Employment MANNY WAN|f l> looldnq fur o ino!ui? lidy ?o fm-o Int.I 1lir?>n y .,l<| ltl l(, MoyriMMlt f rill ;'t\ |/(J/ '? 3d p > AIRIINI K >HS *?'. r.1 u . n MMH A| V fw KM '.iRAlHJAH S f'?. l?-v.? ...il Iimii |..i | , I-? '? ?licit* ci'itf |' siunnl .nut itiMtM ?i imus! A* Hull I f n\?l 1V I 'fill f<\1 'Ki'iJ ') It IM 7 f; tn till DID IM'.tl |>IAl|l v ?() |co|ili ? <*iako * ?( (i ifHtoy mmIiI riitc.iiiMis Ho lia^cm K ???..%. ?>f l? |?tu,w Jrt < '|H76 IIOCMI iMltil I |> lit V'pl VIi LEARN 10 DRIVE NOW 1 RAINING ON DOUBLE-TP All FRS N ID'IDiINd HIIHII /?? ? MIX AoHIN .w .< I Cull Toll Froo Anytime | yl -800-438-1032 J f RUISt SHU' JOBS' Great hkoiw j ?iol All occu(i(.till' Opportunity Inr wrirk m .. ?|iiriiinull. auil.V.I, HllOMloy |>VI'Hiliq\ I'lcRSUllI U'l^pluilll* voico and somo socictniioi skills i? qiiirod. I wo openings loft. Suing im mediately Coll'"' inloiviow nt Mm kino Ihiij Plantation. Ot t'lin i l?? Rooeli 019' 754 i:i71 II WANICD VoIi-miii'. iirul younq "en willi rmliloiy oxproomc. You moy quoMy loi i'i o bonus. Apply in poison or coll 75 I 6671 .u during oorinol business bonis p, Sr.pl |f? 1>( 4. NOTICES WAN I l'? III AB itwt,? ./ fr..,l.1 i utrl MO << fiflllS . 1- ? ?ll I MM |V? ( W7 74 '?? !> i'j |*1 I All SAIIinr. WMKHIOS hr*i.,tiM tti'Qwfoil Sfi.li>K| III. f (1.IMH. of Ruuu'oil mi.' mi h.'iqlii r..ii.fnrlriMo hosts. .O.ltO.M... I-. IJo Oipi'MMHO ..in, il?. Sm.I.i.ij (i>|,) !77S t Srpt 1BSW LEGAL NOTICES sotII I. Ill SI ItSlIM Tl* llll SIKKS MiltMUISI III s\|| III III \l I'.VIA IK I i-Iit ?iti| It) urti|p(4 the |Ki?i-r anil autli'-rtly I 'Pit.ii.nl III t Ili t ti Ui I r. Dm I of Trust vnmitH ami tli.'liteli.'il Ij> JlriK'th) K Hallti ami aifi?, Mi L.nn- M |l.ir;u, >l,itr(l Amtust !. l'HI. ami t?? vr Ki| ti.I iff lev I.f lit- Heglstn ??f 1 lifts fur Itrumuii k I iAj.it. i?..i? - .1-^ Pate 575, and ImnuMf of delimit h.mni: Iwcti made in tl-- p lyineiil ?>f Uf Iii! Trust ami failure to do iirid p?-rforni the iti|iutiU * it W:|N?; all of Lot 75. Block ?. of Pierfifi.n map i-1 ?Ni h is recorded in Map l'ahm?t I . Pace 177. 1ta* Brunswick HcilMtv Aildnxv of property. I*t 73. Bin k pier *u, .Supply. Nt Present Hecord Owner'si lirnothv K Harris ami wife. Metallic M Harris. 1 lie terms ?f tta* >.?le are that lliv real pt- pcrty hereinbefore Irx fibn) will lie sold lor cash to the highest hidoer and tint the undmiKned nuy reipiire the successful bidder at tin- sale, to itn iimhately deposit cash or a certified ctai k in the am -iint of ten |? r?vnt > 10 of the lu^ti bid up to and including. ll.tWIC0 plus five percent i't, i f any rsce.ss oviT fl.WOll Ilerc.ilpropel tv bci vinalmvodescnlxd willlie sold subj? tt to any superior liens. Including; ta\es and special assessments I he sale will be hold ojieii !or tea < 10) days lor np?rt htd.s r.s hy taw required l?ate and Hour h.i Sale Thursday, Oct 2. IWi at 1?.?) 1? M Place of Side Itruuswnk fount y t"ourth' i?e. (talis in. N(". Mate of this \ath o Sept 11. 1W Belly Jo Kd?:e. Substitute Trustee Sept 7*5 xiiii i in m nvmt ri ihi sin s i oitrt i nsi hi: svi t or hi m i.si aii I'Mlcr and ! > the p w?r and authority i -ontaincd in tlutl ? or tain Deed of I ru-t executed a id delivered by C" i Kcfj-iismi and wife. llala iv VVriM ?1nt? d July 23. WSI. ai?1 in i:r Ht'l. i of the Inch b:?l up to nd iru-luiling II imihi plus live percent ?5't.i of iiiy Miv?wiTll,t?titOi) the teal property hereinabove i!