SUNDAY ? 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 j^W/^Y Sonnet! Sportsman t> Jam? Ken ~wr |C o/*3 jOe Ua> | HI ZZZ |s?urt* St?t J "gsT iTcetfon cur times WBTW Pfoqratr Con! J**vr7s*agi}tfl~~""~ "TpioEerts~~~Tl WTVD A B*"e* Way Rav-aft |F stnnes |Y<xrg Unv 1 M I 1 1 ARTS ppvw |W Hn (yea! Oetectne NV/der by O I P'ory Part ? Q CjmpMl rar jf^S^ |WrxV<vf |Jrivry Sftiqgyl || ESPN &W1S.1 Haaar-an tntefnj&onal Sports Ce^e* |NBA i oar ?TI |0'7 * (". ISwai-ft pivj'4 IV?a? Tu*i || TBS Wwitf Wrtr? I4J i g) U ^THH 1 . 0In (Yn taj. t fu/ t iR^aii ICtfooe jl f A'ff jC^tnSci iKemcCy IScWc |! W^OR CNN Yen/ B a Pt V* Mass i ^|E Ktst Ac.^sory Irrvest Advisory ^gNjf Hfa3h a* D?ytytiV $t<yy i IgO Movr Cort Mov< Wizards ol tf* Lost Kingdom MAX M?.< Ca t V</.-? Amazing Graca and Chudi 6 Pec* TMC (5 -tOi Moonlight ti Demkm Move Manhattan Proved J L ^ISN Yf*:V.V Mcrse Pooh [X*obo i ST" i /'*:, Pt2 IViss Peacn | p** I SUNDAY it rm | ll'.JU 1 rwi | 1:30 WWAY 0 B/ixWcy Mo.* Pleasure Palace lov< Q >6 high fpiiers m world M l(900| ("f*.- Uw- Tfnr.s Vcns Fttli it.) WUHJ I.Hlf '11 j'.C TM Aff- Fmj lr* ^JKA Tewt?on contrues W^TW Ueete* Wresting Kemper Open Gofl <L) (May v WTVO Ma.* Con! D Bmltey Pnme Time 1J _ ARTS Mow* Woman *i V* Wrwlow Professor meets a Q <2$ Aoiun an<! becomes involved tn a murder JYrvj Ppo |K^.5MyC |FF?w |Cjrrotie5s | ?=-^r? 1 I I I NASCAR Wns'.on Cic Butaaser 500 from DE (I) Gadget Lass* Zoo FarrVy TBS (1035) Longest Oay Story of 0 Day as seen through U) dl the eyes of fhe so diers of war VeSOJ e R?de? Outdoor Mag BassMstr USA W'esrng Vaster The Gooo The Bad ED and the Pnoeiess WGN 11100> Burning Hdh J Baseba W? Baseball Cubs qZj Hunter WJJOR G*ea* Amer Hero Baseba." VA Base bat Cubs Physcians Joana) Interna' Ortro pedes M |N?vtaf |Crspond iNewsday IWoncy ?ek I HBO (tl 30i Somed?ng Special i Meoe Karate Wd. Part II Da Oil) Guff) and h.s rr.ertor agamst bin MAX (It 30) Tra? Bobbers J Movie Stay of Alexander Gr 11 ?Va>nf discouraging stru-gg'cs are TMC (1100r H Took Freeway W More Time After Time H G (D Define leave London in a t me ma A'58 **0* Chlcken tmcf^encT X?s |V<teo SHOW I SUNDAY 6 PM 6:30 I 7 PM I 7:30 WWAY ABC 'i-? More Uberatoo. P?rt 1 fl B ti CunHine ^ECT H'trt NBC Hews IrceCOk: Ida J Hmy ^U^jJ NT Rmo* SarCne Degra&s Annuls ~^T nop Ten lEbert |60 Mn^es W^TW Fac Naton CBS News 60 Mates WJVD ART. News Mor* Liberators. Part I R (11.' Cur ra time IKaren Bi*?t My Fam I Mortons | Bg Vaey The Way to KiO a Father PA/phy Ladde ESPN tSOCi Baseba* NCAA Word Senes Game 5 (I) oas ^ICJ( V.'i/a'd Star Trefc Gadget DucxJj ^i Ip-o/i" CortlStooges lMcr.< Cit? o( Innocence ~w kwrnietc poder Heto Amencx Spots Cavacjoe USA Goo V?