The Star Want Adv. Rates • • One Cent a word (this type) each insertion 35c Minimum Charge 2c a wof'd this size. 3c a word this size. Cash must accompany all ord ers unless you have an open ac count with us. All keyed advs. are conlident ial. No Information about same will be given. The only way to reach these is by letter. An extra cliarge of 10c will be made for all "keyed" advs. We reserve the right to revise or reject any copy. The Cleveland Star PHONE NO. 11 MEN 8 SOLES AND HEELS, 98c; Ladies’ sole and heels. 75c; shoe shine 5c. AU work guaranteed. Shelby Shoe Shop, 224 LaFayette St., third door from Carolina theatre. tf wed 4tf FOrTsALeT FRE8H MILK COW. Columbus Beam, R-l, Shelby, near St. Paul church. 2t 4p I HAVE A BIG~BLACK SPANISH Jack, if you want to bred your mares bring them to my barn. D. O. Melton, Casar, N. C. 3t-4c PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES AS low as.g4.95 with old battery. Re charging and repairing. The Auto Inn. tf 20c PAINTInCT AND PAPERING J. B. MEETZE Phone 789-R, 801 W. Marion, tflfic WE FAY CASH FOR COWS. TELE phone No. 6. F. S. Dedmon. tf 29c MR. FARMER! SEE US FOR your kerosene and motor oil. We deliver anywhere. The Auto Inn. * ft .-.H, tf 20c FOR SALE: SWEET POTATO plants. Yates L. Green, route 4, Shelby. Telephone 44-N, Lat timora, 3t-4p SHOES, PARASOLS AND SCI8 sors repaired. Second hand shoes for sale. Sellers Shoe Shop, tf 6c , MONUMENTS We have certain designs in mon uments, st special prices. B. R. Dellinger, 8hop near Hospital. tf 19c IF YOU HAVE A LEAKING ROOF i or chimney which needs cleaning 1 out see me. I can stop the leaks and fix the chimneys. Can also 1 P«lnt your roof. First class work guaranteed. J. W. Denton, tele phone No. 11. tJp for rent?steam heated office space, one-half block from square. Janitor ser vice. Apply at Efird’s. tf-4c ; WE H A vTmAM moth Yellow Laredo and Otootan Soy Beans and Velvet Beans. Morgan and Co. 3t-lc WANTED: BY LARGE ESTAB ed concern—young men for sales work with good chance of ad vancement. If you cannot furnish good reference, sober and willing to work six days per week, do not answer. Apply: The L. B. Price Mercantile Company, 125 South Washington street, or P. O. Box 15. Shelby. Hours to call: 8 a. m. and one and fl\e p. m. 3t 4p NEW FLOORS — SEeTzTj. Thompson Lumber Co., phone W7. tf 19c NOTICE! LANDIS SHOE SHOP: First class shoe repairing, also used Singer Sewing machines and parts for any machine. We also repair machines. West Marion street. Shelby, N. C. tf wed-fri 22c HAMRICK’S S P E - Cl AL Peaberry Cof fee Pound 20c. ltc DIESEL-— If you have ambition and me chanical ability, we are accepting men In this vicinity to train for worthwhile positions. Applicants must apply immediately. This is not a trade school. Call Mr. Sigg. phone 74. five to nine p. m., or write G-200. care of Cleveland •tar. 2-fip THREE ROOMS FOR RENT. MRS. L. H. McMurry, 329 East Graham street. tl 27c j HEAVY PADDED; Lawn Chairs, with foot rest. Only $2.75. Clark Hard ware Co. tf-22c AWNINGS INSTALLED, A LL. sizes. Freeman Shoe Shop tt 17c; FOR RENT OR SALE: NICE NEW live rohm brick bungalow, with1 breakfast room and bath. Large; attic