>?i ribed %s ill l* aid mibp-et to an> suficricr liens, including taxes nd special assessments I lie sale will lie held upon fur ten ?10 ?!.?> $ for psct 'aids as by law iispntid Date and Hour for Sale: Thursday, (VI 2. ISf-i! t 1-' N.-n I'lucc of Sale. Itmnsuick I'onity Courthouse, ioIu ni. NO. Date of this Notice: S.pt II. Dan Hetty Jo Kdge. SiihsUtnfe I'mslee Sent ? AH I it I KS OF DISSOLUTION IIV W IUTrF.N CONS KM Ol Al l. so \hi:iioi ncits of iim;. inc. lite undersigned corporation hcirl)) executes liese Altick's ol I'issolution In the purpose of is-u-tving pursuant In lite urilleni onsent of all >! I ll-e mine of (In- corporation is 0 A (I. Inc. - I In* names and respective addresses ol sill li e flierrs .uul directorsof the eorpointtoii nnHot in Mmiunchain. President. lit n. |lo\ Hfn'., haltelle. NT. I'lioinas Iliriiiiiighuin, ceictni) - treasurer, ill 6. Ilo* Sliallottc, !( : (Iloru Hitnuughnin. Director, Kl.li, He* Jk-i. luillotte, Nr. Thomas <* Itimili^Kuu, Director. II. 6. Ho* 656. Sleillelle. NC i Attached lieieto ls a written consent to the issolution of the corporation signed by all Ikirelh'itlers ol the corporation IN WMNKSS WHF.HKOK. these articles lire miH il hi the president ami seel elan of the cor..j alter, this 2.i|i day of August. 1986 ii.it*. i Nr. tilori.i llirnungluiiii. I'rcMslenl I hotiwsC. Hirnuogliaiit. Si-cn t.ny milTI KN 4'OSSKNT Ol sll All I IIOl OKIIS OF IMC. INC. We. the undersigned, being nil of Ihc uiteholders of H1C. Inc., do hereby give out ritteu conxrnl |o the dissolution of the corpora <41. >? i... i? nninLM, w tilui i.i Huiiini)*ltiiii nr?iwsC. Mitiiiihiiiuiii Oil ? notice or iim site s i imniosntrsAi k or Itr.ai. estate I'imIit mid li> virtue of the powrr ?n.| Hiithority ntniiMHt in Hut i rrtain IVcil ?>| I rust rirculrd til ilrliirtiil h> JiiiiCauMci 4ml wife. IVRK) W Milder. dated July in mm. ami recorded m the IHi e of tl>?" Hi'^istn c# (Veds lor Itiuiiswick Logal Notices fount). Ninth 1 .ii"lirwi. iri Itooh 'j!I'*^ 7i7. and bwiiuvf of ul* having Iirfit nut'!*- in th?(M)iiirnt <4 llr ndehtedn'-vs wtK**d fry said I m ? mlAHH"l ami pursuant In demand A lh?- Uwner and Holder <4 tire Indebtt rlio-ss secured I?) raid I H?'l of 1 rust On- undersigned I luster will espnse f'.r sale a" publii .I'i' tn'ii t?i the higltrst lii'Mrr for 4 : SuMivnion known as Shor.lv anunlmit In .i map itL'i'li' li) Jan K I ?.il'. It I. S . unl iiu|i Ikmip Jul) H <11Ial* Siildivnum, S require tie successful bl l deposit ,< h or .1 certified cheek m the nnimint of ten percent 110t, > of the high bid up to unit including ll.wiQWiplu* fi\r percent b ' /. any crmtrivit Sl.MOQU Hie real property hvttinal?vr de*rnl*d will 1>e soM subject to any vi(ien<> law rvtprtrid. an! i( no upset bid is filed within ten days. the La lance of the bid prut, less tin* It'll |K*r?i'!i! deposit. must Ik* paid in cash In the Substitute Trustee If an upset hid is filed u ithin Uie ten da> s>. the ten percent deposit will t"* returned ar?l the prepcrt> will !* advertised ami Irs old as by law prot tded I lie piofKrt> will be sold subject to tax.es ami ;j fecial w*c*sm?il<, if any. I his the i.'lli day of Auiiud. l'-tfri II.i> l> I re-!. Substitute Truster H \ X1KY and IHJ'S I . Attorneys atl.tw I'osttnfice Ho\ M SL.lIoltc. NT^tW Sept 25 NOTICE OF SAI.E I'inted States Ooveriunrnl Property, formerly owned b> John E nnd Hussell F Johnson, do tin: business as Johnson's Dairy. I his property will be sold as v? property Fr??pcrly coostsLs of approximately three hundred forty-three i.TUi acres Sealed bids will l?