p I Vr* v/CI KV SUSAN I Sill It Followuig a mooting of count) and school officials Inst Tuesday niglU. the Brunswick Founty Board of Fducation Isn't expected to continue its appeal for more local funds With the (two) members 1 talked to. the feeling was to let it slide." said Dr. James Forstner. school board chairman. With the Jill) 4th holiday interfering, he said had been unable to contact two members. We were serious about it when we voted to appeal But on ftiriher investigntion it looked less and less likely d would be productive " 1 ast Tuesday night, the clay after the school board's vote. Superintendent llene Yarbruugh and Korstner met with Board of Commissioners / ' Jj"| Volume 24 Number 35 > -y'i air .i.vWITH HF.falNA WIIITK administering t joined the county commissioners Morula b> Herman Uvc. In November, he will r adopting the county budget on June 25, c that "il he wanted the job, to be here Ji June by the Democratic Kxeeutive I or sioner>" unanimous vote Monday night. Stevenson Falls In Bid To Make BY SUSAN A third candidate's name will not Education ballot in November. Brunswick County Board of Klec day afternoon tluit Supply resident J( quale. tie just didn't luive enough sigl Supervisor l.vnda Britt. Stevenson was seeking a spot on didate against Republican Jane Caus Dorothy Worth He had submitted 11# pages of pi ten more tliau the iniriunuin 2,339 req However, during the he held collected only 1,820 valid sign; A lot uf people were riot registi twice. And some tind .signed several (. addition to their own, she said Those Stevenson was one of two indepe spots on the ballot. Harry Kickenbac collected the ininimuin miniber of sij had wanted to run for clerk of co Democrat incumbent, and Kepublicai Stevenson could not In* reached fr Traffic Was Maj Probiem Durinc BY MA KJ OK IK MKCilVKKN ir Communities in the South f< Brunswick area reported a safe, uneventful Fourth of .July, but one tl beset by traffic problems, especially v on causeways. t At Ocean fslc Beach. Poliee (-hs??f Jerry Ciurganus said he and other of- p f icers spent all day July 5 alternating o on duty at the intersection of h 1 iighways 904 and 179, the entrance to p the causeway, directing traffic. "I o Issued lots of traffic citations, hut no v arrests were made," Ciurganus said h of the weekend. "There were even more people on the beach this year r* than last, and the traffic moved bet- tl ter except for the intersection." II That trouble spot has been acknowledged by the state DepartI I r\ I i mr*1 K^nrn i I V-'W I UVWI VJ c Chairman Chris Clmppell and County Manager Hilly Carter. Obstcnsibly tlu* .session was to set up a joint meeting of the boards to discuss their differences, hut instead the session took the place of such a meeting. "We had a cordial anil frank exchange of views." saiii Korstner, "and we all came away with a better understanding of each group's needs and priorities." Carter spoke similarly, also pleased with the outcome, and said the four plan io bc;:in meeting on <i quarterly basis to discuss mutual concerns "Tliev submitted a i;i>od budget." he said, but added commissioners had funded what they thought was necessary to meet the schools' basic I ff)AG c cn _ t ft^R! Shjllolle. Nort >CfiWBnn> rt ; / ' /?> w it AM (HO'OIT VUiAHUlMll In* until of office, Benny ludlum re>. filling the District 2 seat vacated mi for the seal as a Democrat. After uinmissioncrs sent word to l.udltim ily 8th." He was nominated in niidnmittce and appointed on com misShort Ballot IISIIER appear on the District 2 Hoard of lions members determined Tues>e Stevenson's petition was inadelatures," said hoard of KicdiuiLs the ballot as an unaffiliated caney, the incumbent, and Democrat titions with 2,.'M9 signatures, just uircd. i process, it was detcrrnined that itiires, said Brill red to vote. Several liad signed eople's names to the petition" in signatures weren't valid, ndenis to try for third-candidate ker of Ocean Isle Beach had not ^natures before the deadline. He lil't uU!>i?L-t /! Ii. ? ? .... ..RU.ii.