Sunset Toxpo) HY SI'SAN USIIKIt Sunset Hcai'h Taxpayers Association iiieinbers reaffirmed opposition to a bridge to the island Saturday during their fall meeting at the fire station. While rain fell in a steady dri/vle outside, members inside the bay worked their way through the intricacies of parliamentary procedure. In a series of unanimous votes, they took stances: .opposing the U.S. Postal Service plan to have Sunset Bench. Ocean Isle Peach anil Calabash residents assume Sliallotte mailing addresses as well as usinc the Shallotte zip code: MOl"i S'PR I NGf-'Qfi 1 m | ., ,, ,Q ^ Volume za. tiuitib/ci FOLLOWING THK EXPLOSION the hull sank in Just two minutes to the orean floor to form the Tommy MeGlammen Memorial Reef. According to Long Hay Artificial Reef Association President Dale McDowell. HURRICANE SHELTER RULES CH/ Two High-Rise E To Speed Evacu UY SUSAN storm of the 1986 si Two new bridges are ex- Safe evacuation peeled to reduce the time needed to provision of shcltei evacuate Ocean Isle and Holden who need it are beaches by as much as one-third in priorities, said l.ojj the event of a hurricane warning, ac- 'Hie bridges are cording to Brunswick County a significant differi Emergency Management Coor- Holden and Ocean dinator Cecil lx>gan. cording to l.ogan. With the brunt of the Atlantic bur- "We will no lonf ricane season approaching, Ixigan way traffic," he sa has been completing arrangements longer have bolt witli local and state agencies on how bridges." to deal with a hurricane. Between La I While the season runs from June 1 Thanksgiving, l.o to Nov. 30, Logan said the months he lead time of about really worries about are September be required to and October, when the most bur- residents of l>nrrit ricanes are likeliest to occur. On tracoastal Waterw, Tuesday afternoon, weather bably do it in six hi forecasters were tracking a tropical to have eight hour: depression located about 825 miles That's taking int east/northeast of the I.ecward increase in perina Islands. They said the depression, several thousand s while weak and poorly organized, storm, could reach t -'epical storm strength With a peak popi by Wednesday afternoon. If its winds however, the le,*i reach 39 mph it will become a would increase t tropical storm and he named because more til Danielle. It would be fourth named quired for notifical South Br "Well, it rained, 40 days and 40 "There was inud nights without stoppin'," goes the old the weather, and spiritual, and most of southeastern pay a deposit just in or Ih Carolina could have joined in uils were about that refrain over the Uibor Day business." weekend. Site added that r With never a .significant break in the island went sii the showers and the overcast skies more than usual, till Monday afternoon, the last holi- Ann Martin at Si day of the summer was a soggy mess noted that they ha for most tourists and residents of the "Everyone who ri South Brunswick Islands area. said. "But there On the other hand, the cold, dismal reservations as as drizzle drove many people to local Day is not one of < grocery stores and other shops to On liolden Beac give them an unexpected boost in of his realty fii business. pcriencc, "We w Realtors gave the weekend a mix- pointed in the ovi cd review. I xmiie I portiiiK * comproliensivc master plan" for the town's development; favoring underground eleetricnl lines; reiterating opposition to a proposed Mad Inlet parking lot. recommending the town accept the west end property only for |M*deslrian access, not for park ing. According to council member Minnie Hunt, rewording of the deed conveying the property from Mr and Mrs I 'd Core to the town is on the agenda for discussion '1UNSWI orth Carolina Thursday, Septemt jjp y>?z; feci! fish will begin congregating around tin- reef immediately, with larger fish to follow. "There Mill lie some fish caught there this fall." he predicted. (More pictures on Page2-A) \NGE bridges Expected ation Of Islands eason. of visitors with the area; and of the roast and tourists' tendency to park all they've r to those families brought with them for the return trip, the county's top "They aren't going to go to the [an. shelters." he said. "They're going to expected to make go home." ?ncc in evacuating 1/igan said that while all data from Isle beaches, ac- Hurricane Diana in 1984 has not been compiled, that public attitudes ?er have just one- toward advance evacuation have iid. "We should no cluuigcd. Five years ago, only 30 per lenecking at the cent of those surveyed said they would be willing to evacuate. That jor Day and number has since increased to 70 perRan estimates a cent, he said, eight hours would "But if we keep getting storms tiiat safely evacuate don't do much damage?like Gloria :r Islands and the last year and Charley this