JolarV^y dealty 3 I Oceon Ids Beach Cavttway Nssf to lilond Hesse (919)579-7038 m I Evelyn Modiion ? 754-6713 Wck Newton, Birher 570-7g04 cpsnei BIIV no THI WFSKI Shollolte Point?4 bedrooms. 2Vi I baths, living room, dining room. den. I utility room, extra large recreation I room. Truly an exceptional value! I $89,900. NEW MSTINOS Ocean View Landing?A littlo dollhouse. 2 bedrooms 1 bath, lorge dock, nice Florida room, detached 2-car garage, great location. Super buy at only $49,900. I . ?. ... jwk?i mvesimefu property. |ust ott Ocean Isle Causeway. House. 4 apartments. 2 extra lots. Call for details. Marsh Cove?New 3-bedroom. 2-fullboth home. Sunken living room, microwave, enclosed garage. privacy fenco. 12x10 dock. River Heights ?Copos Shores area)? New home on lovely lot. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, large greot room with fireplace. 2-car garage, screened porch. Buy now and pick your own colors. $69,900. Shollotte Point?A super fixer-upper. Small house on largo lot with pier | Great potential. Only $37,900. Mobile home ond lot. 2 bedrooms. 1 I knlli ?? 11 1 1 a ? w I , PAvoimm lUiigmon. inciuoos II septic tank and wen on iuiyv wscscc I l/%? nnlu tl?,IVYl i _ River Heights (Copas Shoros area)? New home. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, great room, super floor plan. Enclosed 2-cor garoyr.- Overbooking lobe Near schools $79,900. Sherrow Estates?libe new. qualitybuilt home on 11 '? acres 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, great 'oom with fireplace large detached utility/office. WalI landscaped Only $69,900 Shallotte Point?2 bedrooms. 1'? baths, living room, screened porch. I carport, utility storago view of the river $44,900 I .. bnerrow Estates--Owner transferred-must sell! New house never lived in Priced to sell at $44,900 '}*' -' r? / , . :0?W 1"* "y-*? Knn-a 1.360 %q ft Three bedrooms. 2 both* great room with wet bar Great view o? me oceori. $v2.900. Haute an oversized 'oh RluM Drive Copos Shores or so 4 bedrooms. 2 lull I baths. 2 half-baths, formal livinQroom. dining room vrrth firepiaco. tetteu?ion room, giassea-in bar. two-level decb large utility area Owner fincncing too good to be true I Shallotte Point?4 bedrooms 3 baths Extra iu?yo lut itvOf imv wOtsr $S6 900 On the waterway 2.200 sq ft.. 3-bedroom 3 both home with largo den dining room ond Floncfo room ?TU? |UI -ryju kocucso r* SISS.VUG. An f~>ronn Hnvon Rood noor Gceon Isle Beoch 3 bedrooms. 1 full both large lot Must see to op Wn* U4 900 l.dvc.J ? WtfW Brick Landing?Mobile home Beautifully londscopedl Large deck nke hardwood trees, ond much more Only $27 900 Mew Canal Homat Dare Street ? 1 930 sq ft Living room, dining area kitchen. 5 bedrooms 2 baths floating dock and much more Only $129 000 Pender Street Just storting construe tioo 4 bedrooms, lots of decks Cypress siding, custom cabinets and much more Onty $l3v (J00 ftoefoid Street?3 bedrooms den study Irving room dtntrg o-'eo kit chen 2 baths covered pore ties decks footing dock ond much more I 920 sq ft $139 900 Casdss Starboard By The Seo Unit 60?3 bedrooms 2 baths, completely fur rushed Grec* view Onty $96 900 MkW t* $11 tC? Lots Ocean Isle Beech Concrete conol I Us* nnn 1V?1?