-n -k "ciiaiiiy, uie i candidate George Ball >r comment Tuesday evening. i or County ] Holiday lent of Transportation as a priority ir installation of a traffic light, (iurganus reported one accident on ic island, when a pedestrian visitor .as struck by a vehicleSaturday and iken to Brunswick Hospital. Otherwise, Ocean Isle enjoyed eak crowds on the beach. Don I a1 wis f Beach Traders really office said e worked 2-1 hours a day. "All our laces were rented, arid we had not ne complaint about anything from isitors. This is always our biggest oliday of the year." Holden Beach also experienced ecord crowds and a similar hoteneck at the causeway intersection, lay Simpson, police officer, said. We've got a |S million bridge and n [ (Sec Tit A ITU, I'nge2-A) Expected 7c needs Iliis year, while ti*?l providing funds for ptofUitui expansion lie said immediate and future capital outlay needs of the schools were discussed These include reconstruction of three schools and construction of a new elementary school. Korstner both groups committed t?? lollcwiiij: the schools' foiuyear plan for capital improvements They also talked alnnit ways the county couiu hcip jncpoit to meet those needs including tin* pussiblity v'f 41 bond referendum "They said that if I he county funded it (school construction! directly, they would give us enough to get by on, cutting corners, but that with a bond referendum we could get enough money to do it right." said - i I TBies Jf h Carolina Thursday. Jul} Leland 1 r"v\ 8 IKJl I 11V SUSAN I Sill It ParenLs from the I.eland Dixie Youth Baseball League appealed to Brunswick County Commissioners Monday night for help in getting answ ers to questions they tuive about tliat organization's finances. In particular, the parents said they want to know why youngsters ate inquired to pay the league a $10 fee each season or else not l>e allowed full participation. Spokesman I'atti Coston said League President Donald Hay White has told parents and players the money is used to pay someone to run a concession stand during the games. Imposed for the first time lust season, parents said the ices are a hardship, especially when there is more than one player in the family. While could not he reached for comment. "We just want to know how much money the league has. where it is. whose name it is in- and why, if there Is money, they're not spending it on the players," said Mis Coston. Aftor ? /?,? re ...... ..r,m iviu.-) v>> vimviiim);, William ('oak was told this year he Charges Ag The case of assault on a child under 12, brought against 1.eland Middle School teacher, Kathy Hubiein, was dismissed Monday in Brunswick County District Court. Wanda Bryant, Assistant District Attorney, said she reviewed charges brought by Mildred Ward, whose son Draruiicc was paddled by Ms. Hubiein June 11. "I determined that this is not a ease to be criminally prosecuted." Ms. Bryant said. "The - .,.;m .YV-. Mi* r J^BPT NOT EVKKVONK DKAWN Id urea lie were milullmwnrs. Enjoying the sun j Drop Func Korstiwr, adding lli.it die <-??ii?it> oould possihlv Ik- i ij-ht If so. Ii?* .said. Wo should be al>ti> l?? K?'l a Umil referendum passed I ll?"k I I'll' Ml|l|??t ftimliiii: for i|?. sehiMds " After news of the IxKinl's intent t?? appeal its fiitidmi! became public, commissioners riot several calls m support of more (undine. as did Korstuer. I not a tuincti of calls, with people saying. Anything ! can ! continued Korstner. I was ama/ed " One possible source of funding that luid not heep approved at the lime by the (General Assembly was an optional half cent local safes lax which H^H # Jffil i mm H W B ^ I 10 1986 Dixie Yoi d Answe didn't qualify. I think il was because i didn'i inake the children pay the fee." he said. Hud and Hrcnda t'ook said their children were told "no pay, no play period," while (?racie Watson said she was told her son would not be eligible for the All-Stars team if the fee were not |K?id. I.inda Dover, a former confession stand volunteer whose college-age son once played in the league, questioned charging children for a concession stand operator's salar\ and suggested the stand be closed if other <? i mim w ivhi.-% i tiuiu 1101 in* iiukir. CumiiiLssioiicrs C.raec iieitslcy and Ktanklo KiiIhiii, wlm rvprcwiit the districts ultcre Che league operates, agreed to attend a meeting the parents had scheduled today iThursdav ; with ?fnt.? l livin Addressing the Dixie League parents, Chairman Chris Chappell said. "1 dun'I want to step on anyone's toes, but this league may need revamping." Since the league i> a private group, he said commissioners Mould wait to hear wliut league officials had to say Indore Inklainst Middle state law allows leeway to teachers in administering corporal punishment. If there is no permanent injury to the child, and if the teacher does not use unreasonable force, then paddling is permitted." Bryant said neither of these factors were present in this caseMrs Ward and her son were in court, with photographs of liis bruised buttocks. She had charged that the bov was struck with a wooden paddle . I ~t v. aSk 1 aches over the long July 4lh holiday and .sand nl Ocean Isle Beach were ling Chal designates tli.it .1 certain percentage of till1 pi'm ceils Ih- ilm'iI for financing school construction. with the percentage decreasing from ye;ir to year It an !