* received by the l-'antirrs Home Administration Bolivia. North Carolina '.tUf until Friday.Sept. "Jfi. IMS. at 4 00pm.and will be publicly ojuiied at the Fanners Home Administration. I (com 570. HO New Bern Avenue, Halenth. Noith Carolina '27$Ol. on Thurvlay. October 2. 19tt>. at I CO eVbvk p in. A ten percent ' uvr > bid deposit in the form id a cashier's rhtvk. certified check, postal or hank money order or bank draft pay able toFmllA will lie required The bid will l?e considered delivered when actually received at the I'mllA office in a sealed envelope marked as follows "SKAl JvH RIO OFFER" Pate of Bid (h'eiunn Oil. 2. B'flS I'mllA Advice No 3S257 Properly Address or Location Oti Town Creek at Wuiriabow. N't'. The Government reserves the right to reject any and all bids TERMS Cash or ten pervent < 10'L i down and the balance pax able in twenty i'JOi tun a I annual uvslaiiiiieiils of piiiH i|ul plus interest on the unpaid balance at a rate of eleven and (Iverulitlu percent 111.6?5? per annum or the prevailing rate at the tune of bid act rptance by IheGuvenuiient For inspection of the property, information, and bill forms. COIltu.'l Tetl I" IIK-nnliarl I Supervisor, Farmers Home Admimstiatioii. Bolivia, NC Telephone: 1WH.WIII6 pi i: \sk non: th a i 1. Ituis w ill he accepted only m writing 011 Form Imll.X "Invitation. Hid and Acceptance *' Any conditions of the bill proposed by the bidder wliicli aie not specified on Form FmliA i955-I6 must he attached lu Form F111HA h'5>-16. 2 If a cash hid is received winch is at least 96% c4 the highest hut requiring financing h> I'tnllA. preference will be given lo the hid offering cash .t Hiddet s whose bids contain the com! it ion tint Fm! IA finance Ibc sale on tonus will suhmit. along with FormFmllA 1955-46, a current fit: 111 cial statement and .1 pro forma statement indicating flieir repayment ability Farmeis Home Adminisliation propcilics are sold wiHui.it regaid to race, sex. need, color or national origin Sept 25 F-STATR NOT IFF Hie undersigned, havine ipuihficd as '..I mtntsraltix of Hie F.-taU- of Willie Ition llewell, deceased, late of Hmtiswick County. Ibis is to notify all poisons lux nig claims against said estate to present tlimi to the undersigned on or before tlic?dthdnx of Fetwunry, 1911 - ill to the undersigned This the 25th day of August. 1986 TrlxieStanley Hewi tt Administratrix of the Kslate Legal Notices Willie Iti'inlk'Mt It 1(1 3 H?? ICC.S Shall-it te. N< 2WV' Sipt IP. NOTW?-: OF St BM 11I IF: TKLSTF t.'S FOKF 'TiiSI HI. SXI.F: OF KKAl. I.N1ATF t.'i.dct and Iiy virtu*.' ?! tire iwavi arul autlHxit) contained in tluit certain IK'ul of Tru do and perf'.riu tire stipulations and agreements tlieriitii onta tried. and purnuar.t to demand f tin- < raner and Holder of Hi** indebtediM'SH secured t?> said Deed of Trust, v.* undersigned Substitute Incite *a ill expose for sale at public auction t?? the higlred bidder for cash, the property herein dc?? f :b*d. to -Alt HFIIN** ;?li 'if !/-t 111. Station 3. Pier W.a tnaji of wtucfi ?