,1 Page 2-B?THE BRUNSWICK BEAC Lookin FOR SALE Deep woter lot, 200' on She!!o*?e River. CeM eftcr 5*30 p.m. 754-8494 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY INCOME PRODUCING PROPERTTI 4 oport montJ. almost new horn* with foil batornont. ? building lot* Good ron tol history on opartmonts. Just off Ocean Isle Beach Caosoway. $133,500 SHAILOTTE 40*80 building on ? ocros Many potontiol utot Call for details $120 000 LARGE HOUSE and 5 oparfrnonts at rnouth of Shollotte River Choice pro pnrty. Coll for details arid price LOT 100 ft on Hwy 179 neor Ocean Islo Beach $79,900 [?1? DEAITY I Ooon 111. Btoch, 579 7038 I '* Island realty Ocean Itle Beach Causeway Phono(919)579-3599 < ? ?? - mm ii NIWUS1ING 457 I o%t 1 liltli Stieot 3 (IK ?hn one luted tlolr woy new lot ml yaioya wtlh dooi opanui, luimthed Weill luinlkf oped Giool peinuiMool homo of vutollon properly, f'aitoramit tweon View $Vfl 500 BIACH NOMf S NIW IISIING CANAl MOUSl //Ion moni Si Immuiulont 3 UK 7 ba luoplaie yltglit% laipe dtxk lufn Novel rented $ 135 (XX) ANSON S! I UK 7 bo dtxK. uolur $133 000 1177 I AUHINRUHG 51 lo.ge bout# on 65 It lot 1'iteploce wei boi 4 o." 5 BR 3 bo $159 900 MANY othoi conol pioporliot ovollnhU* 3 5 BR $133 000 A up oi lei ut build youi ?li com homo (M\ one ol out Build In Suit lol? CM I AN! RON 1 H4 I Wt Si Supeiien tol '.I BR i l>o lum Gieol liHQlion $159 100 C0ND0S CMANNII $101 2 BR 2 l?o $77 9ooa up 1'ie idling I'hnio 3 (oi lltWi %noion CMANNI I HARBOR Beoohtul I BR plut bunk onto I biith unll Gieot view lu?n C B $61 900 CX I AN 5101 VVI SI Oieonhonl 2 BR 7 (?o den untem B $l?9 900 SAND C ASlilS Oteordiont 7 BR 2 bo den (urn I 1 $179 (XX) I AKGt leleilici ol other nvdiM ovoiloble I 7 A 3 BR $64 COO A up ton CANAl I cm $45 000 A up MAlNlAND lOlS Coroltno Shore* $ I 7 500 Coiohno Shoiei Noftii $10 000 Benl Gee Plantation $31 (XX) Shoreline Wtx>d* $79 f00 Shollotir M.II.Wen Si $6 000 SholloMe Reitinteil ?ubd<v mon XV 4 V XV S*o Im.l tlOOCV H?*Vi lotHiing flonialion 135 000 MAINLAND A l KASM I mil* liom (\#on l?l* |\??i J M 2 bo nvp*t|Kl & Oil op }?lt<irv?? o?* 00? U\) lot 000 IOC^ C*A|I N?%% lOiuiiuilion UxO>??1 iv^lj 3 milM l?(vn (\wn l?l? ? J* I bo ?vo**' u* too rAlWOS IUAN,3 S*tlwiNd * >oo<ti knit* c* oKv' 5 <K??? 3 IK 2 t k> til+fJiH* P* V i?^H>?nHKl ftJJ OCV MOIIll NOMiS 54 AViCM S1A1KXN ?M : bo tow**3r> ;jqsv A ? *h ?vi 190 1\X> P^AfAlll MltfAV J A 3 M av-oAabJ* 134 OlX) A wp IAMW\>X> IMAII5 l?A4 ?*K* '4*V 2 A* I 4*m < <*? Jb? kwyo *o* 153 AX) ONI f writ l \T09 H &N0 ill III iMt w?im 4?W* 174 4477 ( * l 174 4141 NffT 4t4*r 174 3441 MiVMm 174 >441 ON, Thursday, September 12, 1985 g For Pi Dam| Esfst? NEW HCMES COMPIKTUV FINISHID brick or siding, your choice Croft Bilt Homos builds and finances No red tope Coll 395-1102 anytime tf TIRED OF PAYING RENT? Own your own tmnia ujilh nn mnnnu Hnihn RiiiIH on 1/nuf lot. For free brochure or informotion coii collect 371-6549 tf SOUTHERN ?