Page Z-A?THE BRUNSWICK BEACt Adult! BY TERRY POPE A policy that would begin phasing in all adult school bus drivers for Brunswick County's 11 schools was tabled by unanimous vote of the Brunswick County Board of Education Monday night. School Superintendent Gene Yarbrough presented the proposal that called for hiring all adult school bus drivers for the five elementary schools next year. In the 1986-87 school year, all middle schools would hire adult drivers while all adults would staff the high school buses in the 1987-88 school year. "The Brunswick County Board of rjuutciuuii ut'iicvra uidi ui*; tnijiiu/ment of adults as school bus drivers will enhance the safety of our students being transported to and from school," the policy states. "This will alleviate certain stress condiCommissic Director Y< BY SUSAN USIiEK Brunswick County Commissioners told Health Director Thomas Blum "yes," "no," and "maybe" Monday night to proposals for three new health programs. They approved a demonstration program, funded with a $12,000 state grant, that would help elderly residents In Shallottc and Waccamaw communities learn to reduce the possibility ot accidents wltnin their homes. If the program succeeds, the state will use it as a model for similar progrants around the state. Part of the grant pays onethird the salary of the department's health educator. Adjoining urban and i uini areas were chosen for comparative purposes. In developing the project the health educator will work with some organized senior citizens groups. But commissioners rejected a proposal to establish, at no additional cost to the department, an AIDS Counseling Center. "Since we're not offering it now, I see no reason to start it. I'd just as soon we don't get iniu u, nuiu v. i.i; 1111 nn.*iiuiHTi ami t'oolo In tnaVlna the motion to deny tlio request, Commissioner Krunklc Huhon was absent and Commissioner ( race Honsley voted uituinst Poole's motion. The renter would have offered blood testlilK tluit wouldn't determine If u client luul the ucqulred Immune deficiency, but It would identify whether further lesttiiK were needed. Offering the testing Ilium told commissioners, should help protect the supply of donor blood. Since the American Hod Cross Im-kiiii screenIiik all blood donated to It, persons who think they may have AIIXS, ho said, are comtiiK to Ameriean Hod Cross bloodmoblles across the country to donate blood They do It because they want llio screening. Ilium said no one lias identified tliat as a reason (or donating blood Id-ally or requested the screening from the health department. County Attorney David Oegg said there would la- much loss rtsk of Tax Hike (Continued Krom Page l-A I includes a new carpenter's assistant and a maintenance assistant Maintenance Garage. $1,002,666. Sheriff, $1.060.983. reflecting nearly a $142,000 increase in salaries and wages for two new telecommunicators, two detective trainees, one office deputy and fdir deputy sheriffs Jail. $2I8,I?M. includes an additional Jailer Veterans Service. $3S.S9# Kmergencv Management, $78.74" Public Housing Agency i all federal finals I. $639,218 Soil ami Water Conservation. ?17.4Wi Paris ami Keoreation. tmo.431. up atxnit 1180.000 lo reflect pivposesl HOW TO SU THE BRUNSWI fOSt OMKf K)X SHAtlOllt NO* It for A word VVinnii) AHXUAl SUttCtlPTK* RATIS IT Mi B Cow^*> m lUr??\8'? I* MvVti CO4-ners Tell Hea as, No, And A employees contracting AIDS than < they currently face from hepatitis. Staff members had already com- I pletcd training for the project and 1 Southeastern Mental Health had 1 agreed to help any clients with more serious concerns about the testing results. : Commissioners said they wanted 1 more information about a proposal to 1 screen elderly putients leaving hospitals in Brunswick, Columbus and possibly Pender counties to determine their long-term health 1 care needs. The goal of the program is to match patients with services that allow them to live at home i rather than enter u nursing facility. I Conducted In cooperation with the > Cape Fear Council of Governments I und the county's new older adults i progrum, the project would involve < $8,000 to $25,000 funding in the county ! over a two-year period. The screening, by mandate, would ^ be offered to adults who require nurs- < lug care und ure eligible for Medicaid \ or likely to become eligible; and those who want and can pay for the screening through other lasurance or private resources. 1 With the patient and his or her physician's approval, a case worker would would talk with tile existing 1 patient before discharge from the ! hospital und with the discharge < nurse, then muke a site visit to the I home. If the type of service the per- I son needs were not available, the pro- I Ject staff would try to encourage existing service providers to offer the service, or to seek out oilier providers for the service. Some of the $25,000 budgeted could tic used to help start services that aren't already available. Commissioners authorized Blunt to continue looking Into the program, hut saiil they also wanted to hear Comprehensive Home Health Care's views on the proposed (XXi contract with the county to provide the service. Blum said the reason COG asked the health department to conduct the screening was to uvold a possible Proposed Improvements to parks Agricultural Extension, $150,510 Integrated Pest Management. $t.962 Mosquito Control. $190,320 Corps ot Engineers contract, $35,500, reflects salary increase from $8,792 to $20,000 Sanitary landfill. $770,606. Includes an additional truck driver Construction, $221,920 Coroner. $17,500 Courts. $IR.915 Non-departmental (includes $250,000 for merit pay and $150,000 in contingency I, $1,037,425 inner additional positions proposed include two clcrfc-t>pists ?ixt animal control officer in the health department BSCRIBE TO CK^BEACON no iCAtOOHA J*45? g M#vs? Cov#ro?