\ recorded in Map Cabinet I.. Paijc 177, of the Hrunswii> itcgistry AdJirs> of Prof* ety 1 /it I ft. Station 3, Pier K, Supply. NT n--t-ni n? .tfj i i*n?r nn.A <.t!>?a'.? arid wife. Joyce W". rialyeans "fti- terms of Die sak- art tli?< the property hers infaefore described will be si.id for cash to th< highest bidder and that the undersigned may require tl4" successful bidder a! the sale, to immediate!) dep/sit cash ?-r a < ertified dutk in the amount of ten percent 10% of the high bid up to and including II.WOW pirn- five percent > 5% i of any ? ??! over 11.000 00 Die real property lertinaiwvt described will be sold subject to any superior liens. n "hiding taxes and special assessments. The sale will be held open for ten 110 > days for up?et bid* as by law required Date ar.d Hour for Sale ITiutsday. Oct. 2. lSUfi at 12 lb I* M Place if Sale: Brunswick County Cotrthrjuw. Bolivia. N't:. Dale of tlus Notue Sept 11,1986. Betty JoKdge. Substitute Trustee Sept. 25 NOTICEOFSt'BSTITl IF. 1 Kt.STKK'S FORFC I.OSL'KF SAI.F. OF RFAI. ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in Dial certain Deed of Trust executed and delivered by CeraM F. Coleman and wife. Martha F. Coleman, dated May 1. 19? 1. and recorded in the (dfice of the Register of Deeds for Brunswick County. North Carolina, in Book <75. Page W). and because of default having been jikiue iiitlir of Uie irdftlrJr.rii secured by said Deed of Trust and failure to do and pertor in ilic stipulations and agreements therein conUir.td. an 1 pursuant to demand of the Owner and Holder of the indebtedness secured by ^aid Deed cf Tru-t. the undersigned .Substitute Trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property hetein described. to wit BKING all of 1/4 159. Station 1 of Pier M. a map of which us recorded in Map Cabinet K Page 256. of the Brunswick Registry Address of Property: |.?l 15?. Station!. PierW. Supply. NC Present RecordOwneriv-- Uerald f Coleman and wife, Martha R Ccleman I tie terms of the sa'.e are that the real property hereinbeR-ce described will be sold for cash to the higbe.il bidder and thai the undei signed may require the successful tidder at Die sale, to immediately deposit cash or a ?edified check in the amount ii ten percent > 10 *. of Kite high bid up to and including Il.ftXhOOplus five percent -5T. of any excess over II.0W 00 1he real property hereinabove described will !?* sold subject to any superu r !ien?. including: taxo-? and *p*ci?i assessments. The sale will be held open for ten i Mi day s for upset bills as by law required. I bite and Hoar for Sale I ijesday. Sep? 30. !9ae at 12 li I* M Place of Sale ick County fourth .use. Bolivia. NC*. Date of this Notice: Sept *. MM. Betty Jo Edge, Substitute Trastre Sept ?5 NOTICE OF SI llSTITt'TE TRUSTEE'S FOItF.l I .OS I RE SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of Use power and authority contained in that certain IVed of Trust executed and delivered by Winston Cook and ?If*, Karen P. Cwk. ilated September 20. i960. and recorded in the Office of th" Register of IXtib for Brunswick County, North Carolina, in Rook 458. Page 681. and because of defau.t 1laving been made in the payment of the Indebtedness secured by said Deed of I'rust and failure to do and perform the stipulations ar.l agreements therein contained, and pursuant to demand of the Owner and Holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property herein described, to wit: BElNtJ all of l ot 8. Station I of Pier 66,? map of which is rrrorded in Map Cabinet K, Page 256. of the Brunswick Registry. Address of Property I i t 8. Statim I. Pier 66. Supply. NC Picscnt Record Ownerisi Winston Cook and wife. Karen P Cook 11iv tonus of Uio sale arc that the real property hereinbefore describe will be sold for cash to the highest bidder ami llat the undersigned may require Ibe successful bidder at the sale, to immediately ?fcp.'