Page Z-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEACI Lookin Real Estate Will TRADE restricted mountain homesiie ueui VVgvnssviiic Ccv^*?y C'"h for o suitoblo coastal lot. profor near golf course and/or beoch areo Weokends and after 7 p.m weekdays. 704 4 56 6564. Betsy G. Ferguson, owner-broker. Jan 31 , FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 bedroom, new smoll houso with Cothodral ceiling, deck, at Sholl Point Acres on 2 lots 50*100 $ 19.500. Ce!! ?54.JQI9 Feb 7 pd ? 9EPPOO". ? OATU in Bonoportc's Rotroot between Calabash ond Sunset Beach Control heat and air Utility building. Accoss to tennis court and pool. $34,000 Coll 919 58"-0*44 Jon 24 DEVEIOPMENT. Inc. Holden Beach Phone (919)842-6415, 842-6686 NIN IISTINCSI CHARLOTTE STSril 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, control heot'oir. factory oak cubinots all appliances. 2 covered porches, sundeck and large floating dock cedar lap siding o*torior. cedar walls interior $105,000 DOLPHIN DRIVE Canal lot with 3 bed room soplic tank permit avoilablo $41 000 7ND tOW DUPltX 6 bodrooms. 6 both*, located on 60*125 lot. Fx collont rontol unit All appliances, rantrnl hnnt/air lorao decks on waterway and ocoan sido. $97,500 oacli sido. uauk Aun unijii HOME! MAINLAND HOMI 1 mile from bear It 1.500 sq It Lot 120* 143. 3 bodrooms, 1% baths, brick vonoor oxtorior. hordwood floors, rocroational dock with outside brick grill. 2 wolls. fireplace with blowors all extras Outsido aforago building. $65,000 SUSMOtf tOAD 2 bedrooms 2 baths wrap around porch, lot sixo ou*i/u. beautiful woodod lot. 1.000 sq ft. Finanring to qualified buyor a! 12*. $42 000 HUttlCANI NAVIN Two bodrooms 1 V, baths. 1964 Homecrost. 10x60 mobilo homo ceniral ituui ^id olr, ondsr pinned and com|d<Afly^urnlshod Sub division has pollf tennis court boat romp aitd pier on IntrocoaMa! Water I tvey. S!7.00O (May he bought with 2 !o??). | KUMICANI HAVIN lwo b.Oro-jmv 1 both 12*60 Broodmore mobile Itomit %?>lf cleaning oven, completely furni?rt?ni iiaiuuiny umiipiouut una window treatment, ;ent;oi i ?*?_* una air Pool tonnl* court. boat romp and pior on lntroroa*tal Waterway $73,000 (May be bought with 7 lot*) MUBBtTAMI UAUIW ?tw-. hidrnAmt 2 bath* 17*60 mobitaJtcme on 50*100 It lot An roedlduMng unit and oil hoot Icuyo decVsiH 000DUCCAhdK NIUJ Aero** from water way 14*70. 1VB3 lldwell mobile homo beautifully furnished 7 bodtoom* I bath central hoot and air all appliance* ouuiciv deck yo?/f> Mony oMtra* >45.000 NOUDAT NAVIN 7 bedroom* I both B64 *q ft large corner lot window an unit 10*14 deck ?torm door* oncl window* window treatment Includ od. completely furnished $79 500 BIACM DUPII X Brunswick Ave 7 I bedroom* I bath central heat and air covered porch luikltck on ocean %ufe All appliance* 60*175 lot tl?o furnished package $55 500 Unfur rmhed tide $5? 500 BIACN DUPII 1 Sand Dune* Sub divmon on Intracoattal Wate'way 7 bedroom* 2 bath* oil appliance* lot %ne 60*175 4 deck* with view of the ocean and ?*at?iwoy Access to piei on Intmcoastal Waterway and direct a c c c *? to beach furnished package $74 500 eocfi tide Unfur mslted $6*7 500 eoch tide OCtANflOWT DUPII* 3 bedroom* 7 bath* central treat and an all op pi lance* beautifully decorated and furnithed ?n? iwhng window treat meat Great rental unit $13? 