Page 2 A-TIIK lll(l \SWIl K 1(1 \( AtMC Lc BY SI S.\N T SI I IK Atlantic IVK'pluca Membership Corp. has cleared all but one hurdle in iLs plans to expand its cable TV service in r.'n. Speaking to the Shallotte Town Board last week. ATMC Cieneral Manager Kusscll I'rice sanl that construction |*erniits from the Federal Communications Commission .lie all that is needed nun to prm-ccd with the project, and they ate expected t be approved in lVeemher. If so. construction should begin in the first quarter of 1987. he said. Tlie rate structure anil channel offerings have Ikvii approved by the Sha/lc l Continued From I'age I- \ i grant First Investors Savants \ I . an of Whitcville approval to locate a temporary office at I oasial rla?a for up to six montlis during construction of a full-service branch office adjacent tu AC'K Hardware on I S 17. The 14- by ?ii-feet stnioturo will Ik* located at the rear of the property line at Wilson's KikxI Store, tu allow access during construction of a l's-story Williams burg-style office w ith 2.700 square fort of space. President Koss Hankin told aldermen plans currently call for bids to be let thus week, w ith groundbreaking after the first of the year Construction is expected to take about 4?: months, no more than six months. A branch manager w ill he on site to start putting a staff together, he said. We want to be open before summer, as soon as we can." Audit Report Heard 1^85-86 audit from Johnnie Britt. Board Talk: With no quorum to conduct business, three members of the Brunswick County Utilities < 'iteration Board talked informally for more than an hour Monday evening on establishing priorites for expansion of the county water system. The meeting was rescheduled for Monday, Dec. I. at \ p.m. in the Planning Building conference room at the Brunswick County Government (.'enter. At that time, the board expects to name projects with which to /-VUUUII MIT IfcM (Continued From Page I-A i considered replacing him." he said He said he does expect the Brunswick and Bladen County bars to appoint someone from the two counties, since he and the other district judges. Jerry A. Jolly and Jack Hooks Jr.. are both from Columbus County. "I think the governor would like to distribute the judgeships geographically." he said. I'd just like to see the best person fur the job get it." Robert Serra. secretary-treasurer for the Brunswick County Bar Association, said the group will definitely meet within the next fewweeks, but it hasn't discussed when that will be yet. The nominee chosen to fill (Jreer's position must be from the same political party < Democrat) and will serve a full four-year term. Cireer was in Elizabethlowii on his way to the Bladen County Courthouse | FREE COUPON CHRISTMAS ! TREES Fraser Firs & White Pines 5 Prices froi $2 OFF m WITH THIS jj Also Avoilable: Fresh W Jj Grapevine Wreaths arid j Christmas decorating! TRF.F.S Vt \ > ^ 8 LOCATION: 9 . W* HWY g L. v A l?\. UViIk?'m!;i) . N'iivviiiIht J6, t'.'Sti icks Only C< cooperative's board of trustees on his recommendation He ami staff memljors coinpilni the list of proposed additional eluinnels that were ap proved 1>> the board. he said. The system will offer 17 hasic eliannels and three premium channels. The new premium, or extra-rluiri*o eluinnels will be The Movie Channel and Hisriev Channel, in addition to Home Hon i >ffiee. The basic 17-cliannel lineup will eliminate ABC ami CHS duplicate stations and will add The Weather Channel. Arts and entertainment Network. CNN 24-hour \\.,k mtv v-? v .....i. < '-Span coverage of the U S. < "ongress >f fe Board H partner in charge of S Preston Douglas & Associates' Whiteville ofBritt noted that the town was u> go.?d financial shape as of June ."0. but noted tliat the town overspent its budget b> $40,891. reducing its overall fund balance. II would be nice to keep a close eye on that this coming yearaiso." ho added. Ad valorem taxes represented 45 percent of the town's budget. Collections as of June JO were at 92.49 percent. or $104,381 of the total levy of $177,719. down .t half percent from the previous year For the second consecutive year. Brill recommended the town ever oiso creator accounting controls of fire department expenditures. since by law the town finance officer is responsible for the money "Certainly you need a In'tter handle than you have on it right now with the use of quarterly reports he said Uritt reconunended instead 3 Priorities Foi begin expansion of the county's witter system with the installation of lateral lines. "We're about to zero in on the first six projects." said Planning Director .John Harvey. "We hope to make a report on which six projects it will be at the next county commissioners' meeting." The utilities hoard was appointed by the county commissioners in August to review the operation, plannine and expansion of the county's it Discussed ??n Oct. 6 when the auto he was operating was struck by a pick-up irucK. ne receivea severe head injuries in the accident and remained unconscious until his death. Monday, in a two-page statement in praise of Greer read at the opening of Brunswick County District Court. Judge Ciore ordered that all courts in the district he closed at noon, reopening Tuesday morning. He also ordered the sheriff of Columbus County to toll the bell of the courthouse in Whiteville for 10 minutes following the funeral service for Greer, who was a native of Whiteville. (lore's statement read in part. "I deem it fitting and appropriate to declare for the record tliat Judge Greer was an outstanding judge, a loyal Tarheel, and a good friend to every person affiliated with the thirteenth judicial district court system. He will be greatly missed professionally and personally." n.