i iiiii?iiiii in i""^' ?_> MT. ZION CHURCH Longwood C Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist i Church at Longwood will celebrate i its 102nd anniversary June 20-26 with i special services and programs. i Rev. Moses C. Herring, pastor, invites the public to participate as (Eoble Ha COMF1 lift U4 SUPPLY. N..C L ) Wwyf ment iiP/anS In Remembranc George Nixon am There are love and smiles Our prayers arc with forever be. With the gr Father, Lord Jesus, we sweet day. Our memories of ?.i throughout our lives will The love we have for yo in our hearts. With I Motht I GLOB> to vac COS Enjoy a missio DR. LE And JA> TOUR INCLUDES: roi occupancy), buffet bre all church activities, tr TOTAL C ! APPLICATK Yes, I want to be a part i Tours. Enclosed is my d i person, i Name i Street | City St ! Tel. ( ) Mail To: GLOBAL Ml! P.O. BO) SHALLOTTE, I A *? - -T f" ''' ~~ ^ at Longwcod observes its 102nd annivi Ihurch Marks members celebrate the church's past, future and continued growth. Since November 1987, the church has added 22 new members. Under the sponsorship of church _ETE | * vuuiu i\ . 75^-6B4S ! I I S/n^aia ncc vivai/aMe J . r \ ? j e and Love of 1 Norman Todd / c ' within... them, our love will ace of our Heavenly ^ will meet again some t c il the good times never be forgotten. u two will alwavs live ' ? love, ' ;r and Father Steinbauer M. MISSIO QiiGii in ui TA I nary vacation c STH S V Mil V Other Seminar JUARY 21-i jnd-trip airfare from Ralei takfast each morning, all t ansportation to and from < OST OF EIGHT-DA 1 DN FORM | of Global Missionary I eposit of $150.00 per i i i i i I , I ate i i ?Zip ! SSIONARY TOURS C 1478 N.C. 28459 | _L k ersary next week. 102nd Year >rganizations, a visiting pastor, choir ind conareaation have henn invitnH o share the service each day at 8 >.m., as follows: Monday?Rev. lamuel Stanley, Pleasant Grove Church for Mt. Zion's Missionary Cir:le; Tuesday?Rev. David Flowers, Central Baptist Church, for the 'astor's Aid Club: Wednesday?Rev. /aughn Cherry, Pleasant Hill Church, for the deacons; Thursday?Rev. Ronnie McCray Sr., tit. Calvary Church, for the Young \dult Department; and rriday?Rev. James Smith, Pleaant View Church, the Youth Departnent. Then, on Sunday, June 26, Rev. lames N. Flowers of Shining Star Missionary Baptist Church in Seat feasant, Md., will deliver the 11 i.m. anniversary message, accompanied by his choir and congregation, inthony Flowers is the church musiian. Throughout the week and on Sunlay some congregational members vill be dressed in historical costume. They will reflect on changes over imp in u-nrchin : <. "Viump, iuuil act VIL'C, children's behavior and manners, ransportation, employment and >ay. Mabel Dewey, a member of the church and president of the Missionary Circle for more than 40 ,-ears, will present "Old Time Reflec:ions," sharing through religious songs during each of the anniversaryservices. 'NARY TC &*? I euiiiiiiii IICA )nd crusade nig IIMMEB 'WIVIIVIhB! y Speakers IB, 1989 gh-Durham, N.C., room (< ours, transportation to an Dirport. Y TOUR $899.00 Deposit of $150.1 Must Accompany AppK By July 10, 198; FOR ^ GLOB 287-6622 CHURCH Vacation Bibl Shell Point Baptist Church will hold vacation Bible school June 20-2-1 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. each day. "AH children ages 2 through 18 art welcome." said Rev. Donald Hard wick, pastor. The church is located on Shell Point Road, off N.C. 130 East Civietown. Time Changed The starting time for the new earh worship service at Camp United Methodist Church in Shallottc ha.? been changed. The service will begin at 8:45 a.m instead oi 8:30 a.m., beginning Sun day, June 19, to coincide more closel\ with the fellowship period thai precedes the 10 a.m. church school. Day Camp Begins A Wednesday Day Camp progran begins this week at Camp Unitec Methodist Church in Shallotte. TH< program will be held each Wednes day from 9 a.m. until 12 noon, at the church. On June 15, youngsters were ti wear their swimsuits and bring . towel?and a friend?for "watei day." Ecumenical School An ecumenical vacation churcl school will be held June 20-24 atTrini ty United Methodist Church in Cres cent Beach, S C., meeting from ! a.m. until noon. Other participating churches in elude Little River United Methodist which is coordinating the churcl Bible School Is Scheduled The First Baptist Church o Shallotte will hold vacation Bibli school June 20 through 24, from I p.m. to 8:30 p.m. each night. Bible school classes, which are foi children up to 19 years of age. wil center on the theme, "Living Foi Jesus," according to the churcl pastor, the Rev. Landis I-incaster. Pre-registration for the Bibh school will be held Saturday, June 18 at4:30 p.m., at the church. Lancastei said a prize will be given to the in dividual who brings the mos children with them to attend thi school. )URS IW htly with tAI l?9h double -J L U u 11 urn ication B \ORE informat AL MISSIC p.o. bo; shallotte THK HKUNSWR K HKACON, ACTIVITIES e School Slated i school. Kins of Glory Lutheran. St. I Stephen's Episcopal and Ocean 1 )rive Presbyterian. > There is no fee and all children four 1 years of age through sixth (trade will 1 he welcomed, regardless of church < I affiliation, said spokesman Mary I , Cobb. To pro-register youngsters or for more information, contact the I Little Hiver United Methodist Church office at < 80:t ?24!'-232!? during week- 1 day mornings. ' I I OCEAN BAPTIST ; I Welcom ! I "An Excitir ; I Because Jesu Sunday S 1 I Bible Study ; I Morning WorstEvening Wo Wednesday 1 Adult Bibl Preschool, f I And Youth a I A Place For I Trlve a little?ExperW H< S . I| Hwy. I 79. Betwe H Is le 11 Macon M. W flTES YOL B <5iH JHHHVi HV f ,jM . JjM '' 111 Bi H ION CALL OR WRIT INARY TOU K 1478 F~ I Thursday. June 16.1988?Page ll-U To Hold VBS New Britton Baptist Church of Ash will hold a vacation Bible school next week, open to all ages. Classes for chidren through age 12 will run from 6 p.m. until 9 p.m. June 10 through 24, while teens and adults an participate in a class from 8 p.m. ;o 9 p.m. The church is located on New Brit .on noau on iN.u. Kit) West. For more information, call Cheryl Milliken, Bible school director, at !87-:i811. i VIEW 1 CHURCH | les You I ig Church is Is Lord!" I ervices: 10:00 AM 1 lip 1 1 :00 AM I rship 7 PM 1 ' Services: le Study, Children, 1 it 7:30 PM Everyonel ence the Difference len the Beaches ood^Pastoi^^J \ ' } K. k ^ ^ junnHHi Ls 2-2878 1900 TMf BRUNSWICK BtACON I ^ '