Surfers G li\ MAIt.lOKli: MI (.I\I UN "in- iitiiiit-u Sii'iivii ?>?? of ( Gfilinissionet s voted Monday to scrul lettei s of commendation t?> four surfers who recently saved two swimmers from drowning in the ocean off fioiden Bench. Public Safety Commissioner (irnhain Kin*', reported (lie mcidenLs at t!;e board'* uy.uiar meeting l in IiiK 'i ..IjI i was suiinmim: m the ocean when lie went under, am! three near hy surfers went to liis aid. Kindim? him face down, Handy Keesee. Hohh) liabson and Steve Scarborough brought him ashore and he was la ken In the hospital After a couple of days he was okav,'* King reported, "but he would have drowned without their help." Commissioners recalled that a few weeks ago another surfer. Hobby Robinson, also saved a swimmer. All four are being officially thanked by the town for their pffurls Anniiiiitiiwiilv The board appointed Alan lloldcn and .Iiiii C.riffin t?? three-vear terias on the pl;iiitiirii; and zoning board, and named .lack Scarborough to fit! the unexpired term of Harry Voder. ( harlotte Nolte was elected alternate on that hoard, a one-year position. Fleeted to the board of adjustiiients were Martin Feldt and Hob Campbell to three-year terias, while Al Hell and I'errian Padgett were named to one-year terms as alternates. Hurricane Plans Further hurricane readiness plans were finalized. Commissioner Hal Stanley said the command post would be set tip in his office at the Sun Co. on the causeway, where telephone lines will receive incoming calls for town officials, in the event of a storm. The town hall telephone number will rotate into the numbers there. Stanley said bathroom and kitWMrA?r .< itftnr r?>iAr?fS ij; V ?r.v?i ?-. ' ? - .'.Wi I;! Big Trouble In Little China | v ^tuning Kurt Rosscil Rated PG 13 Showi I, S, 7. 9 jij Legal Eagles Rated PG Show* 7:30. 5 00. 7:30. 10:00 X Sack To School Rated PG 13 | Show* 3:30. 5:30. 7 30 9 30 $ Karate Kid Part li Rated PC ;; Show* ? IS. 4 30, 7 00 9 3D ? Running Scared X; Crogory Mnu'V A HiHy CiyMol X Rated R V Show* 7 00 4:1$, 7:30 9:45 X Ruthless People X| Domiy ()eVi loS HtfUo Mufbr Rci ted R Show* 7 30. 4 45. 7 00. 9:15 !|! X <, II WAV! it IVIVI 11 I to A m V X ; Muntni^i | 7i"? 7?3J & H ! $ li.v* II Al OCIAIIPRIVI SC ? X; 70 WlUtlllS SOUlM Of MIAII011I l|l v! Ij! Top Gun I Ruled PG g ? Showt 7 00. < IS. 7 15, 9:JO X (Sony No I'nssoi) ;I;J Prince in Under The Cherry Moon Ralotl I'G IJ S UlOKI MS. 4:IS, MS. MS ?! I I Chjh Paradise :f ! !; Shining Nohm Will-tuns jjjj Rated PC* 13 V Sha*i 7:30, t 30. 7 00 9 CO Doily Mntinees AII *iaats S? 50 (I si Iioiii only) v i. Dm mended chen facilities arc also available in his offices. Next door. < Jreen < )ak <'otla^es will provide lodging for those crucial to the town in an emergency. "Hut f\arviii HobiiLson said only people ran stay there, not animals." Stanley reported. I really believe tin- town should not he responsible for families. Sf!L*?!! children or .ir.Sv those people needed for town work should he at the command past." Mayor John Tandy asked Stanley and King to prepare a list of eritieal people in emergencies. Commissioner William Williamson said lite hurricane evacuation plan will follow the plan already established by Holdcn Beach, and he suggested thai two people go together to each house to initiate evacuation. Safety and Streets King gave a public salety report for June as follows: 127 service calls, three fires, 18 parking violations, 17 Speeding violations, two breaking and entering offenses, one drug violation. one major larceny and two minor larcenies, one vandalism episode and three traffic accidents. Property recovered was valued at 1698. Stanley and Streets and Accessway Commissioner flay Atkins had a heated exchange over her refiueet for SKIM) to build ;i new accesswav just cast of 6V9 Ocean Blvd. "Wc don't need all this fancy walkway and fadings clear to Ocean Blvd. All people really need is to get up, over and down the dunes. I move we appropriate 5500 for that," lie said. Ms. Atkins protested that she had several estimates on the work and thcv were all $800 or more, but Stanley said Martin Feldt, in