*e? Ta?s uteres Rptde The Twisted Cross B11 j; Ate WGN Move Lost Wortd A prctessor leads a group or. an _ e?pedt or o sea'ef ol lost world A* Heme WyjOR Nat I GrM/iAc Move D Day. So SWi ot A i^Ft B?:4 Cut Orv> ?ics fprte,- SteS M^e ??*> < "J CNN 'lews water Buttress VJVS Rpi Sports (D A HBO Mo? Foul Play A rot too gay divorcee is urged to Q }, tut si.rtic ercitemert rto Her lite G KMt) rtiOO, Grace and ChuU G iMove Project X A promisir Pec* oris tus sense ot dot TMC |50ti Manhattan ProyKt J Move Summer School If H 03 tiff go* ^ISFt Move Cert Danger Move Night Tr?n to Kjfimi St|QW I'/o.-e Cert " Move Otl Beat J flemtuu MONDAY I 6 PM 6:30 I 7 PM I 7:30 WW AY ABC favtt AVel Jeocjr <V ~w jW'i r?BC N*w, IrjrHVMd lOjariQ WjrN*' Lf<p P<n NCPtcp* WJKA 9fW IC8S ET V/n It.'/ (B ?<. WBTW N*v?-> CBS Vws Wh?i ^ J(COar<y WTVD '.?w ABC V? Jwxuiff,' VA*<t n .*<iy jfinvmdis |joiTr*y jStrwal VA3 | J'fl |B<; Va f iV?io tuvc A1 |Rerr?r*/on Stede ^SPN (SuOi tuv'jjJ '?CAA World S?r?s Game 7 ?ll jKfY-r^'s |DucWa |Canl cn TV |DouMDirf | Cjro? Andy Andy fan&rqo jRe a S'ar Crook JVdeo IfVf.x I IAJTMVI WGN ~ S Fws Bar-r, |T j H: P,TjTyj jBarrvy I l|?E t'4 i/'i Haywire . Ami* Macftuder and Loud ^HN W*fi; KStrs Moneys Crossf'e HBO Vov* Ught ol Day Sbinqs find escape from life by Q }) n"'.'- g a in j totk grojQ J Jert ft^X iS JO, Jane Eyre j hcU** E>penrr<m TMC Vu/c fee witb fin ~ scf ooi g.n has a fomdde-i love ^ISN Vt/.t My UtBe Pony S Duncjh Krg Peas? SHOW V>;.< Charade A woman returns nomt to f-nd ner fr d ; t.'dcfCw C Cfjr! MORNING "* 0 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 ~ic eCy W/r^ Bjpf D?u,^ Li/x) Lejf Jerry 5*ragr^*! f rmcn Open Tmrvs Veos Fr\afs ;l Sevune Street Htw* jfj(WTv? Te<e*w contojes FNW PerspecT-.^s CBS ScrtJjy Vorrvnq ftVjtJ Special Ktivixj', P* on Hi*. E*/jt * ffrn/i ?0tri Cent Vetrvm NVr.v Mme Owm Eiecuooner 8 iW i/i ivmnecy btnOJy Best Oq^.> & Race PGA Ten* VtrwV P Wgc Years L/te S EfeOtant Wizard Dcnras TurViry TV VonV f'rt T A J Fltfrt AnrJy 'iws Arty BassMstr Per I Strvliy Cartoon F*press fa Mass Poprrye Vw Firtastc Wortl Stear VorYJ Wrlten 1-r.rst Advisory trvW rjaytwaii Pntfirs Qaywaerfi Money Mtft Sawyer Seabed Snoari Monk ~~ Mwe Tew WoH V Few Mew! ithpM More Ipcms Fie A small time i into spy?pq for Britain Af Gary Y<Ve/ Pooh DooaVJ Raccoon Mov* a(Tef m ol the American RabM P J A Pres Son L Kerwm Mow " AFTERNOON '" 2 PM 2:30 I 3 PM 1 3:30 4 L_ ? ? an<2 intrigue Wow the Mow Zutu Dawn 9 Lancaster pq capitals Las Vegas Sports f eM Amatei/ Atrie^cs til GWw Wfch T Bwi Pittard Joy of Part |Rod Telethon contrues try| NBA Basverta't Srrr Hearn [News IftAtoaAce 200 CART Atjfo Race (L Bosnoi Bale! ir? ?r<j s most Tamous darn? conv*ty a H?u Mo? Beie Sta.Ys Daughter ? C.vrvm Gens CuckooiatJ lBtoeteny |Ra!e< BcycV Mov* Macon County Line A Vint htyo Outdoor New? Mototfd A.iirncan Sports Gavajende Movie Pandemonium A ruthless murderer Stalks the Trad grounds of an chcctlcafrng school C Ksv a: Mets (L) at Mets ill Oo Gyn Cordo Prrysoarts Jaru! Inter Week ?n Review Larry Krg Weekend (feueat Soer met must defend h mscif Anractons I'.Vmc Hatan! A te :cr toes | >n Tanganyika J iham Bel Bell's Movie Rcxanne A modern day ( depcted 0 /Vneefie secretly adores a beautiful won Wei's a"d Jack the R ppei Movie Blood Ties A young Amei igr.*ne k.dnapped oy the S'Cihan Mafia Move Ugly Oachshund A Great Oane puppy grows up |Who | think,ng re is rea'ly a dachshund 5 flte/yffe | Move BacS to the Future A teenaoe t?me travi correct |r>t history ?c r?as altered " EVENING "* B PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 "1 Mxifiv.w M*-i v:?? Iiju-? ok*? ? ,? vnim^ it r*n nunc5i WW lS <ear?nq his ?ife apart D ?VHr Famfy Tes My 2 Dads Mcwc Short Count An atfab'e fi _ security team trial would CeslfC fiatL/e Lords oI Hokkado Upstars Wll Ye No Come |Mas ???? fos" Mirder. She Wcte 42nd Annual Tony Awards AnQeia h\rctc She Wrote 42nd Arm* terry Awards Angela I MacG.ver He(i Week Vc.* Btutftnq ft An honest wor is tearing his lite ap3ft 0 IVhn Pcrce Squad Brush CXjdey Mowe at the HoJywooo Bo AJnca An#r Snps/rot In Touch Lr? Basehai NCAA Wond Seres Game 6 |Lj Laugh In Mave Rm My 3 Sons 0 Reed Mr I Grtf.ffi AOutOfi Soc Messages Put; ______ fr0fn >r* ft^s Wnston Cop Mgjowtvj heroes Bass f.ew Haritner Cod C Story msder Rett Target _________ Osco.try Year Mcmcs New s? R Ti)ior Untoucnabres New iPbvvun* .tanul Carrin Internal Ob ( PrmeNews Week n Renew Ever 'Widhenr A Commcsscn of tngury An e-.nrent enmmssun re. tg young Air Force p 'o! Move Tctn Wort M fax y V Bnxknc* rmn Move Botfr Double A guy v*wi searches 'or answers C iVasso >ndu P fattens Astare Tme ISher Car ll.Vr.v T^rrm nl ?? i^v> I I " EVENING " T'f ly 1 -j " Ti 8 PM 8:30 I 9 PM I 9:30 1C ABC Monday F*gri Baseball <L) Alf Hogan Fam Mo.* Can You Fed Me Oandng? Atf.tnti/e Ocean Awn Tn^isi Me :o tne xrxt ^ &T!r Enfl Ster Kate A ATe Desrywig PJevntwYl E AI utz Cagm Kate & Ate Designing Newtvart ? AIM Cagm ABC Monday P*gM Basebii ?U Livmn PVwt ComrTuvf/ o* Move Gang's AJI Here A man m the Skies ncft qm and 3 DeauMu' singer > F?U Ymt of Life 7ooc5> pTT Baseha'i NCAA Wane Ser*s Game 6 il) Make Rm Mr EC |M/ 3 Sons D Reed jtajgl Mo.* Long Hoi Summer A young man arrives n a small tov Nastr** ft* Jery Jefl Walker Roy ICrtry lOooi BecAtondef I RctCe Am.edern Bat/y Pro* Trre WresttoQ Mff/e Where Ihe Buffalo Roam A journal si .s St^-e!?KV*(j t?y h.c Uatygf ?. ftilfl SCftfmeS taws (Xxi/ner'ary AA for Morton Ocwrvyfliw K<?S Cag*y tc I are/ More Sahrage Hani Water A sa P^ls h?s rorr.peMors to the lest PrmeNews Larry Kng Ir.e' |Eveo I Mowe Arthur A rich playboy rea'?