PLEASANT RIDGE NEWS OF WEEK (Special to Til* Star.) PLEASANT RIDOE. Apr. 3.— n)e Missionary committee sponsor ed a special program Sunday and a special collection was taken. Dsntel Waters of Tennessee, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Loyd Waters and hi; father ret timed home with him for a few days visit. Mrs. Abram Daves and daughter and Mrs. Wlnt Daves of Moores boro, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Webb. Mrs. Bruce Hildabran and little daughter Ann of Marlon, spent a few days with her mother recently. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mason and ton spent the week end with Mrs. Jenkins of Trinity. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Daves of Mooresboro, spent the wreek end with Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Blanton Invited the following ter dinner Sunday as it was the former’s birth day; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jones, Mr and Mrs. Shelton McSwain, Mr. and Mrs. George Lookadoo and son Emmett. Mr. and Mrs. Max McSwain mo tored to Asheville Sunday. Roosevelt Estate Settles Bank Levy RALEIGH, April 3.—Gurney P, Hood, state bank commissioner, to ri a v got two checks from New York totalling *30,000 In payment of stock assessments due the defunct Page Trust company by the estate of the late President Theodore Roosevelt and Robert T. McCoon, an employe of Roosevelt and son. The bank commissioner won liti gation in New York state in which the Roosevelt interests fought the assessments. We are making every effort to pay another dividend to the de positors of the Page Trust company, and the collection of these funds win be of great assistance,” Hood ;airi. Was Deaf-Now Hears The Clock Tick •'I was so deaf that I could hear nothing; now I can hear the clock tick." writes Miss I. C„ Goldsboro, N c. OURINE was created by an . European ear specialist, Is a simple f home treatment which Is bringing new hope and happiness to suffer ers everywhere. If you are hard of hearing, bothered by head noises, earaches, ringing and buzzing in ears, sick with the dread of ap proaching deafness, get OURINE today. Relief is quick—cost only a few cents a day. Money back if dissatisfied. Suttle's Drug Store, ad. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the 'state of Sallle Gamble, deceased, late of Cleveland county, North Carolina, this Is is notih all persons having elalma against 'he estate of said deceaaed to exhibit 'hem to the undersigned at Shelby. N. C., on or before the 4th day of March, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thru recovery. All persona indebted to >ki estate wilt please make Immediate D>;mcnt. This the 4th day of March. 1930. JOHN F. GAMBLE, Administrator of Salhc Gamble, deceaaed. , Quinn. Hamrick te Hamrick, and H. Clay Cos, Attorneys, gt Mar gc SALE or HEAL ESTATE Derauit having been made In the pa; ment of the Indebtedness secured by tin certain deed of trust, dated May 11, 1*3 executed by Emma Davis, unmarried, U z. Newton, trustee, said deed df trjj remg of record in the reglstrv of Clevi end county, N. C„ In book 303 at pa| '• 1 "111 at the request of the hoder i ine Indebtedness secured thereby, and ui oer anld by vlrtul of the power of se contained in aald deed of trust, procet 'o sell to the hlgheat bidder for cash i the courthouse door In Shslby, N. Cx, i : 0 dock M. on Monday. April »*, 19M the following described real eatatt: Ail that parcel of land located in t) c_t) of Shelby, North Carolina, frontti feet on Georgia street, and extendtr 0 S depth of 150 feet; the same ben 'o' No. 31 and a strip 35 fast In width o m , . nu0r,h end °f >ot No. 33. aa show airv ^f b£?k J “ p»«* 44 of th» »l “'I* Cleveland county. N. C. 4,«s mh <1,3' of Mareh. 1936. 4t Mar 20c D. t. NEWTON. Trustee 37 Light - USED CARS - financed by Rogers Motors ~ House and Bam Erected In The Belwood Section (Special to The Star.) BELWOOD. Apr. 3.—The home circle met with Mias Zell* Willi* ! last Wednesday. There was a large j crowd present. After the program j refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Hartford Willis. Miss Maggie Myfr Chapman spent last week In Llncodnton with her aunt Mrs. Bynum Chapman and Mr. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Newton of Casar visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnie Buff Sunday. Mark Willis moved into his new ; home that he had erected near Miss Bessie Willis’. Mr. Carroll Beam moved in the house recently vacat ed by Mr. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carpenter or Cherryville visited his grandmother Mrs. Clarice Carpenter Sunday. Hugh HOyle has erected a new barn and other improvements on the farm he purchased ftom Mr. Ambrose Peeler. Thomas Porter and Roger Peeler have returned to .school after spend ing the holidays with their par j ents. Mrs. Jim Peeler is visiting her j parents Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Bess of : Vale. I Woman’s Club To Meet At Polkville (Special to Th* 8tar.) POLKVILLE, April I .-The Wo man's cifib of Poikvilla, win meat Tuesday afternoon April 7, at 3:30 o'clock in the Home economics de partment. The major project for the meeting will be ‘'Storing,” The hostesses will be Mrs. Fay and Mrs Ben Jenkins, Mrs. Huber Oold, Misses Marie Davis and Willie Falls. Mrs. L. C. Palmer, Mrs. John Elliott. Mrs. W. J. Bridges and Miss Lottie Elliott, motored to Bos tic Tuesday.- *■"*•'»* The revival meeting will begin at Polkville church Sunday night April 8. David Laller of Asheville aoent the week end with his sister Mrs. Plato Elliott,'«»d Mr- Elliott. *" Ed Lackey of Morganton spent Saturday with his parents Mr and Mrs. Frank Lackey. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Carpenter and son, of Ellenboro, spent Satur day afternoon Ja^tb the former’s sister Mrs. W J. Bridges and Mr. Bridges. Poplar Springs Elects New B. T. U. Officers (Special to The Star.) POPLAR SPRINGS, April 3.— The following officers have been elected in the B.T.U. for the new quarter. General officers. Director Ruth Hamrick: assaltant director, Packard Elliott; secretary, Kath leen Jones, chorister, Carrie Mae Bridges: pianist, Mrs. Bill Phllbeck. Senior officers, president, Bernes Lemons: vice-president, Packard Elliott: secretary, James Debrew; corresponding secretary, Miller Wallace: treasurer, John Hamrick; Bible leader, Alvie Jones; pianist, Mrs. Bill Phllbeck; chorister, Bros sie Hamrick; group captains, Emma Hamrick, Mrs. Alvie Jones,, Evelyn Wallace,*Alma Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lemons and daughter Gladys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anthony of Ross Grove community. The Ledbetter family and friends enjoyed a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. T. Ledbetter Sunday. A. M. Hamrick. Mrs. W. W. Jones, Miss Elmira Hamrick visited Mrs. Will McBrayer of Mooresboro last Monday afternoon. Mrs. McBrayer has been sick for a long while. The Junior B.Y.P.U. gave a dem onstration program In general as sembly Sunday. New Revised Time Table EFFECTIVE APRIL 1ST» 1936 ASHEVILLE—HENDERSONVILLE—SHELBY—CHARLOTTE pm 5 00 » 45 » J5 MS MS S 58 « .15 « 40 * 50 ? 05 1 25 7 47 8 nj I 35 * 50 PM 2 00 2 52 2 35~ 2 52 2 52 3 00 3 40 3 45 3 55 4 10 4 30 4 55 b 20 5 40 * 00 PM Read Dawn AM AM AM 1100 7 15 _ 1150 8 05 _ AM 2 45 Lv. 3 35 Ar. 1130 1150 7 45 _ 8 05 _ Lv. Ar. Read Up AM PM PM Asheville Ar. 1115 3 10 5 00 Bat Cave lv. 1025 2 20 4 10 TfiwT PM Hen'VMe Bat Cave Ar. Lv. 1035 2 35 2 20 4 40 4 10 PM 1015 9 36 106ft AM 2 30 1 40 - 9 40 1150 1159 1240 1245 1255 / 10 1 30 J 55' 3 20 2 40 3 00 PM 8 OS 8 IS 8 55 9 00 9 10 9 25 9 45 1010 1035 10SS 111S AM 7 00 7 23 7 50 8 10 8 30 AM Lv. 35 45 25 30 40 56 IS 40 05 25 45 Ar AM Bat Care Ar. 1025 Chlmn'y R. ISIS Ruth’ton .... 9 35 Spindale _9 30 Form city_9 20 Mooresb’ro.. 9 05 Shelby _8 45 K M. _8 20 Gastonia_7 55 ■elmont_7 35 Charlotte Lv- 7 15 AM 2 20 3 10 1 30 1 25 1 18 1 00 1845 1220 1155 1135 1115 AM 4 10 4 00 3 20 3 15 3 05 2 60 3 30 3 05 1 40 1 ? 0 1 00 PM 7 00 8 35 6 10 5 50 5 30 PM 9 35 9 36 8 45 8 40 8 30 8 15 8 00 7 38 7 10 « SO 6 30 PM 1 40 i 30 1350 1345 1335 1330 115* 1135 1110 1050 1030 PM Queen City Coach Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL PHONE 450 SHELBY, N. C. I OAK GROVE HAS MANY VISITORS Mr. and Mr*. Everett Ford An nounce Birth of a Son. Mlt* • rattenon Hurt. (Special to Hie Star.) OAK OROVE, April 3.—Bom to Mr. and Mr*. Everett* Ford Wednes day. March 35. a ton. Mrs. D. A. Beil who ha* recently been very ill continue* to improve »t present. K. B. Ledford was very tick last week with flu. Mie* Dorothy Patterson who had the misfortune to get painfully, but not seriously hurt Sunday in an accident near Cherryrllle 1* do ing well. A number of relatives and frends of Mr*. Essie Wright gath ered at her home Saturday, March 3ft and surprised he with a boun tiful birthday dlhner. