* SHOES, PARASOLS AND SCIS SOR repaired. Second hand shoes > tor sale. Sellers Shoe Shop, tf 6c ' PAINTING AND PAPERING J. B. MEETZE Phone 789-R, 801 W. Marlon. tfl6c WANTED: UNENCUMBERED man between 30-46 with news paper and advertising experience and car to assist me In running weekly political newspaper In Arisona. Box 1682, Phoenix, Ariz. 3t 20p TOR SALE: THE J. A. WILSON property on east side of Shelby, consisting at ten room dwelling and bam, and seven acres. For further Information write J. F. Hammond, Kershaw, S. C., or call H. a Wilson, phone 813-M. tf 4c WE PAY CASH FOR COWS. TELE Phone No. 6. F. 8. Dedmon. tf 20c MR FARMER! SEE US FOR your kerosene %d motor oil. We deliver anywhere. The Auto Inn. _____ u 30c PRINTING, PAPERING, REFIN repairing, upholstering IWnUnre, banging awnings, WlU five free estimation. We have •redlt plan. G. C. Hamrick, 704 Oantner St., Shelby, N. C. Paint *ft°P on Trade St, general con traoter. to may 10c MONUMENT8 Wo have certain designs In mon * uments, at special prices. B. R. Dellinger, Shop near Hospital. V_tf 19c GET OUR PRICES ON CEILING, ftorlng, and other building ma terials. C, D. Stroup, Falls ton. _ 2-24p I FOR KENT: STEAM heated office space, one-half block from square. Janitor ser * vice. Apply at Efird’s. - tf-4c ku i%AUG OK HELL: About forty bushels Coker strand No. S cotton Beed. Nash Magness, s R-l Shelby. % 3t 22p MR. PARMER. YOU CAN GET low prices and prompt deliveries by placing your orders with us for your fertiliser. E. P. McKinney at Jim Magnets Market, Shelby, N. c- tf 6c PREST-O-UTE BATTERIES AS low as *4.95 with old battcty. Re charging and repairing. The Auto . tf 20c newest~weaveS; Prints and Tub silks on sale, Cleve land Cloth Mill on1 Wednesday. tf-13c i OPPORTUNITY — School o f Beauty Culture in Gastonia guarantees employ ment t o students. Get complete infor mation on courses. Phone 404, Shelby. 6t-Apl7c THE BEST DRAIN TILE and Terra Cotta Pipe, see 2. J. Thompson Lumber Co., phone 107. tf 19c 1 HAVEANY WEIGHT IN COUN try-cured hams, which have been cared for during the summer. All are guaranteed against everything but fat. Hall W. Tillman, Pall ston. tf fri 17c ip YOU HAVE A LEAkIncTrOOF or chimney which needs cleaning | out see me. I can stop the leaks and fix the chimneys. Can also paint your roof. First class work guaranteed. J. W. Denton, tele-; phone No. 11. tip i FOR SALE 1 1-2 TON G. M. C. truck, Pordson tractor with ter acing disc plow; international 20 -18-inch disc harrow, new. De. ver Uttle, Gaffney, S. C. 3.24c WE CAN FURNISH YOU WITH screen doors of aU kinds, all mor tised. C. D. Stroup, Pa Us ton. __ 4-24p| BEAUTIFUL P AT terns i n standard size awnings, ready for installation with rods, screws, etc. Two feet six inches, $1.25. Three feet, $1.35, Three feet six inches $1.50. Clark Hardware Cp. tf 22p 40 ACRES NEAR GROVER WITH extra good home, barn, orchard, pasture and plenty of wood, about 25 acres In cultivation. Price >2,750. J. B. Nolan Co. ltc WEDDING INVITATIONS AND announcements. Beautiful line of printed, engraved and process engraving. Pretty new type styles and the white and Tiffany ivory stock. Star Publishing Co.. Shel by, N. C. 6t 13p FOR RENT: THREE ROOMS. BIG garden. Apply Star office, tf 20c 22 ACRES 4~MILES FROM" SHEL by on highway No. 150, 6 room home, double garage, good barn,! good pasture with running water. Can give possession now. J, B. Nolan Co. Itp j IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE Bridges Auto Parts for your autd and tractor parts. 