# m $19.95 j EACH TREE I COUPON reoths, Fresh Gorlands, 8 other items related to B 8 g (ILL BF. READY NOV. 28TH g v grown in W. Jefferson. NC) a TWINS GULF STATION | 17 S., SHALLOTTE FREE COUPON g instruction ami the black Kutcrtainiiieut Network in addition to existing stations. It diH-s ?;ive you some i*oml choices." Price said. Initial response to the offering has been Ivtter than anticipated, he noted, though there have lieen some inemhers to express dissatisfaction with the proposal We realize the changes are net all friendly." he added There have been customer requests to upe.rado the offerings of the system, lie noted, and to add even one channel required itoim: to a eon verier system. Tim! means customers must have boxes to ears Audit f the use i>f advance approval nf cheeks with submission of invoices or establishment of a revolving petty cash fittitl. plus town Ixcird approval of major expenditures. Other Itusiuess In other business, the board. Approved a contract with S. Preston Mour.las JL- Associates of White vd'c to conduct the town's ltW-87 audit at the same terms as this year's audit per hour for accountants. St? per hour for clerical help, plus reasonable travel mid subsistence. Approved amendment te the sanitation ordinances. t he chances exclude prior sanitattor. contracts entered into by businesses from the town's exclusive contract with Chambers Inc. for colloction within the town limits and ream re residents to remove trcwb .m tamer* from curbside except when set out for collection. Hoard rojvat recommendations r Water Line water system, and Coadopt rules and regulations concerning its operation. The county recently designated $1.5 million in revolving funds for Uie installation of lateral lines to sulxtivisions and possibly trunk lines that would need to lie installed in some The residents taken into the now system will Ik* assessed, which will replenish the funds as more projects are completed. "We utility board members i think that establishing six priority projects is a good starting point," said Harvey. "We think maybe all of them could be handled in this fiscal year." Although the board members could take no action Monday, men.lx-rs present discussed the materials available and made suggestions 011 which areas would be in the highest need for new water lines. On Nov. 17. a majority of the members of the utilities board met in an apparent violation of the N.C. Open Meetings l-aw. At that "informal work session," they asked Planning Director John Harvey to begin the task of setting priorities for the water lines. They also tentatively agreed, without taking a vote, thai Hubert Nubel, manager of the Pfizer Chemicals plant in Smithporl, should Wet, Warm Tr< The area's unseasonably warm and wet weather is expected to continue through Tliaaskgiving week. Temperatures should range from the upper 40s at night into the upper 60s in the daytime, according to Shaliotte Point meteorologist Jackson Canady. Canady said he expects at least three-quarters of an inch of rainfall. During, the period Nov. 18-23, a maximum high of T.\ degrees was The Sculptured Nails |%B & Solar Nails AH 4 Manicures Tips FREE OIL OF MINi FACIAL 5 with purchase of uai R70 CO/i/\ U Salt Marsh Square, Cal Permits For uusoratuhlo signals into their SOts. Tho oonvortor systoni ATMC will uso allows lite oooporativo to "atldross" llio oonvorlors from a oonlral offioo oomputor terminal. A sorvico roprosontativo will In*able tooonuoot or disconnect channels within "an hour or so or loss of a request." ho sai?l. eliminating most silo visits aftor initial installation. < 'ustomcrs ran switch channels at .01 5.H soia ioo eliarne nor cli.1inv u oli ;i minimum of out* month's usage. The typical ATMC eahtc customer has only one outlet, according t? Price That household's monthly rate leport from the planning board to square up the town's boundaries and to consider enaction extraterritorial zoning and t<> pursue acquisition of land to expand the sewer treatment plant land application area. " We've recommended and recommended and w hat for - not hum is happening." said Alderman Paul Way IK- Hooves. an ox-offieiu iVieililiei of the planning board "Excepting myself we have some smart people on that board. We ought to make j some moves to show them some sup- j port." he said, with Mayor Jerry j Jones saying he agreed "100 percent." 1 h- added in regard to the proposed annexation of spot areas now sur- I rounded by the town. "Let tlje plann- , '.