Healt BY SUSAN USHER Brunswick County Board of Health mcTthcrc ctonrw?H ehnrf nf pnHnrcino a specific nursing home for the county Monday night, but unanimously recommended that when such a facility is built that it be located in the Supply area rather than a more southerly "growth loop". Across the county complex in the administration building, Brunswick County commissioners told representatives of Britthaven Inc. they didn't feel qualified to recommend a specific nursing home project based on the information available to them. Britthaven is one of six firms ap plying for a certificate to build up to 100 nut sing home beds in the county. TH Volume 23. Number S S /._ . _ V ' : r ^ r" ^ x ?. New Year' Although he arrived two days after Nichols wns the county's first baby i pound, three-ounce baby boy was boi Brunswick Hospital in Supply. Jer Nichols of Long Beach. They have a s was due on Dec. 27, Nancy said she ? her husband was hoping for a 1984 U baby was delivered by Dr. Kobert It Develops RY TERRY POPE Action taken by the Sunset Beach Planning Board Friday night will make way for a multi-million dollar conoominium, restaurant and marina development on a tract of land at Seaside J WILLIAM TAYLOR al TftT lV?floprufBO pmrclH a map (booing br o?n? a poruoo of the Wad sHecird by tbf mtag rhangr Ta>i?r (aid be au threatened to the parting lot alter (prating agatnit Ok taaiag change \ -M. w P? Mr-r. ? 41*. aa I a fi? Wa. -m.n~ -*W h Board Sugg Representatives Cathy Matthews and Glenn Potter pressed commissioners to reach some position on the proposals, but to no avail. Both the commissioners and board of health, meanwhile, bore the brunt Monday of complaints about relocation of a Jan. 16 public hearing on the nursing home proposals from Bolivia to Southport. There were charges?apparently unfounded?that the change was a deliberate effort to boost a proposal to expand Ocean Trails Convalescence Center at the expense of other located in the Bolivia to Shallotte corridor by making the meeting less accessible. Unanimous Vote ) Shi I9fli iMf HUNSWICK MACOW ?JC~ *r \ ...... "2^ _ V - "* ^ -V 'As /\v , sun fwotoiT TIMY ron s Baby Born 19S5 officially began. Jeremy Eugene lellvered for the new year. The sevenm Thursday. Jan. 3, at 1:20 p.m. at the rill J B [NilCUIB ill r ncvul ilUU S illHt econd child, Jason, 5. Although Jeremy as hoping (or a New Year's baby while aby in time lor "a tax deduction." The assler. 3r Plans Mu Howes-er, debate stemming from the proposed zoning change led to arguments in the parking lot of the town hall during a public hearing Friday night By unanimous vote, planning board members will recommend to the tewn council that an area zoned residential i mobile homes) be changed to commercial (mainland business l to allow construction of the ' estimated $12 million investment Ed I CxCT? ******" the CfllV ivu"y^t emimKor tri attend the public bearing, making another hearing on the matter necessary before the council votes on the zoning change. rWm /Uywlnew urKrt an isrvtirvi on a norfnm of th#? lurwl thai mooed asked that his segment re mam toned for mobile homes. After leading the dehatr agamyt the change. William Taylor of Til Development Inc. came back into the town hall and asked that someone call the police saying. "That man b threatening me outside " Taj iot wj tie would not lea ve the W. .*1^? WW ?*W S?t I k ? ? ? ? - -i k I *4 I lAUlOU^ U1IUI UK JA,"UV C OllieVU, UW T.,?w Uwwaw^. TV.n tl.^u U ?v?u fcv* lcf Jo his car. At a Dec. It planning boart lumu^, Sumui Cvtic 'J* CwJm [V. r icpsnmts in Seaside requester the tnnu^ change for the 2S acre: rvsjuiAJueci^Mrac i ests Supply L< After its two-hour discussion, the health board also voted to recorrv mend to Cardinal Health Systems Agency that it consider applicants' responses to four of five goal statements developed by the health department. The goal statement excluded was No. 4, which said that "based on future population growth projections, most patients, families, volunteers and nursing home advisory members would benefit by a nursing home located in the loop formed between Shallotte and Lockwood Folly." Beverly Enterprises of Rockville, Md., is the only firm that proposes to build in the Supply area, while three companies, Health Care anu ItcliicINSW ailotte, North Carolina, Tl Board Change BY SUSAN USHER Brunswick County Commissioners tightened the reins on county employees Monday night in a series of moves members said would increase