/es he "ius! face the Tanr. reii.?i<s of life D Wirr* Mow Outy Danang A young g.rl corres of jqc Mov? the end of hummer vjfaton J fifty pen Moot Ev* Under Ito Sun Po?'Ol to unravel a Mow r.uffler myste'y at an ot>?'cnt beach resort a lu Famfy Rrlroon Tne Save Vrwe Gotnq Hollywood The War ? ; Move Money Pit I /iysks FeetwC Uad V June 5~1 | TUESDAY I AM 10:30 11AM 11:30 I 6 PM I 6:30 1StMr WWAY '.?* , ABC 'rti B It WECT N?? NBC V-<r, at u__ <y It* B'ark T(w? |Mas1?pa? I'"*" ^JI^J VxNea lf^e< "M~ |B?"vt |CBS 'Jmn Giifr !> James Kennedy W|TW CBS News ? Wet Gold WTVO N^7 ABC v?-. f?rOJi itelb* Tai3 Gc=: '-7: PATHS' Boferts Oftwl EW CBN Yung ______ ?Aluu6"> .?* StujrtYA ill SoortsCerter ^$pg ibOO, Basetui NCAA Wu? ees Bad News Cant on TV N't H?As Keetvrs Ou'Ja Mu.v Lcngest Day I Mvrt Bravf C?3 onnance Hdenn Hwo ?nsun Ca? NVYowU fl&Ui F B? a Sla> V.JCCC*1 ti&ress >?? ,'!Z7,r?Un**',M* 1 W^N Hoi jwXRP W-V?y Kra/lftdee V^OR TJ Hooker I Advisory Cardc farrwy Med yp F>*i-crs r. Crrse l^ws maker Travel NBA "CRM SfvxB'i iFWtcs __J IPg) I ^ lay ^ | Kerry and tie Honda Mr Mom A* '?joi TfiSbea ^ i5Q0i VWmci A >;-u? con jftisr is coerced More H Tonk Freeway IV TMC Snowrase iMo.v: Ortvtr Devme fli) I Tlsal Dam Cal Oeriisn Siamese leads FBI DISN More Mortuys. Go Hanoi its on ? back alley erase H Atas WW ' Tetms ol Endearment S UvLi v S^W Vo.i Legend T Cane June 5 ~PM 4-30 5PM 5:30 WEDNESDAY Star Search ? 6 PM 6:30 WWAY News""""" ABC News and Be<S |Vr? iNai'i Geograpric I I ^EM News NBC News WUNJ VacNei! leftrirr < Game 7 it nee ID iMay vary) "" J WJKA Benson CBS News i fspetoTtowii-Artarcoc 9=L2* Odyssey WBTW News CBS News - I ^ - i n i , I B". l/ncu jiAJdCTCJ Lnsj sr sums u?ee w , [_ Willjce Vf|VD News |ABC News mo*e Empire Hcvse ?i Oder ? _ ARTS Gok3 Age GT Cat iPumg Basehai NCAA World Senes Game 5 (I) CBH Bg Vafiey Boy rto Van ) K Keepers '.Vyr, & Dad Cant R Oil1 A/Quette J5?PK ***** look **** r leagje Basebal Bry.? .s Padres ll) ^ 32 NICK Ockiia Wmton Cod Per formance Aa/o Mag ^ ^9 .^____ _____ ?? TBS ft Knows Cart* *e Oci Arw* Ha.1 Pre ^ ^ TNN Fandango Be a S?* T Zone Star Search USA Cartoon E? press A Team & WGN Facts WKRP ul iFarrWy Wed Car Co I Hormone ^ __J____ WWOR TJ Hooker rx PoktiCS News watch News- maker ___________ JL_____L__^_ UFE Partners o Crme am of professional hunters capture wild animals ^ Wty* CNN ShoaBtf Pobocs lyrano Ce Bergerac Move Grace and Chuci G IP (3) un 5 Mario Peck IJBO Mo.