I'm:.- n il rilKlttlt NMlUK m il Cour The judge figurately throw the book at a Seaside area man convicted of taking shellfish without a license and other crimes in Urunswick Countv District Criminal Court oii.Tulv 0. Craig Smith of Houte i*. Sliallotte 5 in a 55 zone, county iaii five days, suspended five days, $5 and costs. Joe I) Vereeu, expired registration, failure to appear, county jail .10 days, suspended two years, costs, $"25 fine, not violate criminal laws Ricky Wallace, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, failure to appear, county jail 10 ^? 11% . , l\Ai ATTORN * 'Real Estate Transoclioi 'Estate Planning 'Domestic Mot 'Court PREPARATIC PREP/ 'JNCONTE PREPARATION Ol J= ON. Ttiursda}. .1 tii> 17. I'.'Nj 1 Throws days. suspended two years, rusts, $25 fine, nut v iolale rriinuuil laws fur two years. Linda N. Arnold, failure to yield, dismissed. Angela llifano Jr.. possession of stolen goods, dismissed Srott HrooKs, assault on a female, county jail not less nor more than f>0 days, suspended two years, $15 and costs, not go about plaintiff for two years Onirics V Brown, following too close, dismissed. Kandall I. Buck, speeding 58 m a 55 rone, failure to appear, county jai! ;ui days, suspended two years. $25 and costs, not violate criminal laws 11 m t r ?II i mgiuii, fM>.>u;^ ear, county jail five days, suspended five days, costs Khoiuia Kfider. roinmmi hive forgery. Slate Department of Coireclions nol less nor more than six months. suspended two years, unsupcrvised probation two years, costs, restitution $100 to UCB. restitution attorney $101. not violate criminal laws f*?r two years. liCon l.ee Jr.. assault inflicting serious injury, dismissed. James F. l.owder Jr., failure to reduce speed, dismissed David K. Pack, unsafe movement, dismissed. Itilev IV Hidgewny. misdemeanor breaking and entering, misdemeanor larceny. State Department of Corrections not less nor more than two years, suspended five years, supervised probation five years. Brunswick County Jail 120 days, credit 22 days served counseling, counseling Brunswick Mental Health, follow course; reckless operation, failure to appear, dismissed. Klbert I! Bobbins. DW1. Level 2, State Department of Corrections not less nor more than one year, suspended two years, unsupervised probation two years, Jlfifl urn! costs, SI50 attorney fees, surrender license, not operate motor vehicle till valid license, Brunswick County Jail seven days, assessment, not violate criminal laws. James Scott, no operators license, I)W1, level 3. county jail not less nor more than 1KU days, suspended, supervised probation two years, $100 and costs, attorney tees $lhl), not operate motor vehicle nay or rouse mmw m NC License Additions & Repciirs Porches S Decks Dorks Srreoninn " ? C? New Windows Specializing in Rei Martin Feldt Uoldon Beach vtos & Le EYS AND COUNSELORS MEADOW SQUARE, HIGHWAY 179 SHALLOTTE, N.C. 2B459 is (Document Preparation, Title Exar and Administration (Preparation of V ters (Divorce, Alimony, Child Cu&tod Representation (Criminal, Civil and 1 >N OF SIMPLE WARRANTY D ^RATION OF SIMPLE WILLS $ STED DIVORCE $100.00 plus , F SIMPLE SEPARATION ACRE Telephone: 754-7557 / Book At to |Kiy half median bill: injure and tamper motor vehicle, dismissed. Jerry (\ Scott Jr., reckless operation, county jiill 30 days, suspended two years. $20 and costs, not violate criminal laws. James It Smith, reckless operation, county jad five days, suspended five days, $l.r? and costs. William II Stanley, exceeding safe speed, county jail five days, suspended five days, costs. Hardy W Strickland, failure to yield, dismissed. Larry Thorpe, trespassing, county jail 31' rlays, suspended two years, costs, not go on property of piaituiff r.rcenlight Lounge for two years, not contact Mr. Serviss for two years. Kick Varnnm. assault on a female, dismissed; assault with a deadly weapon, dismissed. Kichatxl L. Zinser, speeding 70 in a t>i/ ii'ik, i i?i vwiitinned. costs. Beth Watkins. worthless cheek $21.41, worthless check $36.55. worthless check $25.00, county jail 30 days, suspended two years, jkiv court costs for each check, restitution to plaintiff, not violate criminal laws for two years. Wayne Williams, injure and tamper motor vehicle, prayer for judgement continued, costs, attorney fees $150 Theodore L. Applegate, shrimping in a closed area, prayer for judgement continued, casts. Charles I) Berry, speeding 80 in a 55 zone, county jail 30 days, suspended two years, $40 and costs, surrender license, not operate