Ocean Isle Beach Second Fastest Growing N.C. Town BV DOLG UL'TTER State estimates released last month reveal that Ocean Isle Beach was the second fastest growing municipality in North ('arolina during the past six years. According to a leport by the N.C. Office of State Budget and Management, Ocean Isle’s 1980 population of 14.1 grew to .\22 by I!)8(i, representing an increase of 125 percent. Only the town of .Morrisville, a smiill suburb of Ualeigh. grew faster with a 129 percent increase during that periml. It’s population jumped from 251 in 1980 to 575 in 1980. According to Ocean Isle Beach Mayor Betty Williamson. The only thing I can attribute that to is the high property values and the proper planning and zon ing in the area. • The area has realty grown.•' she added. ••The air port. the golf courses and our new sewer system have all helped Tm sure. People just like to have these facilities and services, and all the towns around here are .starting to provide them.^^ While Oce;m Isle Beach was the only town in the county which managed to double its population, Belville^s growth was 90 i>ercent. with an e.stimated 194 residents in 1986. Brunswick County s other beaches aLso supported rapid growth. Long Beach, with an estimated popula tion of 2,961 in 1986. led the way with a 60 percent in crease. (Ither local beaches, listed in order of growth with their estimated 1986 population, are Holden. 349; Yaupon. 832; .Sunset. 440; and Caswell, 159. Each of these have grown between 45 and 50 percent during the period. •Shallotte was the only other municipality in the county wliicli i;r'u m. i- ib.iii .lO pei rviit. with a 19!’*i estimated popiil.iie.ti .,( i ivj.-, As a whole. Mriu -.•.u k * oinity's poiudation grew 31 percent between ;„i,i t,, tol.il ,,f 17.7ii;. T| .. rep(»rt does tug eotit.'iui i.ankuigs of eount\' growth. .Mrs. Ailham.'''on .tdded. Ip gemu.'ii. we re in an area with a lot of new d“vel(ipnient. We live ne;ir tl: coast and peojile .oe rliscovermg that the .South Brunswick Islands is .» nice piaee to come and li\’e.” Growth of other Hi im.^wick County mimieipalities. listed with 19l!i: population estimates and percent growth, are as lollow.s. Hojling Spring loikes. 1,M8. 1.7 percent: Bolivui. :!;> percent; Cah-tbash. ion, -J5 pei cent: .Southport. M percent; .nid N'avassa. 17'. nine percent. Biild Head l..'land. which had an estiiiiiited popiilti tion of '20 in 1986. hatl no ti.-ting for 1980. when it was no' a miinici()ality HOAG '50NG BOOK BIHOEcr 1 '■ 1 ' H r GpfvINGPORT iii 4 Twenty-sixth Year, Number 7 e^ACOfi Shallotte, North Carolina, Thursday, December 24, 1987 25c Per Copy 36 Pages Three Men Arrested In Calabash For Cocaine Trafficking Caroling Down The Canal STAfr Photo 9r EODit ^VNiAlT On their third annual Waterway Christmas Caroling venture, these Holden Beach singing boaters stopped at docks on Harbor Acres. Heritage Harbor and Holden Beach Harbor canals, concluding with carols on the watenvay at the Holden Bearh Bridge Sunday evening. One of the families on the docks at Capt. PeU‘'s .Seafood, had driven from Bobbins especially to be on hand for the occasion. Another family, from Florida, was so impressed by the unusual specUicIc of a brightly-decorated boat can'ying Santa and carolers, they said they will schedule their vacation nc.xt year so they will be here for the event. t)n board are Martin and Wanda Feldt, owners of the boat. Tim and Susan Gibble, Graham and Macy King, Ann Page, Banks and Linda Hastpie, William Williamson, and Allan and Elizabeth Damcron. Three FTorida men remained m tlu‘ Brunswick County .lail Tuesda> in lieu of .$1 million Ixind each follow ing their arrest Saturday in Calabash on charges of cocaine trafficking. St.ite and local law officers ar rested the three as part of ;m under cover drug investigation. Arrest warrants on file m the Brunswick County Clerk of Court s office identify the suspects as I.;irr> David Andrews, 3(1; Bandy Carter. ‘24: ami I.arry Green. 33. :iU .■! Starke, Fla. According to the clerk’of five, charges again.st all three inehid.- traffieking in cocaine by dislrdmliow, Vrafticking in cocaine by possesv.ioo. trafficking in cocaine by transporta tion and con-spiracy to traffic i.’i co Caine. The arrest warrants weie dr.nwn and sen’cd early Saturday b\ (wo SBI agents. Special Assi.stant District .