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Porter and children spent Sunday with the former’s parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porter of Buffalo. Miss Cynthia Lovelace of Flint Hill Is spending some time visiting here. Billy Hamrick accompanied by 1 Mr. and Mrs. Q. .V. Phllbeek visit ed the fowners daughter, Mrs. Lil ly Beckl*r of near Hickory Qrove, S. C., Sunday. Mr. Hamrick re mained for an extended visit with 1 his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Divenn.v of near ChSrryville were visitors of Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Bell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Phllbeek of Caroleen are spending some time here visiting their son Q. V. Phil beck and Mr*. Phllbeek. Mrs. John Roes of' Bethany, 8 C., is spending some time here vls Itlpg relatives and friends. Superlatives Of B. S. High Given The following wWe elected super 1* Mves by the senior dess of Boll ing Springs high school: Wittiest girl—Rachel Huggins. Wittiest boy—BIU Lipscomb. Most dependable girl—Vemie Batchelor. Most dependable .boy—Tates Hawkins. Most popular girl—Edith Ham rick. Most popular boy: James Jenkins. Prettiest girl: Marjorie Hamrick. Most handsome boy: James J«t* kins. Most studious girl Virginia Brid ges. Most studious boy: Jack Hol land. Most athletic girl: Rachel Hug gins. Most athletic boy BUI MoRwain. Most conceited girl: Marjorie Hamrick. Most conceited boy: Paul Ham rick. Jr. Most talkative girl Dixie Greene. Most talkative boy: Bill McSwaln. Best dressed girl Edith Hamrick. Best dressed boy: James Debrew. Most dignified girl: Marjorie Hamrick. Most dignified boy: Brossie Ham rick. Best all around girl Edith Ham rlok. Best all around boy: Jack Hol land. Cutest girl: Rachel Huggins. Cutest boy: Bill McSwaln. t Best sport, girl Edith Hamrick. Best sport, boy: Yates Hawkins. Most bashful girl: Vemie Batche lor. Most bashful boy: Yates Haw kins. Quietest girl: Vemie Batchelor.. Quietest boy: Yates Hawkins. Miss McGinnis Is Bride Of Mr. Styers GROVER, April 3.—Miss Georgia McGinnis .of Grover became the bride of Gus Styers of Kings Moun tain In a quiet ceremony Friday evening in Gaffney, S. C... the cere mony being performed by Judge Roy Cobb. Only a small group of intimate friends went- with the young couple. The bride, an attractive brunette is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McGinnis. She will re main with her parents here for sev eral weeks until their new home at Kings Mountain is completed. Mr. Styers Is an employee of the Pauline Mill at Kings Mountain. Girl Bus Drivers Are Most Reliable WILSON, April 3.—"We have found that young women drivers ol school buses in the state are more careful and more reliable than young men drivers and that young men drivers are better and more careful are better and more care than older men.” said Lloyd T Griffin, eiecutlve secretary of the state school commission here Tues day, as he conferred at the Hack ney Body company heTe with a number of entineerk of vanoui body companies of the state into the weak spots to the present build ing of school bus bodies. Secretary Griffin, with several other members of the state com mission. met here Tuesday to gc over a Lee county school bus that ,waa recently wrecked with 28 cHd jcircn in it. Divert Million From Road Fund Reynolds Estate, However, Will Pay Sts to Two Million On Inheritance. RALEIOH, April 3.—Orders di verting 31,000,000 from the state’s highway fund to the general fund have been signed by Governor Eh rlnghaus, Revenue Commissioner A. J. Maxwell and Highway Chairman Capus M. Wayntck, acting In ac cordance with tha 1335 revenue act setting 31.000,000 as the minimum amount of diversion. Transfer of an additional amount i during the current fiscal year end ing June 30 now seems Improbable as payment of approximately 33. 000,000 In Inheritance taxes on the Smith Reynolds estate la expected t<3 obviate the need for further di version. The 1935 act authorised a mini mum diversion of 31.000,000 and provided that a larger amount might be transferred If It was re quired and If It would not impair the state's highway program. This additional amount was to be com puted as a three per cent tax on retail sales and deduced from the 8 cents gasoline tax collected by the state, Bales tax Is not paid on gaa loline by purchasers. Church Organization Of Grover Ha» Meet (Social to The Star.) GROVER, April 3.