5Q0 pM?t> side h'tcben tool* etc *et for weekly rental* SUSH0S! I CAD 3 bedroom* 7 both* I 572 *i) ft large lo' 100 * 245 wood burning heater pine lop *idmg garage i ottt< ton* central heat A air One mile from the beach ?*A cnr I IHAWOil ROAD ) bedroom* 7 full bath* 14*70 l*A2 completely fur nlttw-l u?.._ ? ? -WJ ?- ? '?u? mK<0?*0? + ltl?pln.e Milh HlDwfil Pultid* utility > DO# lot ood l*r*#?1 f o? ?t $JV VV) fWlftl fOW! P AH U-.? MtvxmM 1 both o?? o**l o?l K#o? p"v^1 mofcd# bom# io?vt(U?t#S *v? ititft+i) and (Oip?IM *iv#?? *0 CKX3? amp $14 W 0**?\#< t.fxm Imacm ion OwpW* ion WiUJwdK'n^ W? 500 to U? $00 ?OOtt ? o ^ (bcoth owm1 $3? VX> Mfllnlond WflitiwOy $0?lC0 ijrwo "-tntf) % ubd>? *tcn J If utorx o>o .* * Mo6?t# Horn# lob VJ CW h> " *> I *AOTHM>0 a^v,vVs|J? IWp Wot#* Coool Ion Si i^'?b r*#v* bnjT?kb#od h? SCO '(H pon Or Ukn# to ?#o? $41 0?X> f J [)N. Thursday. .January 24, 19SS g For Pi FOR SALE BY OWNER I | MIIU uuiio bvi 50 x 100.' Two excellent bcuCii accesses. Holden Beach ?42-3586 II. 17- \ - Virtm Cfoircrc. Jnr OCEAN ISLE BEACH /01G\ C7Q.1CC7 V " '/ " ' ??? Ocean Isle Beach 3rd ROW Now. spacious, ready tor occupancy. 1 700 plus *1 4 bedrooms, plus study, largo living and kitchen aroa. All applioncos. Beautiful view of ocoan nnd rnnnls Cornor lot $107,500. 3rd ROW 3 bodrcoms. 2 full baths, con tral oir and hoat. fully ondosod garage. Short distanco to beach. Pricod to soil. $63 900 3rd ROW?vnu? r construction. * bedrooms. 2 baths, uniquo doublo loft wifh oxroptional viow of ocoan and canal Buy now and chooso your decor. $98,900 CONCORD STREET?Canal house 4 bodrooms. loft. 2 full baths, liroptaco. boat dock. Complotoly enclosed undorneath. furnished, oxcoiiont neighborhood. $119,000 RICHMOND STREET Concrete canol home 4 bedrooms. 2 baths fireplace, applioncos Included, boot dock Nicoly InnHirnnaH S1?9 QTVl STARBOARD BY THE SEA J bodroomv 2 baths, fully furnished Excellent buy I nrnloH it/1 lha $nunH FAIRMONT STREET Conal Spacious con temporary custom-built homo. Fully fur nithod. 1.S00 sq. ft.. 3 bodrooms, 2 baths. 2 hoot pumps, boatdock with covorod gorobo $114,900 CRAVEN STREET Corral Undor construenull' Ntrrr (ImImvu y'uii r* I iruO'rV dc.iQr od and croatod by local artist. Must soo to approciatol $129,900 CON DOS T bed'Oam units starting at $<><.900. 3 bedroom units starting at $*6 9O0 I B, >..s>lUs iiiuniiMiiu i rvyvi COPAS SHORES Secludod, yot conve nioniiy iocaivu. Jus! Iin? m5- 2 bedrooms. 2 full boths. contra! hoat and air. fomily room odioining kitchen, large living artd dining aroa 2 car garoge con creto drive Quality throughout You wtll onjoy owning this fine homo Roasonobly nrired Call for aooointmont BRUM WOOD ESTATES lot on IBth foir way 125x200 $15,900 SASSPAN 3 bedroom I bath frame ftousc Now heat pump storm windows attd doors cuipot 7SkIS0 lot $33 OCX) BRANCHWOOD BAY Exceptional buy ! 2 - 56 |????? 0 Kaiicvunt t bath centra! air and heat, underpinned, poved street water system Beautiful view of detiroblo marshfront lot $19,900 BOllVtA 2 story brick home on i 4 ocres Excellenl investment for duplex type focihty 3 000 sq ft Must see to op prodote rvni njnin invptirnvni piupotty Duplex on 100? 