* used to build new schools or to |wy off exisiUng bond obligations if adopted !>y commission! is. Untax could iji'iicriil'- $1 1 million for ItrimMvkk t "ounty. according to Hep David Kiilwiiiv, mt hiding in the first yi-ar about JiWHl.lVK) for school tonstruct! on He said legislators aie enemiraginj'. counties to use the money to supplement, not to replace, local contributions to the schools In predictiro: that the appeal would he dropped, Forstner said there were several reasons, mrhidmp. that the < "iiiiui.vsioncrs are not prepared to provide more money at tins time: f? g&g Hi-Hi i 25c Per Copy jth Rarer ?rs From! ing any action Regular season Dixie Vouth games are played on eountv-owned fields in inland. Several of the parents said White had refused to disclose league financial suite-iik-fils and had told them the league was a non-profit corporation. However, checks liv League members and County Attorney David Clegg with the Secretary of State's nrt;.. . -? ?i- - - wiuiv ?nu\* uiai me league is not listed as a non-profit corporation. Cast on saiil the league had not been listed as non-profit for Uie past five years. County Parks and Hecrcation Director Hotihy Jones said he had tried to encourage the league to follow the suit of several othei leagues in the county that charge fees- to tell players what the fees are for and to make them voluntary. Unless the county were to adopt a new policy. Jones so id the only question that actually involves the county is whether the league is non-profit Hint would affect the fees charged the league for use of the county play nig ticMs Currently, said Jones. the School Teach( ?t foot U??n and an inch thick. Clara Carter, 1.eland Middle School principal, said Kubleiti would "absolutely" t>e teaching there next year. "She followed the guidelines of the local school system, and we felt fiotn the beginning everything would be alright," Mrs. Carter said. Ilrunswick County school requirements regarding corporal 1 punishment are that a witness must rTTT 'frreFwfl v'/# "?* -v-* A ' , i, * * . (from left) Nicole Prince, Michael Prlc< Monroe, Joey Sc.innlmul, Kuri llnidcc ; ?' thai an appeai to the i'iirk t?f Cuul t would iilost likely tail given tlud tin schools received ari increase in operating funds tins year and given that tin* i lerk s seat is up for election lis November. Also, lie said, if tlie appeal were to advance to the State Supreme Court, operating funds would be held at last year's level and rio capital outlay funds would be provided until the appeal was resolved I Imt would liave stopped renovations planned at I .in* In and Union primary schools. I'iu.-. lie said, tlie appeal would riave gcin-T.iP-d' !><id blood" U'-twtc-ii the two hoards that could make working together harder next year. 3 Pi 26 Pages its .eague county takes an organization's declaration that it is nun profit, not requiring any proof. other Business In other business, commissioners: Voted uanirnously to appoint Benny l.udlum to the District 2 seat vacated in May by Herman I.ove. l.iidltun was sworn in immediately following the vote. Mel for more than two hours behind closed doors to discuss attorney-client matters, property a< quisition and a personnel matter brought by animal control employee Sharon I hiss Carter. Afterwards. the hoard voted against entering an agreement with Ponder and New Hanover counties to guarantee- iii the event the annual payment schedule is not mot repayment of a milium loan by Southeastern Mental Health for the proposed coastruetioii of a detoxification center to serve the three-county area. Commissioner Beasley, a member of Southeastern's board, said the commissioners dui not want to obligate the county and future boards in that (Sec I) IX IF YOl Til. Page 2-AI sr Dropped Ik- present anil that other efforts to discipline a child must be used tirst. Superintendent (Seiic Yarbrough said parents are made aware of school conduct codes at the beginning of the school year. Neither Mrs. Ward nor Ms. Hublein could he reached for comment, but Ms. Ituhloin's attorney. Hill Fair ley of Southpurt. said We were confident all along that she was not doing anything she was not legally entitled l?> no." SIAH Plioioev MAT till W PlVlf N ?, Angela Crawford, Sara (inddey of mil Ken Prime. )

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