Four Sc ltv m \k.iok n Mi;r.n 111 an atmosphere charged with h member .l.iiiios i icmmnns, uic t Board of education approved Motuki nel affecting four principal positions Kii lemon. assistant superin ruuUim. was assigned as principal j tat >. w hose principal Carlton Sligh w Middle: Clara Carter, now prineipa I'mon Prunar> as principal: Kreenw that {Hvation to he assigned to a new cipalship at the Alternative Fdu Bolivia: Jean Parker. Waccamau Til v ? ,v ?tvi Volume fj i / ' I J if ?s Chamber Gets New President, Directors Knur new members joined the hoard oi directors (if (he South Brunswick islands Chamber of Commerce July 8. They are, frmn left above, Donald Kay David Hattcu. Tom Haley and Debbie Sloane Fox. I heir terms end in June, 1989. Alan iloldeii deft in bottom photo | new president of the chamber, presents a gavel plaque to outgoing president l.eo Johnson. eooicis b?maiimiwr?*itf Court Hoi In AlinrJ n sss s \ t z = svi\J ?V SUSAN IJSHF.K In nn opinion filed June 17, the N'.C. Court of Appeals holds that the Brunswick County Board of oticial Services didn't have the authority to enter into a settlement with former departmental secretary Alinda (1. Meares. Barring further appcaLs, the opinion clears Ihc way foi a .suit filed i>> Ms. Meares against the county in IfriM to he heard in Brunswick County Superior Court. It also returns the Meai es-Board of Social Services settlement to the State Personnel Coinmission for reconsideration. On July 1, County Attorney David Clegg filed a motion seeking dismissal of the Meares suit. It seeks enforcement of a settlement agreement between her and the social services board. Since the court ruled that the board didn't have the authority to enter into that contract, said Clogg, the suit against the county should he dismissed since it is based on the same con tract theory. Ik? has asked fur the motion to be hoard the week of August If. Ms. Meares filed suit in lirunswick County Superior Court nearly two years asking the court to force the county to give tier back her old job as administrative secretary in the social services department. County commissioners iiaii steadfastly refused to reinstate her or to provide the financial compensation railed for in the settlement. hire liy Social Services Director Jamie Orrock on Sept ft, Ififtl. :hool Pr/r I'KN cipal. will move ustility from l>onnt Mutemaket. social irwiswick i outu> position at wai ratt iv shifts in person- Superintendent el unices ns part e tendent for cur- $400,000 from tin* s< it Bolivia Clemen- when county toinun ill move to I.eland from local funding. 1 there, will i;o to We'll save SI m (lause will leave from lncally-fundc< state-funded prin- explained. adding tl cation Center in int: the expansion ii elemental y prm- Two locally-p ws Shollotte. Nort f j\ # ; J \ \" / \ ' v ^ * ' i ,? K I V jj v 1 L ds For Cour Moo res Ac i Mcares has since been involved in an i extended legal battle to regain the ? post. She has a wrongful firing suit penning in U.S. District Court. ; Hearing of her suit in the local ! court was delayed pending a judicial review in Wake County Superior 1 Court of the Suite Personnel Coin- t mission ruling which was the liasis for the settlement. The Appeals Court opinion was i written by Judge Sarah Parker with | the concurrence of Chief .fudge It A. Iledrick and Judge John Wchh. II i upheld Wake County Superior Court ; Judge Poii Bailey's tilling tlml State Personnel Director Harold Wchh erPedestrian Dies Accident At Sur A teen-age boy died Saturday in (j New Hanover Memorial Hospital | from injuries sustained when he ran into the patli of a car at Sunset Beach on July 8. |. Jess Daniel Clayton, 14. of Vienna, p Va., had been in critical condition p since !(1I- (iiriili-iil last lucsday i night, according to Andra West, NIIM1I public information officer. tie was walking cast in the roail- 's way of ivioiii Sueel , m >. i. r. at 11 , ft : 10 p.m. when he ran into the path of a westbound Huick operated by t Pamela Elene (ritih, 21, of Itoute I. s Ash. She was traveling at an v eslinuited X> mph to :'R inpli. aecorI I icipals SI Iti the central office; and Bill studies coordinator, will take her law ( cue Y?'.rbroui*h announced the ?f his solution to the loss "f over L'hool system's general fund budget issioners cut amount last month 110.219 by moving some personnel I positions to state-funded ones." he tiat the rest would come from dropp* udtfel aid administrators. Lemon and ia sB ffs h Carolina, Thursday, Juh j J A ?