iUKler the He Fashion Anrl \ / BM V V D 8 V-l i V by MAiuoitn: Mr.r.ivKKN II all bewail when the feisty I wo-year-old visiting his grandmother's shell shop was given a hloh of ( lay, to keep Inni (illicit.** I looked around the shop at all the dioramas full of sea creatures and henna copying them in clay," said I hiutte Schilz. Now the sculpted sea life that comes from the hands of the 20-year-old artist Ls used as a leaching looi in museums and colleges all over the United States and in eight other countries. I Dunne is a native of Virginia Heat h, where his grandparents, Zida and William Kibler. had a inuseum-like j shell and gift shop until 1973. when lhe> moved t?t Shallotte to huihl a house I came with them and stayed with them till my mother moved here soon after." Pitane said He and a younger sister now live with their mother. I.ydine Schilz near Ilolden Heaeh. Although the ineliculously detilied sculptures Duane creates came to puhlie attention only about four years ago. he said he's loved w orking with clay since those days as a toddler, when a doling grandmother gave him the first raw material She still preserves the very first piece he made for her. a tiny mouse, sitting upright on it* haunches, its open mouth adorned with one of Dunne's baby teeth. Throughout all Ins years in Brunswick County schools, at Union Primary. Shallotte Middle and West Brunswick, the young artist pursued his hobby without im.-Mi uviiuii ?i mnuance. u was just someuung private. I never showed it to anyone except the family," lie said. Then, four years ago, while the family was in Florida. with the intention making a permanent move. (1 rand mother asked I )uane to come hack to Sliallotte and make animals for an exhibit she was preparing for the Cihversily of North Carolina at Wilmington. "1 was going to stay two weeks, then that became two more weeks, and finally the family joined me and we just stayed." he said with a laugh. Thtil was the beginning of his public career as a sculptor. Accompanying Mrs. Kibler to shell shows, where Ins mollusks, squid, cuttlefish and snails were on display. 1 >ua?e began getting requests fur sea life models from scientists, professors and museum curators. Now he has pieees in such farflung places as Chicago, Ft. Fisher, Hong Kong and C.reece, His "Meet the < V|ilud;*|Mxls" exhibit ;ii UNt'-W in Wilmington was used i , _ I 51V *i?^^fc^^;> >"> f ir: i;S? v , ;- <} ? r ^ * ?. | kco ? "m IP- -m \Z _ - If \*K \ From the Champs From Manhattan's Fiftl R( k teo Drive. And on f Can )lii la, NCNBcusto tl lan 15,000 cash macl around the clock. And thatsmoreth NCNBisamemberof Carolina, South Caroli m.w. c, .?>.i\;ica i iur> ?.?yoiv_ 111 cu u i v 10/ \ NO j v: L sun s Molli i<;k<; w nan "W W U >)R?' B 1\ W Anrl Q/tis^-ihc /o a \i iu uuii IK as a marine biology teaching tool Recently a sciont from Urazil bought some of his models to use in 1 teaching Also, there is a contract ponding with t Delaware Museum b> which Dunne will re-do the ln? Pacific inolliisks in their marine collection. Mrs K'.hler points out Dunne's awards with grar motherly pride He was the youngest ever to win the O. chologist of the Year award in 1984 at the N.C. Sh Slum , am! the DuPoM tropliy for the most outstandi exhibit at the 19H5 shell shnw'ir. Ji.r fcvAnv.il.. n. I his self-taught young artist ls modest and unas.su ing, yet open and articulate about his work and his futu: Ih' sit ill he enjoys sculpting fantasy creatures "out my head" as much as the sea animals, which must be; curate in every detail, based on textbook pictures, 'd used 40 books the first time he did an octopus." his grai mother noted. And Ills current order for religious figures frorr. North Carolina Christmas shop is a "breakthrough" tl challenges and excites him. "They want statues Joseph. Mary and Jesus that look like t wood-carvings," lie said. His finished product fits ll description perfectly. But Duane has still other plans. "What I'd like to eventually is special effects for movies." he said. 11 made overtures in Wilmington to the Del aurentis Ent tainment (Iroup. and will visit his father in California tl month, where he'll explore special effects jobs Hollywood. ideally. I want to do that kind of work part of t year, then keep up with the scientific sculpting the rest the tune." he said. When he's not sculpting. Duane works at a local fi niture store. "That's fun: I like talking to people." said. I don't want to spend all my time sculpting a forget how to get along with people." But his work with clay is clearly his first love. Asi from making sea animals for his grandmother's exhib or fashioning figurines for a gift shop, Duane enjc creating strictly from imagination. "Sometimes I just sit and mess with the clay till 11 an idea." he said. The ideas that flow through his fingers and Ui shape and life through a lump of clay are beautiful, tricate works of art. They seem to speak of a brn future for this young man who has so far let his tali flow into channels that benefit science and students over the world. 1_ T ^ A injust^ r. ;; v'o-.... .. * c it: . ., . - , :^y>v. U2 / ; Elysees to theTokyo ailporl i Avenue to Beverly Hills vlain Streets all across North mers have access to more lii ics aroiu id the world, ai 1 any bank in the state. ll u-"> in tj IV, ft XV.IVIV 1 IV/IVVUI I\ 11 1 1 ^IWl 11 na and Virgii lia. Ai id (>f tl le i ietw( )rks wc irk iwide, NB.MoreCish | HK BKUNSWlC .* ' 'M ' W * ' / ? \ J* .st ? 4*s.< IIS ' I jffbikj: ? *> ^!$ rnre. Dt'ANK SCI 1117. displays his exhibit of sculpted sea th< /i int .?iiiM-u >i>-ri mr icpnaiapiKis. rrrcnuy cm view in Ca 10 Ve it I [F All-You-Can-Eat LUN Served 11 AM until 2:3 z LJi N?w $^5?? ,n a^',$ Dinner Served 4:30 to 10 PM Jr. I 10% Senior Citizen Discount i 14 * I CHINESE-AMERIC^I I || Hwy. 130 East (Formerly Jc U FOR TAKE-OUT ORDER toundl nrS' 1 hpl miiiSS^k4 v* inrli iriincJ PanaHa lanan nnrl . i> i v_n ivi W1 iich means you can ge 1 any of six different NCNB ban Banking, Checkmate, Master VISA, and, of course, NCNB 24 So for easy access to casl across the country or right in ) just come to the NCNB neare: Weve got the comer on 24On comers around the world MachinesWorldw Uv/.'/xv/7Vr' 'On nctihvflu K IlKACON. Thursday, September 11, TJS6?Page 5-A > t:4?" ^ ; Tiy ! ' *? %tah fwotob' va?jom vigkib*. l* marine science building at the University of North irolina at Wilmington. CH BUFFET W\I opm /y For ^ gV >4 RESTAURANT ine's Kountry Kitchen) S y y| "1 ^ he ^ ? 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