<>9* Po*n? Estate ?N?*v restricted I ??bd'#?*?or odfO?rurvg Br.*rv.ood GoH | I Ccx?ri? Ion b*gtr> ot $9 OOG wrifh J finortctn^? 10*. t4ow?o 10% ?n* irtt' for 10 *oor? Sr:cr^-rod 3 kr^y k?n 7 aro lo.f>.o-T Ion SU 000 to 130 SCO W OOCXX* ? W^WIIIW^ ?V?i? ovorioGoing k>*? ot tocnftco p<-co of SS 300 ooch o $10 000 for e>o*> S**?oJl Po~n' *ocroof?onoi^-i hom# lot* ?n rvorv r?ttr?ct?d (vm Pr*c?d to ?o?f from $3 000 to $3 000 Wct*o*of Lot Ocrao Ocoor ;?!? fcooc>- 7$*2CO Woo v*?t ard o ^roa* $60 SX Otd S>?llo"o td ?1% ocrot h*arrt?f ??30dod t?t wHh 23$ ft fror^?o9* on per^d rood $9 900 to* on Ccoon rw BoocK $3! 000 | % Ca\ i HOBBS REALTY Hold&n Beech I 11 242-2002 342-6343 LI3 Ml At ?0? 775 Ocsen Jtvd. Wtsf - Now selling? Ocean Palms Townhouse Condominiums?Under construction. Dujlilu! 3-bedrccm. 3bo?h ??ni?s in an excellent oceonfront location. Over 1.500 sq. ft. per unit with a private boardwalk to beach and private sundock on dunes Swimming pool all appliances. Enclosed outside showers. Beautifully furnished for $139,500. Financing available. 493 Ocecn Blvd. Wtst?Oceonfront duplex cottage. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms. 2 boths. Downstairs has J oediooms. 2 baths. New central heat and air. ceramic tile baths, carpeted, fully furnished and washer'dryer. Cypress exterior, sundeck on dunes with boardwaik and many other features. Excellent condition. Priced of $169 500 507 Oc?m tChrd. West-Oceanfront duplex cottogo 4 bedrooms. 2 baths each. Located on a deep 50 ft. ocean lot. Window A/C, fully carpeted, ceramic tile baths, washer/dryer. New refrigerator uinJ New surdcd en dvrte; ?~i?h boardwalk. Super investment for rental. Completely furnishod for $149 500. 142 Grtfauboro Stmt New 3-beuroom. 2-bam cans! Hams bcaicd on a water canal in Holdon Beach Harbor with groat view of Inland Waterway. Control air and heat, fully carpeted and ell appliances included, with 1.295 sq. ft. of living area. Largo sundeck on canal sido and a screen porch area. Bulkhead and enclosed ground floor. Partially furnished for $99,500 Harbor Acres?124 Tarpon Drive?3-bedroom. 2 both cottage locatod on o 50 X 100 ft. canol lot in Harbor Acres. 1.152 sq. ft. of heated space. Central heat and air. r*?Ti iuwiutor. rang?, diihwsthsr. ond washer dr/er hook-up. SiiidscV nnd screen porch on canal side. Utility room located on ground floor. Concrete undornoath cottage Rock drive. Canals are being dredgod now! Great view. Will be furnished for $89,500. Off Tbs !d=d - km* Weed New tkU ? */-*r\ O I I ..... >?w?wii. u?uivui1i, uuill yr?oc round or vocation horn? nestled in o b?outiful wooded setting. Central heat nnd air range, rotrigerator. carpeted, well insulated. brick fireplace, kitchen dining den oroa combination. Cedar ox terior and patio deck. Convenient to beach Priced at $37,500. Located oco?* |,u,ri Scbboth ttome Church. ? 