motor vehicle except with a license permit till his license has been restored. Inez T. Cliaiuller, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgement continued, costs. Michael Crumbley, trespassing, Brunswick <'ounty Jail two days. KichardoJ. Flores, reckless operalion. county jail .'10 days, suspended 30 days, $25 and costs. Melody I.. Frazier, reckless opera lion, county jail ito days, suspended 30 days. $'25 and costs. Ronald E. (iibbs. speeding 70 in a 55 zone, county jail 10 days, suspended 10 days. $15 and casts. Carl Clifford, dogs running at large, dismissed. Johnnie N. Grant, exceeding safe speed, county jail five days, suspended five days, costs. Melissa I.. Jenkins, speeding M in a 55 zone, dismissed. Erie A. Joyner, speeding 74 in a 55 zone, county iail 30 days suspended 30 days, costs. $20 fine, surrender license, not operate motor vehic. till valid license except with a license permit. Ronald A. Martin, taking clams from polluted area, county jail 10 days, suspended 10 days. $50 and costs. Jonathan W. Morrison, taking undersized cIsiils, county jnd 30 days, suspended two years. $50 and costs, not violate criminal laws for two years. Jerry i.. Mumina, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, county jail 10 days, suspended 10 days, $j0 and costs. Maxton Porter, taking undersized clams, county jail 30 days, suspended two years. $50 and costs, not violate criminal Saws for two years. John P. Quinn, speeding to in a 50 SIL0EES"" No. i5375 Modeling 5 Repairs Phone ?42 3259 Froo Estimates > WK V MteaF AT LAW ninations and Closings) Vills and Trusts) y and Support) roflic) EEDS $20.00 50.00 court costs EMENTS $125.00 N Illegal S zone, county jail five days, suspended five days. $5 and costs. Kdwnrd J Kudloff Jr.. speeding 70 in a 55 zone, county jail 10 doss, suspended 10 dnvs. Sir# and costs Anthony ( Smith, speeding 'to in a 55 zone, failure to stop for hlue lij'Jit and siren. DWI, driving after permanent revocation. Level 1. State Department of Corrections not less nor more tlinn two years, suspended, supervised probation five years; reckless operation in excess of 55 MPH. dismissed. James O. Souther'land. DWI, driving after {permanent) revocation. State Department of Corrections not less nor more lluin IB months Larry D. Tharpe, taking clams from polluted area, county jail 10 days, suspended 10 days. $50 and costs. Term nr?? tiril'lv Iivvtnll oil ;i female, dismissed. Alan I). Blacksnon, speeding t5;; 35 zone, prayer for judgement continued. costs. Kenwood Bennett. 20 counts of misdemeanor common law forgery, first 10 counts. State Department of Corrections not less nor more than two years, suspended, supervised probation five years, costs, restitution, not possess any checks for five years, restitution attorney $150; second 10 counts. State Department of Corrections not less nor more than two years and expiration of first, costs. Howard W. Cain, worthless check $10.GO, county jail 30 days, suspended two years, costs, restitution plaintiff, not violate criminal laws for two years. Kenneth (loodmaii. misdemeanor breaking and entering, misdemeanor larceny. Stale Department of Corrections not less nor more than 18 months. Committed Youthful Offender: breaking, entering and larceny, dismissed. Curtis Pigott. assault on a female, assault with a deadly weapon, communicating threats, county jail not less nor more than GO days, suspended two years, costs, not go about Shirley Pigott for two years without her written permission. Donald Heaves, possion of more than an ounce and less than Ha ounces. $100 and costs, not violate criminal laws of NC. uonniti a. walker, misdemeanor possession of more than ' v an ounce and less than 1K_* ounces, county jail riot less nor more than IK) days, suspended two years, unsupervised probation two years, costs. $100 fine, not violate criminal laws, recommend not l>e reported back for probation violation. Pas i i nassssi b &. em, K J* j m mi VSRVHR B H Hwy hellfisher Dwayne I) Whittaker, more than an ounce and less tluaii l'i ounces, costs. $100 fine, not violate criminal laws of NC for two years. h'r.'ink l(;ill;tril irii'^lmy 7ft u [/. /one. county jail five days, suspended five days. $10 and costs. Micltael Hunter, speeding 73 in a 00 zone, failure to stop for blue li^ht and siren, county jail 30 days, suspended two years. costs, $00 fine, not violate criminal laws, not operate motor vehicle in NT till valid license except with a license permit. Frank Aleksa Jr., speeding 60 in a 10 zone, county