# III: V (Mim 5 ? 3*4 I 7 M 3 a a *CUV I (X> l tv 4WM M4ni I I I I ' ( MSI i js Drivei brough said those figures would be available at the next fleeting. Forty of the county's 126 bus drivers must be replaced next year due to graduation or retirements, in eluding ten student drivers for the elementary schools. One reason high school drivers have trouble driving for elementary schools is the conflict in their class schedules, Clemmons said. A bill before the N.C. General Assembly introduced by State House Rep. Alex Hall, D-New Hanover County, that would have mandated all-adult school bus drivers across the state did not pass the house this session. Hall introduced the bill following a series of school bus accidents in southeastern North Carolina. A school bus accident in Shallotte on May 6 sent 17 Union Primary llth ,An\/hcs ivn y w w conflict of interest tiiat could result. If an agency that offers the services In question gets the contract, it could conceivably tie in a position to refer clients to its own programs. Cost Study Commissioners also allocated $7,000 for a contract with David M. tiriffin & Associates to develop an indirect cost allocation plan and to examine areas in county operations whirl c usi'i fees cuuiu be established. The indirect cost allocation study could result in substantially larger reimbursements to me county trom state and federal fluencies. Care agencies such as social services, for lastance, can obtain reimbursement for the county of a prorated portion of ;hc indirect costs associated with adninistcring certain prograiiLs. Inlirect costs include centralized suplort services. Reimbursements in some pro;rams often triple using Griffin's letailed plan, Finance Director Wallace Harding said. Other Business In other business, commissioners . Met behind closed doors for nearly two hours to discuss n personnel matter, land acquisition and clientattorney matters. Part of the time was spent meeting with Parks and Recreation Director Bobby Jones and Security Fence Co. owners Jimmy and Brenda Register relative to a 117,002 contract from September 1984 lor fencing of Waccamaw Township Park at Ash. No action was taken. Heard from Emergency Management Coordinator Cecil lxsgan on luilsulf nf r\r\l II V/nl untnnr U'lro Department seeking hauls to bring a 19S1 pumper used for mutual aid response and backup back into service by repairing the transmission, clutch and brakes at a cost of $1,200 or more. Commissioners said the work could bcitin now. but that the money would come from the 1985-86 county allocation to the department or district. Chairman Chris Chappell said honoring requests for extra funds is the type action that causes problems among the departments. Accepted a budget revision to allocate $1,040 in Belville ABC Board contributions to the sheriff's department. to be used for undercover work Authorized Chairman Chris Chappell to sign an encroachment agreement with Seaboard System Railroad allowing the county to install and maintain a water line on companyproperty near Navassa Instead of pay ing annual rent of $76 "forever," commissioners agreed to a one-Ume payment of $1,140 proposed by County Attorney David Clegg. Heard a request from Grace t'eoples of tlie Holden Beach Senior Cltuons for more and "better" if possible "no littering" signs along N C ISO from Oxpcn Koad to the tieach causeway road, the area the club is helping to keep clear cif litter Reappointed Louis 'Bobby" Brown of Navusxx. AO,! K .,nn If Voum? ?? - ?'T of Ash lo the Brunswick County Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Accepted an SH-1 petition from Marlee Acres developers Hilton and l-Tva Hernnjt asking the state to take over Hartvr Street. Camelot Dnve and the Camelot Drive extension for maintenance Delayed appointments to the Brunswick County library Board from IXslnct 4 and i. and an appointment to the IJth District Jury CoronussKin The commissioners choose one member of that panel IXirward Clark's term expires June JO Accepted a low bid of 1ST NT from Rooks Construction of VfhitrviUe foe a water plant spiractor txuWing Met Miss Brunswick County Belinda Jacobs of Ielarvl Policy Tc School students to the Brunswick Hospital for treatment. The student driver was charged in that accident for running a red light. A unlnrv cralo that ic HocionnH tr? attract adult drivers was also introduced to the board Monday by school business manager Sam Adcock. Currently, all school bus drivers earn $4.25 per hour, but under the revised salary schedule drivers could earn up to $5.38 per hour depending on their experience. "This year's drivers would begin next year at $4.35 per hour," Adcock