/&% i i^7 1 - >/i ? ?' \ " \ * i -ji> [\t r>J I I O ? . . -l k-a ity men I i ed when he determined t!w?t the tonal services board became the local appoint Inn authority" in tin' ibseiuf- 4>f .i t ull-tkii'iv director and hercfore had the rinht to enter into a settlement agreement with Meares. tailey had ordered the matter hack o the Commission. Meares appealed. The Appeals court was also oi the ipinion that the county was a proper larty to the proceedings since it was 'aggrieved" financially by the setleincnt. which provided hack pay ind benefits to Ms. Meares. Further, said Parker, failure to in(See COlJItT, I'nj?e2-A) Following iset Beach Unit to a report filed by Sunset lleaclt 'olice I.t. Joeseph I). O'Brien. A witness, Matthew McMichaels of 'h<(lallul* NlM lUtlimi Mlfll /'li.nln.i iirned suddenly to Uic left iiihI rail in tin- (Kith of the vehicle. His body hit Ls fender an.' ' Clayton's head made contact" with the front wind hield at the exact point u here the inflection .sticker was located, the epori indicaied. O'Brien said that Clayton was lirown about five feel to the south ide of the road wliere he'd Ix-en balking. about IK feet west of the 7th licet intersection. lifted in Shoemaker. would move to slated untie am) their positions eliminated CI* r.iir.oiv. ar.kcd. "Why ! before to which Yarbrou "Because we just put it kindlier alinui tioon " t 'lemtiiuifs immediately moved to I cd transfers, saying he needed time them, but his motion (lied without a Someone must have had prior kilt he said angrily, and Yarhrouith repli did." "Vou should have ^ivon me the cu i 17. 1986 c/v\r* L_? v *v_ : OoiJ On Stornr BY MAIUOHIK MKG1VKKN The Environmental Management Commission agreed Thursday, in an fMi vote, to postpone a decision on stomiwulcr runoff regulations. It had previously promised the Coastal Resources Commission to luive rules in place by May. The agency will hold a work session on the subject in August, then put the matter on its September agenda. Jim Shepherd, public information officer for EMC, said. This postponement came after about two years of meetings, studies and public hearings on an issue that pits developers and builders against fishing and environmental interests. Public hearings in May led tlse KMC staff to draft rcgulati >ns somewhat different than those proposed earlier. Stormwater is tliat which runs off solid surfaces in developed areas, picks up bacteria and other pollutants and carries them into shellfish waters. Increased development in any area usually means increased pollution of this kind. One of the points of contention before the KMC last week was the regulation describing the severity of a storm builders would have to prepare for. The proposed rule was Nursing Ho Wait Begins BY SUSAN LSHKK A hearing contesting the slate's decision to permit Autumn Corp. of Itocky Mount to buihl a nursing home in the Sliallotte area adjourned Tuesday in Italeigh, several days earlier than first anticipated. In March 1985 the N.C. Division of Pneiiitv Services announced its intent to issue the certificate of need, which would allow Autumn to build a ll(U>cd facility in Sliallotte Beverly Enterprises, one of several oilier firuu aiao seeking the rii'.hl to txiilcl a nursing home in the county, challenged that decision, leading to this week's contested case hearing. Once the case record is compiled, the hearing officer will make a recommendation to Division of Facility Services Director Ira .1. NVilkerson Jr He will make the final agency decision based on the officer's recommendation and the case record. Construction of a nursing home in the county has been delayed pending the outcome of the case. Initially, at the request of Beverly Knterprises. the hearing was to be moved to Brunswick County July 14-16 after four days of testimony in Haleigh at the division's hearing room on the Dorothea Dix Hospital campus, then return to Haleigh for the last two days. However, Beverly later decided il wasn't necessary to go to Brunswick County, according to I >'? Hoffman. Area 5 project analyst ior the division's certificate of need section. 'This way we get through and get a decision sooner and he able tube construe! a nursing home sooner," Beverly spokesman Mark Davis said optimistically Tuesday Beverly had planned to locate its facility next to Brunswick Hospital in Supply, and to share certain utilities and services with the hospital I la Monday and Tuesday the hear Tense Me tl ()r;iu tiKils!ii|>s iih about it,"''k'liuiioi The upennternlent '.!?? in. ?r?t t li:iirni:tn mu! ; p?h responded, ?t''" ami Knrstiier quid t 3: 1*0 this after- Is it true) on have i ii iiifiiaiLs asked Yarhi lablethi'propus- ' I'hat':. 1 rti?