SUNDAY ._JU! 6 AM | 6:30 7 AM 7:30 [ 8 AM | 8: WWAY Sonnett Or James Kerrafy BapttSt O 13 [___ WECT Temperature Tempwalre Jmrny SwBgjirl Q Qfc) ^UNJ Sesame Street Sesame Street ^WJKA Come Strp Happnri Jrnmy Swaggart Predain Ddr^jra WBTW F Tes Jvnmy Swagrprt MroJe Frara Pwspcc CjJ WTVD Rasca's Rascals KxJsongs Yoig Uw Of Stn>es Farnty ^RTS (500) Corgjonx) Cty 0 Ahcr Ptiasfc D Nxtws Jcxmcy Certiy FAM NewsSgH 89 limit) Life Vara) O James Kerredy 0(0) ^PN MtrwcK li Sports Celur Botfy shapng Gofl Comect F*GA Tc NICK George/Kxh> Sportalir> U KoaJa Maple Two Oenrts HeafrcJi qp<a L TBS Wort) Witnen T&J (05) F Wt (35) T m o\ L_ (300) Sgi Or d'A jThree^tooges jCai'ope jSuxlay Cartoon Ewes MF jAXe |A] the Movc |[> Kemctfy |Ptvaj Hor |( 15) What Nu iHer&w 'JJ-' I WWOR Su&mng You Btr> Pi o< Vcw Suxlay Mass PorVy arxJ Bugs UFE Its V/rrtcr Set ImprMsnrnt VArtJ Tom w Self lm( ^ Htfwyfc Style D?/txeak &g Story Da/treak Evans HBO <05 A Tolo of TviX) Cites unfc Women Babar Mlore ' MAX (4 25) Boote*Jco M Kmtin More Baby Boom Upwardly mobile executive ml di) baby and learns more about life D KcaXn TMC (4 25) Gmat Senlni R (Xr.ifl IMcmc Yoing Shortock Hoimcs N Rm (D __ j DISN Ynj^M* M'jwj Onjjs [Xmbc McteA wtt<? ola I L_l__ SHOW Movie Hoy Thorn, Its Yogi Bear V Banc Carotae Move Katfr, f? Wolf (16) of a championship; TllNnAY AFTEI UUIaMU 8 ,i,,i,^ii'9e9 "" fL'V;n3G' 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:\ WWAY Soonsman Champ Fishg TBA &g I Open Of BOB UNC COadw Mora Man Iran Iw Alamo G Fax! NSC SocrtsYArt) W^UNJ M&ajghm Frrg Ire NC TFb Wock T B-xwi MmooFtm Opera Fees WKA CBS Sams Suxtay NBA Bastetbal WBTW Gmme' vS F Tcs NBA BasWM W^/D Program Com D BnrtJcy Eg I Otim Gelt ARTS Mwe (Xnfefc Two men continue to meet, each ShatsTOnos O SO meeting ending in a duel K CfKlne iRttcnvrlOrararTon Stnp|Wagon Trar ESPN Offload Race ( 45) NASCAR Wnstcn CU) Raong Qgfl NICK ICrrt nIrtrto linen TorVW TTZ^Z KIZZZIZ l>i " -? ,.^v ikiu^. \ii*St*: viuiui uroi/i <tsa [ | j_ TBS (1035) ITs a Mad. Mad. Mad. Mad Wodd S (50) Gun d Dtebto C Bvn&n CP (Q) Tracy _________ TNN Mesgite Rodoo iBassMastsrs Hank ParVcr |Bll Dance iMotoVA gxa> USA Wrcstng GokJ Monkey Tales Mcnb Spirt ol St Lou ?) CD Aflame. J StewoT WGN (HOO) Long Chasa fl Atrpty BaschaJ WV Cubs Paw Move Dart Mbror A (SI) sster 0 Hjvtkrd WW|0R Out ot World Trpl Tfteat Baseball Wk. Maior League Baseball U^E ffysoaris JounaJ Internal Ort> pedes 08/Qyn Carriole Newsday Socnce Week Newsday Mone/ wek Week r\ Re.-ew HBQ Mcwe Corn Mo/e Shoena Queen of the African jungle tries to stop Mcvc I O CD overthrow of African king T Roberts MAX Mo.* Conl Mowe GhouBes ID Atarfln Mcwe La Bamba Rite (SB star, (ate made him TMC (tl 30) Vfca Versa J RcstiokJ Mowe Tiger's Tate High school sen 03 his girlfriend s mother. C Hx\&l si!) IS ^ ^ Mcmc Karrbone and IIBe L Gtst) Boomer SHOW Move Come Beck Utte Shoba A young female boarder Mane Mastas of tic (li) triggers a couple's long hidden emotions from another galaxy CliMnAY "* eve U U 8 t M n I <c? 19B9 Tha TV L>SI G? 