CRC ( l\\ MUl.lOltll MK.iilM.HN The Coastal Resources Commission, meeting Friday in Beaufort, served notice on the Knvironinental Management Commission tluit it Kid beiii't decide oil siommou-i niu\> in September, or CUC will take its own action The controversial rules, hatted back and forth between the two groups fur more than a year, were set aside once again early this month by KMC. whose members said they needed more study time. CKC, whose jurisdiction reaches only 75 ft hack from the water, unanimously approved a resolution asking the other agency to adopt rules by September, when the matter ..-t mv.>| "II tin tl(iVII\HI. l/HIVIWIM', ('HI* will proceed to adopt its own regulations. At the center of tbe struggle is a plan to control runoff of rainwater that collects bacteria from liard surfaces in developed areas and carries ^Volume 24. Number 3? A full moon recently combined with j Bridge. Rose's Offi KV MAHJOKII-: MKCjIVKKN Congressman Charlie Hose's administrative assistant, Hod" Swift, said Monday he had promised Calabash Mayor hone. Simmons some action on o post office request for the town, if a petition is sent to Washington. 'We'd already told him Simmons* that getting a new post office nowadays is almost an impossibility," Swift said. That was in response to a recent letter from Calabash to Hose's office asking for Demand For BY SUSAN A combination of voluntary con the demand for water in the western finals aren't giving the all-clear sigi At Ocean Isle Bench, a mora to c.vtenlial watel USecontiiiUt >. m enu though the situation has improved visitors F#re asked t prats! corporation is not interested in building new post offices. Any effort to get rid oi them, they are making," he said. However, Swift told Simmons, in regard to a petition. "Send it on up and we'll promise to put on a fight to get the |>ost office for you." The town board decided last month to neck Hose's help, because the Water Eases u.snr.R servation and rainfall have eased i part of Brunswick County, but of nal yet. hum called last week on ail nonling to Town Clerk Alberta latum, tlu-re. That means residents and sumption ttviiiih'i', iinStuVi l\l would propose ;i restriction of lit perron I impervious cover and a 75-ft. setback,*' she said. "AVe would also abandon trying to include singlefamily dwellings in projects affected by regulations " Ciottovi particularly objected to the attempt by many to reclassify some shellfish waters as suitable for development, '.lust because tliey are too polluted to fish now doesn't mean tliey can't l?e turned around." she said. I know of many places, in m si ?in*rwvi lh Carolina, Thursday, July WMm iset Beach Bridge i photographer Matthew Plylcr create this s Fight For P businesses in town wanted the Calabash address instead of having to divert their mail to Shnllotte as presently requested. A letter to postal customers sent in June advised them that the name of their community could be included in the address on an envelope, but the last line .should read, "Sliallotte, N.(*. 28459." Swift said automated postal cqui|>mont rends 2w!r!iv?cc\ C "f/*\ rrv\? A #4 ^ i i V4?iv/i i i i V V i op/e come and , think." i fUciDANE BULLING I ON ier, CRC Advisory Boord ? t Virginia and New York, where 1 waters have been upgraded In 1 regulations, so they're good for ' fishing again." I State Rep. K. David ttedwine said < Rninswick County has been vocal iri ? opposing the proposed regulations i because of a study by Mavnard Mvvrn.s. former sou conset valiotiisl J for the county, " lie has shown some | contradictions with health rules," Itedwiuesuid. referring to ;i required depth fur lagoons and ditches that ' would affect a builder's ability to get < 31 1986 2 fc Jijfc i' 3^4*** ,. * * . v ft'V* AVl> * ' * "*?" . Iff J < " - f I . '> STAff rMOIOUT MAMlIlM PlVlf unusual scone at the Sunset flench ; I ost Office Cain l>a *h town boanl members | briefly discussed the post office re- | quest ill their Monday meeting. Pati I -ewellyn and Souia Stevens said they , had received several positive com- < menis from residents. I Simmons said the petitions will be \ circulated. "We'll go ahead and try | it," lie said. "We'll have a meeting j with people at Carolina Shores about | it, too." ] At present Ocean Isle Beach ami Sunset Reach, as well as Calabash, , use ShulMtf ?s their address, while | mail to liolden Reach is addressed to Supply. I ! I ?eds More ter Users businesses, we'd have a good chance. Up to now commercial use of water hiis outweighed residential use." He reported FmllA loans carry a 6 .1/8 percent interest rate for a 4ft-year bond. icweiiyn said, "This is just the first step. We'd still Imve to luive a referendum, and go back to the Local (Government Commission. Hut they felt we could make money from a water system." Simmons added, "Their only doubt was about our elevation, tail it s higher here than people think " lie said several local businesses (See( AKMIASII. Page2-A) jn^i rxirguiG optic tank permits ? "A I'.roiip called Alliance for (letter \ oastnl MaiuiKi'iiient told me tlw.-y ? ould live with all of it except the uilf-inile jurisdiction," he went on n riui ti unity. iur i uie.i I *.M?' ju.