* Another Woman's O ncan s father is Mov* Manhattan Prt^ed J ** Q Qr?ti Lithgow MAX Move House U The Secom $m Charge7 Mcve Brave Lfi Toaster J '& Lovitt TMC Move Prom Noon T1 Thro tier must Move Brighton Beach Memoirs B Qaotr ^ _^________ Mc. e LaOy and the Tramj . m* SHOW Move FooOoau A Dig ct] Jlinp J} aD town moving to the Beat 0 PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 king man s dark secret News Dom ft abot must elude the News Carter )y him ______ ______ ler^ece Thtr Sanroaggers At AT Costs lanstxry hosts (L) Star TreK Next G L?i-jstxry hosts (L) News Wresdng king man s dark secret News PI wr Vawy S 4 Jores /7TT ( I Roc* ASw Yang / Sports Carter /^Amoun !n |Med I4s liocelo! Mates j q| |_Q0p at Wtst Vrgru Sports Jeny Falrwn / Mstr Am Hone Vt-JUH Roto j <?"j QQQ *t KJen Trr* taanoal Freedom ^ r? : $2,000 s Spt Sane Enterta* Tho Wk 1 ivn firnh Med Ortho pedes Interna! \ $3,000 nj f^ws Bu&ms Sports \ ?^1???? \ Mxm* jrp ipnfp<e *ws me e-.iOence agaret Km WakKwr Karate KM. \ uonal payment pn L? 1 N, arpplt-s SI.000-2 Mo.* Friday (he 1301. Pad IV: The Final \ Patmx Ba* \ ; a brutal murder and Mov* Outer's Way J n BnOoes tocx Holmes The PA* Mo.* 7 Brtdet.7 Brodee H './vie e Baa to tie F-jtore A teenage time traveler must reel the history he has altered June 6 | I PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 News Cheers J Bitemn News Carsoi <i Canute. Tie fest Or Who Man, Wws ite-Vs ey & lacey Star Trek r? 1 lace* News love news KgbSrta ~ /St choose between a At the Ir ?rov I | |J t fj>T IF.she*) ReiiaCN" Steele Steete ^ _ ?^ v.,,.get a Tto [cTw Ann Sothem |f lll(> is M in Com rated by a wea thy landowner P M-wrrun Ttlilliy bills, It s 1111 It * tC I 1? rr? r 7T Ir<>'H M.iiuiI.u Hirers I i Vefco Be a St* lAynencjn Mac I |_ Sl'IMCt's. A/wcvt dvovTry you t ,111 borrow I'm ; |v.***/T> pi tuivi" |iist out' monthly smaller th?m tin' coml Street Senon ant v/ .,, s?im payments. You IJ even Ivage company o*rer Cogney and laeey 4 Gnffifft ng Ikvci Moneys Stxxts ef 68 1 >v/> Spr?s Chnton and e Tradwg Ptaces 4 r*n young businessman and j railcss bum swtcn roles J Cuftn t Dealt on fte Kde A set US ol murders occur on ury steamer cru>smq up the Nlc Year* 0//e f est Ormpcs Wove Mona Lisa /I HtJurts THE BRUNSWICK BEACON, Thursday, June 2. 1988?Page 7-B < EVEWINGJune i 7 PM 7:30 I 8 PM I 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11PM I 11:30 WVf JeowrC/ Who s Boss7 Strangers thrtysomethng Therapy News Chws Newyrwd Datng Mattock The KrAsters Mow* A Utter to Three Wrm L Eftham News Decision Bus Rr* Amanac GCn Nr*a How to Create a Jir-k Frortkne Who Pays 'or iReytgar.-k Dr Who Fne Romance _Focd AlQS? FT Wn Draw Hpjs'on Kmjhts NBA Bastottbai Fnals Game i (L) Star Trek Whe* JeocwrY Houston Knqhts NBA Basketball FnVs Gar* t (I) fietr, >cwnV Who 5 Boss7 Strangers Moonfe^ttra I Am ItfwTysometNnQ Therapy News NflWne ________ ______ _____J_______ fiW MaOde 1 L T??