12.5%. Lets for Sele Ocoanfront lot locoted at 469 Ocean Blvd West. Si05 000 Arrow Wood Subdivision-- only 1 mile from beach -mobile home lot: and restricted homatlUi from $6,000. Financing ovaitoble. ROACH REALTY noiaou duuCu Rest* ?li-S42-2488 Beautiful corner lot in Pine View Acres lust 2 milos from Holden Beach This 09*195 lot is nireiv wooded with a 59 ft well. Moderately priced at $7,500 Two beautiful lots in Greenwood Acros These lovely wooded lots are 50* 120 and are restricted for houses Owner financing avoilable. Only 3 miles from Holden Beoch Perfect location for vocation or retirement home Priced to sell Just call and osk Charming 4 BR. 2-bath tirepioce and car porch residence for sale Perfect for growing family Located |ust off Holden Beoch Causeway lot bes>de house olso for sale Beautifully wooded oren 96 * 17fi M?... nnA !-? i? i? modioto sale $66,250 6O*M0 lot just off Holden Beach Causeway Quiet neighborhood with lovely surroundings. Encellenf location for pormonent or vocation home Modecotely priced of $6 500. Threo lovely lot* 'ocated in Shoreline Estates Nicely wooded lots with peaceful surroundings. Only two miles Irom Holder Booth Perfect spot to plon o vocation retreat Priced to sell ot HO.000 Pretty 50*125 wooded lot one mil# horn Holden Beach in Holiday Acres on Tolmon Street Just perfect for that vocotion home Moderately priced at $5,500 Two pretty lots located in Shoreline Estates just three miles from Maiden Beoch Lots ore 50 * 1 25 are beautifully wooded and in o nice neighborhood Priced to sell ot $2 750 each Beo-jtifuily wooded lots in forest riiiie Subdivision Vonous sr/es and Charming surroundings and nice neighborhood Owner financing available Only 3% m les from Hofden Beoch Comper sites also o*oilobJe T*vw lots fc; scia :* P.*\wt arh 2'^ mil#? from Hoidon lioeh Lots arm ?*! by ixit Thoy of SO* 125 ord off olr+odf ho* t?pU torv >ratoil*d Pr*#d o ??Ji ot |6 000 Iau*^ U??? -?> OfJf 3>? m.lo* from Holdon ftoocfc Owf4f l>r?r<^ o<o.'obi* at 10% *?rth rofxxr% %'! * or>d locoftom Pricod to ftolf Cory I9T2 Coww mcb*>* hom# located or. two k>t* both 50* 1T7 m Oafr Honors is?o>*n>v>- 2 .TJlct frc? och Vobil# Homo it '2e4Q 2 b droomt 1 both fror?t o<vj bc*> dor* u'?<tf thod cho?r> Ur* foo<? or both *-d<rt Jwtf porfoct lor th# ronr*-?g ?om?^ Chc?.Ti.*^5 ? bedroom 1 both twr* or % ?' ! C?r Hwy IX fv*t 1 t m?W? from Ko^or. Booth lo*Qm l-?r^ room cofpor orid wTrJfty room Ar?< for oryj ior^? <wr ro<? Pr-cod to t**l t i '| SdW ' B W w i IWKJ MOBIIE HOMES Seo Trail?2 lots 120x150. 14x70 mobile home. 3 BRs, 2 baths. W S D. heat pump, screenod porch, cable TV. city wuivi. Gvpwi 'lOCCtior.! MOBIIE HOME LOTS Sea Trail?A large selection of wooded lots; cleared and ready for mobile homes? Sunset Lakes?70x200. heavily wooded. | Cloriday Woods?Great selection to I choose from. Close to Calabash. COMMERCIAL Calabash East?Several locations to select from. Sunset Beach?Large commercial tract on Peach. 2nd row. Cull tui details? Seaside areo ?Grocery store and gasoline station. Excellent location! Call for more detoil*! nCuSI* Holden Beach areo?New construction. approx. 1.000 sq. ft.. 2 BRs, 2 boths. screened porch. Sea Trail?3 BRs. 2 batht. large scroened porch, garaao/utility bldg.. boat ramp. Sea Trail?2 BRs. 1 bath, hoat pump. TOO ?q. ft., wo" constructed. Calabash East?3 BR. 2-both homo with brick veneer, approx. 