attendance at the meeting, had offered to do it for $500. The cheaper job would, however, provide only the minimum coverage of the dune. Two or three people in the audience spoke up in favor of posts and rope to guide pedestrians to the dune, so they wouldn't stray onto nearby yards. "How about giving me $8(MT 1 won't spend it if 1 don't need it. 1 prt>* mise!" Ms. Atkins pleaded. Commissioner Williamson then moved for an appropriation of $500, which passed unanimously. Reach Cleanup Sanitation Commissioner l.yn llolden reported that garbage pickup over the holiday liad been good. Stanley asked, "What about the beach patrol that was suppased to keep the strand clean?" and llolden shrugged, deferring to Town Administrator Hob Buck who said, A whoie ioi oi people are drinKing beer tluit didn't used to. We luui the Krc.iicsi concentration 01 oeer cans I've ever seen." Tandy suggeted more help is needed to clear, up the tieach. When he asked members of tlie audience about sanitation conditions around their homes, he heard, "lake a garbage dump." and 'It would be awful if we didn't clean it up ourselves." I Boat Trailers c lu ? i i nrrr Rumiiit JI1HLLUI It IVIHUIIII. SUPPLIES MAIN ST.. 754 696? A ii ?! 1-or Holder KiriH Suggested lun lilf'tl ld> hired In start at either end of the islam! with trash lc?f?s aivl ineut in the middle, followed by a truck picking up tin* filled bags. A financial report fif the last fiscal year, given by King, revealed town revenue* were up 8.1 percent mere tlian # xp?i li'il anil ox|M*rtses 4 percent less than cxoccted. Building inspector, Dwight Carroll f?r 'to riPtjl bulkhead permits, construction value $50,400; four new house coiLstruction permits, value $220,641; $1,308 collected for building permits; 43 houses and two condo units under construction; 13 ("AMA permit applications He said in June of 1985 ten new house construction permits were issued, so building is down a little this year. In other business the board: Calendar Thursday, July 10 i iiak i hl( CHAPTER ABWA meets fo Barbecue, Shallotte, 6:30 p.m. L0NGW00I) COMMUNITY IMPROVI Store. Long wood. 7:30 p.m. GAMK NIGHT at the American legion 7.30 p.m. ( IlISSKTroWVI.ONGWOOD YFD m p.m. IJMHKS AUXILIARY. BPOK 2079. me. Friday, July 11 THK BETTER BREATHERS <1.1 I breathing, meets at Brunswick Hos will discuss chronic lung diseases a SHALMVITK Ab-ANUN FAMILY GRt Church, 8 p.m. This is a support gr< GAMK NIGHT at the Sunset Beach Vo Saturday, July 12 CAR WASHKS by the Brunswick Coui locations in Shallotte. Holden Beach $5 per car. GAME NSG1IT at the Calabash Volant suiuiay, July 13 PANCAKE BREAKFAST will be sen Club, Sunset Harbor. 7 a.m.-10 a.m. Monday, July 14 TOWN CREEK HOME EXTENSION Park, 9 a.m. Visitors welcome. CAIARAStl TOWN COUNCIL meet* i BRUNSWICK COUNTY PARKS A.N13 meets in the commissioners' i Brunswick County Government Cei HOt.DEN REACH SENIOR CITIZEN 6:30 p.m. BRUNSWICK COUNTY BOARD OE ference room. Southport, 0:30 p.m. SHAIJ.OTTE PLANNING BOARD m. RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT COM: fice. Planning Building, Brunswicl i: p.m. BRUNSWICK COUNTY HOARD OF merit, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 15 PRESCHOOI. STORY HOUR at ill Shallotte. 10*10:45 a.m. and 11 OCEAN ISLE BEACH COMMISSION! AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMEN'S AS Shallotte, 6:30 p.m. Prospective me Wednesday, July 16 BRUNSWICK TOASTMASTKRS will n Motor Lodge, Southport. Guests and a.til.-8 a.m. BEACHCOMBER'S SIIELI. STUDY G Mason. 23 E. Roberta Road. Tarliec lion call Ruth i Mrs. J.R.t Athey. BRUNSWICK TECHNICAL COLLEGE Supply campus, 7 p.m. SHALLOTTE AIJIKKMEN meet at Hi HOIJIEN REACH CU.M.Ml N1TY WA1 gram on shells. 