Parer IIV MAIt.lOttlK MKCI\ KltN It's time sonu'thinc was tlom' aJhuit Mr. h'lvis," I?oiik Shaw told the Mnmswuk County Hoard of I Juration Monday initlit Shaw and his wife appeared at the hoard meetinj; to call attention to the recent discovery that South Itruuswiek Hieh School I'rtncipnl Mose lewis had a mm in his briefcase at school one day in June. I.ewts admitted the briefcase. students broke into the ImuIiIihh one J ?? Volume 2 J Number <11 \ r . ! "l)l)N"T SHOOT Ml-:. I'M JI. ST THK! I said Jeff Mnrlin, left. :is 100 angry p i Onmlcd :il him. Ill front row eenler. w I Com me Over A HY MAltJOltlK MROIVI The presence of firefighting ctjt Icouraging as tempers blazed Thursda; Sunset beach fire station. Over 100 re beach, Ocean Isle beach and ( a'.abii Inmbast postal authorities about the d letters went mil recently to tlio; Stuiliotti* post office, saying they wou use Shallolte on the last line of their ai I the names of their communities. So lunch concern and anger was j Thursday's meeting was arranged will of the regional Fayettcviile postal cei sion center in (Columbia, S.C. From the iiioinout Jeff Martir postmaster of the Fayettevillc center explain problems the postal service ha County growth, he was repeatedly sli bottom line, as put by Mary Frances Isle Bench, was this. '"Wo don't live ii don't want dial as our address." Martin said the extreme growth county is happening all over the count service must find a way to continue dt efficiently and inexpensively. "I.oLso you've had four different addresses years, and that's what we want to avo he said. When he said ''Wi-'w mudn few years," his voice was overpoweri raucous "No's." Rut he strii>:t;lcd t<i < now Hoinj* into automation, and the s< address formats allows us to deliver dieapcr." lie said automation in the Charlnt meant an optical character reader (i the last line of an address. "if it rca dress, with the town name matcliiiut listed in our directory of post offices, and you get it the next day." If. however, a town name on the Supply Woman < Itcha Atkins, 2ft, of Supply was in(lifted last week by a id jury in (trims wiek <'unity Superior Court on a charge of taking SlOO.tMMi from liallengcr Corp. of Supply, where she was employed as office manager. She was arrested Monday and released on $!),<i(XI (mud. De-.c-.divc Sonny Padgett of the liriinswick County Sheriff's Departmeiitaaiil Ms. Atkins Is charged with taking the money a vat ion:; forms its Ask Fi night in the closing weeks of the school your, was his. Ho said ho no- | cideiitully brought Iho wrong brief oaso to school the day before, and without ever opening it. locked it in I the school at the end of the day. The next morning he found the < break-in. with several items none, i:: i chiding Ins briefcase. Checking his i second tiriefease at home, he realized I the stolen one contained the nun Superintendent I '.one Yarbrounh was not informed el the nun theft, "because it was personal property," i ?- Eisrillllb' ShaHotte. Nortl ~\ HKSSF.NC.KH," shirt. M:i>or Dour estal easterners petition ho rnriiii; the white inities Fir ddress CI \ltN appear in tli<* post o lipinent was en- per /.ip code, the OC V afternoon in the to a mechanized pro sidents of Sunset a matched name am ish were thcie to athird, manual lian liangc m their ad- Martin stressed thirds of the cost >e patrons of the another day of dels Id he required to said. hires*. instead ol The crowd didn' issue was couuniinil generated by Uiis Columbia center tolc li representatives deliver mail to you.' ?lcr and the divi- Mayor UiDane focused on the impc 1. manager and resolution from her . began trying to Isle Beach be allowc s with Brunswick own zip code. "Till looted down. The economic issue for; DeBoy of Ocean Tom Tucker ol ii Shnllotlc, so we South Brunswick ! echoed her point, sa going on in the we've got. I wish thi ry, and the postal find a way we can k slivering tlie mail Martin replied : f you can tell me times around the ci i in utc last ten tried many things. " id in the future," - f realize this is just the messenger, strides in the last from a little town c Hi by a elwrus of heard of. 