3t 22c FOR SALE: GOOD WORKHORSE, weight 1,000 to 1,100 pounds, age 7 years. F. S. Dedmon. 3t 22c LOST TUESDAY A BUNCH OF six keys, either on N. Morgan ori N. LaFayette St. Finder return to; Star office. Itp NINE ACRES NEAR FALLSTON, being a part of John Wellmon land, adjoining Rob Cline 'and others. Price >800. J. B. Nolan C°. ltc HEAVY PADDED Lawn Chairs, with foot rest. Only $2.75. Clark Hard ware Co. tf-22c MR. FARMER! WE HAVE MA terlal for mixing your fertilizer, acid or Florida phosphate, soft phosphate cheaper than ever be fore. E. F. McKinney or Jim Mag ness at* McKinney Market, Shel by, N. C. , tf 6c AWNINGS INSTALLED, ALL sizes. Freeman Shoe Shop. tf 17c FARM FOR SALE: 75 ACRES IN: Lincoln county on S. Fork river, | known as the Harvey Jetton old home place. 10 room home, tenant house, big barn, extra good pas ture. Price $3,200. J. B. Nolan Co. ltp EXPERT WASHING-AN D GREAs' ing of cars at the Friendly Serv ice Station, 406 South LaFayette street, phone 737-J. • tf 17c CALL PAT FOR WASHING AND! greasing, $1.00, Friendly Service i Station, phone 737-J. tf 17c I FIX TRACTORS. GEORGE MUR' ray, Waco. 3t aop FOR RENT: THREE ROOM apartment, nicely furnished. Closed in. Phone 627. 3t 20c NOTICE! LANDIS SHOT: SHOP: j First class shoe repairing, also: used Singer Sewing machines and parts for any machine. We also, repair machines. West Marion street. Shelby, N. C. tf wed-fri 22c! yourshrubbery arrived a t Wool worths today, ltp SMALL FARM. 24 ACRES NEAR Beth-Ware school, just off hard surface road. Price $30 per acre. J. B. Nolan Co. ltc WANTED: AGENT FOR OLD line accident and health com •pany. Attractive proposition of fered to right person. Write E. L. Walker, Dist. Mgr., Forest City, N. C. 3-22p BADGER TIRES MADE BY FISK 44°-21 . $4.40 4 50_2° . $4.64 4.50- 21 . .$4.84 4.75-19 . .. $5.12 ; 5.50- 17 . .. $6.68 5.50- 19 . .._. $7.oo These are guaranteed and- are new fresh stock. Bridges Auto Parts at Fink old stand. 3t 22c FOR SALE 1 MULE, AND I NICE saddle horse. H. H. Gold, New House. 3-24p FOR SALE—ONE TWENTY-FIVE horsepower boiler and fixtures, first class condition. C. D. Stroup Fallston. 2_24p 60 ACRES ON NO. 20 HIGHWAY, 4 miles west of Shelby, 7 room two story home with electric lights. 40 acres in cultivation. This is an ideal farm at reasonable price. J. B. Nolan Co. ltc FOR SALE OR TRADE: 19J1 Ford truck; panel deliver; in good condition. P. M Mauney. 2t 24p good If ro¥g l^awn Chairs, with arm rests. Special at 85c. Clark Hard ware Co. tf-22c WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR OLD scrap *iron, $3.00 per ton for mix ed. Bridges Aifto Parts. 3t 22p FOR SALE: COMPLETE SOLID i steel drum In good condition. Real i cheap. Phones 100 or 110. Cage Ellis Transfer Co. ltcj NEW COTTAGE SEWING MA chine and one sewing machine motor at a bargain. See D. O. Lee at Reinhardt Grocery. 2t tf2c FOR RENT: FURNISHED APART ment close in. See Mr. Stanton. 209 South Washington St. ltc LONG AND SHORT DI8TANCE hauling of all kinds. Household goods a 'specialty. Phones 100 or 110. Cage Ellis Transfer Co. 2t24c WANTED: LADY STENO-BOOK keeper for insurance office. Ap ply at office. Stanton Insurance Agency. 