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8: WWAY News ABC News Great Onuses Moonbgbtrg Q(B) ? _ WECT M'A'S'H NBC News Magcal Osrey G GcnrJ Farr?fy Tcs |By Day Q C?) ________ ______ t MJTjJ Wonderworks Long Ago Anniais Natoe WJKA Vdeo TlS ? Mmlfcs Wider. She Wrote M i WBTW Gazette CBS News 60 Mnutes Muder. She Wrote Af i IgJ I I I VgVD News ABC News Great Cmuses MoontgRrq lunkjmn Solder IR4I Mo>?s jHany S Toman jBoroertown |Rn Tn Tr |(Xr House lAnmals ISnapshi ^SPN (4 X) Pro Tenms SportsCentH College Baseball ? (29 ^S ^aj1 ^ ^ ^9^ Looney Times Looney Times Pany D (330) Clash d Champuns Move S<mpor1 Your Local Cknfldte* J Gamer ffiNjS MdoWorW HObsn Hero American Sports Cavakade Whstor ~~MT iMrder, She Wrote J Man Vce |Wke Hammer WGN (400) Tate d Two Cites C Interceptor Tip! Threat Iai the f <Sl Safzndcn WW OR A Team Mane Calre Mutey. Ollicers revolt against a cap! (jg) consider mentally unfit. H. Bogart LIFE NSAK) |Fam Practice Cardology iMifr stones iPhysaans Joirnal (fg Dilemma CNN NBA the Wk In Busmess NewsWatch Sports PnmeNews 03 (5) Mrwe Secret d My Soxess M Fox The Mage Circus MAX Mo.* He's My Girl Reggie dresses in drag to Move; Dragnet Joe Fi (T5) oarliCinate in frienri Rrvan c rnnfecl \w,n fl tbhrhi/ (raouuhoonnn nnn er f r , - """ *? TMC (SCO) Shaft R fixntfuve Move You^ Sherta* HoItw N tow DISN Danger Anmals Mow Al He BraTrn Were Volant A seafaring far QD (al searches for whales and treasure R Taylor SHOW Move fttxass Bribe A young boy s grandfather reads Mcwe Jagged Edge A (S) him a fantastic fairy tale C Pms who's accused of hi MONDAY *" EVE muiiun i ? 19S9 TfteTVLl>tinciG> 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 I 8 PM I 8:; j^V^Y tews ABC News Wheef Jeopard/ MacGyw WECT tews NBC News Cosby NteCl ALF Ihorai f _S? L \NUNJ Mitftei Letter Bus FV? NC People War and Pea* WKA Wn, Lose CBS News USA Oty Altar Lweln Heatlan WBTW News CBS News Wheel JeopartV Uveln Hainan WJVD News ABC News JoopanV Wod MacGyvw Prates Heroes USA Chratde Suwal WW Boat from Suataya JFAM Bcrvrua Or House Mcmc Somebody Love O (H) Hoopers ate depicte ^SPN Spori Twta Sports Loc* SportsCoiter Coftoge Uietr r?W c r>in. h(n 0LirW4 ll/vrau T.m Ilv CA ??. r\ 1 j'l ,uf IU |i any w ^TB^ (05) AJcr (35) 1 t>ay (05) Anct/ (35) Sarifort (05) Under Siege Part TNN Rogram Cert New Candy Top CanJ Crook Nashville Now CP (SB) I ______ She to Cations Mam Vcc Mrnki, She Wrote W^N Facl ot Life WKRP Cheers Nght Court OqteJ OeoMjry W^OR Matt Houston Costy K & AJke Dgtai Dsomjy |ER Ifasy Strcd ISpenser For lire jCagney and Lace/ Program Coil Stcrwft/ Moneytftt Crossfire PnmeNcws HBQ (5X,i Mannequin A Mcfalhy Babar Encydopoka Wmc Vtee Vera A ( Q(B via the