accountability. They placed specific restrictions on employees and returned all administrative duties to the county manager, while returning Assistaiit County Manager John Harvey to fulltime duties as planning director. "Thif. board of commissioners is running Brunswick County and not individuals," Chairman Chris Chappell said after the meeting adjourned. "Thla the start of a number o( policies originating from this board. I mink you will are a lot more changes. We're setting policies we feel the people of Brunswick County (expect)". He warned some mistakes may be made as the recently-seaied board makes its moves. Beard members approved the scries of four motions by unanimous votes following a two-hour meeting behind closed doors. None of the policies tiad been discussed publicly beforehand, but there had been indications that changes were forthcoming. Greater control of and accountability by county government had been a recurring theme during the 1984 commissioners' campaign. Specifically the board: Directed Carter to order department heads to begin keeping employee time records, keeping track of what employees do and when The time sheets will be submitIti-Million In abutting the Intracoastal Waterway and KPR 1162 in Seaside. Cooke, who holds an option on the land owned by Joe Brooks Sr. and Joe Brooks Jr., said the 3a0-foc( section of waterfront property would be developed with a new restaurant condominium, tennis courts, swimming pool, marina and docking facilities. An amended map of the proposed area was presented Friday night to show that of the 24 acres a 193-foot ifTtlCT !f ''wwl hv Tavlnr vrhn recently purchased an option on the land. Board member Mary Allen i made a motion to recommend that only the area held by Cooke be changta VXD 1 kA.-U ??-W? Knnrri WcCall amended the motion to include Taylor's property as well James F. Howard, the Brooks family accountant from Southnort told the board there is a contract ready to sign for $1 million on the property, awaiting approval from the l town to have the area rezoned to business ; "The amount or money to be spent t in this area sill be ir, cscess of 110 I million." Howard said. "What you I have there now is a run dawn oyster i house and a fish house that is caving la. I "There is really only one question aa 1 5CT it Siiiititiug has ?v! tc he I done ui order to raise revenue for the l Brooks family." he added "Would i % i WON'T ENDORSE Dcation For N ment Corp. of America, Autumn Corp. and Britthaven, propose to build in or just outside the Shallotte town limits?in the described growth loop. One other applicant would ex paiiu an exisung oouuipon laciiliy, while the sixth would build near Bolivia. Chairman John Madison said the health board's intent was not to endorse a single facility, though he added that he could understand how some people might interpret the board's vote "in that direction". He said the board simply wants Cardinal to consider all these factors in reaching its recommendation to the N.C. Division of Facility Serrr|.-..-_ ?M -u ?r?n fVii- fir.S1. ? _ -? _ llffiUJ irif? lursday, January 10, 191 Fightens js In Pen ted to the clerk to the board monthly for review by commissioners and must be available at all times for commissioners to inspect. Most departments already keep some form of time records. Directed that all county employees must be residents of the county or must move their residence to the county within 60 days, contingent upon approval of the State Personnel Commission. There is a nuMiinn ax in wtteu>er >i*?- wussiy can make residency a condition of employment after the fact. Instructed Personnel Teclmican Debbie Greer to develop o Job description for water system direc??* uiith colnrv orarin on/1 rocrvrn. vw , ?v. ? . - j i o" ?* sibilities, referencing the position ol water plant supervisor presently held by Kenneth Hewett. Chappell said the board intends to make Hrweii tiiic-ivuT vf the he presently is part of the public- utilities department under County ling meet Dan Shields. Told Carter of their plans to meel individually with department heads Jan. 23, beginning at 1 pm after lunch. Appointments will be set ont hour apart but commissioners saic they would meet "as Song as it may take" to discuss county operations. When items relating to his or hei department are on the board's agen da, the department head is to be pre sent to address that item. During open session, Cartel distributed copies of his tentativi schedule during