Cog BY SUSAN USHER " The U.S. Coast Guard has charged the operator of a tugboat that rammed the Sunset Beach Bridge last month with three counts of negligent operation of a towing vessel. Lt. James Carter, investigating officer for the Wilmington District Marine Safety Office, said a federal judge will hear evidence in the case Wednesday, March 6, at 9:30 a.m. at ^ i?ra im? inmwa Wacom vm B8 SB I r if m i Volume 23, Number Seawall r;i.. \a/^. v-iiy vvu BY SUSAN USHER Contractors building seawalls along the occanfront at Holden Beach will be able to sink pilings using city water if they're willing to wait their turn for the one meter available. They will also pay $1.70 per 1,000 galloas rather than the regular water charge $1.20 per 1,000 gallons under a motion made last Thursday morning by Jim Griffin. meeting in special session to discuss the land use plan, public- accessways, hiring of a new policeman and the strand patrol, the board readily added Griffin's request to discuss "the east end and the emergency situation that exists down there" to the agenda. Then they approved his suggestion unanimousiy. The one meter thai works wiiii's fire hydrants will be loaned Sinai? / Cf Serve C BY SUSAN USHER A new Brunswick County Departm? t?f A ?t tl I??1_ 1m 11 let IV ui n a* wv fs*" wj'c ' *???*? mi July under a plan approved by the Brunswick County Board of Co minis doners Monday night. "This is a way we can meet the needs ef a Serge bioc segment of the population," said Commissioner James Poole. The aging department is the second new department created by the commissioners this month. On Feb. 4 they pooled existing personnel and equipmeni io create a construction and maintenance office Also Monday, commissioners appointed a new county finance director after meeting behind closed doors for an hour on personnel, land acquisition and litigation. They took no action on land and legal matters. In establishing the department on aging, commissioners agreed to hire Aireac jPLS m. Its HEia S99HBHB ^sbp. i RKl N5W1C* TECHNICAL COLLE mr|M Ike S?rtb Rnaairicfc Ulaai Ftceni mrt Frtisy =i?tl ss tcij lYnnuai Ikr award la rfcuabrr r qf (*5-i inrri I J I WV/V?I V? '"Wl the New Hanover County Courthouse in Wilmington. Among those scheduled to testify are Sunset Beach Bridgetender Danny Hewett, Ocean Isle Beach Bridgetender Ruby Bellamy and Sunset Beach Police Chief William Hill. The southbound tugboat A.-igc/n ? out of Virginia Beach, Va., pushing a 65-foot barge loaded with pipe to Jacksonville, Fla., struck the bridge wr ;t bki 15 Sh Biiiiripkrf; A+ it?i r\i itC first-come, first-served based on the order in which applications were received. Presently the meter is in use at the Holden pa vilion on the east end, where the old 332-foot wooden seawall is being replaced with a steel-reinforced concrete wall. The town had allowed use of city water there, at charge, because it has invested $8,800 in the project to protect two streets and two public acCcoon'SyS. In two day's time?Tuesday to Thursday?seven persons had applied for local CAMA permits to repair or construct seawalls following a winter storm last Monday night, said Building Inspector Dwight Carroll after the meeting. More uppuCaiiuTiS were expected. Vfiillc Commissioner Jiin Gnffin estimated erosion of 20 to 26 feet in Itnonrv/ V W / ounty $ a department head in May, using county funds to pay the salary until Cfofa arvi-l (a^apoI fnrw4o oro av. pected to pay the salary beginning July I, indicated Unda Bedo, who administers programs for the aging for the Cape Fear Council of Governments. She will help the county establish the department The department's manager will report directly to commissioners and will work with tilt county's nutrition sites, home-delivered meals, chore and transportation services, home V- !iL I ? - t .1 _.Z tttrtiiui taic atiu ic^ai aiu ac: v supported by Title 111 B and C federal programs. Many of those programs are now administered by the Brunswick County Department of Social Services. The department may also seek new or additional sources of funding for senior programming. Ms. Bedo said that a separate ag Jy Tops, Ch< ? T T?1*11H 'TT< 1? i; .-.'A rA . rr* -Jjm & ' f rumc'ni'&likcwu GE PRESIDENT Joseph Carter, right Is Chamber W Commits'? N.C. Oyster Jt fee scfewi. 5TC prerlitd as oyster art that in befit by ?eMta( stndeat*. mMmt Trtpp SI?lr. iru. IN SUNSfci 6i barges Tug ( on Saturday, Jan. 12, around 11:40 s p.m. It knocked out the fender and d three 17-foot sections of the bridge I and damaged a fourth section, clos- f ing the bridge to vehicular traffic un- ? til the following Wed lesday evening. S Jim Kelly of Virginia Beach, Va., was operating the tugboat, ti registered to Jim Williams, Sea Tow C Inc., aiso of Virginia Beach. ii The three counts against Kelly, A I ri TOW! allolte, North Carolina, Thai - _ ^an!ap JHpn some locations, Carroll said he knew of one location where a measured 12 ieet was iosi. At the request of a homeowner seeking a seawall construction permit, on Monday he had measured the site. At 32 feet from the erosion scarp to the house foundation, it fell 12 feet short of qualifying for a permit. To be considered endangered the foundation must lie within 20 feet of the erosion scarp or the toe of the dune. When Carroll measured attain Tuesday morning, the location r qualified. Even though contractors will have '1 to take turns using the meter, commissioners said they thought all pro- y perty owners would have time to get I their nilings jetted and have con- S struetion under way hv March 1. I (See HOLD EN, Page 2-A) Vill ! a I rg a ;yg 3 ing department would put its first priority on senior citizens, which