magic ot an MAX More Cat Move Beetejufce Af Krnkn More Fouti Protocol tS) KGB plan to destroy TMC Moa; CrocntSe Dundee G day. America' A hloke from More Mannequin A A 03 down under lakes New York oy storm /' Hajari OISN More Candeshoe Con man and an orphan try to Bom Froe G ftittre E) relieve a lady ot her fortune D Nr.w SHOW Mure Come Back to the 5 & Dime Jmrrry Doaa Jimmy More BiojJ Btoes It flfc) Dean S (kms Brooklyn when you U INING " a n r i I 2 |OugJnc_ FMKorth^!X__ fl|JI II 30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM | 11:30 DectMr/ TBA Jerry Fa.V?i FVtart ScWei Wcdd The ftess Grades 1 Day Oai FV<*rrs Wd Kfvjdom House New Yar+re Goumtf Mystoy* I Him BuokjtvirV nee CSS Saiday Momng Face Natai USA T>rs Week tves CSS Sinby Momrg Face N.*?n [> James Kennedy Eytrt fc Enough More Lr.Tiq OangeruusFy Travel Ptwto WorVJ l\t Centi/y SuxJay Best L ftytae Oa< Rotx-fts Kdswoitd Lone ftv*/? u NBA Today bght S?Jc Sportntfs Soofls Week IVpodvs GameOay ff SoxJj/ Momng Vanety &J (05) Ftot 1(35) Aiity 1(05) Nw. 35) ITs a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 5 J racy Am Horse &&sMasters Pvt formanoe Hdden He*o |Wns*ijn Cup TnrJ.n USA |J"-' 'M Slut in Mass Sora! Zone BraveStarr Bojs Bimy Ma.-e Long Chase 8 \\ritry Mrs Bugs Steanppe Ale*/ P.' / svs My Scurt *on? Rryscans Jairef Farn Practce Naval Cardritow OB Gyn Daywafch Your Money (10) On Menu News maker 110) Ttt.^ Starts Scene Sobrbabtas R Jjdn Atlantic Recorts U A>tayt/ Vc.?- Body Slam 0 Boviict icnts a M(wc Drcgrrt Joe Friday s nephew is paired v.s* a Movc House Z 2nd Story A freewheeling non conformist D A^nyl Gross iC Move I Take These Men A woman fantasizes mawaqe Vce Versa to three men S James l Donald Of> n natn Ynu Can Do tr Son Of Onosars G ttttns Doq A young boy wins ihe love Mo-rt Princess Bride A young boy s grandfather reads ilea dog fl Ok him a lantasbc fairy tale C ftots 'N00N..:i.. ftpril 2 30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 American Sportsman Player o* the Year Dnan Shore Classic ents J Nunnm Voces Heart Bit Moy*:rs NC Pnopfc NCAA Basketball NCAA Baskethal American Snnrt<yi\Ai iPl^? H rt*? v?? I 1 Thetan Pla,s J G/e+jud BanWre Rrfleman Ckrsmoke Bonanza Pro Tems AAorture T Bosky Mss Peacn Can t on TV (>.1 Cortro Move Amy and f? Angel J ____ Jones Clash of the Charnpcns VI Ragn C.un xld Amercan Sports OvaVarfe Waster Cuo Per fomv?re TrucK/i USA Is. Based on Ihe actual events ol Lindbergh s flight across the Htchcock Htchcurh tortured girl laces her evil twin Move A Tate ol Two Cities Anolher adaptation of Dickens classic during the French Revolution C Zdfjnuon Knght Rd* gy Physcrans JarnaJ Fam Practice OB Gyn Gvdotog/ A'orgc World Report tows watch News maker Qufcfc and the Dead S Ellon NVzoe American Dreamer Housewife wins a trip to Paris lor imitating a romance novelist J WM-jns :hie Valens talent made