year- that area along the In- could change," continued l.ogan. "It ay. "We could pro- would take a period of several nirs, but I'd prefer years." s " He suspects that is due primarily to o consideration an n imml u.'nririf.n r?ioiUn? nent population of established among county agencies, incc the last major the municipal governments and others. When county commissioners ilation in Die area, meet and make the recommendation id time required to evacuate, he said, the o 12 to 18 hours municipalities concur and then act ;ne would he re- quickly. lion: unfamiliarity (, I,agc2-A) unswick Says A S h complaint about sold a few." He said there were a fewpeople who didn't "no-shows," but some of the tnercancelled. Ourren- chants on the island were hurt even lialf off the usual worse. "The waterslide took a real beating," he said, nost people visiting The effect of the weather showed inpping and ate out up in fewer day visitors, Holden said. "Our parking lots hud about 25 perunset Beach Really cent of last year's crowd," he said, id no cancellations Par lav: enforcement, it was an rscrvcu came, snc easy holiday. Jerry Ourganus, Ocean were not as many isle Beach chief of police, said. "It iiiil, because Utbor was it real quiet weekend, and there our big weekends. were not as many day visitors, but h, Alan Holden.said there seemed to be as many in the m's weekend ex- cottages as usual. Most tourists were ere a little disa|>- shopping." srall weekend. But llolden Beach police officer Bay ore lookers for buy- Simpson echoed this report. "It was ig the rain. We even real quiet. There were lots of disap? CAL ADDRESS Bridge, Mad Ink a! till' council's Oct.'?meeting After a lengthy ilisciission on wording of a mot ion. Hie 80 to 80 members present unanimously authorized their executive committee to explore all available routes of opposition to a high-rise bridge, including the possibility of local action. The vote followed one woman's urging to "leave no stone unturned to stop that bridge " "We don't need a high rise bridge pouring more people onto this liny little island turning it into a Coney Island." she said. With one motion withdrawn and a substitute motion ^. CK# BE, jer 4. 1 986 25c Per Cop Sinking Of C Ends Lona V* . BY TEKHY POPE company contrai After two years of waiting, ing. decided the members of the l?ong Bay Artificial liau) the former Heef Association watched Saturday Engineers servii morning as its first reef sank beneath It had been docl five- to seven-foot waves and came to Municipal Pier s rest on the ocean floor off of Oak noon. Island. A failing tide i' It took just two minutes tor the rick through the 104-fooMong derrick to touch bottom Pear River; In after more than 80 sticks of dynamite times members were detonated in the vessel's hull. Association tin The sinking had been postponed for would he postpoi more than two weeks due to poor A tugboat owi weather conditions. Co. of WiliningU "It's been a long lime." said State the barge out to: Hep. E. David Redwine Saturday as ched positions ai he watched the dei rick sink from less stead of push th than 100 yards away while aboard site Associatior "The Other Woman." Redwine word that the heiped sponsor bills through the N.C. around and w? House of Representatives to help Southport. fund the association's reef project. Another delaj Other donations were made by boat carrying u; Brunswick County Commissioners Sen-ices dcvelc auu the City of Souiiipuit. enroute to the n The McGlainmery Beef is the first shore. The boat I in a series of offshore structures ex- site and the dyn peeled to enhance both recreational another boat, ami commercial fishing along the "We've wnitcc Brunswick County coast. can wait a little Although weather conditions were Dale McDowell not ideal Saturday with rain and association, rough seas, Hurt I .on of Sea Tow Ser- The reef will li vices Inc. of Wrightsvillc Beach, the Mctllammcry Clamming Rest In Area Affecte Five and a half months after an oil The closing's spill temporarily ended shellfishing been economic, i in tile Shallotte River, the last waters ding to Carpentt closed because of that spill reopened of shellfishern to clammers Saturday morning. harvest from tin of work. Affected, according to Rich Carpenter, southern district Shellfish in t manager for the N.C. Division of have weathered Marine Fisheries, were the west "It didn't seei bank of Shallotte River and the on the shrimp marsh across the Intracoastal referring to an e Waterway where the leaking barge, spill would harn the Kitgur (). Sykes was deliberately area at the time run aground the night of March 17 ly, we were exti after it struck an ob]cct and began has all but di: leaking its cargo of heavy No. 0 fuel oysters." oil. It was en route from Savannah, However, he (Ju., to Morehead