Contr BV BILL McGOWAN Sunset Beach Town Council set the sky as the iiierai limit for some developers Monday night by approving a controversial zoning classification for several mainland properties which carries no height or density restrictions. Council agreed to rezone four parCciS Of iaiiu at uic Tegular IT!OHl ' 19*5 tM MUNSWKK MACON TH I ? I Volume 23, No. 13 V-^a i v"w\ /V I /-\pp0Gi Delayed The State Personnel Commission has delayed its consideration of an appeal filed by former Brunswick County Social Services Director Jamie Orrock, originally scheduled Tuesday, Feb. 5, until its next meeting on April 16. A continuance was granted at the request of Mary Easley, new attorney for the Brunswick County Board of Social Services, indicated Joe Totten, a hearing officer with the Commission. The board dismissed Orrock Nov. 30, 1983, after former departmental van driver Donna Hinson Rivcnbark brought a claim of sexual harassment against mm to uie board. Based on two days of testimony heard in August, Commission hearing officer Barbara Coward recommended in October that Orrock be reWatdtfcd with back benefits because the board had failed to show that he had sexually harassed a former OSS employee as charged. If her recommendation Is uplicld by the Commission, It will be advisory oniy, not binding in any way on the social services board. In December County Attorney David Clegg notified the Commissiuti, tti uie leanest of the oociol services board, of that board's intent to file objections to Ms. Coward's report. At the time the social services did not have an attorney of its own and Clegg served in that capacity. Ms. Easley said the service ageni See ORRGCK, Rage 2-A) Ocean Isle BV SUSAN USHER Ocean Isle Beach Commissioners win consider Monday afternoon whether to extend a week-long moratorium on permits to move houses imposed earlier this week in a special Joint session of two town boards. The moratorium was imposed Monday morning by town commissioners meeting Jointly with members of the planning and raring board. The action came partly in response, Mayor LaD^ne Bullington said, to rumors circulating that certain unnamed parties have plans to relocate and "stockpile" several houses until they cou. * be transported off the island across the highnse bridge now under construction. T? h*?r l Jv4rr?tnrv4ind tka w * .iwinwifi) UK 1 fv"U.K J would be set an pilings. but not unproved or attached to electrical power or septic tanks. Commissioners said repeatedly they're not cut to stop relocation of aider homes, only to make sure the moVo jWhH hriisi t Kf> arv pv?rs!iCv of the hoiiSv up to neighborhood standards The moratorium isn't intended to block people with plans like Ken Kennedy's. a broker with Cooke Realty, commissioners told Kennedy Re has bought a kit and plans to move onto it The Yah. a cottage iocaled at the corner ok VTmnabow and Kim streets that was damaged in Hurricane Diana. Kennedy said he has allocated J32.W0 to ~ttx it up mm"* Kttl Kawtt hNafayiH * itvwtwo permit Because at the extent at issssst. he wS! hnne die house up to current codes. In detenae at the proposed rekwa oversiai thly meeting, but it took the tiebreaking vote of Mayor Pro-Tern Ed Gore to override objections to two of the changes. Each of the rezoning requests was voted upon individually, and while council became deadlocked on two requests, its members voted unanimously to approve two others. On a motion by Councilman George iEBRl SY -^^EESS^S % 7 First Imp <nir*A.v?arMnl(1 1*?atnn Hail riMn't kn: Prevention Officer Nancy Simpiou Department roiied his iiny fingers iii prints. Rack in the hands ni his pat Southport, the prints could help trace was one ol 27 vounstcrs from the Le Christ of Latter-day Saints to get fingei afternoon. Will Consid tion he told the two boards, "I'm in real estate. I don't want anything ugly beside me. I have pride in ownership." Kennedy said he may eventually sell the house, but that his immediate plans are to use It for his residence. Because of the cold, the joint meeting was moved from the uninsulated town hali across the causeway to Sloane.. Realty; Monday's 4 p.m. meeting may also be held there. Commissioners Virginia Gihson, Connor Cox, Marvin Stanley and Mayor I-a Dane Bullington crowded into Commissioner Debbie Fox> upstairs office along with planning board members Terry Barbee, Bill Bulling ton and l>at Hostetler. Town Clerk Alberta Tatum. Tom Attorney Elva Jess, Building Inspector T.D. Roberson, two reporters and two citizens- Commissioner Betty Williamson was out with the flu. Commissioners began studying the relocation of older homes and its regulation in December. Monday's moratorium bought time fty JKj farn Knorrtt fn enwrr4i fnr orivt to regulate appearance as well as safety and It put potential housemen ero on notice. We don't went people investing with the idea of relocating and then find out they canX" observ ed Mayor laDane Bullington, "Nor do we want to take the nsk ?f people destroys^ what we have here. "We might be misleading them if ?