Hurricane Shelter Arrest Cases Heard In District Court (Continued From Preceding Page) Daniel R. Stewart, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Luther Donald Tew, speeding 64 in z 55 zone, $10 and costs. John Thomas Tinney, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Rosalind Allen Wall, DWI, level 5, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended sentence two years, unsupervised probation two years, $100 and costs, surrender license, ADETS within 90 days, 24 hours of community service within 90 days, no blood alcohol content above .00, submit to test. Julie Diane Warner, misdemeanor breaking and entering, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, restitution $132 to Joe Rhodes, costs, not go on or about premises of Joe Rhodes, not associate with any person prohib ited by her mother for the next two years, obey all instructions from her parents, 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. curfew unless written permission from pro bation officer for employment or accepted by her parents, remain enrolled as a part-time or full-time student and obtain a GED or high school diploma, follow all lawful instructions of staff at school, not cause any disruption at school, Brunswick County Jail 24 hours, Fri., Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. Eddie Warren, misdemeanor lar ceny, N.C. Dept. of Correction one year, suspended sentence two years, supervised probation two years, enroll in a program of vocational rehabilitation center in Lee County, obey all lawful instructions and rules and conduct, costs, not go on or about premises Larry Price at Southport Marine Mart for two years, no controlled substance or al coholic beverage, submit to test and warrantless searches as may be nec essary to verify he is in compliance with his judgment, 9 p.m. curfew unless with permission from pro bation officer or with one or more of his parents, probation transferred to Lee County. Lynda Nichols Young, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment and costs. James K West, assault on female, N.C. Dept. of Correction two years, suspended sentence two years, sup ervised probation two years, not assault, harass, molest or communi cate threats to plaintiff Michelle West for two years, attend B.C. Mental Health and undergo any treatment recommended, restitution $200 attorney fees, costs. Richard Wayne Crain, worthless check $142.70, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, credit time served. Tony Lynn Moore, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Pilar Alejo, DWI, level 5, Bruns wick County Jail 30 days, sus pended sentence two years, unsup ervised probation two years, $100 and costs, surrender license/ limited privileges allowed, assessment, _ ___ __ ADETS, 24 hours of community service within 90 days, no blood alcohol content above .00, submit to test. Michael Glenn Arnold, unsafe movement, $5 and costs. Michael Dean Baxley, DWI, level 1, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years; driving while license permanently revoked, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years to run con current with DWI, Unauthorized use of motor conveyance, N.C. Dept. of Corrections six months to run concurrent with DWI. J.E. Bell, littering public/private places, $100 and costs. Linda Brown, speeding 83 in a 55 zone, Brunswick County Jail 24 hours, suspended one year, $25 and costs, surrender license, not violate any laws for 12 months. William F. Brown Jr., speeding 70 in a 55 zone, $15 and costs. Lenard Lyle Cain, no driver's license; no registration for vehicle, prayer for judgment and costs. Leon L. Collins, DWI, level 1, Brunswick County Jail seven days, active. Appealed. Jeffrey Harold Davis, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Thomas William Gillman, speed ing 64 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. Edward George Gore, DWI, level 1, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years; driving while license revok ed, N.C. Dept. of Correction two years to run concurrent with DWI. Appealed. Jennie E. Haines, careless and reckless driving, $25 and costs. William Earl Harriss, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, $15 and costs. Jamie Landis High, fictitious card/tag, operate motor vehicle without financial responsibility, $100 and costs. Renee Home Hilger, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Floyd Lane Inman Jr., no reg istration for vehicle, $100 and costs. Robert Francis Kury, speeding 74 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment and costs. Gene Michael Laston, no driver's license, prayer for judgment and costs. Leo Daniel Leigh, operate motor vehicle without financial responsi bility, fail to yield right of way, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence two years, un supervised probation two years, not operate any motor vehicle on street or highway for two years, S300 restitution to Lisa Wolfe, not violate any laws for two years, surrender license, costs. Doris Fowler Long, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, cost remitted. James McLaughlin, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Layton McMillan, speeding 70 in 55 zone, prayer for judgment and costs. Ralph Milliken, domestic crim inal trespass, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended sentence two years, unsupervised probation two years, not assault, harass, molest or make any communication threats to plaintiff for two years, not go on or about residence or place of employ ment without her permission, costs remitted. Leon Milner, exceeding safe "speed, 55 and costs. Jimmy Lee Morton, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment and costs. Curt Robert Pack, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. John Michael Rigsbee, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. Rcna