City when the inci- was mainly to a dent occurred. river after int|i oggy Farewell Tc pointed tourists, hut some of them silting in thai said they enjoyed it and had a chance thought we'd ji to relax," he said. awhile." " tant to Sunset Beach's town Many to Mvrtli manager, "Yoii wouldn't have known Pottery, or Will it was a holiday here." She said the: e enclosed mall, were no traffic problems, no c\tra their shopping i men needed to direct traffic, uivl she Some grocer; ur.M iiiied i?ilnu Day as "a ouici, picilLs of iiie i soggy weekend." Assistant Mana But for some fortunate mercltaiils, said, "It was pr< the weather proved to be a boon, and Saturday. Kven the bumper-to-bumpcr traffic watched 'IV all that developed Saturday brought Don Safrit customers to at least one shop along Grocery, howev llwy. 130. was "terrible." Joan Yerton, owner of the Villager, came in wantini said, "Our store was filled to capaci- could go for ent ty, and one person said, "We've been Beach, so they < ) Parking Lot reworded, urn- audience mcinl?er called fur a vote, "Ix't's go witli this. I'm getting motion sickness." Arguing tliat the group needed to "hit tliemover the head" to gel the attention from state transportation authorities, memher Warren "Bud" Kiuipp had pressed for authority to seek a "cease and desist" order, hut was told type of legal action could he taken only by the full group. At the Thanksgiving weekend meeting on Nov 29. the committee could recommend legal action. SHTA sent :i not it inn ?.f 1 SOO sion?l..r..c ti.? Martin and several DOT officials earlier this year op(SeeTAXPAYERS. I'aRe2-A t ACON >y 28 Pages Plus Supplements Jerrick Ship /ait For Reef eted to do the sink- honor of a popular sport fisherman winds were right to from tlie Midway Road area near U.S. Army Corps of Southport. McUlammery was killed cc derrick offshore, in a work-related accident in 1983. rI'll fit Ihn . tniilhnnrl S.i?nrileen obtained to e derrick to the reef refurbish two existing reefs, one off i members received Oak Island and another off of vessel had turned I.oekwook Folly Inlet, and to create is heading back lu six new ones. As funds become available, several occurred when the other drops of reef material are planviiailiite fur Sea TOW lied in tliC" Hear fiiture, including (helped engine trouble old Holdcn Beach Bridge and a :cf site 3.5 miles off- donated tanker barge hull as well as lad to be towed to the the county's share of about 200 boxamite transferred to cars donated to the stale by Seaboard Railroad. I this lone. I euess we 1 while longer," said The Mdllammery reef is resting I, president of the under feet of water approximately 4.2 miles southwest from lite oak e named the Tommy Island Lighthouse. It is marked by a Memorial Reef in floating buoy. imed Saturday >d By Oil Spill mam impact has ment officers (ilea tlibbs and Dale not biological, accor- Hewctt. r. He said a number "We called it to their attention that ten who normally the river was looking good." said ; river have been out Hewett. Taste tests confirmed their visual examination. "Shellfish sanitation he river appear to said their was no oily taste." said the spill well. Carpenter. "That's what we had been in to have any effect most concerned about, if clams with i," Carpenter said, an oily taste had reached the market, arly concern that the they could have ruined the market." i young shrimp in the The affected waters reverted back of the spill. "Actual- to their status prior to spill except for cmely lucky. The oil two areas which will remain closed, .appeared from the These are waters within 100 feel of Hughes' Marina, which were closed said, the re-opening by a May 21 proclamation, and llow clamming in the several shellfish management areas uiries from enforce- in the river. > Summer line-up so long, we cottages." list pull in here for Bryan's in Shallotte benefited from the bad weather. Beth Willis, ill those cars going? manager, said, "This weekend was Beach, Wacrainaw tremendous, one of the best we've nington to shop in an ever had, because people couldn't get Hut many also did on the beaches." n Brunswick County. It was the same story at Sliallotte's y stores were red- Maxway, where Fred Burriss. nisincss. Food i ion manager, described the iioiiday as ger Wayne Cullman "the best weekend of the season." itty good here Friday And Ursula Brown at Bench Mart People got fowl and on Holden Bench, noted, "It was pretweckend, I guess." ty crowded in here all weekend." at Sunset Beach But at Windstorc Island (lifts in er, said his business Ocean Isle Bench, manager Deborah He added. "People Pope had a different story. "We had i; to know where they aboil* the same business as if we'd ertainmcnt in Myrtle had sunny weather." she said, could get out of their (SeeSOGClY, l'age 2-A)