1 aRi* 6-H IHI'. HKL'NSWICK BEACON, Thursday. Ortobt-r 8, 1987 Dogs Stuck With Rabies Revaccination BY DOLT. RLTTER Some dogs receiving sulK'utaneovis rabies shots recently must bo revac cinated. according to the North Carolina Division of Health Ser\’ice.s. A health services letter sent to veterinarians throughout the state in dicates that lab analysis failed to support the effectiveness of a Norden Laboratories vaccine when ad ministered subcutaneously, or under the skin. Brunswick County Health Board Chairman and veterinarian Dr. Wiiiiam Rabon said. There is really no need to worry about the vaccine. I have the utmost faith in it. It simply did not show up positive in laboratory experimeiiLs." Rabon said the two suspected Norden vaccines. Kndurall-K and Rabnuard-TC. have been found perfectly effective when ad- ininistereti in the don's muscle rather than under the .skin, but did not meet FDA standards when ni^'en sut>- cutaneously. "There is no problem with the vac cine itself," he explained. "It is more of a problem with the route of ad- minCstration" Rabon said the Norden vaccines are newly developed and that the FD.A had ni'en them a provisional license. He added that when the vac- ci.ne.s were tested, they did not pro vide the amount of rabies immuiut\ required b\ the FDA. He said he had heard of no reported cases of rabies in the state linked with this vaccine. Accordinn to Rabon, Dr. .lohn Freeman, head of the state en vironmental epideiniolofty branch, .said in the letter that he believed the EAAT Class Begins Oct. 13 At Waccannaw Rescue Building Emergency medical technician (EMTt training will be offered at the Waccamaw Fire and Rescue .Squad Building in /Vsh Ix'qinninq Oct. t;i. The class, offered through Brunswick ('ommunity Collet’e, will meet from p in. to 10 p.m. each Tuesday and I'riday thronith .lanuary. Reuistration is $15, with no registration fee charKed members of rescue squads, fire departments, police departments or individuals aqe (!5 or older. The E.MT's primary respon sibilities are to brinj- exiicrt medical care to victims of emergencies, to stabilize their condition and transport them safely and ex- (leditiously to the hospital. Upon completion of the cour.se. students will be able to recojinize the nature and .seriou.sne.ss of a patient's illne.ss or injuries and deteniiine re quirements for emergency medical care. The state examination for cer tification as an E.M T will be I’iven on .Ian. :iO. However, the cla.ss is open to students who do not wish to become certificHl. but rather want to learn basic emcrf>ency care procedures for dealitiK with bleeding, broken bones, chokinK, heart attack or druK over- do.se. .More information on EMT Irainint’ is available from .Marie Potter in the continuing education department at BIT. School Board Hires Two For West Brunswick High STAM ImOTOB* nOUGPlltTIP tins KNtil.iSH .SETTER named Rose was one of many dons who received a revaeeinatioii for rabies last week after the N.C. Division of Health .Services reported that some vaeidnes were ineffeetive. itrunswiek .Animal Hospital's Dr. .lim Rabon ni' es the injeetioii with the assistance of employee .lill Reaves. vaccine was just as effective as any other, but that it should not be used until it has been proven effective in labratory experiments. Rabon saiil that from a leqal stand point. if a don receivinn this "ineffec tive" treatment were to bite so meone. the case would be handled as if the don had rabies. Calabash veterinarian Dr. Kenneth Neal also said he treated some dons with the Norden subcutaneous vac cine durinn a countyw ide i linic last October. He voiced sunilar feelinns siimlar to those ol Rabon and said. ' I Here is no real danner. The main thmn is just nettinn the word out to don owners that they should brinn their dons back for another shot." .A sjiokesinan for Dr l.ouise Pijier of .Southport said she had not used the Norden .subcutaneous vaccines treat any dons. to Area vets encoiirane don owners to have their pets revaccinated if the don has received this subcutaneous tii'aiincni. Neiiiiei Neal nor Rabon plans to charne for the re vaccination. As a reminder, puppies should be vai'cinaled at ane four months to six months, and then receive a booster shot one year later. .Mature dons should then be revaccinated every three vears. Briinsw ick County Board of Educa tion members .Monday ninht hired two new staff members for West Brunswick Hinh School, amonn other personnel actions. Beverly .Marlowe of Supply will serve as the school's drop-out prevention specialist. .Also, .secretary l.aSandra Robin son was transferred from iiie central office to the West Brunswick Hinh School office to Ix'come the student information mananement system specialist. The board also hired Sara Spencer of Carolina Beach to teach art ;it South Brunswick .Middle School and Karen Hardy of Wilminnton as a Chapter I readinn teacher, Southport Elementary : Lori Varnum of Supply as a teacher's a.ssistant at Union Primary and Timothy White of Ash as a teacher's a.ssistant at the Alter native Education School. •Accepted re.sinnatinns from Ruth Somers, occupational therapist; Dennis M.isseni'ill. math teacher. West Brunswick Hinl) School; Woodrow Bond, mechanic; Randolph Coates, eleclriciiin's helper. •dranted le.'ives of absence to Kay l.emley, .secretary. Bolivia; .lo Ann .lohnston, teacher's assistant. Lin coln Primary. •Approved 88 substitute teachers. Ima%AGuaimiteelhatfe WorthThe I^per 1: Al N’CNi J, our people are so eon imittecl to error-free checking, were iP,aking the following griELntec If we mike a inisU^e oi i your cl lecking acc’c )unt, we don’t just make it right. We pay you $10 br the II ic( )i ivei iiei ice. Ai id this c iffer ;i| j|)lies i k it k i just a few aca lui iLs, but to ail IMCNB personal cl leckin »arr-oi Cl lectang accounts