*? Scrwaf Wd Age a? Kerrsedy Early Year* Mov* HeerBasd V/dcw wih a small daughter works GT Cafe Corn Brk ______ Tor a dour rancher m 1910 Montana Renwigton S'ee* Steele Crary L*e a Fox Fox and 700 Out) Tak Che's Rem/qton Steeto S'ee* on AiTuij un Lrrrxj rie Woif Approval Sae% Game 9 ll) Basebai frCAA World Seres Game 10 III Sports Center Can t on TV DojO* Dare Make Rm Mr Ec My 3 Sons D Reed Laugh tn Car 54 Monkees A/m Sottem Andy Andy Mcrne Vita RkJes An American gunrunner ads Villa m his Tight Major Leagje Basetoai Br;r.?s at Garts ll) i? _______ agamst revolutionaries y firymer Dnok VxJeo Nashvtfe f*cv? McftaH Mann AVnWy Crtry iDook VxJeo [Be a Star lAmencan Mag Desert Rose 1 | A/wort Desperate '?*crdey Rctodc Woeoul Mow* PortnoY* Complaint An assistant commissioner Arwot Widows is completely oosessed with sex Chees Baseball Cutis at FVates (I) News T Zone Magrx/n PI P/ryTxd Barney Evn g Mag FT I Mod on Downey [News St'eet Senon and SaTton MacGruder and Loud Cagney and Lacey liVwe Father Knows Best Reunion R 7BA Cagney and lacey Young MoneyV* Cross* re Pnmef^ws L amy K ng Lse* F.enrg fJews Moneyl** Sports rsons J LthgoH- Mo.* CapOve Hearts A captured American loses h s On Locaoon F DcGencres Mov* Get Many Af Hamxn heart & nearly hts Me Cunnq WWlt P Airro . Experiment Mo.* Dead ot Winter Young actress goes tor a P.Vr,* Morning After J Ponds About Last screen Test ard ends up fighting lor life Af i ? R OHtoi <& & TOrq'Kong Uws America's biggest hero is back I Mov* 10 to Midnight A tough veteran cop and a - and he s not nappy L humidon young rookie team up to catch a psychopath Af 0*vaVr IMouster Mo.* 2 1/2 Dirts G [Mo-* Fiher Was a Fu?adi F lOtympc Grt [Off* |Fcs1 Otympcs pece Thr Grvndn | AfacAfurray I I 1 Meams Kts Movie Harry and tw Hendersons J bfojn* Mc.* Hand Hiton A glimpse into the b eah lives of I Americans he?0 prisoner in Vietnam I ? EVENING ? limp Q V 1983 Th<? TV l.?yq G'Oup ir< Tx UUIIU U 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 I 9 PM I 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 Whee? Jeooarty G Pans Hd Cass Hooocnrun S'-ao Chca Beach t*ws G"?ers Ne**y*?d Datrg Hgfwoy to Hej.en MoRy Dodd Sara The Bronx Zoo Vws Torvyi Sho* Bus Rp: Gy>be Watch Combos' L fcnsOCl Amencan Pl?>house The Banad ci Gregono Cortez [> Who Fre Rttrwr* ET Wn. Lose TBA Jake & the Fatmar Eouakr* Star T'ek Wheel Jeopard,4 TBA Jake & the Fasran Equalizer i*r*s Lowe Jeooard/4 Wheel G Pans Hd Oass Hooocrman SUo Ona Beach '.e*s NghCne CreXMty Suwai WW Vctory That War n Korea Why We ftjt BatTe ot knprq/ M Mult Br^tan W Hjston Remngton Sfee*e Steele n Crazy Lie a Fox Heamg Is 700 Out) Taifc ISnpshot Rem not on Stew Steele