-\ttoi ne\ Bill Wolak said Tuesday the charges against the three stemmed from the sale of a kilogram i2.2 poiiiuisi of cis caine to undercover agents. Wolak said he had no additional iii- ionii;itioii on the arrest.s themselvi's other than what was listed on the ar test warrants I'he arrest warrants were dr:iwn and served early .Saturday mornini; by two SHI agents. Neither the SHI nor the Brunswid '■"iinty Sheriffs Department would '■"minent I nesday on the iindercovei oper.itioii whu h led to the three ar |els W'olak and an unidentified DE’> iceiit said the investigation was con tiivong I'i'o'nable eause "aeanngs for the Mllee -.1 • .-livdiiieii lot .tan f> f- i'.nin.-.viek l oonty De.ln.'l rrmiinai ' .luei U\ l\>eo, '.v.iiak pi .-t,^ . oinplete .-igency reports on the mi-estig.-iiion Me .'.•;iid that -.iefendants ;tre eiifitl e-l (o proh.ilile ("iiise heiirlngs w ithin la il.'iy.-; of t/ieir first ;ippe;ir;inces. w hu h were .Monday . Tile district attorney's office tilso will lie sei'king grand jury indict inents .against the three siispeets. W’ol.ak said, the grand jury iiivvt meets on .Ian. 11 Quick Action By Sea Trail Men Cuts Student Bus Driver's Rampage Short BY KAHN ADAMS Fwo Sea Trail residents Fridtiy were credited with stopping a West Brums wick High .School bus who.se student driver subsequently was charged with drunk driving. According to tlie .N.C. Highway- Patrol and Sunset Beach Police, Terry Trell Clifton, 17. of Shallotte, was tirrested for driving while im paired k’riday around 1:30p.m., after Bus 61—carrying at least 15 students-careened through Sea Trail subdivision off N.C. 179 and damaged a fire hydrant and water pipe at a construction project, caus ing $600 to $700 worth of damage to the bus. Sumset Beach Police Chief William Hill confinned Monday that Sea Trail residents Bill Oakley and Melvin McBride were responsible for stopp ing the bus on Sunset Boulevard as it waited to cro.ss Sun.set Beach Bridge. McBride told The Brunswick Beacon Monday that he and Oakley saw the bus nin through a construc tion barricade and yards on Park Koad before it turned onto IJvc Oak Hoad and headed toward N.C. 179. The two men, in a pickup truck, followed the bus until it was forced to stop behind other traffic waiting to crass the bridge, McBride said. Oakley “jerked open the (bus i dour and took the key," even though the teens were "cussing and hollering-' and told him that they weren’t going to let him on board, .McBride .said. “As soon as he took the key. they all ran,” he continued. Hill said 15 teen-agers—including four girls—were apprehended minutes later near Sunset Beach Town Hall on N.C. 179 by town police, sheriff's deputies and a wildlife of ficer. N.C. Highway Patrol Trooper ,J.V. Dove and Chief Hill .said lawmen were on the lookout for the hits after the sheriff’s department received calls from students who had gotten off of the bus prior to the iiccidcnl in Sea Trail. Sheriff .John C. Davis .said Monday that no charges were filed agtiinsl any of the teen-agers other than the driver. He said disciplinary action would be handled by school officials. William H. Turner, operations a.ssLstant to the Brunswick County Superintendent of Schools, said .Mon day that the matter was being “in vestigated" by the principal and staff at West Brunswick. Turner said .school administrators will decide what disciplinary action to take in the matter after the in- vestigiitioii is finished. West Brunswick Principal David Corley was unavailable for comment .Mornhiy iind 'Tuesday. However, 'Turner added that he took Clifton's bus driver’s license Fridtiy following the incident at Sun.set Betich. ■ I doulit very seriously that he will get Ills bus license back," Turner said. The student also automatically lost his regular operator’s license for 10 (liiys due to the DWl arrest. According to Trooper Dove, a liri'iithalyzer test measured Clifton’s blood-alcohol level at 0.14, which was above the legal limit of 0.10. •’He wasn’t the only one drinking," Dove said. “There were six or seven that were drinking." According to Hill, lawmen found no alcoholic beverages on the bus, although there was a “strong smell" of alcohol inside the vehicle. Dove said Clifton indicated that he had left the school campus and started drinking Friday around 10 a.m. after completing his morning bus route. The driver then returned to cam pus “unbeknowast to any of the school officials," and began liis after noon bus route at 1 p.m. when