SOCIETY NEWS.... Mrs. Renn Drum, Editor lira. Dram la on duty all-da; at The Star office and can be reached by Star Telephone No. 4-J. Personal and social items must be telephoned In not later than 10 a. m. on press morninae. COUNTRY CLUB PLANS LUNCHEON ON FRIDAY The Country club luncheon will he held Friday at 11 o'clock. AH members and out of town visitors are expected to gather at that time. EASTERN STAR PICNIC THURSDAY A Robert Morris day picnic will he held in the form of a wiener meat, next Thursday evening at the Hamrick swimming pool on highway 20. All members of the Eastern Star and#masons in the Aunty are invited to meet at the Masonic temple at 6:30, bringing With them wieners, rolls or water METHODIST CHOIR ENJOYS OUTING About 30 members of the choir of the Central Methodist church en joyed a delightful outing last even ing at the summer home of Dr R M Courtney, pastor, between Mor ganton And Lenoir. They were joined at the beauti ful grounds by some 16 other peo ple in that community. The choir esng several numbers and after several games and Contests a sup par was served. The large table was placed an the lawn and was cen tered with mixed flowers. Lemon ade and cider were served with the A sunken ship goes directly to the bottom, no matter how deep the ocean may be. The enormous pressure at great depths does not retard the stnMng vessel. PALLSTON PEOPLE RETURN PROM MOUNTAIN MOTORING Mr. and Mrs. Velus Wright and Idles Minnie Wright have return ed to their home at Fallston after A very pleasant motor trip through the mountains of Western Carolina Iff way of Brevard. Franklin, Way nesville and Asheville. En route they stopped for a short visit with Tubby Wright at Brevard college. RIDE CARNIVAL OFFERS COUPONS TO THE KIDDIBS Large crowds are attending the tide carnival to the rear of the oity hall, where the Partlow riding de vices arc operating under the aus pices at the American Legion. Co operating with the youngsters of the the city, the legion is sponsor ing a matinee Thursday and Fri day. offering a coupon In today's Star whjsh with five cents will give anp child under 16 a ride. Wm, N. Blanton III In Sovtii Shelby WRglam H. Blanton, age 80 years, fe seriously Ml at the home at his m, Uanh Blanton, in South Shear. n condition has been «nvw Pop i hem anna r and mem idly arc ait his bed S» and momentar HURON SOCIAL ARAKS ENJOYED Water Cutting; Two 8. 8. to Ths 8ta*i) A«g. 86.—Among those to our community are and Max Phillips, pa th* Shelby hospital. Mrs. , toft to much improved and to ntmn from the lAneotn towftsfl a* an early date Mi*. W. If. Whitaker .Mrs. D. D. Dodd and Misses Rebecca Dodd and m Jean Ki&aid spent Friday todftt # the home of Mr. and Mrs 0. T Stamey of Polkville and at wadad the EIHott reunion tori. Ltofcie Blanton of Greenville iptot the week-end with Mrs j C. Dodd. Mr. and Mrs T. F. Jenkins en tertained Mm men's Bible class and their wives at their home Thurs day afternoon with an ice cream tupper and watermelon slicing Mr and Ifra. TTuadale of Hick erv and Mr. Mtd Mrs. Claude Dodd of Greenville vUtted Mr. and Mrs. D D. Dodd Sunday. Mrs. W. B, Dodd, chairman of recreation entertained the young peoples division with a social at her home Friday night , The Joy Workers class had a joint meeting with the young ladies class of Beaver Dam church at the home of Mrs Homer Hamrick Tuesday night. After the meeting swim ming was enjoyed and refresh ments ware served. A number of young people en joyed • watermelon slicir* at the " [ «f Mr. end Mrs P A. smith t. This occasion w*a in honor of thetr son. Htoert's ^MISS LONDON ENTERTAINS CLUB Members of the Eleven-and-One bridge club and a few invited guests were entertained last even ing by Miss Wilma London. Bowls of mixed flowers wore artistically arranged about the house. When scores were added at the close of the evening, it was found that Mrs. Ruth Waldrop Bright scored high among members and Mrs. Edna Earle Grigg among visitors. Mrs. DcWitt Crawford wfen low score prize. Visitors of the club were Miss Grigg, Mrs J B Ellis and Miss Sarah Tyson. Miss London was assisted in pass ing refreshments plates by Miss Olene Ixrndon. COUNTY AGENT'S OFFICE i FORCE HAS PICNIC The office force of