I BRUNS1 Volume '24 Number 4 Squads Ev B smo n-m lt\ SI SAN I Sill K Faced with a shortage ? volunteers and an imrcasiiiK d maud far their m'imii's, a inajnril of I trims wick County's rescue xpiai art- enilmsmn efforts to establish private non-einerucficy medic; transportation service. However, at a public hcarini; at tl Itrunswick County Ciovernmei several imiLs questioned how tl business would operate in relation ' the squads. "It looks like we will sti continue having to make most of tl < non-emergencyi calls." note Shaiiotle Keseue Squad inembi Jean Mearns after hearing the se vice proposal. (id Bass of Holdiii Beach am) I)e; ins Pickard of Supply are seeking < ounty franchise or permit loopera Brunswick Medical Transporlatio which would provide non-einergeiu iiit'iiiCiii it i.ititni ll'mf-l day. seven days a w eek. They're as! uig for a non-exclusive franchis which would allow othei services i also provide service in the county Monday night they answered has questions required in considerir their franchise application an answered questions from conuui sinners ami the audience. (.'oinmissioiiers have JO days w inch to complete their investigate and to decide wlwther to award irariehise Unco granted, il could J taken away in the event of a violate >r at the end of a required aiuui. review if the business is not in con pliance with statutes. Iteseue squads endorsing the se vice include I.eland. Calabasl Stud l?S MAIUOIUK MKCIVKKN H runs wick County students rcturi ini; tn seliuol next week will linve I make a transition from a relative! carefree summer atmosphere to stricter environment on the campt and on school buses. A new code of conduct was recent! approved by the board of cducntji that adds tluee categories of actit to Im- regulated and clianges tl Superintendent (lene Yarbrouj.1 said, "The new code general toughens the restriction.-;, hat aL' anus a piovision lor (iik- process l? students." Stiffer penalties are assigned in tl Rgscu BY SUSAN IJSI What started out as a lazy su trip for Jim Hardee's family turn lasl Wednesday when their two I .i half-mile off Tuhhs Inlet Tliey were rescued mimi thunderstorm struck, their houl ashore on the incoming tide In two 14-foot boats, five fin from a friends' cottage at dcear a in. .lim, 45, lus daughter Niki, SC. and his father, Kll?ert. tilt, i one liont. Another daughter, Sai Ikldjf Whitfield. 17, of (impel II hunt. In Tuhhs Inlet, between 0 Iteaches. strong curreiiLs uppan into ocean where it flipped ove? view of the second hoat. It got tough for us to get oil go hack. We got where we eoul wave got under the hoat and fhpf other hoat was still in the area, L any more. The waves were gettii high." WIKMI ?wtiit'iii riMii/.i'd me i he returned toOcenn Isle, ilroppi tha to rail for help. Whitfield headed hack to t swamped us he attempted to ere Onshore, Samanllia went for by then liad seen the boat in i Calabash Volunteer Itesrue Sqtu wick ju&mi 2 Slicillof ?? North ( i See Nee< larger icy Soulhport and 1'own ( rock War>f camno. .said Kmergency Managei' incut Coordinator Cecil I.ognii would l\ go with the majority. At a recent Is chiefs'meeting. seven ol 10 units supa ported the squad. accordant to one ill speaker Most hinged that support on the transport service not affecting ie county funding for rescue squads, a it concern noted hy Shallotte's Ales oi MeariLs Monday night ie Commissioner Jim Poole, with to other hoard members in>11111111', agreeill merit, assured an 30-person audience ie of mostly rescue volunteers that then id funding would not he in jeopardy. All r commissioners were present except r- Chairman Chris Chappell. I.ogan also supports the concept "f ? a non-emergency ambulance sera vice, lie said "Anything thai will te relieve the day tune pressure on the n. resrue squads. good for them It's y .something the county has needed for k- If they can do it. good for them.'' e. lie said past efforts to establish a to private service in the county have failed. ie At least two squads. Town frock iM and 1.eland, have curtailed their nonid emergency transports because of the s- lack of available manpower to provide both types of transport, in "We do- ided the only way we could "i survive \ is to do it i curtail routine a transportssaid Town Creek's h- chief. Krnest Coleman, s.