'Hint's bee continue. "We're laadardizatioii of State Hep. K. I: mail faster and cillatory' tones. "I'll was a rural mail car lie division office ,cresl'? Kctting the IK'H > that scans supports tourism. If ds a proper' ad- ,mikt's 'l hard foi ! the zip code as alternatives? When it's sent right on sio? strictly up to y< "We're not youi last line does not iSccCOV Charged In Embe over the last ycar-aad-a-iialf. She is charged with one count ?>f einhcz/leinent and six counts of false pretenses mid eliealing. i 'adgett said some of the money was taken through cliecks she wrote on the company, made out to herself or to cash. The false pretense and (heating charges come from allegations that Ms. Atkins rented post office Imixcs in the names of fictitious companies .ind sent authentically stamped hills or Actio/ U-wis said. I reported ii to tin* police." State law prohibits weapons on school grounds with liir exception of Inw officers. I'ho Shaw's said they had reason tn confront school officials nhoul the inindent. "It was oil! son who was thrown tin niip.h a plate ulass window tiy Most* I a*w is." Shaw said. He i Lewis) was onvicted ?>f assault last year." Slww noted that news reports ipinted Yarlnotip.h as saying he sm m s lil*J flf b Carolina, Thursday. Au \ |v "* -if / Simmons of t'alahasli. studies the d to Martin. cd Up ! hangesI fficc directory, regardless of a proIt can't liandle it and it's tossed out cess. If that process can't "key in" il zip rde, then the mail must luive dling. that each extra handling costs twoof the original handling. "Also, iv is added by each handling." he t want to hear about efficiency The y identity, and Hill Austin from the I them point-blank. "The post office >ou community identity. We try to Itullingtoii if Ocean Isle Heach irtance of that identity. She read a town board asking ttiat the Ocean d to use its town name and have its s is not only a pride issue hut an ill these communities." she said. Sunset Beach, representing the Islands ('lumber of Commerce, yuig. i ourisin is me only industry r postal service would take time to cep our identity." Hint die issue had surfaced many ountry and Uie postal service hail Then quit trying," someone yelled, an emotional issue, hut listen, I'm " he said. "I'm one of you. I come idled Cedar Creek that you never nusc it doesn't liave a post office." avid liedwinc spoke in more coni a postal brat, because my father ricr," he said. "The slate has an ins issue resolved, because tile state you takeaway pride in community, r us to do lietter Do we luive any do we go from here*' Is the deeiiii?" r enemy," Martin liegan. hut was IMDNITIKS, I'age 2-A) jzzlement Case lo ltullciii'.< r from those companies. Itallengcr officials were not suspicious. Padgett said, Ik-cuiisc tlioy wore making money and business was going well. Ilovvever, when Ms. Atkins purchased a second computer for the company and took it home for her payroll work, there were questions asked that led to extensive probing into her act inns as office manager. Iler trial is scheduled for Sept. lit in lirimswick County Supciioi (Join t. i On would decide the seriousness >( the mutter before bimr.inr, it Ijefore Hi?* hoard "I think this is a very serious matter." Slunv decuimt. "and I've eont;icteil the nttvrricy-Kcucral .- bout it. If any crimes were committed with nun. the schools eoulil be liable, ami lawsuits against the school involve taxpayers' money " Hoard members emerged from a two-oiul-a-holf-hiiur executive session following the meeting with nrun faces. All liud been advised by the schoid attorney to say nnthiun about n m a - ,*m \ [ It iif| gust 21,1986 21 Optionc Draws BY SUSAN USIIKR An optional half-percent sales tax increase drew mixed reactions from ten people at a hearing held Tuesday night l?v Brunswick County Coinniissioners. Board meinhers said they weie surprised at the low turnout. COiliiTiiTitS fi'oin hooui of !\dutution personnel and retirees were about equally divided for and against the new lax during the brief session. "For we folks on fixed incomes these taxes keep on adding up and our incomes don't." said Pearl Kriok. speaking in opposition of the tax on lielialf of the nearly tot) members of the Calabash Chapter of American Association of Hctircd Persons. She was also concerned that the state legislature had not cxemp1 t-?