-.it cash or a certified cheek in tfie amount of ten percent 10-r. i of the hicti bid up to ami including fl.tkfciOil plus live percent ib't. cf any excess over f1 .000.00 I lie real property hereinabove described will be sold subject to any superior liens, unhiding taxes and Jjvcial assessments Use sale will be held open for ten 101 days foe upscl bids as by law required Date and Hour for Snle Tuesday. Sept. .'0. IPftfi at 12 V I'.M Plate of Sale: Hrunswiek County t'ouillioutt, I lollM.I. NC. I'.do of this Notice: Sept. 9. IMS Hetty JoKdtfe. Subedit jte I rustco Sept. 25 ESTATK NOT l( K lie undersigned. having qualified as Adminisrator of the K state of Cecil Calvert llenett, deceased, late of lirunswick County, this is to notify all persons basing claims against said estalr to piesent tlnun to the undersigned on or before tl*- 18th day of March. 19S7 or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of tfnr recovery All per sons indebted to sat,I estate Mill please make irnii!e hate p. i\mi-tit to Die under signed this it., liHiiday f tsvi'"1 oi inane* e. ijpe. . Jr >. Lite of 49 Carolina Shores Drive, Calabash. NC, Brunswick County, North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate of said decedent to exhibit them to the undersigned at 83 Carolina Shores Drive, Calabash. North Carolina. 2S459. on or before the ?th day of March, 1947. or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovri y All persons, firms and corporations indebted to Mid estate w ill please make immediate payment to tin- under signed, l'lit tin* 2nd day v' September. 1936. MUia a Pevaney. Executrix of the Estate of Charles E. I Ape (Jr.) Douglas W. Raxley. Attorney for the Executrix HAtlJCY and TWE5T Dost Off ice Box 36 Shaliotte, NC 28459 telephone <919 >"54-6582 SepL 25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS A DEBTORS OF J.M. PARKER John K Parker and Albert H Parker, having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of J.M. Parker, late of Cause landing. Sliallotte. NC. the undersigned does hereby notify all persons, firms f II " Estate of J .M. Parker Douglas W Haxley. Attorney for the CoExecutors RAXI -EY and TRKST Post Office Box 36 Stuillotte, NC 28459 'telephone (919)784-6582 Sept 25 \ ursday. September 18. 1985?Page 9-B Dvided F $186,390 ?rvices Travelers Aid. served 169 clients. The cost varied depending upun the sliding scale fee paid and the number uf sessions attended. Hnspice, which served 240 terminally ill patients and their families in Brunswick County, said the cost depended on the degree of need and the length of time the family received assistance. All these agencies are scheduled to receive allocations again in 1986-87, along with several new programs. The Cape Fear Area United Way has proposed contributions SI.51 million. They wold be granted in three broad categories: recreation