—The V. W. A of the Qrover Baptist church met with Mrs. H. B. Covington Wed nesday evening. The devotional was given by Mrt. Charlie Martin. Miss Aline Mulllnax presented an inter esting program oh the topic, "Christ Uplighting Womanhood.” Those taking part were Miss Elene Randan, Mrs. Rube Rollins, Mrs. Arthur Davis, Mrs. A. F. COlllns, Mila Agnes Weaver and Miss Caro lyn McAden. During the social hour the hostess was assisted by Miss Weaver in serving a salad course. Miss Esther Martin of Gaffney, S. C, Mr. and Mtsl. Andrew Watterson and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Martin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Luther Marlin 8unday Mr and Mrs. Bruce Roark and little son, Bobby, of Burlington APfnt the week-end TWark's mother, Mrs. AnnieKohrC Billy Harry of Clemson college Is spending the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harry. Billy Harry shrdlnetabiahrdluww Mary Frances Hambright, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mre. R. E. Hambright is very ill with pneu monia. Mrs. Rush Padgett, lllrs. C. F. Hary, Miss Haxel earner and Mrs. R* D. Moss were the guegts of Mrs. Woods Mitchell of Lomu at alx o’clock dinner Wednesday. Miss Margaret Hamrick of the Lattlmore faculty was at home with her mother, Mrs. Maude Ham rick over the week-end. Mrs. George Mulllnax and daughter, Mary spent last week in Talladega, Ala., with Mr. Mulllnax. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jordan and son, Harold, and Mr. and Mr>. Wil liam Moore of Greenville, S. C. were the week-end guests of Mrs. Geo. Mulllnax. Mrs. Bertha George of Kings Mountain visited Mrs. Nora Nichols during the week-end. Miss Zulla Allen and John Dover have both been 111 with flu. Lindbergh Given Permission To Fly LONDON, April a.—The British air ministry authorised Col. Char les A. Lindbergh to fly his private plane over Oreat Britain—provided he does not engage in commercial flights or aocept pay for his serv ices. The American flier opened nego tiations for the British approval two days ago when he appeared per sonally before the American offi cials in London. “My name is Lindbergh,” he Raid then. "I want to renew my li cense. I am sorry to trouble you and hope it will not cause any difficul ty." The flier said he could, as requir ed by British flying regulations, produce a health certificate but could not comply with the addi tional requirement of his flying record for the last 30 days as he has not been In the air since he ar rived in England. “I think I could get my official record from Washington,” Lind bergh asserted, and appeared re lieved when he was informed such procedure would not be necessary because of the reciprocal agree ment. PLAN ROOSEVELT RALLY FOR RUTHERFORDTON SOON FOREST CITY, April J.-The Young Democratic club of Ruther ford county is making plans to held a "Roosevelt for Re-election” rally in Rutherfordton soon. Wade B. Matheny of Forest City, is pres ident of the organisation; Miss Hazel Waldrop, of Rutherfordton,, is vice president; A. Myles Haynes, of Cliffslde. secretary, and Paul Withrow, of Forest City, treasurer. Birthday Dinner Draws Big Crowd POPLAR 8PRINOB, April 3 Mra. T. O. Hamrick, Mr*. W. E. Bridges, Mrs. Otho Hamrick and Mrs. L. A. Rogers, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ledbetter, celebrated their birthdays tfunday at the home of their parents. Relatives and friends who enjoyed the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ledbetter and son, Buron, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ledbetter and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledbetter of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrtll and daugh ter and Mr. Pearson of Bolling Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Ledbet ter and children, Mias Lots Harrill, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Weaver and children, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yelton and daughter, Mrs. Jane Yelton, Miss Lillian Morehead and friend of Shelby, Mr. and Mrs, Oian