-iyuii! dial a had been depariuieaUil jk licy for the il past two years. ? lie said the squads routinely refer such calls to a private ambulance r- service operating out of New h. Hanover County. Trans Med. ents Face Ne following cases: ii- I it drug possession offenders will lo he reported to tin- police oil the first ly offense: a *In arson, tlu* police will lie conis (acted and there will !* p?>ssible expulsion: ly *In assault tin another student, in*n school suspension u ill he added to the ?n previous parental conference as a ie first offense peiui 1 ty: in iiiiiiiiev. the possibility oi [h detention is added to ill-school ly siLSpension for second and third ofio fenses. and long-term suspension i up ir to the balance of the school year t will Ik- the penally for the fourth offense; ie ?ln physical contact offenses. iarc ! Ar\L/v-! I o uwx-ffN'CVl L r.nicrgvncy auuu nuner morning fishing cd Marine Fisher mm! into a near-disaster and llicy began )oats overturned about boats, followed u biologists who hni lies before a lieavy way. Ls left la-hind to wash "We could set to get to thein be< inily monitors set out Meanwhile, tl i Isle Heai h about 'j.Ul managing as best 15. both of Darlington. "I was togini r?f (Impel Hill, were in longer I could hu\ iianllut. and a cousin. be. Niki and Kdd ill. were in the second live l.indsey Walt SuiLset Itearh. cean Isle and Sunset A Navy voter; 'ally pulled Jim's boat wlmt to do in the 10 roneb ? ?f in-school suspension: *lu the use or possession of tobacco, the first offense will Ik- punished by in-school suspension the second by short-tenn suspension iup to ten days i. Some penalties appear to he lighter than in the past: For the use of vulvar, profane or obscene language. in-school suspension replaces (leleiilion: For a first weapons offense, longterni suspension replaces expulsion: For property damage, the mails "police may be contacted" replace "police will be contacted:" .ir\^7 r~\i lycriD igcmcnt Coordinator Cecil l.ognn joinics Officer at the Sunset Beach Bridge working their way to the distressed 1 a second boat by two state marine I Ih-cii testing for shrimp in the walers thern. but we couldn't figure out how :ause the inlet was so rough." lie three (lardees and Wbilfield were : they eould in the water. 'mil! to wear. I don't know how uiiieh 'v field on," Klliert Hardee ret ailed as lie warmed themselves inside | It-teeoil's patrol ear along the causeway at h i. Klliert Hardee said he liad learned event of a boating aeenlent ahout 15 litis !v t'e* flrs' litttt ISirt mt.tr ,,V. ig like that. I think by the time lliey again it will lie another :?0 years." I on top of the boat for help to arrive, mills his son and granddaughter liatl I'hey waited in the water alongside to a tow rope mid trying to hold the UN? waier been in the water an estimated half arrived, with Hcwctt and I jiieks and the biologists the oilier two faces nppeiired out there aliove the d like angels," said a grateful Jim i{ toward their rescuers. "These arc il faces you've ever seen. You have ifful jK-'iiplr here." JPPLEMENT INC I it 28 1986 ?5t i&ii K\ M > DKNNIN I'U K AKI) i forc^imindi mis vlfr hi' ami (ill llass want Irainhlsci Sunset Bee To Regulate ItY TKIlltV IMll'i: I would have a eluince to comment on the moving of buildings and homeinlo their neighborhoods if a propos- j oil ordinance before ihe town council is adopted. A public hearing on the ordinance was held Morula) nmht with most of lite discussion involving members of Ihe town council and the planning board I loth boards agreed that the plan needed to "no back to the drawinn Iward" i" work out