1.200 sq. ft. Oyster Bay?Boautiful house on lake overlooking golf course. Excellent waterway view. Call for dotoilsl CONDOMINIUMS Ocean Isle West?Nicely furnished, ocoanfront. HOUSE LOTS Sea Trail?Corner lot, fantastic ocoon view. Coll for detailsl 2 lot* Aorh tOO ft frontoga Hwy. 179. Shorelino Drive. Sunset Beach city limits. intracoasiul WutwfwGy?2 lot* across from Oystor Bay Call for detailsl Lako front lots overlooking 16th green at Oystor Bay We !iu?6 many other lat'ngi to choose from let us find the ported homo or lot for youl Ufa ITCDC DC A I TV vinbi kntf nkni. Calabash Days?579-9727. 579-9728 Niahts?579-<>A73 i : I fulford Realty" en 11 ja ^ Holdon Beach Area rhone (919) 842-2692 RIVERSIDE 11?3 lott In r?lrlcl*d tub divition in view of Lockwood Foiiy R*v4V. Avv?? iu Lvaii lump nnti ptfff Priced to tell GATOR GRANT?Nice corner lot. $6,500 BOONE S NECK AREA- Restricted immnilo lot 70*200 $4,500 FIDDLER S COVE -2 choice lot* Both lot* lor $9 000 SHORELINE ESTATES II you wont ttonomy sou thi* one. Mobile home with oddifion ond deck $11.000 3 BEDROOM Drick veneer dwelling with corport ond ttoroge Neor Holden Beach with lorge lot Excollent buy ot $37,500 27* ACRES of beoutilul natural acreoge on Woccamow River Cull lor pricet. FARM OR RANGE 107 acre* with 40 ocre* cleared Located in A?h area Can be divided into imaller tract*. Al*o 30 acre* with occe*t to Highway 130 Call for price. OCEAN ISLE BEACH?Coll for oroilobl* propof!i?k FRONT INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY lots o* low ot $25,000 Finoncing ovoilobl* on torn# loH of o low rat* of int*r*t? SEASHORE ROAD 1'/, ttocy dwelling with 3 b*droomt living room with firoploc* kitch*n dining 'org* porch. 2 bo*ht F?e*ll*nf for vocation or p#rmon*nt hom* Call for prK* OVER 100 LOTS oroilabl* m vortooft tu bdrvoion* n*or Infrocoottol Wo tar way ond b*ach PkV /our location CAROLINA SHORES I org* wood*d lot. appro* imot*fy t B vw Th?* ?? a *t*ol ot S'2 GOG rAvyonc nOT^c Ani/ iv?- -mui'M ? 7 or<y?v??uu?j Cz^C' Grorit B r*nt Run and $hor*l?n* Ettof*t Som* v#ry good buyt for p*r mcntrii homo* or #<k often Coll ?o do/ So#* /oun?<t tt-?* froub** c? ?*t tmg up |vr*9 mo-r* in TWO KAUTlFui LOTS with mob*<* hom* located in Som/rwr Floe* Pnem r*cfc>c*d ivn MOfelE HOME Thn on* you II \<k 14*70 with 2 b*droom* 2 bofht and org* d*c* Mwar b*och and In frocootto* Wot*rw?y $25 COO 19* ffyj #"x# p*op+**y of fO*jr (ho??f *& *> M#w?n- < Ko?tv#<r f w*c*d t'ofc+r f GrOfUovCf |1- In Th V m m m m m m Real Estate 49 ACRES prime form land. NO FINANCE CHARGES. MUST SELL. Partially cleared, no allotments, modest down payment. sw ?ntKlu nnvmanlt foil (704)827-1624 of'ter 6 p.m. Jan. 31 25-30 ACRES Bolivia, city water available. Ownor finance part if sold as one parcel. Good land for anything desired. Will con sider smaller acreages or lots, P lease caii 253 6522. Coffey s. Rt. 1. Box 155. Bolivia. NC 28422. After March. 