*. bi tc? think about principals..." rood < h inrnons mterruf itvledite of this." Yarbrouuli. stru?;i;linj? I'd, "Yes. some ciin tell when a school isn't." urtcsy of telling (Sec ! '( 25c Per Copy Dones !ts De water Regui that drainage systems must be built d' to kindle the worst storm exported in d< a two-year period, which is 4.5 inches of water in *24 hours. In ati earlier b< draft, that regulation had called for VI preparation for a ten-year stonu. or 7 li inches ot water. In Shepherd said, however, that it tv was not any specific regulation that st prompted the EMC to postpone its ti decision. " The real reason is that this n is an important, complicated issue, tl and they didn't want to rush into it," ir he said. si .Jerry I a; wis of Shaliottc, a new ft EMC member, was one of those v voting against postponement. "The oi feeling in the group was that the pro- E joscd regulations were too inflexible, fa voted tbe way I did because 1 bad an jc intendment that would have made p them more flexible," said Lewis. who fi formerly served eight anil a half years oil (lie commission. p "I really don't know what everyone si clue was thinking, but it's my per- a sonal opinion that some who are not p from the coastal area wanted to have h time to understand these v, regulations," he went on. "The issue ti was born and Restated in eino- ol tionnlism. We need to calm things fi me Hearing A i For Recomrru ing was instead relocated to the Uiw rt Building hearing room in downtown Raleigh. ai The state's decision to issue the tl certificate overrode a recommenda- of tion by Cardinal Health Systems Agency Board of Directors and project evaluation committee that the d< certificate go to Beverly Kai licr, dj Cardinal's professional stall had I County To Lose In Household Tc BY SUSANU A decision by the General Asscmbl; perty tax may come as a surprise v owners, but not for local governments July 1. According to Assistant Brunswick Young, the county stands to lose be revenues next year or the equivalent o: The tax was done away with last wi lee accented as Dart of a rnmnrnrni?o a. It had been tacked on to the bill by rep of the House leadership. Young and Tax Supervisor Boyd 1 about 30,000 households, with houschol about (1,200 to (1,500. The tax is figured in one of sevc assessed at 5% of the value of their h renters cun be assessed at 10 times I owner may also nsk to liave their honu "It's not going to affect us like it wl noting that several neighboring coun revenues making up n larger portion ol County Finance Officer Uthla Halt pact the loss of revenue might have oi based on a real property valuation of valued at about (1 billion. "You'll have to ask the budget offici ty Manager Billy Carter. He was out of Naiienui Association of Counties confer When contacted by the Beacon, sevi calculated wluil impact the lass of the t The elimination of the levy will lie fall. [ 'eting IS IILSIStcd turned to l)r .lames Forstncr, isked *|)id 1 tiiIk lted to restate his question, and to remain calm, explained. "I is beinn run well and when it M It. Pane 14-A) 28 Pages ? vloivJi i ations own and know exactly what we re iing." The KMC lost its leader shortly ofore the July 10 meeting. Tommy arrelson of Southport. candidate for 10 7th District Congressional seal l'UI by Charlie Rose, resigned about vo weeks agu as chairman. He had leered the KMC through deliberates early this year that resulted in .'gulations that were approved b> le Coastal Resources Commission i April. Aside from the issue of drainage .stems required, disagreement lias cused on the percentage of imperious ' watertight > surface allowed i a building project. Regulations the MC saw Thursday limited such surice coverage to 20 percent for proicts within 75 feet of estuaries, or 30 ercent for tliose farther than 75 feet 'om estuaries. Developers have said regulations roposed thus far will add i?iiiiicuiiu} iu mi? cosi 01 uuiiuing nd make some construction imossible. Fishermen, on the other and. point to the downward trend of arious species of fish, which they at ibute to increased pollution. A part f that pollution they believe comes 'om stormwater runoff. djourns; ?ndation Krommended in favor of Autumn. During the proceedings the state id both health care firms presented leir cases to a setting similar to that ' a trial. If cither party disputes Wilkerson's ?cision, it will have 30 days from the ite of issuance to file notice of ap :nl to the N.C. Court of Appeals. I housands IV pQi/arii in i" 1 X w v rue SHER y to eliminate trie household pro indfall for individual property who fixed their budgets back on County Tax Supervisor Ronnie tween $300,000 and $400,000 In f about 1< on the tax rate, eek, when a conference commiteal on the Highway Finance bill, rcsentatives over the objections iVilliamson said the county has d property worth an average of ral ways. Homeowners can be iousp, not including land, while heir monthly rent. A property : visited and property itemized. II a lot of counties," said Young, ties levy a 10% tax, with the r their annual budget. >i said she wasn't sure what Im. the county budget, which was $2.2 billion and other property or," she said, referring to Countown for tlic week at the annual enee in luis Vegas, Calif. >ral local municipalities had not ax would have on their budgets, reflected ir. lower tax bills this