Page 20 Supplement to The Brunswick Let's (Continued From Page IS) obtain information and help. One entire wall of the chamber ( fice is covered with racks displayii colorful brochures on attractions the eastern part of the state. "We provide literature about oth areas, like Carteret County "Crystal Coast." and the Outer Ban of Dare County, because traveler can't get it anywhere else as tlv enter the state from South Carolina Sartelle said. The office also dispenses "hu dreds" of N.C. maps, she said, hel vacationers map out routes, ai gives them ferry information and a vice on overnight accomodations. "Of course, we provide many s< vices to local visitors, too, and o new office attracts many people stop here," she added. The inviti EDWARD D. LANCE, h> DIPLOMATE AMERICAN BOARC OF FAMILY PRACTK x <988 THt BRUNSWICK BEACON A WOI | Beocon. July-August. 1988 Hear It For T< new two-story stucco building at the intersection of highways 17 and 130 jf. was completed a year ago. ig The chamber's chief role, however, in is to be an advocate for the business community. It constantly educates er this community on the value of 's tourism to each merchant and to the ks county. 's "We tell them that tourism ev Dresentlv Drovides 1.300 jobs in Brunswick County." Sartelle explained. "and that dollars spent here in- by tourists change hands four times, ps This proves the local businesses nd patronize each other, and that's very id- healthy." More extensive education is plaruv _>r- ed. This fall the chamber will cour sponsor with the Small Business to Center at Brunswick Community Col ng lege a series of seminars for smal WHEN SICKNESS INTERRU WE ARE AVAILABLE aiabash Famiiu SALT MARSH SQUARE (CONVENIENT TO THE BE tD SATURDAY AN APPOINTMENTS PREFEI ) "E ACUTE ILLNES! HOSPITAL C ik Of Art We commit m ^ B/~ custom a Yar jurists businesses, including one on hospitality, or "how to treat your guests." Sartrelle noted that 98 percent of the county's business is in the category of small businesses. The local chamber's prime project of the year is the N.C. Oyster Festival, a popular event it sponsors at Seaside, between Ocean Isle and Sunset Beach, featuring shrimp, flounder and hot does, as well as . oysters, and plenty of entertainment. arts and crafts and "good clean fami; lv fun." Tliis year's festival, schedul ed for October 22-23, will be the eighth annual observance. If simplicity and a non-commercial . atmosphere have made Brunswick ; County a tourist attraction, is there . any danger that these qualities will 1 disappear or be eroded with developPTS YOUR VACATION, I Medicine i, CALABASH, 579-8512 ACHES AND GOLF COURSES) D EVENING HOURS *RED. WALK-INS WELCOME i, MINOR SURGERY IAREIF NEEDED In Every isioned Pete Nein to a 'very home we build b onal touch is built in, < instruction tailored to for energy efficiency. BROUGH-F 428 SUNSET BOULEVARD MEMBER NATIONAL AS SUSANNE SARTELEE looks ovei Brunswick Islands Chamber of Comm ment? Sartelle said not. "For one thing, there's not much space left on the beaches for more commercial development," she pointed out. I 1 here s only one nigh-rise in tne j South Brunswick Islands (Ocean Point at Ocean Isle Beach), and the Home Wi }esign a work of art in ecause, to us, all work ~/j K Jr " & 1 \j / ilong with our unique i your neeas, and up-toARR CONS^ i, SUNSET BEACH, NC (919) 57 iSOCIATlON OF HOME BU1LL 9fe II JraB x, wnn SI AM PHO'O BV MARJORI6 MlGlVi*?. the latest publication from South erce, a guidebook for tourists. other beach communities have either zoning ordinances or height restrictions against them. "Also, there are a lot of visionoriented people here, who see some I commercial things they want and a B ioi or inings mey aon t want. e Build stained glass. His is art! design work, qucdiiy date technology and rRUCTION 9-3516 )ERS ?1968 THE BRUNSWICK BEACON