175 lot Potential tor com merciol property Call tor detail* CAROUNA SMORfcSCONDO furnr*hed 2 bedroom* 7 bath* overlook* pool Ex tro nice $94 900 SI A 1RAII Neat 2 b*droom 2 full both home Fully (urnlihtd $47 900 GAuSi ianOiNO 3 b*d>oonn 2 bain* loft t replace furnithed all appliance* uk Suited Sot ye lot Only $69 900 OUAIl RUN I*tea nice two bedroom* I bath with fireplace Intro nice lot Mid $40 * Call tor detoil* TARtHUAND ACRES On the waterway Beautiful 3 bedroom* 2'* bath* ?tudy O'eat room lor ye kitchen and dtnmy o?ea %cteened porch 2 160 *q ft Mu*t **?e to oppreckite many fine feature* of lot* home located in excellent well re*trKted areo $149 300 wuaIi Sufi n?ew 4 beuriKMut Z bom* all oppliance* lireploce excellent retire merit or to iter home $43 900 OUAIl RlJN 2 bedroom* 2 full bath* e*tra lory# den with tnefdoce wet bor location convenient K> Ocean l*le Beoch and yoff coui*e $52 000 SUN DOWN ACftkS Shollott* ^? nl 1*$J 14 *70 ltdmon r?ob<t# Kcrrv# ?n two \ol% Ov<*' 0??-Q ?*?? ? k?t? O* f'Wi ??? ?? ''vxOyi KSvU 3 Muwih 1S botta 177 TOO ? - ** - -* jwhii ?mii J Miooflu 3 full bothi ?< bv> in COO tNrtokf MANUAVOOO aA> Nco' CK?on ttr? 3 b+dfoom ?>?*.? S?m? C?ofroi N?0? **4 *? ff.or.4iy AAtMOCOUfll Ot SMAll f A.MHV ON It CA*CX2NA S>?0*tS t?o? 'Owr*i f*n?o4 ? N<iuxM\t 2 bo?K* e^tior.Kf V.VV ^ m?n*b i?*w% v *>(?*? * OCf AN (Si I Si ACH Coii "<* ? ?* moft I ond J btd'oom Cf?*K? CONTACT JUDI MtlDGIN ot don inns /# gup6rtj million ta company^ When the South Brunswick islands needs help In reol estate investment and finance, it calls us. Appraisal* Buyer-Brokers reasmiirry Studies Development / Rehabilitation Property Profiles If you hove an unanswered question about real ostate investment or finance, coll (91V) ?54-8i47. Or write P.O. Bow 322., NC 28459 Brunswickland Realty noiasn ft#ocn (919) 842-6940 OCEAN FRONT 2-bedroo"\ ?.hn?h rnn. do. fully furnished. Pricod to sell with ex cedent financing. $88,000. 2ND ROW New listing 470 OBW 4 bedrooms. 2 bath*,. C/M/A. fully furnished. concroto undernooth. eosy occess to beach. 2 covored porches plus sun deck. Excellent rontal history. $98,500. 2ND ROW?New listing ?Now construction. 440 OBW. 1.660 sq. tt. hearoo. covored front porch. 2 full sun decks, control heat and air split system, fully furnished, carpet and vinyl, custom construction. $133,000. 2ND POW New construction?109 Clipporship Drive. 3 bodrooms, 2 baths, largo lot I. 1.440 sq. if. heated plus decks galoro. folly furnished Accoss to boach at the ond of the street (deeded). $93,500. 2ND ROW -353 OBE. Unobstructed view of the ocoon. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, central heat and air, fully furnishod. enclosed underneath. Excellent terms $77,500. See us for lots, mobile homos ond mainlond properties Lots starling at $2,500 f 1 0*. ??! J _ I ocean )iae n?U.. stsaii v i * Ocean rarest I totrin oDirci i tin .. I ft Three bedrooms 2 baths, central I K?*7? cinri nir T-JJ1 siriina rnrneiaci throughout On nice lot in the pines $49 750 Now heme 1 456 sq ft. Threo bedrooms. 2 baths central heat and air. carpoted throughout. On nice lot in the pines i^b.500 lots iV.YOO to $1 i .900. Bonaparte's Sotreat I Mobile home with expando and 2 lots. 2 bedrooms. 