7:30 p.m. Open to t! BRUNSWICK COUNTY Pi ANNivr: u Planning Building. Brunswick Coun A f- ? jq^ ^ * f'T" imc! ^ ?"v ? ft r' ip i Rescues Supported a grant for New Hanover County airport; Approved a resolution to pave K Sanford Street; Bra Voted to let Wildlife Resources mei take over tuc boat fsiiip at *iie bridge; in ( Approved a water fee of $2.50 per Copiling to be charged with building T permit; Tov Heard that the Department of Hal Ti?ii?.i|hji Idiiuii IwtiS counted traffic ai Me the causeway intersection in April Dot and concluded no traffic signal is Sup needed; Fo> And received a petition from Dr. Her Norman Duncan, signed by residents 108! of I..S. llolden subdivision, asking pre that parking l>e prohibited on their din streets, due to the danger. T The board had a brief executive I>ec session on personnel matters. to Mil Frr y"v r r- m thn ut events A r supper and business meeting at Joe's son son EMENT PROJECT meets at Flowers ? ?? - I i u.11 j ull 2UUUI Ul OIU1IJUUV UU U.O. I < , eels at the new station on N.C. WM. 8 ?ls at the F.Iks Lodge. Calabash. 8 p.m. 5. for persons who have difficulty pital in Supply. 12 noon. Connie Irvin rid medications. )L"I' meets at Camp United Methodist >up for families of alcoholics, ilunteer Fire Department. 8 p.m. rUy little League Association at UCB and Ocean Isle Beach. 10 a.m.-I p.m., *L ct'i File Department. 8 p.m. W red at the Brunswick County Fishing . $2 per person. CLUB meets at Town Creek Township li liic tOwTi lirtil. 4.30 p.III. RECREATION Advisory Committee hambers. Administration Building, liter. 6:30 p.m. iS meet at .loo's Barbecue. Shallollc. EDUCATION meets at the board conjets at the town hall. 7 p.m. MISSION meets at the commission's ofi County Government Center. Bolivia. HEALTH meets at the health depart? West Brunswick Branch library, a. m.-ll:45 a.m. CHS meets at the town hall. 4 p.m. iSOCIATlON meets at Joe's Barbecue, rubers are welcome. leet in a new location, the Sea Captain 1 prospective members are welcome. 7 ROl'P meets at the home of Mrs. Hal fland Acres. 2 p.m. For more informa! trustees meet in the board room at the e town hall, 7:30 p.m. ICH meets at the town hall for a pro- b lie public. tOAIui meets in trie conference room. ity Government Center, 7:30 p.m. L Mi "Crime! /V* t Lamp? furniture, pa ^ Sat 1' 9: jm 217 and EVERYTHING FB THK BRUNSWICK Itl'.AI PEOPLE IN i n ?! !^ii 11UCI DUCJ our new members of the South taswick Islands Chamber of Coinrce Hoard of Directors were inleu Tuesday at a dinner meeting 'alabash. according to rhmntim Director Anne Marie Schcttiui. hpy are Tom Haley, of Haibur vn Restaurant, Calabash; David ten, of Brunswick Electric mbership Corp.. Shallotte; uild Ray Brunswick Farn: plies. Ash; and Debbie Sloanc of Sluarie Realty. Ocean Isle ich Their terms expire in June >. Alan Holden. 1986-87 chamber rsident. administered thr jctor's oath he outgoing chamber president i Johnson Jr.. presented plaque iler Pope. Judy Young anil inces Williams at the end of their co-year t#?nn Begins Duty riny Spec. 4 l.yndon K. Bellamy i of Dorthv J. Johnson and grand i of Annie M. Young. both o g! TABLE TOPS -MIRF CTHDM ff crnrch SHALLOTTE GLASS HWT. 17 HOt It >r Platypus hats are the rage this Brown soys they're also good for shading his eyes Get yours at Beach Marti Sea* TL? f* Ul MiV iiuiii ?? EACHWEAR GROCERIES ME JEWELRY- HOUSEV HOLDEN BEACH CAU OVIE ?A of the s, ashtrays, < intings and urday, July 00 a.m. unt r* Southport tOM THE Fill t L'ON, Thursday. July 10. 1986-Page 9-A I THE NEWS rd ir is iu I is Four i* wood. lias arrived for duty with the 325th infantry. Ft. Bragg. FFA Conference Jeff Buss and Dean Smith t epresenteu the West Brunswick I Chapter of Future Farmers of America at the state leaHorshjn fercnce June 30-July 4 at White take, i Buss is president, and Smith vice president of the local chapter, whose r advisor isC Michael Huss. Mileage Wins Noted Top mileage participants received prizes in the month-long individual ? fitness campaign sponsored by the Brunswick County Parks and 1 Recreation Department. They were Curb a B. Cowan, wiio completed M7 miles bicycling and 60.6 miles running; Ken Cook. 45 , miles bicycling: Charlotte Haw. 103.0 - miles walking: and Dovie While. 86 f miles walking. 1 A or* !ORS-STORE FRONTS i nrn* inr r>i a r-ri/~ * i\i_r nn\j?r lmj ! iv_ i & MIRROR, 754-9950 UH, SHflLLOTTE m ^ !? *IV hMart ith A!! You Need ATS NOVPLTIES FISHING TACKLE t/ARES FLOATS GIFTS SEWAY, Phone 847-2699 LE* ) Hciurt'9 dishes, other props... 1 z il I! Street M MUST GO! i, I ?