The Star Want Adv. Rate* I on, cent » word Pro-speets ready to lf Prlw> is reasonable. List ;"ur farm land with us. No . arep if 'I'1 not sell Anthonv "nti Anthony. Jtp rr nI ,CALLY NEW WARDROBE 311 j ^ MlP at a b*rfrf,ln' Phone 3t 5p fBa"rkDR BEAUTY SHOPPE. OLD irsp.mBj.‘ dlne' Phone 9146 Per* .. 1 r’Q t0 *7 50 Money back fla, i ''f Gpo Crotts, Mgr. Spe Croquinol *2.95. 5-25p 'Iff '56J movE~QUICKLY 25 a L andarri mak#* of radio* «k tu 3 5lnn and table mod i? 4rf b=m* sold Pnreri ». m A'1 condition t* “ “ --*'"rf 31 30c , DodB'> sedan, one goo* trailer and ihrr','1 " automobil« radios Willie 10USP sets. Buddii 1 Hn,ti Service Station. __ 5t 30 liS Uif , ROOFINGS en b'r Co nhnZ,„ w.Jh.?mpSOn Lum b»r Co Thompson Lur «ten Ph°ne 107- **• Washlngt. tf 2i ANTEn TQ guy *.. k,nds cast iro Ji]1'" >11 Pay stai F f ?nces- Shelh in 5h y and Macl ne bhoP- 4tM21 MONUMENTS! IN BUYING GET the best material and class of work at right prices. Write F. s.j Beam, Gastonia, N. C., route 3 or' phone county 3321. Agent for Carolina Marble and Granite Company. tf He ll 00 RINEX FOR ASTHMA AND hay fever, 79c. Austin-Oornweli Drug Co. tf 16c PREST - O - LIT E Batteries as low as $4.95. The Auto Inn. Phone 832. tf9c ACCIDENTS STRIKE T X 1, lightning, when you least expect Accident insurance guaia.,: your salary. Insure your earning Protect all. J. S Willard, Finam v Bldg., Shelby, N. C. tf 23c i BUY Y0TiR~ GAS & Oil at The Auto Inn. Low prices on first grade Gas & Penn. Oil. Phone 832. tf9c A GUARANTEED INCOME WHILE sick or injured and unable to work costs but a few pennies a dav. Insure your earnings. Pro test all. J. C..Willard, Finance Bldg., Shrlb. . N. C. tf 23c FOR RENT: FURNISHED APART ment, includes three rooms, breakfast room and bath, first floor. Good location. Call 4-J. 3t 5p BUILDING LOTS ON PAVED streets with water, electric lights, sewerage, in desirable neighbor hood. Cut to suit your require ment and at prices extremely reasonable. C. S. Young. tf 18c FOR RENT: TWO CONNECTING offices, one a comer room in Fi nance Building. Second floor, steam heat. water and Janitor! service. Fred W. Blanton, tele-1 phone 413. 3t 2c j CASH PRICES PAID FOR GOOD used furniture. See Herman Best! at Best Furniture Co. 3t-2c 1 FOR SALE: NEW MODERN SIX room brick veneer house, with large brick garage. 3 1-3 miles north of Shelby on highway No. 18. C. M. Weathers. 3-30p FOR RENT: TWO ADJOINING rooms. Also four room apart ment, hardwood floors. steam heat, hot and cold water. See Mrs. A. P. Weathers, phone 54. 2t 2c j LOST: SUNDAY, POCKETBOOK containing about nine dollars.' Tom Bryant, Indianapolis, Ind. If found return to Star office and receive reward. ltp FOR SALE-USED DINING ROOM furniture in excellent condition. Call 4-J. 3t 2p FARM FOR- SALE: 100 ACRES, ten miles of Kings Mountain, ob York hard surface highway, fair buildings, near school and church, 1-2 in cultivation. balance in wood land. Price $21 per acre;; $1,500 FederrJ Land Bank, $600 cash. J. B. Nolan Co. 2t 2c FOR ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES and wiring materials and for re pairs on ranges and appliances, phone 428. Gardner Electric Co., opposite Western Union. Prompt service all hours. tf 2c NOTARY PUBLIC AT THE Star Office. tf31p FOR RENT: NICE STEAM HEAT ed offices in Royster building. See S. S. Royster. tf 28c FOR SALE: TWO HIGH CLASS . registered pointer bitches. Write “E. T. C.,” care of The Star if interested. tc WHEN YOU WANT PEAS threshed, by new machine, see H. C. Whisnant or F. Bates Blanton. Phone through Lattimore. 3t-30p FIRE BRICK7~FIRE CLAY, flue lining. Z. J. Thompson Lum ber Co., phone 107. tf 17c FARM FOR SALE 108 ACRES practically level land, good sand clay road, one mile from hard: surface road, extra good house.1 two barns, good orchard and pasture. 