3 baths Excellent loco lion Access to swimming pool tennis court setc QOO lot* $9 900 to $15,900 lor doublowide homtt. hnm? I fi?f? *,i If Two bedroom*. 2 both* control boot ond Oil corpetod. olummum tiding $4? 600 Modol homo. 1.248 *q ft Throo bedroom*. 2 both* fireploce control boot ond air corpo'ed oluminum skiing $51 500 Bonaparte's Retreat tl 3 nice Ion $11 500 lo $14 300 Sea Village Very cleer mobile heme with terser, ed porch. 2 bedroom* 1 bath large londsc oped lot access to swimming pool $29 900 I mmocula te mobile home 2 bodioomt 2 botbs utility budding deck control beat A olr landscaped lot $32 500 lot with driveway ond culvert already In $6 000 I lot* $5 900 to $6 900 for stnglewide orxl doublewde homes Nk# lot Mo* well ond septtc svstem $6 995 tier 66 Reou'dul wotedront lot Station I 124 300 lot with view of bay Station I $17 900 Ve*v nice lot Station N $8 900 lots $6 9X) tc $24 *30 Restricted sec I ttons foe conventional homes I doublewtde homes and smgWwids I homes IcW'onl to* Station t A bonpo?n o* US Ccleteih Acr?t lok? front ta' 1)3 500 R*AK?d ta *12 <00 Carolina S?or*i Morrii V*r,~<*k>< I00K*? ?!J?CC OfFICI: Box 661. Odoboth, N.C. 28459 r%o?? 919-479 )141 or 919-579-3717 ?, ?. ** N v - *. . /'? LOuk I I Causeway Realty Ocean Isle Beach (919)579-2755 ACREAGE: Approximately 30 acres. 15-18 cleared. 8 miles from Shollotte. Tobacco born and pack house. 51.300 per acre. BETWEEN OCEAN ISLE AND SUNSET BEACHES?Ideal lot tor retirement home in well-established residential ( iMluiiinn on oaved rood. Only $6,500 BETWEEN OCEAN ISLE AND SUNSET BEACHES?2-bodroom home, convenient to beaches. Over 750 sq. ft. Only $28,000 ONLY A FEW MONTHS OLD? 2 bedroom. 2-bath mobile home near Oceon Isle Beoch. Folly furnished. Largo wooded lot. Deck and many oxtro* $22,900 SOUTHERN SANDS REALTY, INC. 0~ean ls!e Sa.. Ocean Isle Beach David Gore ? Broker-In-Chcrge (919)579-9785 OCEAN ISLI -House on causeway. $61,000. Occonfront Condo?$128.000. House on 2nd row?$89,500. Condo $69,900. coj 2nd row lot?$61.000. 2nd row lot $60,000. SHALIOTTE PQIHTeftjrO lot. River Bend. S!5.000. 60x150 lot*? $11,250 each Watorfront lot?$30,000. SEASIDE STATI0H 12x60 mobile home $30,000. 12x60 mobile home $22,000. 60x150 lot?$17,000. Lot on Indigo Circle--$15.000. CAROLINA SNORES RESORT -1 BR condo $53 005 RRIERW00D ESTATES Fairway lot* $16,500. 150x200 lot $17,500 Owner linoncing. 1 BROOKS ACRES 3 let*. $3 900 each tdiiioiiij V 579 6214 579-6217 OCEAN ISLE BEACH Mr 98459 OCIAMftOKI CONDOMINIUMS Variety of oceanfront condominium) available. NEW. previously owned one unit* under construction One to three bedrooms, priced $64,500 to $169,500 LIT US SHOW YOU THE ONE THAT SUIT! YOUR NEEDS! lovely. 3 bedroom*. 2 full both* panoramic view of ocean and Inlet tron living area fireplace carpeted, furnish *A Knrr if ire $55 000 5 bedroom* 3 both*, control Seat one air. fuliy corpeiod. furnished. exes'len rentol $165 000 BE BO Triplex 2 opartments-Eoch hoi 2 bedroom* central air and wall heat newly carpeted, kitchen and living oreo Third aportment ha* 3 bedroom*. 1V* bath* with central air nr%A K*ni All I..I1. furnished and quipped Excellent rental $185 000. Assumoble financing BEAUTIFUL large 6-bedroom. 