and basement, heating plant,: garage. Apply at Star office. tf 24c GOOD STRONG Lawn Chairs, with arm rests. Special at 85c. Clark Hard ware Co. tf-22c NANCY HALL PO TATO plants 20c per 100. Hamrick’s Grocery. lt-6c TOMATO AND PEP per plants. Hamrick Bros. Service Sta tion, Highway 20, west. 2t-4p PRINTING, PAPERING. REFTN lshlng, repairing, upholstering furniture, hanging awnings. Will give free estimation. We have credit plan. O. C. Hamrick, 704 Gardner St., Shelby, N. C. Paint shop on Trade St., general con tractor. to may 10c TOMATO PLANTS, popular varieties. Hamrick’s Grocery, N. LaFayette. ltc WASHABllfwATERPRobFPAUiI Beach seat covers, $4.85. Perfect fitting. Hotel Service Station. 5t 27c NOTARY PUBLIC aFtHE Star Office. tf31p NEWEST WEAVES, Prints and Tub silks on sale, Cleve land Cloth Mill on Wednesday. tf-13c WAH1KU — KELIABLE COLORED Kiri to keep house In country for family of three. Apply at Star office. tf-29p BEAUTIFUL PAT terns i n standard size awnings, ready for installation with rods, screws, etc. Two feet six inches, $1.25. Three feet, $1.35. Three feet six inches $1.50. Clark Hardware Co. tf22p rooms with OR WITHOUT meals, hot and cold water. Rea sonable rates. Phone 772-J. 850 West Warren. 3t 4p | THE BEST DRAIN TILE • and Terra Cotta Pipe, see Z. J. Thompson Lumber Co.. phone ! 107. tf 19e COTTON SEED: FARM RELIEF pure stock. Selected and reclean ed. Staple excellent. Limited amount for sale. C. S. Young, Shelby. N. C. tf Wed 15c j WILL PAY CASH AT FALL8TON and Casar stores for all country cured hams. Hall W. Tillman. Falls ton. tf wed 15c MR. FARMER INVESTIGATE THE liberal benefits contained in our farm implement and automobile accident policy. Anyone can afford to own this policy which costs but $2.00 a year. Come in and let us explain it to you. J. S. Willard, General .Agent. Finance Building. Shelby, N. C. tf wed 15c CO U N T R Y SIDE meat. Hamrick’s Grocery. lte FOR SALE3 BOS TON Terrier. Three months old. male. Also week old pups. O 1 s b v at Wool j worth. lt-6c MOTHER’S DAY CANDIE8: NOR ris and Russell McPhall, 25c to $3.50. Delivered anywhere. Phone; 2. Austin-Comwell Drug Co. 2t 6c i STRAYED: WHITE AND BLACK' spotted female setter. Half black head. B. M Jones, Lattlmore. ltp USE ELECTRIC SPREAD-ON FOR stopping leaky roofs. This mater ial In built up roofs will last four times as long as the common run material. See O. V. Hawkins, ltc FOR SALE: GOOD MULE.‘ FAIR condition. Bargain to quick buyer. B. B. Wellmon, R-3, Shelby. 3t 16p FOR RENT CHEAP~: STORE building and fixtures in South Shelby. Call John McClurd, phone 3- 3t Ic FOR RENT—TWO VERY AT tractive, furnished or unfurnish ed rooms. Telephone 727-J 3t-4p ALUMINUM SPREAD-ON IS~THE greatest hit for leaky roofs and will last ten or more years, only one-third volatile matter used In ordinary materials. Made of Chin ese Tongue Oils and other ma terial and remains soft and pli able under hottest sun rays and sudden contractions. See G. V. Hawkins. ltc MOTHER’S DAY CANDIES: NOR rls and Russell McPhall, 25c to $3.50. Delivered anywhere. Phone 2. Austin-Cornwell Drug Co. 2t 6c IP YOU LIKE THE HABIT OP painting your house every three