704-758 1787 Cot fey s Star Rt . Box 128. lenoir. NC 28645 t best to ca!! NOW whMc wo are here. 253-6522. Feb.28 TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Own your own home with no money down. Build on your lot. For free brochure or information call collect 371 6549. H HQ UAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It U* ^ legal to advertise "any B9BR 83 preference, limitation or discrimination bascd on color, religion. <v national origin, or an Intention to make any preference, limitation or discrimination." FdH kbni RFNT OR SELL Three-bedroom, two bath two story home, lorgo dining room, firnplaco. air conditioning, furnished Located bet weon Calabash and Sunsot Boach S375 por month with $400 security doposit Call 315 207 0561 Jon. 31 1IHT OR Sill 3 bodrooms. 2 baths, larao dining room, firoplaco. A/C, furnished, located bot woen Calabash and Sunsot Boach $375 por month with $400 security doposit. Call 315 297 056! Fob. 7 pd. AVAilABLt NOW N?.v luxury bodroom spuciou* apartment overlook ing Shallotto River Washor dryor. control air and hoot, dock K dock, oxtra storago space idoal for profotsional por son. 754 8693 tl ^REALTY, INC. of HOLDEN BEACH located on the causeway I SANDPIPER IANE -2 bedroom. 1'A both, living room with fireplace Soporose Wit clivo end dining room. 469,500 LIONS PAW D^IVE 4 bodroom*. 2 bath* living dining/kitchen with control heal and air. Enclosed with garage and storage. On deop water canal with boat dock and pavod tfreot $109,500 110 STARFISH DRIVE 4 bedroom*. 2'? bath* loccted on pavod street in Hei itoge Harbor canol development Bright, modern kitchen with living room and dining room Central heat and air and largo Otuiuicu UIUU uumttiuil Iwi kiwiuy. w.'.d garage Excollent investment and rental potential $112.OX COUNTRY HOME NEAR BEACH New early American 2 ?tory country home with 3 bedroom* I'/? bath*. Ju?t 1 mile from beach Decorated in country stylo interior with lovely hordwood floor* Kitchen & large living room $65 500. SAND DOLLAR DRIVE Now con?truc lion 3 bedroom 2 both contemporary <4**9Inpment IA4 500 SAh'DPlPfS LANE New construction 3 bedroom. 7 both locoted in mid it land with view ol both ocean ond watorwoy Spanou* kitchen arid living room with cathedral ceiling* Outtrde deck* on both level* $79 500 Restricted mobile home lot* beginning at $4 000 located on freth water pond* near beoch Hut. McClure Realty, Inc. Ocecn Isle Beach ITS (919) 579-3586 LO OOMCtni GAJUi //ill bvild to *o>t Super view o4 woterwoy UAII04I5 IT Tftl MA 1 bedr oom lur 2 meneo ** ^ Ww.. $97 500 LONG ACIK Mobile home on large wooded lot neor waterway $77 500 HOUHl MAOl Serord rcwv lot on eo?t II ml 110IU0 CeOWKOBH Jfce*?*r> 2 bolh ion I J lamp?Ofr horn* ?ilh* or*J I I McdtthAA ?" ? ev. 1 tUUTlJUl mcbit# hom# I?1 blotfr l from wor 0?'*< l<norx ^ $14 500 CAJUl HOW yjtAm* comfrwcfton 3 bedroom* wrth {J#r, or^5 vdf 4 ?w!' fcoftn fioottrwg docIt 4?.400 KM* ru$ tuca 3rd M $40 00) WU? MACS Ctnol $37 500 Mor>*yr? $crJ*ror. 6<c>?? Id) lodfW $'ofc*r $7$ 30M V?rp4 V Mrntoord* V>Wif-?<Kr fTf'Ttn THE BRUNSWICK BEACON, 1 e Beacc roi nvRi FURNISHED one and two bedroom opart- | ments, color cable TV. everything included. Reosonoble rates. Coll 579-2959. Jon. 24 1 FOR RENT with option to purchase. 