him a Mcwe Fear SV*es Out Biography of big league a legend. L Philips ballplayer Jimmy Pigrsati A Prions lor has an afla<r w?tl Mcwte Lost in America A BnxAs Movie Shalt R Rxsxtfnv Dnos&fl C /teM? More Dennis the Menace Oenms ever present mischief leads to discovery of an ancient bone Unterse He Man. a brave warrior Moue Eedric Horseman Superstar fights insistent f. comes to earth. reporter lor right to avoia trie spotlight R Rccba ning ? Anril 2 oup. inc riwonn. TX ri[J> 11 30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 Mone Beverly Hfe Cop A brash ccp goes underground News Whnrg _ m Beverly Hilts to hunt down killers E Atrphy Movie Case ol tie HSfcide Stangters R Ovnm toss Carter Masterpeoe Thtr. R Pasco Negfitx*s Ooes Bdman ftmxs Mow Momhg After An alcoholic actress awakens to Tnaf Vxtoo find herself in bed with a dead man J Forth fVwunr llniwi II * ibi In i n ? A " * " lu.wo itwc iimib^ ?n diLonoiic actress awanens 10 ' ioi News Video _ tmd herself in bed with a dead man J Fcnti Move Beverty His Cop A brash cop goes underground News Mone _ in Beverly Hills to hunt down killers E Murphy A!! Cramcs Ranter Ssters BtfaSo Bill GT Ctfe as h Touch Changed Lite J Arkertterg V.vted Ed Young SportsCenier Afi My 3 Sons Donna Reed Sat Nte SCTV Laugh In Car 54 Naxnal Geographic Ejptorer All Fam Jerry FaMeil i Cop Hdden Hero Tmcfcn USA Outdr News BassMasters Motuvvorld Wnston C?p Damonds La a- & Harry McGraw Story Insder Awe Star Search News (40) Replay Monsters Magruii PI am that they Benrry Hi? News Foitses B MJIer Barerta Carddogy Internal 06/Gyn FamPractce Oir\> pedes Internal Week f) Review Evenng News in Bigness Spuds Nght Mwe Ofl Umfts Prostitute murders lead to a military Dead Men Out D GOivr establishment in Saigon w Cktix riday s nephew is paired with a Mtwe Baby Boom Upwardly mobile executive inherits a inform ist 0 Ajijorf baby and learns mote about lite D Keatcn Move Vfce Verea A father and son exchange bodies Mooe Lost in America ; __ via the magic ol an Oriental skull J Ronho/J Brooks nily Sherlock Holmes Reti/n ol Sherlock J &etl Movie Gawain N Grwn m attorney falls for her client Mo.e Number One with a Bolei /? CymofoHi 45) Echo I is wife's murder J Bndges | Park ? Anril R Oup inc fiwonn. Tx 30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 CoUnboL Oouse News N'ghdre :am Moue PreBy in Plrfc Rich boy and poor girl fall m love News Tonight Show _____ despile their friends objections M ftngwa'J learn n America Krgary with love Murder Trial d NCAA BasVetbafl Champcnship Gong Pat Sa,aK ______ SfKAV d NCAA BasKethaJI Champonsh-p News Pat Sajafc _____ Show Coh/nboL Qwse News togfUne CXi Certtry Arrencas Choce At the Improy s Me Careers of vaudeville 700 Club Remngton Steele d B HutKn RsW) Oog Show Baseball Mag Basetrii Ht Sports Certer >? My 3 Sens Oonna Reed Sat Nte SCTV Lajgh In Car 54 1 P StnuSS (35) Under Sege Part 2 P Strauss 105) Explorer VdcoCartry New Coirtry Be a St* Dot* rme wc ihoi>?