* uufi't take some " State Weprte* nrnvair for relocated houses U> meet state code, but Building Inspector T D. KoOerson said thai> ussa2y interpreted to mean the code in existence at the I ~ - ? - ? <- ._-4K?A~a BY SUNSET BE Zoning C Foster and a second by Councilman Don Safrit, council voted 3 to 2 to approve a zoning change for a tract of land along N.C. 179, owned by David Stanaland and bordering the Calabash River, from MR-2 !mainland residential! to MB-1 (mainland business). The MB-1 classification will allow the construction of both commercial buildings INSW lallotte, North Carolina, T jmKw W * tTAIf fMOTO t* SUSAN USMt? cessions i* what to think recently as Crime of the Brunswick Count) Sheriffs i I OA tiuu Jtnm uo tu ?aiigcr iuu uSuu eats, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dall of Jason if he were to disappear. Jason land Branch of the Church of Jesus rprinted during a tour last Wednesday ier Extendir time of construction. Towns can usually require houses be brought up to certain standards of safety, he said, adding, "but there's not much you can do for aesthetics." In opening comments Monday, Mayor laOane Bullington suggested that a failure to act quickly could result in a problem "in maintaining the quality of houses and development we have here at Ocean Isle " A general concern among property owners for quality of development has resulted in continuous high property values, she said. "1 call it pride of ownership. That's what is keeping this beach looking good. 1 EjLiSil MOVING THIS HOt sr ? Rk&snva rww kc tm tfc* nrt cad d Omn uMiKia u bsfid i n banc wit ACri TOWN CQl _ a _ m _ ^ K v m *? I | m m i and multi-family housing units on the e same land. ti Foster and Sat'rit voted in favor of the measure, while fellow council r members Katherine Hill and Mary I Griffith voted in opposition. Gore, sit- C ting at the head of the table during f the long absence of Mayor Frances ? Kanoy, voted to allow the tl reclassification, hrpaking the tip and c IMf & ! IllVffl hursday, February 7, 1985 Greater For Reor BY SUSAN USHER ( Reorganization of personnel and < equipment from several depart- I ments into a new division of county I government is expected to result in < greater efficiency, Brunswick County Commissioners said Monday < night. i Darry Somcrsett will manage the t new construction and maintenance i division, pooling personnel and i equipment from at least five existing i departments in an effort to both more efficiently in terms of time anu i money. He previously directed the rnos- i quito control program as well as I supervising the maintenance garage. Mlc naw nffirw* ..-ill ol.n 1???1U WU >w IV. " <M1ILC mil mow 1 Mil lUIC UIU" ding for construction projects and I equipment. I After more than an hour of discus- i sion Monday, commissioners I delayed until their next meeting r. decision on whetner to restrict informal bids to items of 12,500 or less and whether that limit should apply to all departments or just to the construction and equipment division. Commissioner Frankie Ration said that while most quesUons relate to construction, he feels the policy should be consistent and apply to ail departments. in lire interim, County Mmuigci Billy Carter is to obtain "impact statements" from all department managers on what effect a stricter bidding procedure would have on their departments. Based on Carter's estimate that direct and indirect costs of bidding ig Moratorii "It's definitely in the best interests of this town to preserve the quality of housing we have here," she continued. Relocation of older houses inland to make way for new construction on more expensive oceanfront property has increased in popularity at both Holden Beach and Ocean Isle Beach as property values have risen. Concurrently, property owners along the canals at both beaches rave cunspmnRi mat some at use liouses already moved or scheduled to be moved could lower property values since they are not on a par with others in the neighborhood. ? SimJ ? i :=^rth 4?tra*)fe att*. *a Ul( ?4I aftaw tu bead**. rrWstta bast lantMai a prayerty men i JNCIL > Hon nacting the ordinance to rerone the r ract. The same vote was recorded on a r equest by Sea. Trail Corp, Island p >evelopment Corp. and Oceanside t :orp. to rezone 13.2 acres at t tonaparte's landing from MR-2 to \ TO-1. Again, Gore voted in favor of he request to break the tie on coun- ? il. The land will be used for both rr A HOOG ? SONS BOOK SPRINGPORT MI *?st Efficienc ganizati :ould run as much as $700 to $1,000 on some items. Commissioner Grace Seasley said she was concerned that orma! bids would add to much to the :ost of some items. Presently formal bids are required jnly on items valued at $10,000 or more, with "informal" bids used for all others. To get informal bids, managers call several vendors who are on a list of companies interested in bid participation. The method has encountered problems, with commissioners Jim Poole, Herman bove and Chappoll saying most of the complaints they hear come from among the county's numerous contractors. "We've got to have something better than what we've got." said Chappell. "Before you know as well as I do that several people weren't asked, but only a few." H? **ld whatever tymtetc. la adopted he wants to have records available showing what firms were contacted and when. Somersett will report to County Manager Billy Carter under the reorganization. Commissioners stressed that for the present the new division requires no immediate increases in employees, salaries or machinery. * * --?? 