to five years don’t buy electric peerless house paint, it lasts from three to five years longer under test. See O. V. Hawkins. ltc STRAYED OR~ STOLEN « GREY colored male German police dog, answers name of Fritz. Notiry B H. Yaroboro, at Zeb’s Barber Shop. 3t lp MOTHER’S DAY CANDIES; NOR rfc> and Russell McPhail, 25c to $3.50. Delivered anywhere. Phone 2. Austin-Comwell Drug Co. 2t 6c FOR RENT: TWO UNFURNISH ed rooms. Apply after 5 o’clock, 205 S. DeKalb street. Mrs. Dewey Bridges. 2t 6p VTS7T ROBERTS AND ELLIOTTS Barber Shop and Lunch Room, S. LaFayette St. 6t 6c I HAVE AN IDEAL LOCATION for swimming pool on my farm near Beth-Ware scjiool, just off highway No. 20, between Shelby and Kings Mountain. If interested write or see W. J. Hoy. 501 N. La Fayette St., Shelby. Up FOR SALE AT BARGAIN: ONE Lester player piano; also one Singer sewing machine. See E. Q. Lee at Reinhardt Grocery. 2t 6c C A BBAGEPLANTS. Hamrick Bros. Ser vice Station. 2t-6p KERO-FUEL FOR OIL STOVER Smokeless and odorless. Quick de livery in any quantity. Phone 9143. Shelby Kero-Fuel Co. 2t 6p DEMONSTRATORS WANTED, , see Mrs. Floye Ferguson. Cleve land Hotel,, for interview. 2-6p LOST A POINTER BIRD DOO: white and liver spots. Reward. Hawkins Bros. Phone 477. ltp WE HAVE A COM plete line of Woods Tested Garden Seed. Morgan and Co._3t-lc FOR SALE: A HALLETT AND Davis inter-player piano. See Mrs. RicKbourg, 362 S. IaFayette street. 2t 6c TOMATO PLANTS now ready, 30,000 which have been transplanted. Ham rick Service Station. Highway No. 2 0, West. 2t-6p Eight-year-old Virginia Weidler’s modesty almost nipped her movie career in the bud. When Virginia was three, she refused to play a part because she had to remove her stockings in front of the camera. Railroads Lower Fare Under Protest WASHINGTON, May 6.—Railroad passengers throughout the country were assured today of new low fares —for a time at least. A group of major eastern rail roads Which have vigorously ob jected to an Interstate Commerce commission order slashing fares fil ed new rates in conformity with the order, but served notice they would challenge it In the courts. Of the major eastern roads only the Baltimore & Ohio was not a party to the schedules filed today. It already has conformed with the commission ruling and will not at tack it in court. Effective June 2, the ICC pre scribed fares of 3 cents a mile in Pullmans and 2 cents a mile in coaches. The present fares are 3.6 cents for both classes of transpor tation plus a Pullman surcharge of approximately four-tenths of a cent. In fixing the new fares, the ICC ordered the surcharge eliminated. At the outbreak of the World war, James Watson Gerard was United States ambassador to Germany. LIGHT - USED CARS - FINANCED BY - Rogers Motors *-* Catawba Resident Commits Suicide HICKORY, May 8.—Apparently despondent over a heart ailment from which he suffered, Bascom L. fBrack) Pearson, 38-year-old furniture factory foreman, commit ted suicide by firing a rifle bullet through his heart «t his early Monday morning. noljc#* ported. No Inquest was q, 1 essary. ^ > Pearson was said to have vj wife Sunday that he "woumRi l:ere much longer” and J Instructions about disposition !