. C. barker of Marion for their pastor. At. Parker held a three weeks re vival meeting at the Second :hurch last March when two hun fwd people were converted and 60 ivew members added to the church. Mr. Parker has seven churches iround Marion. He will move his family to Kings Mountain in a few weeks. Rev. R. L. Chaney, the former pastor, has done a fine work during the eight years he has been with the church during which time the membership doubled. ff* '1 WAHiWlMl : 1 To MN" f L‘ ''if StefctiJL, Relief for "Iced-In” Fire Islanders Zero Blasts of King Winter Fetter Niagara Record-shattering storms that swept down from the Canadian northwest gripped Niagara Falls in sub-zero temperatures, for days, fettering the flow of the mighty cataract. Here Is a-view of the American side of the falls, from the gorge. The entire falls and gorge froze so solidly that hun 'tlreds of spectators took advantage of the opportunity to wall* about at the foot. THU/’ NEXT PRECEDENTIAL- f i CAMPAIGN w* going to &e a hot One/ Birth Announced By Zion Couple; Community Items ZION, Feb. 19.—(Special)— Mr. and Mrs. Alston Mode an* nounce the birth of a son, Buren Lee, born February If. Miss Lyda Poston has returned to her home here after being a pa* tient in the Shelby hospital about three weeks. ' L. A. Blanton is in St. Louis, Mo. this week, buying a shipment of mules. They will be brought to this county soon. Margaret Martin, student nurse at the Shelby hospital spent Sun day with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Martin of this community. Miss Hazel Grlgg of Shelby spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. F. P. Gold. Several persons have been ill for the past few days. They are Mrs. Joe E. Blanton. Mrs. L. A. Blanton, Mrs. Pleas Cabaniss and daughter, Jane. Mrs. Milton Gold of Reldsville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Irvin. Beam* Mill Newt Of Current Week (Special to The Star.) BEAMS MILL, Feb. 19.—Mr. and Mrs. Chivous Hoyle and son of Rutherford ton spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hoyle. Mrs. Albert Calvard is improving after being very ill. Mrs. W. T. Hamrick is on the sick list. B. C. Queen remains very ill. Mrs. Allen W. Gardner has been sick. Miss Wray Hoyle spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Willis of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Willis and son returned with her Sunday and spent the day. Miss Evelyn Hendrick has return ed home after spending last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hamrick of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wright and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Grigg of New Prospect. Miss Beam Carroll of Waco spent last week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Hoyle. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bridges and Mrs. W. C. Bridges visited Mrs. Cline Wright in the Shelby hospi tal Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Stony Williams spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Spangler of Double Shoals. Cullen McSwain of St. Paul , is spending this week in the home of Mrs. W. C. Bridges. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grigg and daughter, Aileen, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Grigg of New House spent Monday with Mrs. Kim Williams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Plato Costner spent Monday night with Mr. and*Mrs. DewreU Glaaco of Morgan ton. Mrs. Glasco is quite sick. Rehobeth And Sandy Plains Has Many Sick (Special to The Star.) REHOBETH-SANDY PLAINS, Feb. 19.—Mrs. John Melton has been seriously ill for several days. Odus Pearcy who has been ill for several days continues practic ally the same. Nix Jenkins of Fort Bragg is spending sometime with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jenkins. L. G. Grigg is sick with mumps. Miss Zephry Doty is spending a few weeks vyith Mr. and Mrs. Broad us Gold of near Chesnee, S. C. Mrs. Marvin Hawkins who has been sick for several days is im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins and children spent Tuesday with Grady Jenkins of Forest City. The many friends of Miss T. need, too. Cottonseed Meal also contains the organic nitrogen that gives life and power to your acres. The growing of crops takes plant food; but there is a way to grow crops and restore the fertility to the lam! 5Sk %owl Hand’d Sate... USE COTTONSEED MEAL! Feed Cottonseed Meal to your livestock and get the feed value of each ton and the manurial value in addition. This DOUBLE VALUE use of Cottonseed Meal will give yon a livestock profit and conserve your soil. Cottonseed Meal may also be applied direct to the soil as a nitrogenous fertilizer. Each ton of Meal contains an average of 40 pounds of available phosphoric acid, 138 pounds oi nitrogen and 3d pounds of potash. CM * yarn total oil mill for Ikrratmt or write NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION NATIONAL COTTONSEED PRODUCTS ASSOCIATION. INC P.O.BaxttZ RALEIGH, N.C Greet The Spring , A Vision Of Loveliness In Wray’» Line of Ready-to-Wear FOR EVENING— Laces Prints d* O Q|* tu Nets Faille Chiffons Moire $14*95 New Sport Dresses— $7.95* $10.95 KASHA SHEEP PRINTS Herringbone Crepe — SUITS — Man-tailored, 2 piece styles, single and double breasted, tweeds. Neatly, traditionally Monotones. Tailored correct Basket Weaves. $10.95 t0 $24.95 DOBBS HATS In The New Feature Numbers. Miamian Resorter, Five Hundred, Mayfair and the New Shades are Lovely as a Breath of Spring $6.95 *° $10.00 SHOES Women’s Blue Kid With Blue Patent Trim. “Athena” CO Qfi 4 STAR BRAND SHOT WRAY’S LADIES’ SHOPPE EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT EXPENSIVE