the county agent and a few outside friends, enjoyed a swimming party and pic nic supper last evening at the Ham rick swimfning pool. The party Included: the county agent, John Wilkins and Mrs, Wil kins, the assistant agent, John Reitzel and Mrs. Reilzel, F. A, Boyles, member of the county ag riculture committee, and Mr and Mrs, Matt O'Shields, Mr. and Mrs. j Tom Harris, Mrs. Thelma Hopper Smith, Mrs. Paul Blatiton and lit | tie son, Bobby, Misses Mary Ted der, Charlene Gold and Esther Ann Quinn and Wtf&n Washburn. Paul Wilson and Bill Groome. | Laymen Will Meet In Shelby Circuit A laymen’s meeting of Shelby circuit will be held at El Bethel church next Sunday. A J Kirby of Gastonia, district lay leader will be there and speak at 11 o'clock All churches on the charge are urged to come with good representation and with well-filled baskets, for a good day together. After dinner a round-table dis cussion will be, held The announce ment was made by Rev. J. N. Wise, circuit leader. Townsend Is Happy To Spend Million On Old Age Plans CLEVELAND, Aug. M——Dr PranfcLs E Townsend, advocate of *200-a-month pensions for the aged, testified in a deposition hearing in Connection with the receivership suit against his organization that more than a million dollars has been spent in organizing Townsend dubs in the United States. Ben F. Sacharow, counsel for the Rev. Alfred J. Wright, ousted di rector and plaintiff in the suit, stated that his investigation of the Townsend organisation books in Chicago showed a balance of $25. 915. Sacharow claimed that $1, 250,000 had been collected since the inception of the movement in 1934. "Would you tell us what happen ed to that money?" Sacharow ask ed the pension leader. "That's a sensible question," Dr. Townsend said. "I’ll be glad to an swer. We organized 9,000 separate clubs throughout the United States with that money and have accom plished more than has ever been done with a like amount. We’re proud of that record.” At The Theatres Showing at the Carolina today only is "Forgotten Face*,” with Herbert Marshall and Gertrude Michael. It's the story of a man hating, as few men hate, the wom-! an he once loved Short subjects complete the program. Thursday and Friday, Randolph Scott and Frafices Drake will be seen in "And Sudden Death,” supported by Tom Brown, Billy Lee and Furay Knight. The Webb theatre to showing to day “The Postal Inspector” with Rtrardo Cortes and Patricia Ellis. Also comedy, news and cartoons on the same bill. "His Brother's Wife," opens a two days engage ment Thursday at the Webb with Barbara Stanwyck and Robert I Taylor "pits Is another W. S. Van ; Dyke directed picture. Also Jean Hersholt Is in the same cast. Short subject* on the same program. KILLED FOR PROPOSING NEGOTIATING WITH REBELS HENDAYE. France, Aug. M.—A nationalist leader in San Sebas tian was reported executed last nlRht by Socialist, government sup porters because of proposals that a truce be sought with Fascist in the Bay of Biscay sector. The svrup from spiced peach#* or pears when poured over baked ham or roast pork give* added flavor. | Pleasant Ridge Personal News HarprW Birthday; Minm Brooks Entertain Voting People. « i (Special to TTie Star.) PLEASANT RIDGE, Aug 26 - Several from this community at tended the alnging by the orphan children at Mooresboio Saturday night. Misses Bernice and Eunice Brooks entertained the young people of the community with a party Wednes day night. Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Ramsey and children, Prances and Joseph, and Mrs. Ramsey’s sister of Knightdale and Mrs. Judy Ramsey of Char lotte visited Mr. and Mrs. D. R McSwdln a part of las tweek. Mr. Ramsey accompanied by Prances and Joseph Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs. McSwain motored to Asheville where Mr. Ramsey was a delegate to the Junior Order convention. Mr. and Mrs. John Jones attend ed the wedding of Etta Jones and Harlan Branton Sunday morning. The neighbors and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore surprised them with a birthday dinner Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. George Lookadoo and son, Emmett and Mr. and Mrs Lewis McSwain and family