#! property. 01 ■ CMew you am affor) Qautine, Socially Gomel ENGRAVED STATIONERY At Thm Price*, Why Buy Imitations? Genuine engraving is the socially correct thing for business sta tionery—the dignified, impressive medium for business or professional use. Now—at these amazingly low prices there is no need to be satisfied with imitation engraving or common place printing. AIL PRICES IN THIS AD VERTISEMENT INCLUDE THE COST OF ENGRAVING THE PLATE. At the Lowest Pries* Ever Offered Anywhet*! VISITING CARDS 100 Paneled card*, choice oi 4 cp - » *trta* of engraving, plate only-iij WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS OR INVITATIONS On white or ivory stock—wedding at tin* finish. Inside and outside envelop**^ plate included __ ( SOCIAL STATIONERY Special styles far men and worn*-!, i choice of lovely colors, monogram* sad ityles of engraving, plate included .... $2.25, $3.95 and np BUSINESS STATIONERY 500 business cards or Bond letterheads (8'/rill or 7WxlOW), plate in duded, only___ gjj. STAR PUB. CO. SHELBY, N. C. PHONE n BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd IT'S A SHAME' I RECKON! —. A^*RrJ!i£rtLV STOREKEEPER IN TOWN T SLIP OFF THIS AWAY BUT ITS THE ONLY DADBLAMEO WAY T SIT AWAY FROM CUSTOMERS an* PATIENTS AN 'ANYHOW WHEN WA&r^rgf^KSOT IN THE* HABIT O DOIN' THIS AN' NOW I CANT ENJOY FISH IN' NO OTHER WAY.1! HEY CAD WE’ll RUN FOR THAT BUNCH O’ BUSHES AN If ANY BODY catches us ydu throw A FIT EC FAINT EC SUMPTHIN* AN* ru. do TH' rest mnnn Physicians Prohibited From Operating Pharmacies >MTH INTENT TO RID MEDICINE 2L*iNSCRUPULOUS practitioners, FREDERICK H, KING OF SICILY, IN 1240 PROHIBITED PHYSICIANS FROM 2JKRS* ®us,NESS WITH PHARMA CISTS OR OWNING APOTHECARY SHOPS. THIS LAW HAS BEEN ACCEPTED N.RP'NOPLE THROUGHOUT MOST OF THE WORLD* , „ iM J £ / V IMPEDIMENT THE L'ATIN WORD *PES»froaf) <5Wl JJJf 5S!2^NS“iMPEDIRE"CTO ENTAN6U 2»UK&lt*TC& ANY ENTANGLE-' MENT BECAME “IMPEDIMENTUM.” SfNTUAUY THE ENGLISH “IMPEDI MENT^ CAME TO MEAN ANY OB STRUCTION —-— * SPEECH * 1W bj umiiL THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE You’ve Got The Wrong Address! By E. C. SEGA* » I'M L00KIN6 FOR GUV NftMED POPEVE IWftNT TO BREftK I ^HlSNECK j—7—^ IS THERE PsWTRlHG\ l Cm DO FOR NOO, MV GOOD HPH? WES ISttV Nf\ME- I'M OHE OF THE JOKES piga S.BOVS J Hr% lOELL.THEH, IWWT TO SEE ft FELLOW 8 V THE, NftME OF UMMPV? *" _> JONES lOON'T OO* I'M SUPPOSEO Yo HN-P-K\LL (\ 60W j N&tHEO UJIMPY SNVTHlSN'fX listen, jones-vm lookin' fop ft) JEEP .UMftrrEVER TRftT IS - IS there ft JEEP„ (f ^(ftROONP HERE?/—s -V7 A JEEP ? ER-UM Nf\NE-rh ONE OP THE SfHVTH s—l GIRLS r-"' He’* Hot And TheyVe Cold. * IOOGHTA LAV ME FlSt<\ UN'ER WIMPV’S NOSE. HsN* MAKE HIM tell he UJHAT HE KNOWS ftBOOT OEEPS* j~' -y—^ CHttZELFUNT SEW ME \ HERE TO STEM, A PEEP-' LISTEN, PONES, ARE VOU SURE THERE fVN'T PEEP AROONP ,. rAPE£P> , ^MH-LETMt [THINK <3 SfsV-UJHAT’S JHIS "THINS?) raTuc^Sr7/ WE GOT ft N. A DON'T WrvNT OnrSvMSe "CS^nA 6000 NOTION) V THE MOTT ^ 7^°° RVTO 6lUE V0U)^> COME ON. ft BftO OQGGV i—n TO MISTER/<5K JONES, SH0*l " ~^r \SLftfcjP' me TrtMy

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