*j MCWIl VCC Trapper John. MD News Honey Hit Street mooners B^ies A& For Kris News Benny H<l Morton ?? Dwjney Jr FA?.* Six Weeks Two strangers come together at a Spenser For Fire __ time ol personal crisis D Mure Larry Kng live' Evenng News FAoneytme Sjxris Nqbt alher and son exchange bodies Move Furtrer AAtrtues ot Tennessee Buck (I1)) Or. Oriental sv.uii J fhrMd 0 Kttfr British agent is determined to toil Movie White ol f?e Ev* A w>le doesn t believe her i NATO M Guk husband is a lady xillet I) KeiDi iGrffry PAove 0.0A An unwittingly poisoned man has ?4 Ftonce hours to live and find his kii'et I) Qrn.xl NVwe To Cafch a The! A former iewel thiel tails m lov.jOz/*' Nadu wilh a wealthy girl on the Riviera | s 1943 and a long way trom Mow Harlequin Romance Magic Momenis . 49) Less re at boot camp Af Qiidtrx* Shej Than Zero I THE brun: Tuesday 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:3( WWAY News ABC fX-ws VAoe) Juupad/ Who s Boss7 Wcnto V _1 WECT News NBC PJews Otsty N*e Cl PArtucfc OS) L WUNJ MocNal lefitr Rpt logs R$. pjcwa CDCfe ^WJKA Wn. lose CBS Piews USA Da-/ Aflat Ogom* NBA Bask WBTW News CBS News Weel Jeopard/ Tu* o( Duty WTVD News ABC News Jeopard/ Vflojl Wos Boss7 | Yi 2? m Iprufoes iHchks USA Ichrtnde ISir.v*! WVJ |Hm mrj FAM Bonanza On Hon* Mu.u Pity Sklo d fw P?V Ofll) __ JStxxT ISpr/ts Lor*.|Sn/o Cenw |(\) Swes|Bod/x'id'q ^ICK FrxXJS Double Dare i??) Lame/ T^es P/r Ed Pair/CXAe TBS (05) AVE (35) (Day f05)Ardy f 15) Sarlord (05) SarAxd Maf* Lea. CD 01) jF^xjnii Con |p>vr Con^ry iTuo On! lOxA jPtfifv'ie Now ^SA She-Eli Cartoons Warn Voe PArter Stie WGN F.rl (/. I V l.-.vni' I' ' ? ' - ^ " ~ ' .... iWj \ Wrt! U500 WR tar C( Q) | ____^__ ^__^__ schemes to attract cut "T" PAitt Macron ICosby Ik ?, k *. prlw E R IEasy Street lSwrw Fez Hre JCagnev <**1* Pv/pri Ca1 ISfWAfl/ |Uw/r*: I Cross?*? IPr/ncfJfws HBQ Anwnjng Grace and CIxjc* A i<tt:e i^ag-jc g ves ut PAwe Bikiri BJucs \ s 1 O (D the game to protest nuclear proliferation Brooklyn when you i MAX PAwe Man Who Sfrat Uboty Vatwce / W?,rv Mow Vtoon Quest H gn ? ___________________a personal quest tor id TMC PAwe Airport 75 A private plane s pilot has a heart PAwe Toon Wcfl Too At CD attack and crashes mto a 747 jet C Hsnn cousm m the middle ot OISN Mcwe Mouse and His ChAj P Ustro.' K?jetf> saw FarrJy Safety Test 0 Hxti D? _ SHOW PAwe Lcn.u Mary Hearty illiterate tecn-aoer goes from PA;,** Ofl Unfts IV Citir (I? reform school inmate to doc'or K Mct&frJ' WEDNESDAY 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 WWAY Hews ABC Ptews Wheel Jeooan?/ G Pans Hd Cass oas |__ V/EOJ PJww f.BC Mews Cost?