(it: board mark the map and make a proposal to us. then let the attorney investigate." Completing the annexations w ill take a year or more. Jones continued. Installation succeed Thomas as chairman, according to County F.ngineer Dan Shields, clerk to the board. He said Vice Chairman Alfonza Roach had informally" said he didn't want the chairmanship .Shields said he understood no vote will lx> held until the District 5 vacancy on the hoard lias been filled. Former District 5 member and Chairman Kranky Thomas resigned earlier this month, citing business pressures. He was not a resident of nit- .it iiiv unit- in in* appointment by Commissioner Grace Heasloy. and as of early November, still had not moved from Wilmington according to his announced intentions. Local media were not notified in advance of the Nov. 17 session as required by law for any special meetings of public bodies. County Kngineer Dan Shields, clerk to the hoard, indicated the omission wasn't ! a deliberate one. Notification of the I Nov. 24 meeting was given. The Ixiard had agreed, in a joint meeting with county commissioners on Nov. 10, to establish priorities eon- ' ccrning the installation of the new water lines throughout the county. The utility board is to rc|x>rt to the commissioners on which areas are considered priority at their next regular}'-scheduled meeting. 2nd Continues recorded on Nov. 23 and a minimum low of 32 degrees was recorded on the j morning of the 22nd. An average daily high of 65 degrees combined with an average morning low of 10 degrees for a daily average temperature of 55 degrees, which Canady said is near normal. AtShallotte Point, he recorded 1.13 inches of rainfall, considerably above average for this time of year. Pedicures Body Waxing !.ash 8< Brow Tint literal Mall ( ^ i s n H ^ ^ /OIL of MINK \ \ I (>1 I I ( T ION RY J nbush *? & Channel Ex for the linsic service will increase from JH 50 lo $11 ,5 However, households with additional sets would he clinrt*ed another $1/5 per added outlet ami $3.25 per additional converter per month Households with remote controls would Imvc to rent controls compatible with the new system, at a cost of $1.25 per Households thai want to record one elianuel on a vidooenssette rwiirilor while watchinn another channel would have to have a converter for each. "They are using two signals at once." explained Russell. "We thought it more fair to charge the user than to include it in the base rate." However, customers who want to continue with the basic service and rate they now have will not he able to, Price explained in response to a question from Alderman David Need Mortgag H you are buy inn properly nil iis for first considcratior loans. (919) 642 ?^?= First Invests savings & SELLING . We will be opi Saturdays, 9 AM merchandise is s( Complete stock of housi pots & pans, bakewan napkins, towels, sheets, and o large selection of si Lasting InI On the Island, Suite Ocean Isle Be< WE CARRY WITHIN US & THE ^ WONDERS .,M S;EEK The Psychiatric Program of New Hanover Memorial Hospital oilers a ti i program which is designed to help yo Uirough your emotional problems in s those outside the hospital, through opt action with other people who share si; interacting with people here - patient i sec your problems and to modify attit made life difficult In manage You'll I personal stress. Sound simple? It's hat difficult at first hut ii can be arna/in information please call: 'Fin. Psyciiiat (919) 343 778 Monday through Pridaj New Hanover Mi 2131 South RE! BURGLAR AND I NOV DEC. Electronic burglar ar tion for up to 1,500 retail space... 9K , | plus instolluti The system will include pei protection panic alert, sm signal connector to the Br Dept. CALL TODAV FREE SECIJRI i ? 01 pension (Sause lie said ATMC elitist' to with a single-tier seren e, rather llian a two-tier serviee as offered in I lorry County, SC.. where customers can choose wlu'tlier to lake the channel expansion package. I'rice saitl ATMC's liasie system cable subscribers were due to be charged ;i "substantial" price in crease next year in any ease, til part because IlliO suscriptioiis have |-V.?.IU ill 1.1 ,?! colli, putting pressure on tin* basic rate to lu-ar a larger portion of (lie system's overall cast. Of ATMC s lfi.000 customers. 4.000 have access to cable 'IV and 12,000 do not. In the third quarter of 111(7. the cooperative proposes to begin a major expansion, equivalent in size to its original construction project. Price said 291 Sliallotte residents subscribe to CATV basic service "All who want cable TV in Sliallotte have it." he said. e Money? or thinking of refinancing, i on all kinds of real estate 8143 rsyc rs 42? S. Madison I Whiteville, N.C. 28472 AT COST sn Fridays and to 5 PM until all Did out! ewores, dishes, glosses, e. utensils, placemats, comforters, bedspreads tower curtains. I ipressioms I 3, Ocean Isle Plo/a jch, 579 5515 " ~ I ric Program 7 or 3-13-7797 r 8:30 a.m. S:?K> p m. . mortal Hospital I7lh Slrccl -s#* gas FIRE ALARM CO. SPECIAL id fire alarm protecsq. ft. of office or PER fttQHTS! ion 01 jv'rtj "imeler and interior space oke detection and alarm unswick County Sheriff's ' FOR YOUR TY SURVEY 9) 791-2880 ESTABLISHED 1966 * \

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