were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shelton McSwain. Mr. and Mrs. Foy Webb, Miss Velma Webb, and Mr. and Mrs. Vemoon Webb took a trip through Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Hamrick nad daughter, Mary Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Poy McSwain and daughter, Caro lyn and Mr. and Mrs. Thor Ram sey were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McSwain and Mrs. Lola Mc8wain A. C. Brooks and Mrs. Winifred McSwain are on the sick list. OPERATOR OP ROADHOUSB IS SENTENCED TO ROADS GASTONIA. Aug. 24—B. C. Black, operator of a roadhouse on the new Gastonia-Kings Mountain highway and a repeater in Gaston county superior court on liquor law violation charges, was ordered com pacted to the roads for 18 months Dy Judge T. B. Finley In superior court here on two such counts, and given suspended sentences In two other eases. Dave Smukler, football star tab bed by Pop Warner, Temple uni versity coach, as greater than Thorpe, has left Temple Smukler had a year of eligibility left. PERSONALS Messrs. J. L. Lackey, Z. 4. Thompson, Blum Kendall and For rest Crowder returned last night from Dallas. Texas where they at tended the Texas Centennial. Mrs. D D Hambright entered the Shelby hospital yesterday and had an operation for the removal of her appendix She Is getting along nice-j Mrs B. R. Dellinger. B. R Dellin ger. Jr. and Miss Catherine Span gler returned Monday after spend ing some time at Carolina Beach. While away they visited Mr. and Mrs. C S Bolick at Burgaw. Funeral services will be held to morrow at Anniston. Ala , for Mrs.; E. H. Hanna who died last night at Louisville, Ky., at the home of her daughter. Mrs. R B. Carpen ter. Miss Mary Hannah of Shelby, technician at the local hospital for the past four years went to her mother’s bedside in Louisville last Saturday and will go to Anniston for the guneral. Mr. and Mrs Ward Arey. Jr. spent last week at Virginia Beach, coming back by Wilson and spending the week-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Sid Chappel and Mr. Chappel. They were accompanied home by Miss Virginia Warllck of Burling ton. who is their house guest this week. Mrs. D H Cline and daughters. Janie. Lillian, and Mary Annie and son, Marshall, went to Woodlin Monday to visit relatives. Janie and Lillian wdll go from there to Co ran e Beach to attend a house party for several days. Mrs. W. J. Arey, Ward Arey and Will Arey. jr.. are visiting relatives at Jefferson City, Harrisonburg and Staunton, Va., this week. Dr. H. C. Dixon is sick this week with influenza and Is at his home in the county. C. K. Jones has purchased the Mrs Addie Ware property on West Warren street from Tom Cornwell. He will begl nat once remodeling the house where he and his family will live. Cheater Lint Sold CHESTER, S. C., Aug. 36.—Ches ter's first bale of 1936 cotton was market here by Ambrose W. Wrenn of Orrs Station, eastern Chester county at 14 cents a pound. It was bought by Allen Cotton company. NEW VERSIONS OF FALL SUEOES LASTS WRAY’S PRESENTS • PRE-TESTED ON LIVING MODELS 8/IW8 eo«r to new heights of smartness with WRAY’S knowing em. lw^rV^S£3irrreCitneSS*K°r Ml S,ylcs that P°rt,ay th« youthful trend ? “2*"* ffe Krowin* imP«rtance of costume de^ ofTlhw materials and workmanship—combine to create a truly new aoeuiatS?*? “ ”yn^hronized to ever> motion of the foot and so eKK. T ,r?LWidlh"SO carefully proportioned to your :Zh'^ L° P^ion-fif that makes WRAY’S Shoes literally “walk with . wr reel hi tw ihost smartly satisfying manner. ^41 artM eft 2*^8 and ^,95 DE LUXE GRADE $4.95 lo $6.95 J Complete Range of Sizes and Widths 4 Mill Westbrook To Wed David Harry GROVER. Aug. 25—Mis* Vir ginia Cate* was hostess at a lovely party at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Leroy Cates Satur day afternoon. The attractive home was thrown en suite and tastefuly arranged with mixed flowers. The guests were greeted upon arrival by the hostess’ mother, Mrs. Cates. After a short time in general "get-to-gether” conversation, Mrs. Cates entered with a paper bag ‘quite alive.” Upon investigation a cat leaped froqi the b^g, and around its neck it bore this mes sage: “The cat is out of the bag Devid and Gladys are to wed in