problems before it is again considered by Uu* town eoiincll. Claiming HoardChairman Hicbard (ioode said tin; ordinance was model town of llolden I leach. Hi* .said tin j planning board has Itcoii working on t Conduct At i I-or assault on school staff f members. long-term suspension t replaces expulsion. t Due process will give students the t right to notification to parents, a hearing, representation by counsel, j examination of evidence, confronta- ? tion of witnesses, a re con I of proceedings, a decision based on , evidence. , Two categories of offenses were aiideti to liie code: violations against t traffic regulations, and aiding and < abetting in the possession, use or ilKtrihiiliim ..f ilru.u For parking in unauthorized areas, i students will lie punished at "the i principal's discretion" on the first ofi O i UKJXJ i II iy I -V M Ifjl J r'flj IK&Br H 'tiutsf JIM H AH I H .l right, iiiul tlirco nicmlH?vrc rescued 'mm Tuhhs Inlet lust Wei iiifi u(t? r their li iitn i Hjhitrii. With iiiiu LUDED IN THIS 5EACS Pet Copy 86 w?-rs (|iK'sliuiLv ata Monday niRht h?-ai 1 hy tilt- couiit). ich Ordinar 5 Moving O he ordinance for nearly a year "The movement of buildings . "sn't happen often, but it should be lone witli due regards to those round it." lioodc told the council, .hey should he aware of it and d mild have an opportunity to voice In u opinions prior to the issuance of i permit." \cr..rding to the proposed orlinance, the purpose in regulating 1 moving of homes is "to prevent I relocation of buildings such that he quality or character of the icighborhood in which a building might be moved is adversely affected." However, hoth boards agreed Moa jtistuicnts would nut lx' hound to allow thi' public's wishes in issuing School This ease, go to in-school suspension for ho second offense, and have their 'ars towed ill their expense on the bird offense. Careless driving will mean a >arental conference and/or loss of irivitig privileges. Those fouiul aiding and aliening in Irug offenses wiii suffer short-term uspeiision. Has conduct is I >cuig regulated for tie tirst time tins year, ine cone stipulates that: School administrators will he askm1 to ride certain bus runs and rejiort heir findings to the director of ransportation: (See ItelaleilSrhool tlpei A .-^t-J.-.-x \ rvLciuciii v &%' i./ BhSwb rs nl his family are Kmergency Inesdnv morn- Logan, Marine Fl . hmil Hie Ml, l!c?, it and Delect ; ISSUE! Puyes Plus Supplement 4&P iiiK ?'ii Hit* ni' Oi- ;ii ir:ius|>?rt scrice f Homes individual permits. Town Attorney Mmi' a "aCI ibCa p ' ..I', till' vl iiini'i needed lu .state the purpose in liold.nu a public hearing, hut that the board ?f adjustments could issue permits to move buildings " even if everyone at the meeting was against it " i'roin a purely legal standpoint, it doesn't matter wliat anyone says." said Councilman I\d ("tore. He added that because .> home might be of an "architectural style that someone might not prefer lias no bearing at all" ui issuing a permit. (ioode then added tliat atllumuhlhe ordinance would require buildings t" conform to certain standards it would l>i' "highly iinlik?'i> that there would ho any legal reason to dcn> it " (lore said the ordinance would (SecSLNSKT BKAl II. Page i Year All hits drivers, dircctoi ot transportation and the assistant to the superintendent for operations will meet at least twice a \ear; School principals will assign students to seats on all biuses. Students must oomph with the driver's request ai all times, must 1m hi assigned seals and cannot change scats, cannot put heads or arms out of the windows, and must no! use pr>* lane or allusive language. smoKe or strike matches .Il: the |tn? Students who fail to observe bus rules will be subject to immediate disipliunry action and reported to the principal. linn Stories. Pane?-Ai 1C..III i is> - tf* siaii hioiohi mimnuviii Management Coordinator Cecil shorles Enforcement Officer Dale Ive Un.tsOj Wall**. t