90 acres in cultivation. Price 14,500. Pay one-third cash. I balance in Federal Land Bank. J. B. Nolan Co. 2t 2c DUE TO PROMOTION, WE CAN use a wide-awake capable man to call on our customers in Cleve land and Lincpln counties. Good' consistent earnings, and oppor- j tunlty for advancement Write' Fuller Brush company, Charlotte, N. C.; giving qualifications. j 3t *c I ________i TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for rent. Nice neigh-j borhood and good house. One block of court square. Apply at The Star. tfj ROOSEVELT GETS MAJORITY IN STRAW VOTE AT INC CHAPEL. HILL. Oft. 4 - Members of Prof. E. j. Woodhouse's class In municipal government at the Uni versity gave President Roosevelt an overwhelming majority In a straw vote conducted this week. Of the 86 members of the class, 66 favored Roosevelt. 16 were for Lon don one for Lemke and two apiece for Thomas and Browder. IHREE ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment for rent. Call 229. 2t 5C WILL SELL OR TRADE: HAVE very attractive 9 room modern residence, heat. 2 baihs. in de sirab’e section. 2 1-2 miles square, will trade for 0 room dwelling within 6 blocks of square. An thony and Anthony. ltp FOR RENT: FURNISHED APART ment, two rooms, kitchenette and bath. Phone 419 2t 5c FOR SALE: HEATROLA THAT'S almost new. -Heals two rooms, i Equipped complete. A steal if you bu*r quick. Phone 309-J. 2t. 5c NOW’S THE TIME to buy your coal. Call Lutz - Yelton Coal Co. for best coal at low prices. ! Phone 832. tf9c i HOW'S yawi HEALTH Pf. i*i* Prevention Of Dental Deray There is an old and homely ditty that runs, "for want of a nail the shoe was lost, for want of a shoe the horse was lost.” The sense of this ditty hits its application in the sphere of health. For not infrequently because of a ' want" as comparatively insigni- I ficant as ttie nail, health and even life may be lost. Infection following a cut, bruise or puncturd would is a frequent de velopment. Medicine looks upon any break in the Integrity of the body's coverings (inner as well as outer)) as a potential source of danger. Decayed teeth reprent a hazard ous break in the body's covering, sites at which bacterial Invasion can and does take place. Because dental decay is so very common, and because, expect for toothache, the consequences of the bacterial invasion are not at one patent, most people consider the condition one of comparatively little import ance. Medical opinion, however, cites dental decay as one of the major health problems of today. And m gals HIM NW Vert j Aoubrnr *' VWilw* i since there Li no hope of ever solv-1 ing It by dental treatment— fillings' and extractions—attention has been ! focused on the prevention of dental decal. In this field we have not attain- j ed to a complete mastery of all the j problems Involved, but rather aub-1 stantlal progress has been mad« In establishing the relation of diet to dental carles. This Is brought out in a noteworthy recent report Is sued by the Medical Research Council of England on the Influ ence of diet on cartes in children's teeth. In substance the conclusion of the report are: There is no definite evidence that diet has any effect on the struc ture of the permanent teeth, but a high vitamin D Intake before the full eruption of the permanent teeth has a significant effect In reducing the development of caries in such teeth after eruption. “The investigations show conclu sively that a relatively high vita-1 min D content of food can do much1 to diminish the incidence of caries! tf the vitamin of