Holden Beach Awards Contract BY DOUC, RUTTER With a new dune extending about one third of the way down the is land, Holdcn Beach Commissioners this week chose a contractor to erect sand fencing and to plant beach grass to protect the town's invest ment The board amended the budget and awarded the $41,000 contract during a 15-minutc special meeting Monday morning. The contract went to low bidder Jason Simmons of Shallottc. His bids were S21.42 for each 50- foot roll of sand fence and $37.14 to plant a bundle of 1,000 beach grass sprigs. Town Manager Gus Ulrich op ened bids on the project last Friday morning following another special meeting of the board. The town re ceived four bids for erecting the sand fence and three bids for plant ing the beach grass. Simmons of fered the lowest bid for both pro jects. Work should begin after Thanksgiving at the cast end of the beach and move west following the contractor building the new dune. Town officials initiated the project following Hurricane Hugo, which wiped out most of the dunes on the ? island. Based on estimates of 35,000 feet of sand fence and 700 bundles of beach grass, the town will pay the contractor about 541,000 for the work. Holdcn Beach will also spend another estimated SI 4, 000 to buy the sand fence and $28,000 for the vegetation, bringing the total cost of the project to. approximately $83,000. Monday, commissioners revised the fiscal year 1989-90 budget for the second time since Hugo, taking $41,000 from the fund balance and earmarking it for the dune rcnour ishment project The total amount budgeted for the project is now at $286,000. The sand fence will be installed in a straight line near the crest of the dune along the front slope, and the bcach grass will be planted on top of the dune. Once it is planted, the town will have to fertilize the grass. The contractor has until Jan. 31, 1990, to erect the sand fence. The bcach grass must be planted by March 1, 1990. Commissioners will meet Mon day, Nov. 27, at 7 p.m. in town hall to decide if beachfront property owners will be assessed for the dune project. The town board has proposed assessing occanfront lot owners S3 per linear foot or SI 50 for a 50-foot-wide lot. Executive Session At last Friday's special meeting, the board met in executive session for about 20 minutes to discuss real estate acquisition. No action was taken on the matter. In addition to the current board of commissioners, commissioners elect Gloria Barrett, Judy Bryan and Kcnncr Amos were present for the closed session. Outgoing Com missioner Georgia Langlcy was ab sent from both meetings. Town To Recognize Hurricane Helpers Holdcn Bcach Commissioners will recognize town employees, volunteers and others who assist ed the community in the after math of Hurricane Hugo with a special luncheon next Tuesday at noon. After considering menu items ranging from hot dogs and hors d'ocuvrcs 'o goulash and Bruns wick Stew, commissioners decid ed last week to serve barbecue and slaw. Town officials expect about 200 people to attend the af fair at town hall. Holdcn Bcach will also be giv ing certificates of appreciation to those who helped out following the Sept. 21 hurricane. The lun cheon should cost the town sever al hundred dollars. Extension Offers Christmas Trees Thanksgiving is just upon us but it's never loo early to start thinking about the Christmas holiday just around the comer. The Brunswick County Agricult ural Extension Service will be sell ing live Christmas trees Tuesday, Dcc. 5, at the county government center grounds in Bolivia. County Extension Director Mil ton Coleman will start cutting trees about 3 p.m. A $25 donation for each tree will go to the county's 4-H fund. A limited number of trees arc available; orders arc being taken now by the extension office. jmrr rnv/iw o I va/iA> KUI I CI BULLDOZERS AND SCRAPERS are parked atop the new frontal dune at Holden Beach Sunday afternoon as workers wait for the next low tide in order to resume construction. Through last week, workers had completed the dune from the east end to the 300 block of Ocean Boulevard West. After the Thanksgiving holidays, a second contract crew is expected to begin erecting sand fence and planting beach grass. (Bmnszvicf<^Istands ^ 'Women s Center, f V.1A. L? h-C^cn-ed to announcE, tfre. land *SD^i?nLncj an dOfi ?SZ ^~foU??. ?f tfzE. n?,vcr o j~j~ Lcle. Located at -tPl6 <^V[?xlicaC ditcLs, t?c7? (adjaaestt to ^Ufz?. IBxumurudz