>>ANDS REALTY, INC OCEAN ISLE SQUARE PHONE 579-9785 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 65 acres on Hwy 904 $71,500 $16,750 down bolonce 15 years at 1 % bolow FIB rote 400 ocrc tract $800 000 $160 000 down. 15 yoc*: ot 1% boiow FL6 rate 93 ocro blueborry form. $350,000 $150,000 down, balonce 10 years of !7% Owner financing 100 acres $100,000. Ownor financing 14 acros at Winnobow, just off Hwy 17 $33 000 Commorciol building. 8.000 *q It . ond 3 ocros $156,000 Ov<nor will con*idor financing One nrrn and 3 building* (8.400 *q ft total) Complotely fenced with chain link $55 000 $15 000 down 15yoor* *>% '} building* (4 800 %q ft.), country ttoro gat pump* $79,800 Commorciol lott 100*300 00 Hwy 17 $38,500 each Call for dotailt Commercial building and lot $90,000 Commorciol lot (3 aero* plut) on Hwy 17 $90,000 Commercial building $40 000 Commercial lot or* bypa*% Call for detail* S1ACOAST DEVEIOPMENT. Irtc, NtW LISTINGS) BACON'S II UN 19H2 14.90 Norm mobile homo 7 BR 7 both* firoploc C H A all appliancot Including wathor dryor and microwave Jutt ?itt<f?rr 1 aero corrtor lot fronting pavod road Outtido utility hoildirtu *32 *4)0 fATITTIVIUI STRUT New deep water canal homo 3 BR gueti and private matter bath i .250 hooter! ?q It complotoly lurmthod with many a* fro feature* franch door* parlor Ion* (uitorn ook cabinet* large kitchen ample ttoiage (looting dork and bulkhead londtcapod lawn *119 500 VIA A IK I CAHAl 3 BR and loll area 2 largo bath* I 7Q0 ?q It All op phance* Burk ttove ( H A 8 (li>*et? too! top ttindork Overlook* waterway 70*200 lot with livo oak* io?tri(ted homing tubdivition *72 *X) MONDAY HAVIK 12**2 National mobile home 2 BR 1 bath *0*100 lot wiiulow air electric heat covered (Kirch very c love to bearh and <outewa> but.net* *17 500 SIC0ND I0W large 4 BR 2 bath home 2 tec and row lot* C H A oil appliance* lurm?hed including hootowaret IV I nc lo*ed got age *e merit drive tcroened (Kirch Iranian dou* tundack with *ittmg area coder lap board tiding Pottible owner hnancing *199 500 f IVHIIMAN t VIUA&I 3 BR 2 bath new 14*70 Redman mobile home C H A completely (urnithad Acca** to boot ramp rut Introcoottal Woter way *2* 500 10% dawn balaine at 14% lor 10 year* MONDAY NAVIM V BR 1 bath lj*h0 Shy lute home on (0?HX) k?t Com plefaiy lurnitherl including bedtpreodt curtain* opplarHet IV Vary dote to beach and waterway 12* W 0AA1 Aw^OM KARB0A Country through out' 2 ?tor> 3 BR 2 both home m ra?tr?<ted homing tubditrftien C N A all opp7.anca* torge ^0* 150 lot hrafthx* c*0h Itoor Irvg port<y ton* t?<e*r\e*1 p?MVh large t^ndevk ample ikvoga acxl dot*! *?KK? Boot ro?9 on waterway Con tee water wa> I torn front penk 1*4 W Ma> be bought W.tk odditfonol h>t CmAHOm VYltlY 1*3 tf ?J tvUheod ht waterfront property located at evt ?- pu?w* " V?' cm 4 *?det 2 M 1 bo*h cothedro .? v nj tyni 1 * tw*n<?K?d ?*?<1 bitndt (Mat^lo'XM o>J o > *? ?>?v#n No' vb 900 K1i?K?1 CSftntw^ 3 M ; Nj^ h<WMt V. ?v*X ?ScA? C** M.A Kv^.? 0"*d Ksj'Jt iKuxyvx.' ??. * KV ' 2^ ??3 ? jVn >? K??l Sc?n># w.1?