the teeth: that a| beneficial effect may be obtained if the vitamin is given at a fairly late stage of development; and that even when given after the eruption of the teeth the onset and spread of caries is delayed." In the praetieval application of these findings is implied the intake of adequate amounts of vitamiin D -as cod liver oil, haliver oil or, vtosterol, by the pregnant woman, and the Inclusion of the same in the diet of the young child. S Mormons In Drive To Take Members Off Relief Rolls SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 5. An i unprecedented world-wide drive to I take all Its needy members “off | relief was proclaimed a success | by the Latter Day Saints church. Six months ago the church. | which flatly opposed any “pay I without work” for Its 750,000 mem bers, launched a program to make every able bodied member self-sup porting by October 1. White-bearded President Heber J. Grant hailed success of the plan, reading from a prepared state ment before thousands gathered In the great domed Mormon taberna cle for the faith’s semi-annual world conference. He linked the report with crttl jCiam of the Townsend pension plan. J government crop control, and a warning to avoid "political entan glements.” Under the church relief drive, land was leased. and the needy were provided with implements for tilling. Women's groups have made clothes and bedding. Members i AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT — SOLD AND FINANCED BY Rogert Motor* - I have contributed the financial [equivalent of two meals monthly to a special fund law After "Pistol Toters.’ MONTGOMERY, Ala Moving against organised crime, Alabama its requiring every "pistol loin" in j the xtate to obtain a license effec i tlve October 1, IMTTHKRFORn MAN DICK AT WEST IIKKORY HOME Funeral services lor James Cal vin Looks doo, 74. a native of Ruth erford county, who died at the home of a son, Garth lookadoo. In West Hickory Tuesday, were held at the home and at High Shoals Baptist church, near Cllffslde i Wednesday afternoon, r To Help ^ PREVENT manij colds VICKS VA THO NOl 6% INTEREST FOR MONEY ON TIME CERTIFICATE fi-MONTH8 NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL 5% 90-DAYS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL 4% 30-DAYS NOTICE PRIOR TO WITHDRAWAL M. St J. FINANCE CORPORATION ASSETS OVER $500,000.00 215 EAST WARREN ST. SHELBY, N. C BACK HOME AGAIN By Ed Dodd Corduroy Coodd " N MEDIEVAL FRANCE THE KING’S HUNTING TOGS WERE MADE OF A SPECIAL CORDED FAB RIC CALLED "CORD DU ROl” (KING’S CORD).FROM THIS WE GET THE NAME “COR DUROV*FOR THIS MODERN CORDED FABRIC. . Isle Or lost Sws MORE THAN *00 SHIPS HAVE BEEN LOST ON SABLE ISLAND QPT THE COAST OP NEW* FOUNDLAND ■— THE "ISLE OF LOST SWIM.” THIMBLE THEATRE—Starring POPEYE A Sanity Test. By E. C. I AST THE OEEP TO POINT in the direction where \K\N FIND ME DAD, AW no matter how the SH\P'S HEADED HE AIWAV6 ^popeve, i'll SET THE REASON THE JEEP fSUOfcVS POINTS TO THE BOOJ OF THE SHIP IS BECAUSE YOUR D*D IS STOUl)E0 AM)fV/ UP IN THE TORU)f\RO; \*OLQ^c V VES. THW'S THE &NSWE&.7 kMS WOMAN’S INT0\T10^ ^TELLS ME SO AH' ME GEN’UE’MMVS INSTINK TELLS ME VfR CRftTf, ^ WELL, JUST tHE Sf\ME I'M GOING TO LOOK ABOUND VJE KIN MftKE BftRNft&fc ISLAND ft HOUR OR «g ME NftME ftl^'T POOPDECK PftP PSV J TO-night WE'LL HOOK. * ft UFEBOftT NY THE WE OF US UMLL SNiP THE SHIP Peek-A-Boo! I JtXz SOON'b THE. CRtW'S ftSLEEP vou ftN ME ftN‘ CLARENCE WILE HOOR ft UFE- -< QOftT ftN* BE M >rm gone rmmr ~ i he*r voices"' IN THE FORUOf\RO HOLO— ILL SLIP V^UP THE.RE f i'Ll- HfWJZ Av LOOK OM OECk.POOKV, f\H' SEE IP THE ^ COfVbT IS x cllmv. Emm ** in* iiw r—i t • • ‘ Mk“ .»■ 10 5