October.” The announcement of the approaching wedding of Miss Gladys Elliott Westbrook ana Da vid Harry, of Grover, came as a surprise to Miss Westbrook’s many friends. Much merriment followed the announcement. The afternoon was spent in bridal contests of many sorts. Misses Sara Cooksey snd Anlmeda Byers were the lucky winners of the contests. They were presented attractive prizes by the hostess, which they in turn pre sented to the bride-elect. A color motif of yellow and green was beau tifully carried out on the refresh ments plates consisting of salad. sandwiches. Iced punch and cakes. Those enjoying this happy af fair were Misses Gladys Westbrook, Grace Westbrook, Sara Westbrook, Mrs. Robert Westbrook. Misses Polly Nisbet, Pauline Hambrlght, j Beth Bridges. Ruby Wilson, Au gusta Scott, 3ara and Elizabeth j Cooksey, Grace Bridges, Margaret ! Cheek, Wilma Gettys, Jeanette ' j Harry, Alloe Weber, Elizabeth j Piexleo, Dorothy Blalock and Ani-! nieda Byers, Mesdames Bryce1 Quinn, Harvey London, George! Dempsey, C, F. Munn of York, John I Clary and Mrs. Cates.—Gaffney I Ledger. SAY NEED OF CHRISTIAN J LEARNING NEVER GREATER RIDGECREST, Aug 26 —The edu cational commission of the South ern Baptist convention reported at its closing session here that the need for Christian education in the ! United States was never more acute than today. ----— ! ANNUAL SINGING MEET PLANNED AT MULLS CHAPEL The annual singing concert will be held at Mulls Chapel Friday night of this week, with C. P. Gard i her as director. Nolan Howlngton, la ministerial student, will speak. Young Farmer) P],„ A Farm Study Ton, The point of Interest at the m**. ing of the Cleveland-Gaston eration of Young Tar Heel Fj^ ers held In the Cleveland county court house Wednesday AlJt 19 was a combined recreation u4 education trip for the orgam?at|oa_ Several point* of interest were 4* cussed, including: Coker'j ^ farm. Hartsvllle. S. C.; poim« terest near Asheville soil ron5ff] vation work. High Point: and the State Fair, rh* group favored the trip to the State Fair but they *11 not decide until each local chapter has a chance to vote. The ohapL are located at Lattiwore, Polkvin Piedmont, No. S and Tryon in 0,' ton county. Falls Reunion Not To Be Held Saturday The Falls reunion scheduled t. be held Saturday at the home of Squire J. Z. Falls has been p*. I poned on account of the ill health of Mr. Falls. If his condition im. I proves, it is planned to hold thi ' reunion later. BACK TO SCHOOL NEEDS FOR THE HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE BOYS AND GIRLS SHOES Oxford and dress shoes in suede, calf skins and kid leathers. All sizes and widths. Colors, black, brown, navy, green and London tan. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 Wool Dresses A beatiful selection of wool dresses that makes your wardrobe complete. Peplum and tunic styles included. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 SWEATERS All wool sweaters, twin sets, etc., in the loveliest of colors; rust, green, brown, navy, blue, wine, black 98c $1.98 $2.98 COATS i Now is the time to buy your fall and winter coats. The new fabrics, the new styles are all found in our great selection $9.95 $14.95 OTHERS AT_$39.50 RAINCOATS You will be wishing for / some real rain when you buy these new rain coats. New tweed effects, checks, plaids are all included in our selection $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 SHOES For the boy at school. Thera is nothing more important in his apparel than com fortable, good looking, long wearing shoes $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 PANTS » 100 per cent worsted pants, corduroy, striped, plaids, solid colors and serges can be found here. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 SUITS M Fine quality fabric, excel lent workmanship. A full selection of regular sizes for the hard-to-fit; slims and stouts, double breasted ingle breasted, sport backs and plain backs $14.95 Pig Skin Jackets Leather pig-skin jacket* with new sport backs, zip per front, just what you need for class room and campus wear $4.95 RAINCOATS New trench and suede rain coats that look and fee! lik* top coats. Guaranteed to be waterproof $1.98 $2-98 $3.98 COHEN’S