* g?on?C ivn jwx^ CXKMI csw i o# ' ' wdb <?*? tON?\A >-xJ CKV <y^3 *\v V%http K> r t |IJ* 000 I roperh Baal Estate 2-STORY cedor country home on 5 acres 4 BR 3 baths. Holdon Beach Supply area. Coll (919)842 4383 Sap!. 12 trio VAi t warn ifniih 4-Br brick home on Inland Waterway. One plus acres. $199,500. For appointment call: 579-4145 Sun Company REAL ESTATE Holden Beach Causeway (919)842-6735 LOTS Holidoy Acres New listings I % milos from beach Wolk to rostauronts. storos. bank on new paved road MOBILE HOME 3 BR 2 full baths cen frol air. 10*40 dock. Ovorsi/od land scaped lot appro* 145 ft. front 145 ft doep. 75 ft back width, bordonng fresh water pond Boat landing privileges on Intracoastal Watorwoy Mid S70 s HEW LISTING Scenic viow of Intracoastal Woterway from deck of rnobilo homo, walkwoy access approximately 150 ft to watorwoy, plus private boat landing New Tangle wood oreo S30 500 H01IDAT ACRES 198? 14*70 mobilo homo 3 BR 7 baths furnished $20 s UCCANIIR HILLS lot* under $4 000 10% down balance financed ot 10%. ! Ash to soo our complolo solos llsi Sff HAL STANKT, CHAR10TTI NOLTI OR CKMINT MORAN Holden Beach Phone (919)842-6415, 842-6686 HOMES AND MOBILE HOMES C?rr?IN'S VIllAS 2 BR 2 both condo I 03? trj fi c h o f *cclient rental unit 2nd row with laige sundeck on o(oanfront for exclusive us? of pro porly ownort All appliances private balcony off living room overlooks pool $77,500 unfurnished j MAINlAHO HOMI I mil* Irotn boot It i I 500 *q It lo! 120*143 3 BR I'. both* brick voneoi eatoilui hord wood floor* ip( reahonal dock with outtido brick grill 2 woll* fireplace with blower* all o?tio* Outtido ctorago building $65 000 7 NO ROW 0UPUX 6 BR 6 bath* locoted on 60* I 25 lot E icvllont rental unit All appliance* (ha largo dock* on waterway ond ocean *ide Cement driveway thoetrock with wain?coating wallpaper in bath* $VJ 500 per ?k1o unlurmthed fur iiithpil pockogo IV? 5(X) oach ?ide BOilOAT NAVIN 2 BR I bath 864 *q ft large corner lot window air unit 10*14 deck *torm door* and win (lovn window treatment included completely furni*hed $32 500 BIACM DUPill Sand Dune* Subcfnl *ion on introcca*tal Waterway 2 BR 2 bath* all appliance* lot *ire 60*125 4 deck* with view of the cheon and waterway Acce** to p?er on Intracoattol Waterway and direct acce** to beach furnithed ] povkoge $'4 500 eoch *ide Unfur m*hed $6"3 SCO eoch tide (XIAMftONT 00 Pill 3 bedroom* 2 i both* central beat and air all op pltarxo* beautifully decorated or*d fumithed including window treat m#nt Great rentol unit $I3^SC*A> i each tide Kitchen tool* etc tet for weekly rental* UAVMOIt ROAD 3 lw.1i.wmt 3 I S72 ?q t? iorg* k>? lCO?24S wood burning ^?o'?r p?n? lap tidmg g?3'og? O??h font control b#o? A Oi* On? m.i? fi\VH *H? b*C(b kv vv LOTS INIAACOASTAI iVAfflWAY V..\X> lo* N? \v?#t %**> CO? OAAYAUPON NAtftOt ?tn<t?d Koutmg twbdivit ?oa *3?1S0 lo* si: AV SHftftOtN fSTATIS tub duuton Sbollotf* or?o Po%?d " r* ? ?<ro W?