jail five days, suspends! five days, $0 and costs. Jimmy S. Autry, DWI, level 5, county jail not less nor more than 60 days, suspended two years, supervised probation two years, $100 and costs, not operate motor vehicle till valid license to do so, assessment and follow course, not violate any criminal Ir.wr, of nc !or two years. Hot-hell Beck. 2 counts simple assault, first count, county jail not less nor more than HO clays, suspended, unsupervised probation two years; second count, county jail not less nor more than HO days at expiration of first count costs, not communicate with plaintiffs for two years. Appealed. Curtis Bullock, speeding 70 in a 56 7.one. county jail five days, suspended five days, $15 and costs. ltobecka H. Butler, speeding 04 in a 55 7one, county jail five days, suspended five days. $5 and costs. David A. Christ, left of center, failure to apj>enr, county jail 50 days, suspended 30 days, $25 and casts, not violate criminal laws for 30 days. Jackie H. Cook Jr.. speeding tin in a 15 zone, county jail five days, suspended five days, $14 and costs. Corey M. Cornwell, speeding 78 in a 55 zone, county jail 30 days, suspended two years. $23 and costs, surrender license, not operate motor vehicle except with a license permit Appealed. Wade llankms, assault on a female, county jail not less nor more than 00 days, .suspended two years, costs, restitution $70 to The Brunswick Hospital, not violate criminal laws, restitution attorney $300 Steven I) Hoffman, attempting to elude arrest, carrying a concealed weapon, driving after revocation. State Department of Corrections riot less nor more than one year, suspended, supervised probation two years, $500 and costs, not violate criminal laws of NC for two years. l?un to be surrendered to sheriff to be destroyed, ran in? transferred to unsupervised probation when money irillb S?8 B iy mmrM A ^U?UL).e IK WHEN TOU MAKE "Quick i Iry ai so OMMI NOM>ZJ^pn ?OH HUMiNUW P I MiiiNu A ( in Sri I vsr IITCB) A en m ww s 17 & 21 ) in Supply, 754 man paid; failure to stop for (>lno ami siren, sjieeding 90 in a 55 zone, dismissed John V. James lit. speeding 50 in a suspended five days, $15 and cists Timothy ('. I ee. failure to yield, county jail .'t0 days, suspended to days, $25 and costs; failure to stop at the scene of an accident, dismissed Deborah S. McNeill, exceeding safe .s|)eed. prayer for judgement continued, costs. Mary I. Morton, exceeding safe speed, eoiiuty jail five days, suspend...1 f. 1... - ? ? ?-'i ii*? 'i.i* ?, unv Hudulph V Miller, speeding G2 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgement continued, costs. Arnold I). Sills, I AVI. level 4. county mil noi less nor more than 120 days, suspended two years, unsupervised probation twu years. SI50 and costs, surrender license, not operate motor vehicle till valid license, 18 hours community service witlun GO days. $50 fee. ADKTS $50, not violate any criminal laws of NC. Handall H Stanley, improper passing. dismissed. Kobin I>. Stewart. I AVI. level 5. county jail not less nor more than GO days, suspended two years, unsupervised piubatiun two yeais, i'ldt and costs, surrender license, not operate motor vehicle til! valid license. 24 hours community service within 3d days, $50 fee. ADETS $50. not vrolate criminal laws of NC for two years Floyd E. Osborne, failure to file employers quarterly tax return, county jail 30 days, suspended two years, costs, not violate criminal laws of NC for two years. Bramla Maggard. fishing onOrton without permission, county jail :.n days, suspended two years. $10 and costs, not violate criminal laws of NC for two years. William Mills, exceeding safe speed, county jail five days, suspended five days, $5 and cusl>". 1 .conard (Ircshatii, speeding <"0 in a 55 zone, county jail five days, suspended five days, >15 and costs Kenneth \V. While. DWl. dismissed. Michael CrumMey using telephone to threaten and annoy. county jail 90 days, suspended, unsupei vised probation two years, costs. $25 fine, not telephone plaintiff for two years. Curtis T. Long. DWI. level 2. State Department of Corrections not less nor more than one year. Brunswick County Jail seven days. $300 and costs, surrender license. not operate motor vehicle till valid license, not violate criminal laws of NC for two years. ale g m ^ | | >9 Save $8.00 lcking, peeling 3t finish of lasting colors. ^tjliddan^ A VERT GOOD FAINT, IT SHOWS! DO Save $8.00 king latex gloss finish y fresh looking ing, easy to use e Now At IMC.' RMf* >BWt illVl 4331 /