Page 14-A?THE BRUNSWICK HKACt CHURCH Circles Offer L The Indies' Circles of St. Brendan Parish will hold a luncheon and games and card party Friday, Jan. 15, starting at 12:30 p.m. at St. Brendan Hall. Attendees are asked to bring cards or games for group participation. A luncheon of soup, homemade rolls and dessert will be served and door prizes awarded. Admission is $3.50 per person, with proceeds donated to the parish buildine fund. fU_ -U U U..11 In/W.?n.l It U 1 lie lllltl v.ii l hi li IO i uv. iivwi UII v.-' 17 approximately 2's miles south of Shallotte. Seminar Slated A seminar for church workers on "How To I-ead Conferences" will be held at Calvary Baptist Church, Shallotte, on Jan. 26. from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. I/?d by Marvin W. Chapman, director of missions for the Brunswick Baptist Association, the event is aimed at improving the association's IIUOSIUll pit IUI IIUIIIV.V. Participants will become familiar with various teaciiing styles and methods, teaching tools and use of audio-visual equipment such as projectors, overhead projectors, chalk boards and posters. V-7CSp0i Ji'ny j8i The Stanley family of l>oris. S.C.f CEDAR GRC hi a a r*n l i v/-v-\v_r i u r BY BAK8ARA T. HEWETT The Cedar Grove and Southport chapters of the National Association for the AdvanceJ|l ment of Colored > will take evenopportunity to A honor the late Dr. v ^ Martin Luther King Jr., their fallen hero of peace, equality and economic sustenance for all Americans regardless of race, color or ethnic origin. Local events begin on Sunday, Jan. 17, with the annual march to the International Longshoremen's Association fILA) Hall in Southport at 3:30 p.m. Once assembled, the group will hear verse, music and ministry of the Word from NAACP branches throughout the southeastern district. The public is invited. On Jan. 18, the county's public schools, the county government complex and Brunswick Community College will be closed in observance of King's birthday. Also, at 3 p.m., a program will be held in the Public Assembly Building at the county complex. The program will include a filmstrip produced by McDonald's on King's role in the civil rights movement. No admission will be charged; refreshments will be provided. The public is invited. Rev. Winston Brown is president of the Southport-Brunswick County NAACP chapter and Mary E. Bernard is the coordinator for the chapter's Black Cultural Awareness Committee, which is coordinating the event. Deliverance Service Set St. James Missionary Baptist Church of Bolivia will hold a deliverance service Friday, Jan. 15, at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Ronnie McCrae Jr., officers and members inviie the public to come, "expecting a night of miracles, inspiration and Christian fellowship." Session Canceled The mid-year session of the Woman's home and Foreign Mission Convention of North Carolina scheduled Jan. 9 was canceled due to inclement weather. SUPER SAVIN MOVING SAI R&R Beddi "DIRECT FACTORY MATTRESS CUTL Main St.focross from Hardee's)Hwy Mon Sot 8 30 5 30. closed Wednesd Save 50% to 70% Off Suggested Retail Prices 754-5727?Call for after-hour ap 5% Sr. Citizen Discount / FIRM II TWIN (SI99 95) $89.95 Set FULL ($249 95) $109.95 Set QUEEN ($319 95) $142.95 Set EXTRA FIRM "CCATUCDKT" *?/3l2 Noo Sog InnrfsjK'og Co X SSmmm Towels |j8?? |crest wrest 6.4 oz. "1 1 9 Toothpaste fPrell Concentrate ckle Up' Has Stan Keller, of Chapel Hill, as a house guest. The two of them planned to visit another friend from Camp Kanata who lives in Asheville. On their return home Wednesday evening along I-tl) near canton, disaster struck The two were hit from behind by an 18-wheel tractortrailer truck. As witnesses observed. Christian's Honda Prelude then struck a temporary concrete barrier and careened into a guardrail on the other side before lurching back and hitting the concrete barrier a second time. Sounds terrible, doesn't it? "Were they wearing their seat belts'.'" was my second question. No. Neither one had buckled up. My daughter sustained injuries of a broken nose and a broken collar ? Your Fr upons iIrliT an Only?Sale Prices C ~[pLoc fe-m Lb&b S Mm&gd KE PA RT IN jj^) : Charmin Tissue PS QQc f1 p3 Scope 24 OZ / A h?-i Secret ^^7 2 oz. f Q1 Solid I MuNismi) I _ ? ^ I 2 New M bone. Her friend's injuries were more serious. After several days he had surgery on his neck. Before that his head was placed in a collar device used for traction of the neck and head. The KMT and the physicians speculated that if the two had buckled up, their injuries would have been minor or non-existent. When I saw the car, I understood what they meant. The car's body was damaged everywhere, but the seats were secure and looked exactly as they had before the accident. i.we many 01 you, 1 nau neara an the statistics and had been given all the reasons for wearing seat belts. My secretary had insisted the week before that I buckle up if 1 rode with her. Yet 1 was careless about wearing seat belts. I wore them about half the time when I remembered to do so. No more. This experience has left an indelible impression. I will buckle up. I believe that scat belts do save lives and prevent serious injuries. I share this with you in the hope that you'll vicariously learn from my ocier & ( ere! iood Thru January 16 al Wv2" v-r" .ij . W^ " /- ? .j >' f - . -- ???TiFc is * n ULTRA r; hampers i N-* * "* ? 1 Pampers Ultra Plus Convenience Packs d MssssBmn II Peptom Bismol I Si rsik'iv.. I n ? . I r?-imr jfjigj 298 I ROUND SOUP] Sure 2 oz. . Solid i" na experience. I encourage you to make one of your 1988 resolutions to always buckle up. "But what if I'm just running down to the store, do I really need too?" you might be thinking. Yes. Chrissy and Christian were less than 10 miles from home. Most accidents happen near home. The Kellers and the Smiths were spared this time. I've thanked God each day for this measure of grace. Yet, I also intend to express my gratitude in a tangible, practical way. I intend to buckle up when I ? ? n /*?% dlnnpa ??!? ?'* uiuk vi iiuc an u vui . a ?vii v you join me? (Dr. Stan Smith is the minister of Camp United Methodist Church in i< Shallotte.) |V| I ST. JAMES rT"7 EPISCOPAL CHURCH \J/ Tfc* R?fllnaW Bliss |j Holy Euchorist ? 1st 8. 3rd Sundays g Morning Prayer ? 2nd & 4th Sundays 10:00 AM Hwy. 17. Shallotte l ? g Gamble I S I T-" J/. - / if' X r ^ I w i Always Plus I 26's | always plus j acq | \ H l n Head & I j \ Shoulders I />-?x\ MmIf* M 1 ** " I 22 ?2' //(mil