209 South Washington Street, Shelby. ltc SEE MOSER BROTHERS! SHEL by. for peas and cane seed. ~ 5t 22c FOR SALE: CHILD’S BED AT bargain. Phone 757-W. 3t 24c new p’loors — see z. j. Thompson Lumber Co., phone 107- H 19c AXLES AND CHASSIS STRAIGH ten in automobiles; wheels set in line and bad steering corrected. Elias C. Leigh, 1108 Lily Mill road, South Shelby. ltc PLANS MATURING FOR A PUBLIC CHEROKEE HOSPITAL GAFFNEY, S. C., April 24.—The : first meeting of the six members of ;the governing board for a Chero kee county hospital appointed by the j legislative delegation will be held Thu/sday night In the city hall at Blacksburg, The board is expected to select a temporary chairman and tempor ary secretary, after which the six members will elect a seventh as pro vided by the law establishing the | hospital. Morganton Man Is Beneficiary In Will NEW YORK, April 23.—The es tate of the late William N. Calder, in whose will Albert w. Hobble, of Morganton, N. C., and Era H. Bagg, of Fairvlew, N. C., were named as beneficiaries, y^as valued at $59,136 gross and $54,912 net In transfer tax appraisal filed here Tuesday. Hobble, a nephew, and Era Bagg, .sister-in-law, each receive one fifth of the residuary estate. FOR SALE: ONE 1934 PLYMOUTH deluxe coach going for $350, , Bridges Auto Parts. 3t 22c LOR RENT OR SALE: NICE NEW five room brick bungalow, with breakfast room and bath. Large attic and basement, heating plant, garage. Apply at Star office. tf 24c $71,381 Suit Is Filed Against Hickory Firm; HICKORY, Aoril 23.—A lawsuit! against the Southern Desk com pany. of Hickory, in which the plaintiff. E. L. Flowers, of Hickory, is asking for the recovery of $71, 341.45 for commissions allegedly due him by the defendant, was filed in Catawba county superior court yes terday. Mr. Flowers, in his complaint,! alleges that the Southern Desk company owes him a total of $71, 381.45 for goods sold and services rendered from 1927 until 1935. The plaintiff further contends that the defendant company "violated and broke the contract made with him as a salesman.” failing to pay him the commission mentioned in the said contract. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIMS The undersigned, having been appoint ed trustee In two certain deeds of as signment executed by R. B. B. Keeter and wife and Floyd Dover and wife, said deeds of assignment being dated March 31, 1838, and assigning all goods, wares, mer chandise. etc., in those two certain places of business located on Martin street and the Dover mill village. Shelby, N. C.. for the benefit of the creditors of R. B Keeter and Floyd Dover. This is to give notice to all who have claims against the said R. B. Keeter and Floyd Dover to file them with the undersigned os or before July 4. 1838 at Shelby, N. C., or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons or firms Indebted to R. B. Keeter and Floyd Dover wlU make lmmedate settlement. This April 3, 1838. chab. A. HOEY, Trustee. Jno. P. Mull, Atty. 4t Apr 3c Dixie Howell Takes Up Baseball Game PORTLAND, Ore.—(A1)—Millard (Dixie) Howell, the great Alabama halfback who led his team to vic tory over Stanford in the Rose Bowl 'game played January 1, 1935, has definitely giveh up football and iootball-coaching for baseball. Playing shortstop and left field for Portland in the Pacific Coast league, he is one of the fastest men in the circuit. Howell, a chattel of the Detroit Tigers, was farmed out to Houston in the Texas league last year and now to Portland. In the pasture Howell covers - a lot of ground and at short he makes ground balls look easy. Manager Max Bishop