4 - -J M,lnk| l.? UUl linut na uuuw>> sidered when developing the l?85-86 budget. I .ami Acquisition After a two-hour mcettng behind closed doors, commissioners instructed PlatiTiing Director John Harvey to begin making land acquis) - a jm On Hou Roberson said people buy or build on the island assuming what will be next door will be of similar quality and newness; he suggested they have a right to expect this. Planning Board Chairman Barbee voiced a related concern, saying, "We want to assure the persona wiw buy $50,000 lots and build $100,000 homes on them that a cracker box that can't withstand 75 mph winds won't be moved in between them." As of September 11, Holden Beach commissioners imposed a moratorium prohibiting the moving of houses on the island and have not yet worked out means for regulating // HSL! ?'A/? ??C'0?' kV> ta*rre*sia?ly popoJAr epOos si Wti) e pates sew ametrm tor sdprtatag td tow* board*. 1 / V V roved nulti-family housing and businesses. Two other rezoning requests eceived unanimous council approval, in spite of the fact that one of hem involved the MB-1 classificaion to which Hill and Griffith had oiced opposition. One of the requests was filed by rlike Brazeal, the new owner of 1-an(See PETITION, Page 2-A) S I E-tlNDERV 13/31/99 49334 o2 Pages :y Basis on Plan lions for the county water system. The board had previously instructed Harvey to detail what effect the additional responsibility would have on his time and other responsibilities, Chappell said. In the past land acquisition lias been handled by several county employees. Other Business In other business, commissioners: I.earned of two breaks in the county water line requiring emergency attention by County Engineer Dan Shields. On Saturday a failure developed in an eight-inch raw water transmission line at Beaver Dam Creek that has been in use 10 years, shutting down part of the original wellfield at the N.C. 211 plant until the break is found and repaired. \ 600 mgp leak that developed Sunday at Saucepan Creek was expected to be repaired by midnight Monday. customer* war# temporarily without water, but were liackfed from another pumping station. Commissioner Rabon suggested a Ininl mnollnn K.i uat ?tr* ir? th.l.e..nrii JUIII* Iin.t.wiifi oc% up 111 I VUiUill/ with the social services board to discuss problems within the ei?nney Members voted to advertise for bids for a roll-over truck and related equipment for the Lockwood Kolly convenience rrl^tion TK?u ? I u < > reviewed technical specifications for the station, which County Engineer Dan Shields said must be approved by the state before construction bids can be advertised. Presently the county does not plan to place an al(See PUBIJC, Page 2-A | se-AAoving the moves. The moratorium does not prohibit moving houses off the island One homeowner did Just that last month, using a barge. Because of the expense involved, "if relocated houses had to be orougnt up to ine current (building) itfir," ituucfson mdlcutc-d, "that would almost preclude moving." Houses that require repair* equal to more tlian SO percent of their value must be brought up to current codes anyway, he added. The mayor noted It is generally considered cheaper to move a home off the island than to bring it up to standard because the owners are more likely to get a better return on their investment That will be a lot easier to do when the new bridge is completed. Meanwhile, members of neither board liked the idea of houses being "stockpiled" somewhere on the island. However, both commissioners and planning board members agreed that whatever regulations they adopted will not prevent the relocation of a house in an emergency, as when ero sum threatens. On Monday wiwiWwri may consider a general ordinance regulating the actual moving of a borne, including permit, route planning and posting of a bond to cover damages The bGsrd ?=??ru to Safes more tune to investigate and develop regulations concerning aesthetics These would have to be part of the zoning ordinance. Ms Jeaa said, and would require i public hearing Such regulations could t* adopted no sooner than two or three months in the future. i

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