3 bath cot 'age with oil gloss ocross oceon side g?v tng poi^-amic view Beoutifuily furnish ed ond never rented but could be e? cedent rental investment. $750 000 rota ax? rotami sow New 3 bedroom with spoctaus loft 2 hil boths. centrol oir ond heot full) corpeted $10h 800 Unique design on corner lot 4 bedroomi with loft 2 full boths cen'rol oir on< heot under construction - choose youi colors $122 900 ini riili five-bedroom 3-both cottage Fulfy fur mshed ond equipped including wosher 4 dryer Centrol heot ond o?r Cedar ?rv tenor targe porch front ond bock Shor walk to oceon ond *r. quiet oreo AmmwiKU Itnannno &99 500 rteti MTJKM Umon Street 4 bedrooms 3 boths fu*h furnished centrol o?r ond heot dock $105 COO Fowmorit Str??f lov?ky 4 bodroorrt* \ C*3T1? (*n>TW wo -k-iC' bom* |?l MO UIKULMO PtOPIVTm T Th* Sovtb irwn*wK* HV>ndl ntwfn f^nKnw moot Sm u? lor co*^4 do*o?H on tbr trvhr WTWQUO ton-vrxmity Crc?*o Crook Nr* 3 bodroom 2 bort hcnrtc- Control boo* and oar corpotod o> k.tchon oppitorkcot tiropfcxo karp* n???#r bodroom ?Atb dotoroo or* ?ok -n (k??s ivocoed lot oamt b ooc* i't 5Cu Vi km mbv i*?r WW pyaiWi tar ati W| oMW > itl | r#M ad irtiioiH tea id ? ... , ? ? |m TUA III 11 IIS E loai Sifafd CANAL LOT for sol? by owner.?Holden Beach. Marlin Drive. Beach access of end of street. Call 842-2646 for more informa i Her.. tf FOR SAL6 ?y OWNER Tn Calabash/Carolina Shores Resort, one bedroom condo. Great rental history. 6K be'cr. .Market value. 549.900. Cc!! collect evenings (703)893-5438. Mar. 21 pd. NnTHOMB COMPlfTHY FINISHED, brick or siding, your choice. Croft Bilt Homes builds ond finances. No red tape. Call 395-1102 anytime. tf J Bob Campbell Realty e (9 9)842-2698 |?OL ^^otden^eac^^^j Thinking of retiring? Take a look at these: Ntw i.OCw sq. it. house with wraparound porch. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, carpet, large eat-in kitchen. Only $44,500. BUCCANEER HILLS?12x70 mobile home (used very little). 2 lots with beautiful setting on fresh water lake overlooking woterway. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, elegant furnishings. $36 000. STARTER HOMES BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH 12x65 mobile home with v/rap-oround deck, f-utly furnished - oven smuii appliances. Must see! $19,500. BUCCANEER HILLS NORTH?Neat 12x60 furnished mobile home on SUxiOO lot. SlS.vOu. BuSiriESS OFFGRTliriiTT Fully equipped grill. Must bo moved from proporty. Only $15,500 THf BPUNSWICK KACOH Tt' i^Ur "Everything We Toi 579-3 SUNSET BEACH 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. 2.5< Masonry fireplace, bock stove and Flortdc goroQ* and gu>?? ?<H><n All thh cn tv*9 c WILLIAMSBURG ON THE WATBTWAT sh story. 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Extra fe ruffled curtains, clawfoot bathtub, speck) ;Knn?i by woicionst J77.jCu I ' 15 ACRES ON HWT. 130 appro-.mafetv subdivision or business NICE BRICK HOME on I acre of land neai BUNAfAlUt ) RCIkEAT - tKCepiionairy r with garden tub ond wet bar I BONAPARTE'S RETREAT 3 bedroom 2 b ? dition. Storage building with concrete Ifo* \ TWO OF EVERYTHING Twin 12*60 mobit foyer. Both are furnished and also featur Utility building The nicely landscaped lo neighborhood Some owner financing avc i Nights call Vicki A Coii the KtSui I ^^^^FBESSSSSSSSSRSBBB , ^ SEA TRAIL REAL r SUNSET BEACH NC ! NEW HOURS: MONDAY 1 f Two mobile home lot*. CCA VIllAGC p#rty owner* Poved *tr of the*e lot* HWY. 179 N?ce brick home belwe< *q ft 3 bedroom*. 