^t unit- ^ d didn't completely please anybody f i v* 11 11 r: i f i l.'i 11 <. ( <. IIk.ihiIiI >?.? I lidn't go far enough; dcvelojxr.s i bought they went too far. We need to i isk, 'Is ail the pollution in our waters oming from that half-mile along the t oast? Aren't rivers and streams 11 so causing pollution?' " < Ocean Isle Beach Mayor l-il)ane \ hillmgton is an active member ol the i "lt(' Advisory Board who has spoken < nit at hearings against too-strict j emulations. t "McBride i hearing officer) said just 10 to 25 percent of our pollution irohleiTi comes from storrnwater," die said. She has definite ideas as to what >hould he done. "Weshould prioritize uir resources across the state, then BEAU 5c Per Copy 30 Pai Judge D< P rare Ar s b uoo \v, Lawyer's IIV MAIlJOIUi: MK(?1VF.IIN Wh. ? William Slu'll Wilmington I attori defending Thomas Cong of I clan i against murder aiui assault ? charges, introduced a motion to pre- ' vent the press from interviewing < Jurors. Judge tliles nark hit the ceil- 1 itig. Before denying the motion in Brunswick County Superior Court Thursday. Clark read excerpts from 1 Shell's motion, to "prevent the media from adding a carnival atmosphere to the trial," and asking the court to "restrict the press from filming. ' photographing or talking lo Jurors as j they come and go from the courthouse. or photographing the courtroom when the door is open." ' "Mr. Shell, in all the years I've ' presided in court, I've never seen any ' of these things happen," the judge exclaimed. I "Well, I have, in other places," 1 Shell replied. I I think you'd have some first amendment problems with this. The ' press should luive something lo say about it." Clark declared."But 1 trust < any judge hearing this ease will deal with it so it would not resolve into a ' carnival atmosphere'." ? "And I'm going to assume the ' press will conduct themselves in pi ?>- ' per manner. I've never known them < to do otherwise," lie concluded. ' Four other motions were introduc- < I'd and denied, and several deferred * far action by the trial judge, in the pretrial 1 tearing. Long is charged in j the March 25 fatal shooting of Annette Long, Long's estranged wife. 1 [iml the wounding of former ? ti runs wick County commissioner ' Franky Thomas. '* Among motions deferred was mother that drew special comment 1 flOlll Judge (Taik. Shell asked the court to prohibit the 1 District Attorney from using peremptory challenges of black < jurors. In a murder trial, each at- * torney is allowed 12 peremptory 1 challenges, which is the right to ex- f Airport Hea At Ocean is Ocean Isle Beach residents can c: lions about the proposed expansion of in a public hearing ai a a.m. Tuesday Pending approval, the airport p operation, enabling local pilots and repairs. Also, a communications systi The planned $t4D,004 project will state department of Natural itesoura private funding by Oilcll Williamson i included in the pians arc: land uc n building, $83,000; installation of Unl $1,500; and installation of a rotating t] "Hone; I IWI IvJ l?? resource zoning, and finally enact ise Mini performance standards in ach area." .she said. "And single family dwellings houldn't l>e regulated like this." she ivtrni ?i?- i nunc* me uiiau: go ifter tin* camels. Ia-Cs use the best iroperly management skills and let t grow with "ur discoveries." She rientificd live bit; polluters as the camels, and said everyone wants 0 slop their polluting She also differentiated between nvironinentalisls and preservajonists " Hie CHC mood is more that >f preservationists, keeping . verything just the way it Ls There's 1 difference between that nnd-protecing the environment," she said. Hullmglon said everyone should :oine to the EMC w ork session on the cgula lions, August7. from 11 a.m. to l p.m. in the Albemarle building in Italeigh. "I hope buses of people :omc and tell them what they think,' the said. Ml ges Plus Supplements f sfends sirtci 18 1 1 ; Motion use a prospective juror without explanation. "You're sure going to liave to show i tot of evidence in this one," Clark remarked before the motion was lefcrrcd to the trial judge. "You say here the District Attorney has a pattern of discrimination against blacks." "Yes. sir. I know, and I have the evidence," Shell said. Assistant Clerk of Court Diana Morgan said later that even were Shell's charge true, he could not proluce evidence, because lists of past jurors give no indication of race. Other motions denied included: For the district attorney's office 10 disclose any information about date witnesses that would reflect on heir credibility: For the stale to disclose past and present relationships and ties between the prosecuting attorney and prospective jurors. For disclosure of aggravating and nitigating circumstances: And a motion to provide a jury questionnaire. The last motion Shell called "intovative," and said he had never usmI it before but knew of its successful ise elsewhere in the state. He propos .v? .n limits ii ivu?Ui> i|ut^uuiiiuurc ;c very prospective juror summoned n the trial, asking questions that are usually asked in court during jury .election. "If we get information about the lurors in advance," Shell explained, 'we'll save a lot of court time. My ofice will provide the questionnaire ind pay all expenses of this. A copy ivould also go to the district ittorney's office." The state objected lo the procedure is "conducting some of the jury .election out of the court, which is inproper." Long's trial ls expected to l?e set luring the September session of superior court. Shell said he anicipatcs a very lengthy jury selecinn ring Set le Beach spress their opinions or ask ques[acili ties at Uie (X'ean Isle Airport in Town Haii. roject will provide a fixed base tourist traffic to obtain fuel and em will enhance air safety, receive matching funds from the is and Community Development; sill supply the remaining $70,000. quisiiioii, $30,000; cimsiruciion of com communications equipment, leacon, $5,000.