/ P&e Ct Unsolved PA/stwws WUNJ Marilal Letter &r, Rot Legs ftot Amer Aje ot AJDS WJKA Win. Lose CBS P*mvs USA Oa-/ War Hard Tme cr Earth WBJW Ptara CBS Piews Wheel Jeopardy1 Hard Trw or Earth WTVO News ABC 'iws JoopartV Wheel G Pans |Hd Class U [__ P^1? Heroes USA Chroncte Sr.-val YAJ Batheine ^RAM Bonanza 0J Haw; PAwe Ten GenOomen Iro ESPN Soon Tore |Sx<ts Look Is^yts Certc Ischooi Stxrt Tractor Pj oag i NICK Fnoers Doui>e Dae tnsp Gadget Lconey Tins Mr Ed iParry 0>e CD 33 TBS (05) Wee (35) 1 Day (05) Andy (X'Sar'ird (05) Sarfcrd Major leac CD (HI TNN Program Cent f*?w Carry Top Cart Cnx* Nastvte Now g)(S L ^SA SheRa GYToons Van Vce f.V/fler. She Wno? ~w Fact of Lie I'.VKHP ICheers 1'.,^' League Basetar WWJDR Mat Houston Cosby K A Are A Team W ER IFas-/ Street ISponsor For ICagney arx3 Laoey ^N^ Program Con ShowBt? Moneyrc Oossfin P*mcfiews HBO (5X> LMng Daylights James Bend tackles trie KGB More Bfcx* Wtoow Fed PCS squelches herom trade and (alls m love J CUXn suspects of marrying , MAX More Dragnet Joe Fnday s nephew is pared with a Ve.t; Vice Verea A ta:r (5) freewheel nq non conformist D A>*ny? v-a the magic of an Or TMC More PVates Captain Red is the greed est most More Eye of the Noode (B dreaded of an Canhoean p.rates iv Afeffuu buildup >n southeast E DISN More Dot and tie Whata |Majw Sdeiacte lDarxj* QD IS terpece Th SHQW More Fnnge Dwoflors Young aboriginal woman breaks Jmrr* Waiver* A Jomfu @ away from life m a shantytown \ N&rn Lifesav Excellent traction. lorn \ \ 155/80R13 Re 165/80R13 Re 175/80R13 Re HM8KE&H' 'I 185/00R13 ... Re 185/75R14 Re 195/75R14 Rfl SEAFOOD'S Featuring 19 Nautical an< First...wet your whistle in Bandito Bill's Wateri super seafood specialties such as Fried Se uch^uks, ri_uo uie sure-io-De-tamous uos OR...for the Bandito in all of us...Dos Amigos tacos. chimicangar Dos Arnigos also features mouth watoi So hop on your burro and join us tonight for south-of-the-b All ABC permits in the restau Located on the causev Open 5 PM to 10 PM - Telt < SWIl'K BEACON, Thursday, March 30.1989?Page 11-C "I... April 4 ) 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 1fr30 11 PM 11:30 ears FVjy-rne Apythnq Vws titftre Host d Nijht CaV* f>.w Carton Frultie F*?o> r A;i?jPca P Jtmrys Logs ffcl Eastfndors etta'i Gunq Rit Sa^ak srxjw fiVwe Rodry IV It s America .s USSR xvfien Rocky f>ws Pat Saflh _ figtits the athlete of the * / /<? S SMkiv S'kav sit ftrjtcfae AftytJwg thfTyw?/tt*#ig News NigrUne W.r* Dead lucky F r lends Become deadly e"er*"es lAssvyvs Is.yi when a lottery pn/e cop ?*s between ;hgw .y f.ym'' wtm T fedes /CO Oub Rem*<foii StwSe Tec to* ftxmj 1*3*1 SCe St*/& Center My 3 Sax Donna Reed Sat 're SCTV LAjgh fe> Car f>l }Ji B&etvvl i 15? Ta Hdl and Back A ?????? y"rv^v CoL/fy Comedy H* >,v Gulry [V* a S"a* G'w> Mtwe Anra Kartrina Uaser: or Tolstoy s c?ass?r. f'Ove' o1 a ?*aqc oassonate ove afar J &ssei safer rivalry leads to outlandish tews Houy HJ; Street ilpmers K TQjf*rs B jx Kflor G."