* 14 OCO I <x>? k?i S" SCO SHAuOHS *iv?? 2 on (OilA ond d>ilX3 S? NcS^S CO? OuPlH lO'S AO* 1*3 MUo??y 13* 300 ?o SJ4 SOO t0?1? V>3 '*?*? , b<o** A?#?I SJ2 SCC Motm HCAM ion 13 000 <> 14 *30 lut\N(i!ONS1-C?^io? 130 000 te? KAS?od 14* SCO *Wtf>Y PONT PAH - 4?? IS SOO f? Look CHOOSE YOUR IOTI VINEYARD LANDING - Lots on Royol Oak River. 80(waterf ront)*204x227x95 $14,000. !C*? dev.-. fcclcr.cc 5 ? yesrt c* '0#/simple interest. SEA AIRE ESTATES 2 odjocent lots. 70* 1SC eoch. $5,500 per lot. SHAL'.OTTE POINT AREA Near waterway Nice corner lot for building that future vocotion permanent home with od|Ocent lot available recently bushhogged PRICE REDUCED' MAKE AN OFFER ON ONE OR BOTH RIVERSIDE SECTION I Beoutiful wooded corner lot 112.5*150 (l'/? lots) in restricted section zoned homes only $12,000. SUMMERPLACE II? No restrictions, nico lot with deep woil. septic tank, storage building You con move on this ono now1 $7,000. SHELL LANDING Close to beach 100*100 lot with well arid septic tank Your money's worth at $12,000 BUCCANEER HILLS?Several nice lots with boat ramp and tennis court privileges in ono of the best sections. Holden Beach arco! Priced to sell, storting at a low $4,500 and up /77V Bob jCampbell Realty D3 PHONE <919) e-J? Jfj'iH ANYTIME MOlOINBfACH NORTH CAROLINA ?846? HWY 130 PAST HOLOEN BEACH CAUSEWAY ON LEFT JP A Gc ?t- 1 | itIL. LEVI SALES NOW PRESELL1K overlooking >fl fair hy this (Christmas, year round golf cc guaranteed. W ithin swimming. fishing easual lifestyle. Brierwoml \ illas a your lifest> le, whei PRErCOlV I'rio's start at first year of your fi 1) for your choit P.O. Box 2523 ShaHotto, Ml l-8tMt-32?-374tl (out of state) Ill I lie DCdtUI I 1 REAL ESTATE AUCTION 8HALL0TTE POINT. N. C. SATURDAY 2 Bedroom dwelling with extra lot. SEPTEMBER I I Located just past The Shallotte Point Grocery. Ideal for a summer home or if lain you enjoy fishing this one is made for you. Will be offered seperate and then 11:00 A.M. grouped together as one unit. Eninv ttf f/ir. .1?- ? i-1 - j " j ^j uu^i/ ituit? cumrnunities on the coast at Shallotte Point. sale subject to confirmation: Terms: 10* down Will) Balance In 30 flays. WARNER INSURANCE and REALTY CO.. INC. P. 0. BOX 295 9I9K24516 EllZABETHTOWN N C. BROKER 7375 W M. "BuT WARNER JR . AUCTIONEER NCAL 1161 "IT7irn ft. 77 me To Buy or Sell. Call Bud" )lf Course Community ^ JfiT Zl i"' *4* " ** ?? - - T- . ITED TIME i PROMOTION i(? \ ILLA III?Only seven Villas left, all way. One or two bedroom designs. Move in When you buy at Hrierwood Estate* your >urse membership and year round play is i walking distance Hrierwood offers tennis, in our many lakes: or just relax with our re a golden opportunity that will enhance re you will be proud to live. IPLETION PROMOTION IMI. Builder will pav elosinu cost and nav the - V-' I 4 amity membership to Brierwood. \(!T TO?e of remaining Villas. Visit Us , MUe From Today Hwy. 17 0n For A 179 Toward Personal Ocean Isle Presentation ac 1 ,

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