and social development sendees, services to strengthen family and individual life and community services. Next year's allocations are proposed as follows: Hecreation/Social Development: Boy Scouts. $59,000; Brigade Boys Club, $89,500: Community Bovs Club, $74,000; Girl Scouts. $30.000; Girls Club. $80,100; YMCA, S46.UOO; YWCA, $49,657. Family/Individual l.ife: Child Development Center, $47,500; Family Service,$124,500; Hospice, $25,100; Cape Fear Substance Abuse Ctntel, $52,320: New Hanover Workshop, $13,000; Salvation Army, $70,500; Senior Aide Program. $22,000; Elderhaus, $16,500; Senior Citizens of Pender County, $17,800: Domestic Violence Shelter & Sendees, $1,820; Cued Speech of Wilmington. $1,190: Families in Crisis, $1,303. Community Sendees: Woodlot Program, 5.1,500; Brunswick County Volunteer and Information, $4:1.583; American Bed Cross, $106,203; Cape Fear Area United Way, $208,000; Stepping Stone Manor, $21,000; Information and Referral. $25,944: state and national programs, $66,440: Food Rank of the I.ower Cape Fear, $5,900. State employees are also expected to designate another $6,000 to nonUnited Way agencies, while another $30,000 in contributions will go to health agencies. United Way will allow $96,640 for uncollcctable pledges and a $75,500 reserve for cash flow. ibute nplex tion form and to have with them their Food Stamp authorization card They should also bring a container for the food. Households not receiving Food Stamps can qualify if they meet the income guidelines. t hose receiving Food Stamps who can not be present for the distribution should send their green identification card and a signed authorization card. Food will be distributed on a iirsteome, first-served basis. For further information, call the department of social services. Legal Notices ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Hoy Thomas Roberts, deceased, late of Hrunswick County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned en or before the 17th day of March. 1937. or thLs notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please nuke immediate payment to the undersigned. This the ITtli day of September. 1936 C. Virgil Roberts Administrator of the Estate cfKoy Thomas KoberLs Mason II. Anderson Attorney At law Post Office Box 345 Shallotte. NC 28459 9l9.iM-67W Oct. 9 CA.MA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCOS 113A-U9(b>. the municipality of lloldcn Beach gives NO TICE Out on Sept 16. 1936. applicant Harold and Jean Stanley applied fur a CAMA minor development permit to construct a three-bedroom house nt 123 Clippership Street. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by Sept. 2a. 1936 will lie considered. 1? E. Carroll Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street i widen beach, N.c. aibi Phone: (9191842-6133 CAMA PEIIMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCOS I13A-I19ibi. the municipality of Ocean Isle Beach gives NOTICE llut mi September 10. 1K6. applicant Woodrow Elaindeii applied for a CAMA minor development n?.n..it construe! a one-family dwelling at f,ot 62. Block 19. Section B1C, Monroe St. The application may be inspe cted at the below address Public comments received by Sept 25, 1W6 w ill be considered. T. I). Hober*?n 1-ocnll'AMA permitOfficer Route 2, Box 06 Ocean Isle Beach, N.C. 2845:) Phone: (919)579-2166 >