the News Betevnq | SearcSnQ Part 1 Spors Center SpoAm Basebal NCAA World Senes Game 11 iL) Lite Sd? Sports Center Cant on TV Double Dare Ma?e Rm Mr Ed My 3 Sons 0 Reed |Laugh In Car 54 Nortecs Ann Sothem Andy Andy Clash at tnc Chamgons il Mann Mayhem ;L) Ma,or League Bas/taai Braves a? Gents (LI Cmo* Vdeo f^shrfe tiow (Vght Yoaxam Crtry |Oocw Vdeo Be a Star Amencan Mag Arwtft Line Wotl iRotne Dc**; tat Cnrme* Ia im? n^?- iin*-.*** . ? (now WM~?>CW auawia?u>i v. r?w u?j w ?\\V>Uf I I the class* novel by Victor Hugo A Ha*ms Oem Basetail Cutis a! (U hevrt T Zone Magrx/n PI fyarrxd Barney Km BaseCal Mets a! Canlrals 0.) News Wac<yu3c> and lour! Cagney an! Lacey fta* Got. The Gold Wlfch and EnryMng R Hiyrs Cagney and lacey Money** Crossfre Pnmefiews laity Kng It.*1it.mug laews Moneylne Soars id I Uvm Met.* Dtrty Oanang A young comes o' jge during iHcchfxket |Con*<?y Hat Ut Tywv Seeks Ihe enc ol summer uacation J fay 11 ll 1 Story A GnadEjpenmert Mcv* Project X A pro-msing .ounq Air Force pilot h/ove Roxame A modern-day Cyrano Ce Bergerac 1 Questions h.s sense ot duty V Srndenc* l secretly adores a beautiful ?oman S Martn i C Bmnscn Mo.-e Steete Justice Tf.ey tn-red to till and If/ove Alan Ouaterraar and Ihe Lost Cty ot Gold R turned n>m loose M Kxe I Cfiimpcrtun i P Lex IBaEar ECrscr.s Uxx/x Mow Kjoq Cob T*o brotfers vie tor tneir talker s |Qzr* ] Drums I affection B .VtMmjn | Moftiwi f k>C tr>es to get a small Boxners Garry Mov?e Thief oI Hearts Burgiar steals a *omjn s C ary Mow Vanessa 0 PsscH and sets out to fulfill fter fantasies i [Jy t Monthly T f / Payment erm \\ i\ $55.92 24 months jjj 6>ll //n; (T on n a U- . I Ll-l ' ' ^/ / ? / 4)ou.o4 Jb months /^/' Q7 ^A Aft mr\ntbc ?i? ^ *-* ?u ?-' | / I I ntatiw examples oi c redit terms which arc available. Op- \ C1 r* J ! I lection plans arc also available. APRs for the atx*v ex- \ ^ II I 9l99%;$2jOOO-26.23V $1.000-21.71\> 1T"?> \ r ; I tead of a bigger mailbox, smaller monthly payment. ismg the red tlag v\ itli too And yon 1.111 get your last, lust apply liy r .1 lull 1 onsolidation loan phone, and you'll have an answer in six hours lanover ( on?unier or less. Then stop by at your convenience to pic k up your ( heck. 111 $">(H) to $">.()()() and C )ur friendly, kncAvledgeable professionals , pay nient that 1 ould he are waiting to help serve* you. So call Manulac iination ot vouf other turers 11,mover today. And lie glad to see the save on stamps! mailman tomorrow. Manufacturers 90s hanover The Consumer Services Group Main Street, Shallotte, NC 2H4S1) Call (919) 754-4381, ext. 100 In.llh.iM'ttMdc^ M.imuI.k lute's II.iiiim i C iinsintuf S*i\ u es i?t Anient ,1 liu

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