/r? B?i""v H-' \loityi ____ Downey Jf Grand Larceny Woman assumes re? 'ate father s Sounser fur H re _ vocation as a thief 5 ftwr> Lary Krg L&e' toncg news Wonyne Soots N<jtt 943 and a >org *ay front r.V/.v Stranger B BnkSti (35,1 Eye ot at boot camp ',f Brjkre* TV I school wrest'.rg s?af goes on Mow Promcod Land * Suffvrtrd <45- Shartry's enhty M AUfrv Machine jifmania strikes Teen Won s fAwe TTvcc Kinds at Heat R Qory f 45) Bedrm I a school darce Window on Calgiy 38 16 Cays Of Gioty. ;Vt t One Casablanca ' 145) GoseUp Brotfters Garry P.V?.re Baby, fts You 9 Ar Quelle :ng April 5 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 Ovrh R Gn'iaurie Cfwvi Beac/* 7 ^sn fiw NghUce \yjht Cl My 2 Dads \*nng*iGs V>v*i Torgr- S*XAV Amer A,-/- o? Do We Tel"7 k"*rc.->y Rjftrji? Legts Rpt EastErders AIDS I J.^e A tr*e ?atmar> .Vsegov Gong P3: Sa>* S"w Ja?e A the Farr-ar .Vsegjy V_?.vs Pa* Sajak | Shew Coach R Gij la/ne C^na Beach f fyzn f?rv?"S Ngtne '.Vrgs O.e* A/ Pewj [>3ta0es 60s P jmnx A: mo ''"prov Wortt m Wed Port G Mrtynvr/ 700 Cub Remng*on Sttfrle Bi^arCs P*o Bow* ng Soo*s Center My 3 Sons Oonna Rati Sat Nite SCTV L.ugh in Car W Jjg Basete' 115) Shoobng \f Pcfcns VdooCarty New Canty Be a Star Cw \V?/? Martattan A comedy .v ter 'ails m o-.e w4h a Miami Vce much younger woman w Ajyi "lews Hi: Street ^ Bues A Team N*ws Benny H1: Morton Downey jMcwe An l>*OT*non Lore A ^evw'y decreed college Spenser- For _ professor becomes attracted to a student B Bccftw* Umy Krg lAf Erermg \ews Wreyrv Soors era: agent hunts a woman she Ov Ngrf 1st & 10 Vtxnam Gaby md murdering D AVgr | | I er and son exchange bodies Double Ejgxsure M uiar? 145) rental sVuU J f&tix BeeQeMcc A Nazi agent learns an army \\7.1e Proved X A ptorrismg younq A r Force pilot ngianj <s a noa? r.uest-o"s ms sense o* duty M aMena towe Cassnwa's Big Ikght B Hn? 7orm \0;z* llnre Leads | the Way n M<ve Rad Sorja B Nielsen Dj.e oodrich er XLM? whitewall g mileage, quiet ride with unique tread design vith low rolling resistance compounds and stability from two steel belts, and irdy, polyester cord body g. $40.40 215/75R14 Reg. 89.oo $55.95 e. 69.50 $42.70 225/75R14 R,g. 94.BO $58.00 g. 72.20 $43.90 205/75R15 Reg. 90.90 $55.90 g. 74.00 $45.80 215/75R15 RSg. 94.10 $57.90 g. 77.40 $46.70 225/75R15 Reg. 97.50 $59.80 g. 83.90 $49.90 235/75R15 Reg. 104.40 $63.70 g. 87.50 $53.95 COMPUTER BALANCE-$3.00 fIESP CENTER 754-6333 ShnlInttp ^00 TRo \a/:.L -ri? d?1 c__ 1 _ ||k rMEXfCAN d Mexicali Appetizers! ng Hole, then sit yourself down for some afood, Shrimp Navigator, Coquilles St. Amigos all-you-can eat combinations. i prepares traditional Mexican meals like ?, burritos, etc. 'ing steaks, prime rib and chicken, an evening of fabulous food and some order fun! rant and in Bandito Bill's. vay at Ocean Isle. 3phone (919)579-8232

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