said. "There would be no pay decrease since they already have a year's experience." Beginning drivers with no experience would start out at $4.17 per hour, he said. The yearly increases to different pay levels are based on five percent cost of living adjustments. M ii THLS WAS THE SCENE on Holden He mer was Identified as an escapee las was hnndcuffi'd by officers and taken Deputy (Continued From Page 1-A) ask for an officer may come from a lie detector test that he is willing to take, since the department's telephone recording system in not in operation. "There is no apparent reason why I wouldn't have sent her an officer if she had requested one," Nance said. Nance and another deputy were at the store drinking coffee and talking to the clerk just prior to the rape. After leaving the store, Nance returned to the sheriff's department in Bolivia where within minutes he received the first telephone call. How Hot Was it? 101 Degrees Sunday's daytime temperature climbed over 100 degrees for the first time this year, reported local mcterologist Jackson Canady. Sunday's high of 101 degrees was typical of highs recorded throughout the southern states this week. Canady said A minimum low of 64 degrees was recorded on three days last week, the 28th. 30th and Jlst The outlook calls for more of the above normal temperatures and near normal precipitation. Canady said Highs should range in the Sfts during the day and the 70s at nicht Three fourths inch of rain is also expected "We're looking for somewhat hotter than normal weather for the next couple of days," Canadv said "But it's still a little too early to think that we're going to have this kind of weather for the rest of the summer." Canady said all indications point toward a nice summer rather than an extremely hot and dry summer for the South Brunswick Islands area Kor the period May 2B-Jurie S. an average daily lagh of M degrees comlu ?y>-l wrsfji ww w ti?> m Oa wiohf' v Irtta ' ST degrees for an average daily temperature of BO degrees, or about six degrees above normal Approximately 1 OT inches of ram was also recorded last week abled By The revised salary scale would be "utilizing the full amount of the state allocation for school bus drivers," Adcock said, which is $4.25 per hour. A second-year driver would earn $1.53 per hour, a fourth-year driver $4.72, a sixth-year driver $4.92, ninthyear $5.15 and 12 years or more, $5.38 per hour. School transportation mechanic Mercer Sullivan, who is retiring next week, said the safety record for young drivers "over the past year has been good. If you take the reverse out, we might not have any accidents," he added. "We've had some adults to have accidents, and some young people, too." Brunswick County's school buses will travel 1,165,217 miles this school year, Yarbrough said, or about 9,247 miles per bus. The average driver travels 51.4 miles each day and trrWltJffSf ,nnrBH __ic JHH > Jr hi. iflfffhi iHUBfi Ws/BSm ach when a swim- Hanover County P t Wednesday. He Page 1. i back to the New ' Defends A After the second telephone call. Shallotte Police Officer Nellie Evans was dispatched to the store where she found the clerk and took her to the Brunswick Hospital for treatment. "I feel that a crime has been committed that could have been prevented," Davis said. "It's an unfortunate thing that happened, but the only thing I can do now is to see that it doesn't happen again." Davis also listed another reason for Nance's dismissal as "failure to supervise your shift of uniform officers on the 11-7 shift on Saturday, May 25." tu i'avi.->, .wauve was uui of his car from 1:32 a in to 2:41 a.m. on May 25 and '"had no radio contact with men handling traffic." Nance said he gave a telephone number where he could be reached at the Calabash Elks 1-odge and called the dispatcher three times to check if he was needed. He claims he was not notified by the dispatcher on duty ~ I CHI I I DEGREES OF EY Millions of people should be wearing some form of eye protection while engaged in hazardous activities, whether on the job or while pursuing their hobbies at home The type and degree of eye protection depends on the nature of the hazards which they face .kll corrective lenses prescribed by doctors of optometry are. bylaw. impact resistant Impact resistant spectacles provide LIMITED frontal protection against flying particles However, impact-resistant lenses will break "Safety glasses", on the otter hand contain lenses which meet industrial safety lens standards Board spends 3.59 hours on his or her bus route, he added. "There has been a lot of comment on the move toward hiring all adult drivers," Yarbrough said. In other business Monday, board Chairman James Forstner presented school bus driver Myrtle Carroll with the Traev I ea Calhoun Award. The annual award is given to one outstanding school bus driver in each county for their contribution to school bus safety. Ms. Carroll has driven 13 years for Bolivia Elementary School without an accident. She lias also never received a citation during her 50 years of driving in North Carolina. The award is given each year in honor of Tracy Calhoun, a 17-year-old junior who was killed on her way to an after-school job at an oil company in Raleigh in May 1980. MAIf fMOIO * CA?