nmnlVtAr rvAoeiKlu /*Ai?!? would I lave greater visibility and with its greater flexibility couid help * "fill in the gaps" in existing programs for Brunswick County's growing number of senior citizens. She estimated the number of elderly in " the county would increase irom the * 6,763 counted in 1980 to 8,381 in 1990. | The irena boih stalewiuc arid Ui the ? area is toward establishment of separate aging departments, she adJ_ -I ucu. She cautioned the department could become political because of the senior citizens lobby, that there would be some objections to making a change and that the department could become more costly. "But all the cons may in reality benefit the senior citizens of the counfar " cha VI ewew. nmber Hope BY TERRY POPE Southern hospitality anu beautiful I golf courses are two ingredients the I Sou'h Brunswick Islands Chamber of i Commerce plans to emphasize in a I travel guide designed to attract more : tourists to the area According to figures released last ] week by the N.C. Department of i Commerce, Bruitswick^ Coufl; led by collecting more than $100 million, * i said Mason Anderson, a member of the chamber board of directors. "|p Brunswick *nd tourism take a second seat to nothing," Anderson said at the s chambers' ninth antral membership e meeting in Calabash Friday night He added that the "dramatic increase" in tourism revenues shows what kind o( Job the chamber has * dcoe in the past nine years. In IS?S the cscssy cchccUd JiS million in tourism dollars, which pimped to 11) million by 1900. he said. By 1SS3, u* ?u taoi to more than $S5 million and last year exceeded the tiOO miiltoa mark. a f\. - r i lua? tui |/uuii3iuii5 v? o ? ci magazines highlighting the South Brunswick Islands. The plans will be presented to the chamber board of rtiiw-tjTr* for study Under the themes, "We Bring You Wide Smiles and Wide Beaches." and "We Bring You Wide Smiles and Wide Fairways." the magazines would act as travel guides to be placed in travel agent offices world aide The booklets would attempt to draw oo Brunswick County's hosptxaioy, beaches and god courses, Hicnmelsboch said. "You're not only developing a year round business." Hinsneisbacii said, "bat you're developing an area that will really set you apart in the years spRINGPORT MI fith Nea mined by the judge, said Carter, He could, for instance, suspend the operator's license, pending six months' probation. The N.C. Department of Transportation is awaiting the outcome of the U.S. Coast Guard investigation before initiating action to recover damages in the incident, indicated DOT spokesman Rill Jones. The Angela m was the first of two BEAD 25c Per C MSI.' 9bei - |3|gs? ' .4 * J98 v' "Xr vsggsiifeffiHES \ mbk! bbb^^mbbp*^ ibbbi 1^9 B 99991^ Jiltite< T sbwi^ sgs Thursday far seawalls should at the Holden March 1. when i ch, with backfill- Dent erosion co 1-relnforced can- meantime, spec seawall built by Commissioners m or eight other use city water, se Tourist It iahan't ** Hirnmelsbach publishes six magazines in the Grand Strand area, including "On the Green," which features the Myrtle Beach area golf courses, and "On the Town" magazines for Charleston. Developing a travel package to the Brunswick County area would also be laYoraue to Piedmont Airlines, said **? mi ??./*.. ? l -.!? n iiuaui mivicc, acuivi ?n.c president for marketing. McGee was guest speaker at the banquet held at the Harbortown Seafood Restaurant Piedmont has become known as the "golfers airline" since it services airports in both Wilmington and Myrtle Beach, easily accessible to area golf courses, McGee said. "We carry more goiferx than most me rihar sM'swa " aA4a^ Unfla., estimated *?.0M golfers passed me terminals at mjTut Beach and Wilmington last year That figure vtB increase to XAJXO golfers in 1985, be said. "We're extremely interested ifi the promotion of tourism,'' McGee added. Pleasure travel makes up an tm ? -aver. r\ y lc'/3i/-go ?nce vehicles to strike the bridge in about a week's time. A U.S. Army landing craft utility boat struck the bridge on Jan. 21, in the same area damaged by the tug-barge. The bridge was closed temporarily for repairs. Carter said his office is not investigating that incident now since it involved another federal agency; any further action would be taken by the U.S. Army. V ^ _ f^m! opy 24 Pages a y*3fiF-' m cvwxtia^3.?vJ*.' . ? *? V*' ' < lVV" IHjH .-?./ v .\$r ""*Z ;, ': > ...i 1 ilV* ^ i 9^HK- i fligk JHR , ^*T . 'W^V B91HsSR3SHHk iid-^SIS? [^^^^ppEBaK^7paetag^^^g^aB? SSSn sv WW ?.? ' " " 6' if ?. . * - ' K't . {* ' r:, &TAJF ttlOIO IV FUVAF* IJVKt be under construction or repair by lew CAMA regulations barring permautrol structure* go Into effect. In the lal action of the Holden Beach Board of will allow the seawall contractors to lor a fee, to Jet pilings. idustry portant part of Piedmont's revenues." McGee said he was also interested In promoting more airline packages to the area for smaller conventions that may be held either in the Sooth Brunswick Islands or the Grand Strand area. Chamber President Tripp Sloane COiiid neip prur.'aXe ila "auuuaczti iwoyiirir ty" these by wearing buttons saying. "We Have Wide Smiles " . Sloane said the chamber itself has ala/i Kaaw orn?mo in jKa ria rf 9^ years, from 120 members to 2U members Travel writers featuring the area In national magazine* have also helped increase the number of inquiries the chamber received last year by 49 percent In other business Friday night, the c-hnrrthmr pniZZHC 112 gflTiggf Presidential Award to Shaliotte businessman Deedy White (or providing the old rile for the chamber office fur five years. A plaque will be given to White (See AWAJlOft, Page 2-Af * J