of Portland hasn't de cided yet whether to make an in fielder or outfielder out of the ex grldder. He has a strong throwing arm. Two civilian and about 50 con vict cooks, waiters and dishwashers prepare about 1,500,000 meals a year in the state prison at Hunts ville, Texas. LIGHT - USED CARS - FINANCED BY - Rogers Motors — “I CAN’T SAY TOO MUCH IN PRAISE OF POW-O-LIN” Great Scientific Medicirfe Has Again Proven Its Worth To This Gastonia Woman. When constipation gets in its deadly work, sending poisons throughout the body, ills that other wise would be unknown beset us. We become bilious, nervous, rundown and headaches and a dull listless ness overcomes us that saps our energy and makes us old before our time. POW-O-LIN, the new, scien tific mediclhe. while not a cure-all, is certainly a mos teffective laxative and according to best authorities, when this condition is relieved, we feel, act and look better. Mrs. N. T. Lancaster, 209 E. Long St.. Gas tonia, N. C., says: “I had dreadful headaches, was nervous and in a rundown state; constipation was the cause, for since taking POW O-LIN I no longer suffer from poor elimination, but feel fine again. My headaches have vanished, biliousness and dizziness bother me no more and I can again go about my work with vim and energy. I can’t say too much in praise of POW-O-LIN.” It’s the same story, wherever this MRS. N* T. LANCASTER remarkable medicine has been tried Hundreds and hundreds of vour neighbors write us in praise of what POW-O-LIN has done for them You, too. can profit by the expert ience of your neighbors who have thrown aside skepticism and have found POW-O-LIN to be an hon est medicine. Why don’t you try it today? You’ll feel better tomorrow if you da POW-O-LIN b recommended by CLEVELAND DRUG CO. and lead ing druggists everywhere. adr. BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd | VOU 6UV5 ARE ) TOO ROMANTIC ^ TO LIV/E IN MOOERN TIMES!-TMAT AIN'T! BEES ER AIRPLANES UtMEVRE STARTIN'! ' UP TH SAWMILL r> OVER AT SLACK S ) | ^-7 PLACE! / i ' VOU DOPE ) l’AT AIN'T \ 7 NO BEES- J ’ATS ONE J ' O' THEM ^ NEW PLANES OVER AT WHITLEV y ( PIELD/V v IT SOUNDS ^ SORTA LIKE A BUNCH 08EES SWARMIN' BUT r CAN'T TELL WHERE THEV „ ARE*. mMM ft ISM to rritor* 5viU*»l*. Ui ■T»LKto Ug.f»lO^An ntKU Baker’s Dozen Pvt salt On a Bird’s Tail PLACING SALT BEFORE STRANGERS M WAS AN ANCIENT PLEDGE OF FRIENDSHIP. MEDICINE MEN PLACED SALT ON A DUPim BIRD IN A TRAP, CHANTED INCANTATIONS AND THEN OCPECT-ED THE REAL BIRDS TO FLY IN-BELIEVING THEY WERE AMONG FRIENDS. HENCe,"SALT ON A BIRD’S TAIL TO CATCH VtS’-AnsvKtu* CR. G/nsburg, Son Motto, Co/. IN EARLY LONDON) A SEVERE PENALTY WAS PLACED ON BAKERS WHO CHEATED. TO AVOID THE STIGMA, HONEST BAKERS GAVE AN EXTRA LOAF WITH EVERY TWELVE, 50 THAT A "BAKER’S DOZEN” CAM! TO MEAN THIRTEEN. <4 IM nutti THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE Amen! I still, think wimpv GOT INFREMKHON FROM VER OEEP, OH. HOW) COOLO HC?J ,rV£.8r^ E. C. SEGAR ON,BftBV! COME ON.BABVtl OiBAJBV, oo xou\J GS&XX^ THINK??/ MISTER*'. THlSftWTj NO TIME ' <_VTO twinkl >400 • I9M. Mann Srukau. lot. CfMt Britm t&u wmrt A Corner On The Hamburger Market. gw u — NO! NO! “OOO IN •WEMuPlLEt^SWEM) <=: ^(sw SW6MW, DUO IN THE MOO” WINS! ^ SOME LONG SHOT!! VOU GET• ^3“ BUCKS , FOR VOOR TOJO S DOLLAR TICKETJ f nice r^ce, VUftSNT IT?> NICE weather ISNT IT. UJERfc HAVING ? j-x

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