7 b< SlASIOl STATION 1 *779 Chompiort doubles Ftrepkxe Storage boil *treet? boat romp te?* SiASIOf !"?78 K Aotll mobile ho CTATtON ~o?her dryer Screened area is fenced in 1*00 Ookwood mobile OCCAM VICW w her orsd dr>e< ceatr LANDING home ho* a gla*?ed m | =V-J t ey--.. .yr We hove one new honx m^11 pro* mot eh 7 bedrcor sreess romp team* court f per ty owner* CAlt OU? OfflCl FOG ? TH|S AND KAVf I DL T TV r r AIT o< VMOl 'Hom? Phone -7$4 4013) , 0o0 se A I * s \ j.G. Worreii r Realty 754-8723 Shallotte 12 acre wooded tract off Stout Rd.. near Asn. 515.OW. Hwy. 17 commercial lots and property for sale or leose or build to suit. I Mobile home acre lots in new development near Shallotto. $5,000. j. Beach homes, condos. acreage, river and waterway lots. Highway 179 or 130 business lots. $10,000 up. Sherrow Estates?Lots $3,000 up. Nice 50-ocre farm in Ash/Exum area. Tobacco acreage. $85,000. Cnr*r>lv/ Arrncc 1 rr\rr? Kncnitnl l.koij. room. 2%-bath brick home. 5 years old. On valuable 2 aero lot. 300 ft. Hwy. 17 frontage. Ideal for offices REDUCED TO SELL. 3-bedroom brick w/ccrport. large firoplace. deck. $55,000. Turn off I Hwy. 130 at Ed's Jewelry. 2nd on right. Shoreline Drive?Holdon Beach area. 12x70 mobile home with 14x24 addition. Squire stove, central air. plus 30x30 garage building ond 3 lots. Zoned business. $48,000. Meadow Estates?3-bedroom brick. $33,000. Has existing $18,000 loan at 7%. Possible lease/option. Shallotte Area?Brick homo. 3 bedrooms, heat pump. $40,500. FmHA financing if qualifiod. 2-bedroom aider home. Hwy. 130 noar Ash post office. Sale $16,000 or rent $150. 5 St Gf Inc. Real Estate Associates 5 Airport Plaza Ocean Isle Beach ich Turns To Sold" '556 X) sq. ft. home. Special features includes I joom with large utility room, enclosed * apa! Seta O^S- *00 ...... | ados of biuc accent this custom-built two otures includes free standing tirepkxo. i ceromic tile in kitchen and largo deck 3 miles from Hold en 9eoch. Suitable for | r golf course and shopping center. HCV mount nytnt. 2 utuiuu>n> 2 Lrui'it | oth mobtlo home Ono owner, new con >r and electricity. le homes connected by a largo ontronce e on enclosed porch o greenhouse and t is fenced and located in a very qutel uksble All for only S34 900 rvidson. 842-2646 .IS peopie. ?sss TKl SSumwKK MACON TY/PO BOX 102 28459 (919) 579-3232 % HRU SATURDAY 9 TO 5 1 A lea ha* a swimming pool lor the proeet* and o man mode pond next to one pn Ocean Isle ond Swnset beaches 1.390 Jtfc*. Corport with storage area ride mobile home 3 bedroom* 2 both* ding lor.oti^d In on area with paved il* coort* ond Swimming pool me 2 bedroom* 2 both* Central I-in porch city water ond the bock yard ? home 14*70 2 bedroom*. 2 both* a! otr ond heat Storoge bwt* Mob>l*l >orch on front ond screen *d ?n porch onfl r be*->g bcnlt for resole I 190 sq ft op l ns 2 both*. City water paved streets I I ana swimming pool Ml me or eo tor pro- ^ nv?t UN iOTS UO* LISTINGS' Df SOSAfi mAY[S ? i (Horn# Phon?f?579-9233) | a trail I # i

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