Jones Robinson, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. Donald Lee Sellers, speeding 70 in z 55 zone, prayer for judgment and costs. Robert Joseph Sykes, fail to wear seat belt, fail to report accident, S50 and costs. Jack Spencer, violation of proba tion, admits violation, two years to run concurrently with any time he is now serving. Jerome Smith, assault on female, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended sentence 3 years, supervised probation three years, not assault, harass, molest or make any communicative threats to plain tiff for two years, attend B.C. Men tal Health counseling and treatment for violence, remain gainfully em ployed and provide support for his minor children, Brunswick County Jail 72 hours. Appealed. David L. Miller, five couflts wor thless check/closed account, con solidated judgment- N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended sentence two years, supervised pro bation two years, restitution, costs, no violate criminal laws for two years, not issue any worthless checks for two years. Jerry G. Bell Jr., speeding 70 in a 55 zone, S15 and costs. Mickey Dean Jones, speeding 54 in a 35 zone, failure to appear, costs. Fermin Malnonado, DWI, level 4, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended sentence 2 years, not op erate motor vehicle until valid li cense, ADETS pay fee directly to New Hanover, submit to test, SI 00 restitutions for attorney fees, costs. Norris Brown, assault on female, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than 60 days, suspended two years, costs, not violate criminal iaws. Timothy Brown, assault on fe male, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than 60 days, suspend ed two years, costs, not go about plaintiff, not violate criminal laws. Kelly Ann Campbell, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Mark Christensen, indecent exposure, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than 30 days, suspended two years, costs, S50 fine, not violate any laws. Jeffery Stew Clemmons, exceed ing safe speed, without being li censed as a Class B operator, Bruns wick County Jail not less or more than 30 days, suspended two years. ll costs, S25 fine, not violate criminal laws. Timothy Dale Evans, driving while license revoked, prayer for judgment, costs. Dwight Graves, unauthorized use of motor vehicle. State Dept. of Corrections not less or more than nine months, suspended, unsuper vised probation two years, costs, within 90 days restitution S428.55 to plaintiff, not go about premises of plaintiff, not violate criminal laws. Mary Tharpe Hudson, DWI, level 2, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than one year, suspended, unsupervised probation two years, $100 and costs, Brunswick County Jail seven days, assessment. Adnell Junior Hunt, DWI, level 3, Stale Dept. of Correction 180 days, suspended two years, unsup ervised probation, SI 50 and costs, community service, ADETS, sur render license. William Patrick Jolly, DWI, level 1, driving while license revoked. State Dept. of Correction two years, suspended two years, supervised probation, $250 and costs, ADETS $100, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, not operate motor vehicle un til valid license, assessment follow course, credit for time served. Timothy James Keeler, no driver's license, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended two years, costs, $25 fine, not violate criminal laws. Marshall Lee McKoy, DWI, level !, State Dept. of Correction two years, suspended, supervised pro bation two years, S500 and costs, attorney fees $150, assessment; driving while license revoked. State Dept. of Con-ection not less or more Clarification An article in the Nov. 9 edition of The Brunswick Beacon inaccurately reported that Becky Thompson Grandy, 33, of Shallotte, was for mally charged with driving while impaired in a Nov. 4 traffic accident on N.C. 130 near Shallotic, based on information from the N.C. Highway Patrol. According to court records, Ms. Gandy initially was charged with DWI by Trooper R.V. West; howev er, a local magistrate subsequently found that there was "no probable cause" for the charge, when the woman passed a breathalyzer lest shortly after the accident. than two years, suspended, super vised probation. James Eric McPtierson, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Idabell C. Robinson, assault with deadly weapon. State Dept. of Correction not less or more than two years, suspended five years, supervised probation five years, costs, restitution medical expense not covered by Medicaid, attorney fees $150, not violate criminal laws, Brunswick County Jail 14 days, assessment. Gerald Delynn Skipper, no driver's license, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than 30 days, suspended, costs, $25 fine, not violate criminal laws. John Daniel Stutts, no operator's license, Brunswick County Jail not less or more than 30 days, suspend ed two years, costs and $25, not violate criminal laws. Wendy Rankin, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, Brunswick Coun ty Jail 60 days, suspended two years, costs, not violate criminal laws, attorney fees $100. Robby Kerns, DWI, level 1, driving while license revoked. State Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended two years, unsupervised probation two years, $250 and costs, Brunswick County Jail 14 days, assessment, not operate motor vehicle until valid license. Clarification The Harold Wayne Johnson listed in the district criminal court dockct in the Nov. 16 issue of The Bruns wick Beacon is not Harold Wayne Johnson of Rt. 3, Box 743, Shal loue, who teaches at West Bruns wick High School. The person listed in the court docket lives at Rt. 9, Box 208, Shal lotte, according to the Brunswick County Clerk of Court's office. I Hot & Spicy Chicken Wings 1 5