2 bedroom mobile home near Holden Boach. on 3 lots. well, septic tank furnished. ready to move in. Rent negotiable Coll 919-292 1895 or 919294 2613. Feb. 14 TWO BEDROOM HOUSE at Sunset Beach. One-yoor lease. Available Jan. 15. Call (704)334-3110 doys. Jan.24 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment on waterfront at Shallotte Point. no* hookups for cable TV and phono. Single person or couple only. Call 754-6700 after 5 p.m. Fob. 14 pd. KtKKT LArii TGWrinGuScS Now Renting Starting $350 a month Furnished and Unfurnished Located in historic Gauso lan ding, minutes from Ocean Isle, ciose to shopping, lovely, quiet, wooded location. 2 bedrooms, 1 '/> boths, stove, refrigerator with icemakor, dishwasher. fuiiy carpeted, washer and dryer connections, private storage building, central air and hoat, public water system. SLOANE REALTY 919-579-6251 | 919-579-6217 | MOBIL! HOMES 1983 REDMAN MOBILE HOME. 2b?d room, puttioiif iuitV.ihcd, underpinning, 200 omp soivkp polo. 2 iwl? u! fcivp*. control hoot/air. toko payment* or po%%iblo rontal 754 6600 Eob 14 NEW 1985 14 Wide 2 BR. taaoc ; ! JJ I | WALKER I MOBILE HOMES Chodboum 654-4128 _ il can Jieve WALKER ~ MOBILE HOMES Open Til 8 pm Homes ore lighted CHADBOURN 654-4128 Used Hemes Starting at $3000, WALKER MOBILE HOMES Chodbourn 654-4128 Cell Billy \ hursday, January 24, 1985?Page J-B in!' BSsbiis HggjM 1 NEW 1985 1 14 Wide 3 BR. Only 2 left, $10,999 _ I uu III V kU ?? MOBILE HOMES Chadbourn 654-4128 Call Tommie !?^ n neu@SS6S$cu Mobile Homes Take Up Pnvmantc "i WALKER MOBILE HOMES Chadbourn A54.417R I "7." Call Connie pas SALK 5lH WHEEL CAMPER. fully toll-contained roof o!r Ilk? now So? anytimo at Carolina Seaside Campground, ttoldon Boach. Lot 39 Will trad? Mako ollor Jan.74 pd HIM.A XRUXJ moloft-rtl* Oomt conditio,-. Co!1. 94? 3755 *4?.f Jan 74 pd 10 GALLON SEARS console humidifier $75 Coll 579 3600 Jan.31 990 DOOnf OMNI Also a Rlckeoborker guitar and amplifier. Ail items in good condition Coll 579-7146 alter 6 p.m Jan 31 pd Farm Supplies Foed 1 "Hardware Woodsloves, elc. W.L. Knox & Sons Bolivia. 253 5555 CENTRAL HEATING and air conditioning unit, 7'i ion*. Cum iet. *?.CCQ Cod 84? ?6?8 d 20 II TRAVll trailer *<?lo OF trade like new (.oil /S4 Si47 lor Information tl 1904 USED AQUACAT CATAMARAN sailboats Irom 7 months to on? year $900 to $1,300 Plus great deals on new and used tailboard* Also brand new O Brier water skis at 01 AllR INVOICE COST Coll 579 7575 754 4538 11 14 FT FI8EPGIAS5 boot with 40 MP E/inruri*. OUJor rnod?l but fun* p*rf?ct Pull %lort of l*<trk *tnrt Go* tonk oor !i!s fHfw boM-ry 1500 C?H 847 9731 oltor 6pm tU 4 FT King bo* bkirio In'.entiw 5360 Coll 5/9 7556 or 754 976/ tf NfW On* couch, motching choir nASun tobl* *nd tobl* riming room fob!* ond In choir* $750 Coll 847 3383 tf CAST l*OH Ml A TIP 8IW Coil oft*r 6 p m . 754 4707 fi BlUI CMC// AKC f*gi?t*r*d f*rnol* ho* r?o<J snot* t old Ccff 947 t4M Jor. 74 BO 7 AMD Gltl 71 10 *p*?d biW Both $100 Ai*o oportm*nt tu* *tov* with *toinl*** *!* ( Iour born*r top 5175 Coll 5/3 7540 ri ItTiUf I'.lf '.Alt COMfOff! GlC/// 9300 BTU/MP portobl* / t'OCTion h wtfh Ion. 1100 V.KjIorvj Ci 'odto. 140 Doctor t u.,r o? i40 31mm comoro no#? n?*t? boon ui?d IV) fttrollor IIJ All in *oc y /x?d condition Coll /i4 4'#V? ollor 6pm Ha TTy'y"? mBBBI'- 1 V ffYVifri f 1 gSpl;^ hI/.I'I' V.^^1

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