Ledbetter, Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Ledbetter and children of Flint Hill. Mrs. Cyrus Ledbetter and family of Bolling Springs, Mr. Otho Ham rick and family, Mias Mary Ila Hamrick of Mt. Gilead, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bridges, Mr. and Mrs, Qro ver Hamrick and sons, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Roger* and children. Mrs. Lois Ledbetter and children of Mt. Sinla, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Morehead and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamrick, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Blanton and daughter of Kings Mountain, Mollle Wallace, Floyd Queen, Clyde Harrill, Ralph Spain. Mra. Etta Harrill and daughter of Klnga Mountain. All the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of Mr. and Mra. Ledbetter were present. They have eight children, 88 grandchildren and nina groat j grandchildren. Recruits Needed For U. S. Marine Corps The examination of 35 applicants for enllatment In the U. 8. Marine corps will be held at the district recruiting headquarter, Post office building. Savannah. .Ga. during the month of April, It was announ ced by Major Ralph E. Davis, the officer In charge. The Marine corps accepts young men who are between 13 and 23 years of age. single, not. less than W or more than 74 Inches In height and who are In excellent physical condtlon. It was an nounced. Yeung men who meet the above requirements and desire service In the Marine corps can obtain ap plication blanks by writing the Savannah office, Major Davis stated. KINSTON MAN S ESTATE GETS $7,230 DAMAGES COLUMBIA, S C„ April 3-The Richland circuit court awarded a canaent verdict of $7,250 to Ken neth Kreps, at administrator of the estate of the late Paul Ervin, of Kinston, N. C„ at the hands of the Southern railway Tuesday. Ervin, a truck driver, was struck and fatally Injured by a train here lMt October 8. He died next day. Two Hurt In Crash, GAFFNEY, S. C„ April 3. R. F, Smith of Seneca, and Robert Jones of Anderson, members of a CCO camp at Kings Mountain bn I tie ground. suffered bruises and cuts when an automobile crashed into the bark of a ear In which they were riding Monday night near Gaffney. The driver of tha other oar fled. It waa reported FOR OVER 100 YEARS The Building and Loan plan 1 of the lending agencies are now adopting the same plan of repaying loans. We have money to loan on desirable ‘IMBfllrty. Take some shares wltTi U* nlfft save's part of yOur income. NEW SERIES OPENS SATURDAY. APRII 4TH, 198ft SHELBY & CLEVELAND COUNTY BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION . 115 WEST MARION STREET R. T. LeGRAND, Prea. A. V. HAMRICK, Vice-Pre#. JNO. P. MULL, Secretary I i V4 OFF ON ALL COATS And SUITS ssss & PASTELS $10.00 SELLERS $7.50 $13.95 — — $10.47 $16.50 — — $12.38 $22.50 — — $16.88 $29.50 — — $22.13 A pre-Easter Clearance of a Very Select ive stock of Suits and Coats. Come a* once and get the pick of the lot at one fourth less than regular price. - NASH - — WOMAN IS SENTENCED FOR WHIPPING CHILD HIGH POINT,, April 3.—Ophelia Adams, negro, was given a three months suspended Jail sentence for whipping a seven-months-old white child after a hearing held Wednesday morning in High Point municipal court. The parents of the child, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Street, were away from home at the time the crime is said to have taken place. ..min... hi STATE EDUCATION BOARD APPROVES 25,004 HuND FI AIJSIOH. April ftate board of education Wednesday ap proved a loan of $25,000 ffortl the literary fund for reconstruction of a burned school at Hobuelten^ ap proved a loan from the |todman scholarship fund to Mias jpofothy Hook* at E.G.T.C. and authcflied refunding school i of Beaufort county. aii_JL__ u \i ai u i CIRC1JI AIX NEW FEATURES: Tarwm. I he Human Apt, Air Conditional! Tents. Jerry Burr Wild West, Presenting ‘Tom*' The Singing Cowboy, FUNNY FORD. MICKEY McGlURE, HOLLY WOOD PICTURE STAR, ELEPHANT SKIN GIRL, JUMBO, Jr., LARGEST BEAST THAT WALKS. DROVE OF CAMELS, AND ONLY WHITE DROMEDARY. — TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY 2-8 P. M. — In Rainproof Electric Lighted Tenti DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR EARLIE WILL EXHIBIT AT SHELBY SATURDAY, APRIL 11th HAMRICK SHOW GROUNDS Admission Reduced to 35 Children Under 12 years, 25 *