| foods from tlie tax School hoard meinber James Clemmons. a retired principal from I.eland who said his mother was illiterate. was equally adamant in his support fur the tax because of its school (undine. "I'm retired loo, but no where else will you get as much for your tax dollar than in n k County." he said. "We owe it to the children who come after us to provide Uio Iwst type :;f jcKsibhs. We knew (theiri only future in Brunswick County is education." lie said the remaining funds could he used by the county to finance expansion of the water system. Commissioners, whom Chairman Chris Chapped said appear to he leaning toward adoption of the tax. took no action on the proposal Tuesday. He expects the tax to he on their Sept. 2 agenda. More than half the [ counties statewide have already I adopted it. ; Commissioners met privately before and after the hearing to continue a Monday night discussion of a I personnel matter.? ! Speaking as a private citizen at the hearing. Chapped said if the lax is adopted it should he used to reduce the property tax '.w He said this could he done by*:^ the schools' AO percent to pay off school construction bond indebtedness, and the county's share to meet general fund needs. He CM.i.l i... 1.1 ? * .........v ........i nimii^ij i.<1111>.111:11 miWater De Action By MY SUSAN USIIF.K A now utilities operation hoard cToatod by the llruiwwick County Hoard of Commissioners Monday nitilit will soon overseeing the county's expanding water system. Creation of the board was just one of many water system-related items that nearly iiumdatod commissioners Monday night. in other major business, they also anlhorized planning of a new $150,000 pumping station south of Shallottc, adopted a new interim water budget good for six months and adopteil a revised water user agreement. While named "utilities" board to reflect future directions, said District 3 Commissioner dim I'nolo Monday, "for the foreseeable future its one anil only priority will he cipol ' tin- matter Ynrbroiiuh admitted the I a? wis affair itad liven discussed l-cwis joked Tuesday moraine that fie was "rlo.inifiK not my desk,' but liad no word of any disciplinary action from law eiifnrccue'iit or the school system The Klinw's Ift-year-okl son. Hill, had a confrontation with Lewis outside the school office a year aj'o. Mrs. Sluiw said it was over his readmission to school, and that the youth had "spoke rouithly ' to Lewi:;, at which point the principal flmu: him BO TBS HI fi? a V li HI-us i DtnM >c Per Copy 28 al Sales 1 \Aixed R( a new ImiiuI referendum to finance .school construction. Another retiree in the audience, William Ilium of Boiling Spring I-ikes, said that in light of Chappcll's comments, lie supported the additional ha If-cent sales tax. II adopted, the soonest it could be put into effect would be October. Tile state requires a month to prepare for the distribution. The folios would be allocated to each county?and to the niiinieipalilies within it on the basis of their permanent population count. In the first year. Brunswick County stands to reive approximately $1.1 in revenu if the tax is adopted. Of that. liO percent, or about JflOO.COO would go to the schools for construction. construction bond indebtedness am! other capital projects, while 40 percent, or $300,000, would go into the county's general coffers. After the first two years the percentage automatically apportioned to the schools would gradually decrease until the entire amount is spent at the discretion of the board commissioners. Towns also stand to share if the tax is adopted, with 40 percent of their share to be set aside for water and sewer projects. However, no local Tuesday's hearing. At times the public resembled a debate between pro utul eon speakers, with each rebutting the other's comments. Also speaking against the tax were Pegge .Invites of the llolden Heach area and Ilal Mason of Tarheeland Acres, both of whom advocated establishing a state lottery to finance school construction. Jaynes admonished commissioners to "He brave: don't adopt the half-cent sales tax. You should