January, includinf out-of-county trips. Commissioner: vestment A you rather see an eight-acre mobile home Dark there?" Taylor asked the board to delay th< zoning change until more specif i< plans of the development ii presented to the board. However Mason Anderson, an attorney ant resident of Sunset Beach, informet the town that such action was illegal Pointing cut in the state statute; book, Anderson had planning boari Chairman Jiin Gordon read a sectia nl the law Anderson said it wa "time to set the record straight hate to sit here and see this It': ridiculous. You cannot sit here am pass a zoning change based on who the plans are tor the area " When Taylor asked Anderson i "he was hired to be here," Andersa replied. "No, sir." Taylor purchased an option or tin tract of land in the center of the are a5ec*ed by the zoning change "What happened there is I didn' own that piece of property," said Jo Brwiu Sr. One uc luy umo a uwtsr. it, cad Mr Taytor r-am+ in aruj or the ooti-rfi It's not anvthinf but hi comes in Ibere, works in there to in, aad try to prevent us from wha we're trying to do " Cooke said he had a verbal agrer rr^rr^ x th? an option." Cooke said. When asked if he wanted his seci tion t/i remain 'Ofied for nvrkoot Bl ??3 >- be bull! oa U>e land If the zoelec B change* are approved. I ,i iome responses to No. 4 were considered, with Health Care and Retirement Corp. of America rated third. The other goal statements addressed type and number of beds proposed, priorities of admission for county residents, accessibility to the waiting list and ine degree to wliich the facility's atmosphere would be like that of a residential home or a medical institution. Absent from the health meeting were Commissioner Frankie Aabc:i, who attended the commissioners' meeting going on at the same time, (See OTHER BUSINESS, Page J-A) SEE RELATED STORIES ON PAGE 2-A ~C i ; BINDERY ... | K-;/31/99 # ? | >py 20 Pages J > 1 h Dlicy dating the cuuuty's land use plan required under the Coastal Area Management Act and getting a building inspections program begun. The program will be an arm of the planning department. Continuing work with long-range planning for solid waste disposal will continue to be his responsibility, though Carter is taking an active role in discussions involving a possible joint incineration project with one or more eounHarvey was named "second in command" in the county chain of command March 20, 1981, and was named assistant county manager Keb. 11,1S62, retaining his duties as planning director. In June 1964 Carter recommended me ooara aiviac aunuriisirauve responsibilities between the two men, placing 11 departments under llarvey, and hiring a full-time planning director because of the load on Vjoi ri?psrtni?nt Thg board rejected that idea and maintained the statu* quo. llarvey wiii continue ct w?c muiv salary step and pay. Snake Ran Up Water Bill, Says Homeowner Sunset Beach property owner M B. iladley of Columbia, S.C. got bit by a snake in November. But the viper's tangs never tOtiCncu lib skin, and the venom was as harmless as water. It seems the misery began when Hadley received a November water bill from the Town of Sunset Beach to the tune of (111.12. That was quite a bit higher than the normal (8 per month minimum. And since his 3)st Street house had been unoccupied during November, Hadley set out from Columbia for Sunset. Once inside iiis house, Hadley Immediately discovered the problem ? a leaking toilet ? or a? least, so he thought. Upon removing the buck of the toilet, he recoiled at the sight of a snake in the basin. Hadley told town officials the snake had apparently made its vrav past a screen at the end of the pipe, and proceeded to set up | shop in the back of his toilet by > displacing the rubber stopper inside, | thereby creating the leak. In i !?! ? to memhers of town I council, Hadley explained his dilernI ma, noting that he had enclosed the $8 minimum, and requesting that the i Daij[H.x be oujubU1 by council | because of the circumstances involved. 1 WKiU lh? mutlrr rfrrivwl several I minutes o< discussion, council flatly I relerted the request, with one court cuman noting that the problem had sccansi sa llatSey's side of the water meter and another suiyjeitms; [ that tie incident never took place Mentors of council were uncertain an to what species of reptile may have made its way Into the HadJey heme, but wjffnHfr ??i/f Hs ?r?? sure ll must have sheen a water oneke. - - -f, T