school dismissed for the Christmas holidays. Dove said. Just two weeks ago, the U.S. Department of I,abor agreed to allow North Carolina schools to use 17-year-old bus drivers at least through the end of the school year, despite an earlier decision to require all-adult drivers by Jaii. 1, due to (Sec QUICK AtTION, Page 2-A) AT HOLDEN BEACH Motorists, Bicyclists Will 'Share The Road' BY SUSAN USMEU Routes for bicylists at Hokleii Bejich and I .ong Beach will be mark ed next year in projects recently aniUMim ed by the N.C. Department of Transportation. At Holden Beach, the sUUc plans to ei ect signs along 6.54 miles of Ocean Boulevard and to provide hrodmi es for tourists, at a total cost of $2,500. At Ix>ng Beach, signs will lx* orected tilong 38 mile of S.R. 1105 (Stanley Street) and 4.46 miles of S B i(k-ean Highway), with striping or restriping as needed, at a cost of $5,000. According to Teresa Bailey, bicycle fa'ilities engineer for DOT, site visits will be made in January, setting the planning proce.s.s in motion. The projects could be completed by early summer, or at best, she said, late spring. Work with lx- coordiiuited with other activity in Divi sion 3. While details won’t be firmed until after the site visit. Bailey predicted signage at Holden Be.ieh will read Share the Boad," a reminder to motorists to share existing roadw.iy with bicyclists. There are no plans to establish separate bikeways paralleling the roadway. Brochures showing the route, with tips for bicylists would lx- provid ed for distribution through the town luill. and also through DOT to bicylists who inquire about routes in the ar>.-;i The Long Beach project will involve stri|>ing or restripiiig of the side line, she said. A bike lane could he delineated if the paved shoulder is at least four feet wide: otherwise the side line will be repainted as needed. In conjunction with other future improvenietils. :i (i,83-mile hikeway will being coasidcred along S B 1104 lOeean Drivei at Long Beach. Also, Brunswick County is imhideil in two state hicyle routes scheduled for signing. In 1989 signs will he erected along Ports of Call, a 309-mile route from Caltibash to Corapeake. AtuI, in 1991. signs will he placed along Cape Fear Bun, 176 miles froir Apex to Kiire Beach, in cluding northern Brunswick. Planning Board Says Interpretation Of Tank Law Has Countywide Impact BY RAIIN ADAMS County planning officials la.st week .said a now interpretation of state .sep tic tjink laws in Bruaswick County will have an impact on the entire county, not just on isltind com munities. As a result, the pluuning hoard in structed Pliiiitiing Director .lohn Hiirvey to survey other counties acrass the state, to compare their in terpretation of the 1982 septic tank laws with current cnforcetnent iii Brunswick County. During its meeting last Wedne.sday night iit Holden Beach Town Hall, the Bruaswick County Plaiiiiing Boanl briefly discussed the problem now faced by m;my local property owner.-. wliu.se lots do not meet hciiltli depart ment standards for septic tanks The septic lank issue is of par ticular interest at Holden Beach, where .septic lank permits for canal areiis were "on hold’’ for about a month this fall while the Brunswick County Health Department awaited advice from the stale on interpreta tion of septic tank hiws. However, the meeting, which was attended by the full planning board, was held at Holden Betich simply in keeping with the Iward's practice of visiting a different local municipality each year for its December se.ssion. New enforcement of .septic tank laws iiffects Holden Betich and cer- ttiin other developed areas in the county, in thtil .state health rules le- quire a fool of ■'iititur.dly-occurriiig’' or original soil above the water ttible Most of the canal lots at Holden Beach were created on mtirsh timl consist of dredged fill, hauled fill or ,i combination of both. At the outset of di.sciLssiou, Htirvev told board members that he etirlier requested an cxplantition of tlie local health deptirtmenfs position mi .sej/- tic tank regulations and received a wiitteii response from Envirmimen- lal tieallli .Siipervi.sor .luhn Crowder mi Dec 10 Crowder's letter .stated; "Until rei-enll> onr section has been evaluating the soils primarily and nut been concerned with these 11% filled lots llowevei, due I'pcals mill inlerpn-ljilimis I'^ee I .AU. l‘age’2-A) I has lii-'lm I In •