think about it twice." Kalher than taxing the elderly to finance school construction, she suggested lobbying for a state lottery, later she said she intends to ask commissioners to adopt a resolution next meeting. She alsn criticized creation of a new $18,790 position, assistant operations director, filled recently by former commissioner Pearly cisions Dor Corn miss it Ilis remarks were in part to reassure several Brick lauding area residents in the audience that water continues as the county's top priority. The group praised the county for establishing the board and including in tne midget 71.0 minion tor water system lateral expansion. Seven men were appointed to the Ivutril na fnllnwc District 1 F!d Gore of Sunset Beach, developer and also chairman of the county planning boatd, three years; District 2- W. Alfonza Koach of llolden Beach Itoad, developer, three years; District '.\ Morris Crouch of Long Beach, residential builder, three years: District I - Robert C. Nubel of BodingSptiiiy* lakes, plant inaimpei South into the class office door In (X'tolicr, IMS, Judge Will'ai (ion* found liitu guilty tint gave Inn, prayiT for judgment continued "2 ! school system (javt! him ;i repn maud I just hope the publicity over thi will ;it least cause pan-nts to ?>. Ciirefill." Mrs Show said after Mon day's meeting. "I know kids are hat<; to deal with sometimes, lust he 'i,?i treat them lough." More School i'.oanM oirrngc Cages 12-A and io H fs$k m g i 11%! Wl% Pages Plus Supple'r-ont | "ax 2i\/SO\A/Q w* V i V V w Vcreen. saying thf director shu'.ili linve been able to do tin* work or olsi liave been replaced Opcrnlioas nov handles (our areas: mosquito < trol. water inaiiai'.ement. Karate a construction. Adopting a phrase u?ed durim budget hearings earlier this year itinson told commissioners. I tin:; you're doing a lot to kill the g?>os that's laid the golden egg." On the sales tax he advised eon. niissioiicrs. "Do nothing: let it die don't think we need it for the tiii.e (:< ing." He objected to funding tor parkand recreation, saying he had not seen more than an occasional ixn'son at either Shallotte or Town Creel Township Parks. He questioned tlv value of ti?e county investing t;i. dollars in promoting tourism, in-voting tliat the industry benefits only . few. "It's no benefit to the farmer ii. Ash who takes his life in his hands t> come to Shallotte on a Friday night." he added. He advocated spending slate an county education dollars on en riculuin and attracting outstanding new teachers rather than increasing pay for existing teachers. Schools Superintendent (?enc Tar hrough suggested the sales tax w i!-; relieve some of the pressure on the dominant source of county funding, the property t:i\. Saving he >ym palhizrd with the plight of the elderly on fixed incomes, he added.' I'm not sure we need to grow at their ex pensc or that the) are helped by retarding the schools' grow th " Hoard of Kducation Chan man James l-'oit.sner termed children "one the best investments you can make." "You can educate them to make a living or you can build them jails." he said, "(iood schools benefit everybody in the community." While Mrs. Jaynes had suggested residents of adjoining counties where the optional sales, tax has already been adopted might shop in Brunswick if the sales tax were lower. Forstner said he didn't think so Itecause of the amount of travel and the small sums involved. ninate jrit?rb at I'fizer Cliemicals, one year; District 5?Kruest Metier of I.eland, a Federal I'nperhoard Co employee, one year; Scn'ing at larjje for two years each will he Frankv Thomas of Inland, in the mobile office business, ami William A. Kinjlish of Shallotte, in real estate. Thomas, who served tun terms as a county commissioner and is a former clinirman of the Ixtnrd, .iiauanvwi vii viiv i.owoi i ape i-eai Water & Sewer Authority lie is Hiving up an apartment in Wilmington anil returning to full-time resident')* in Brunswick County, lie said Tuesday. Chairman Chris Cliappel! said Monday Hint one reason for Knglish's appointinent was to have representation on the board from Shallotlc (See, I'age A> i':

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