WHS 7 BRUNSWICK HIGH SCHOOL won the overall school award at the sixth annual Brunswick Community College Business-Data Processing Contest Thursday, April 26. Pictured from left are teacher Virginia Winfree, Candace Hewett, Perry Culpepper, DeShon brink, Yvonne Stevenson, Brett Patrick, Jeremy Hewett, Beverly Stevenson, Ben Robinson, teacher Beverly Marlow and Cleon Butler. West Wins Business Contest West Brunswick High School captured the overall championship al the sixth annual Brunswick Com nudity College Business -Dsns Pro cessing Contest Thursday, April 26. F.ighty-six students from the county's three high school compet ed in five areas that tested business and data processing skills. The event is sponsored by the college's business department. Individual winners, listed accord ing to division in order of finish with the name of their school in parentheses, were as follows: Typing I: Christine Oxcndinc (South), Jason Willis (South) and Kristic Blackmon (South). Accounting I: Beverly Stevenson (West), Teresa Reynolds (North) and Yvonne Stevenson (West). Office Simulation: Tammy Lin ker (South), Candacc Hcwctt (West) and Perry Culpepper (West). Software Application: Brcll Pat rick (West), DeShon Frink (West) and Jonathan Douglas (South). BASIC Computer Program ming: Jeremy Hcwctt (West), Cleon Butler (West) and Benjamin Rohm son (West). "We enjoy hosting this event each year and having the local high school students visit our campus," said BCC business instructor Gina Patterson. "The contest ran smooth ly and everyone, especially the win ners, seemed ?o enjoy themselves." LEGAL NOTICES ESTATE NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as I;.x eculrix of the Kstate of Charlie Roy Radford, laic of Brunswick County, this is lo notify all person* having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the I2lh day of October, 1990, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All per tons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment lo the undersigned This the 5th day of Apnl. 1990. Betty 1.. Phares, Executrix of the Kstate of Charlie Roy Radford 10 Golfview Court Calabash. NC 28459 May 3 pd. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK BEFORE THE CLERK 88 SP 245 PRESSIE CAUSE, by and his guardian ad litem, JOHN HENRY CAUSE vs. EMMA ILENE HANKINS EI" Al. NOTICE OF RESALE Pursuant to an order of resale entered in this matter, the undersigned Commissioners will offer for sale al 10:00 a m. on the 7th day of May, 1990, at the Brunswick County Courthouse, ihe following described proper ty: BI-.GLNNING un a poplar in the edge of Jennies Branch and runs south 79 dc grees west about 100 poles to a stake on the hill north of said branch; thcnce with W. L. Pigott's line north ? degrees west about 30 poles to a stake, comer of Ix>t No. 2; thence north 79 degrees cast to the eastward line; thence south 5 de grees west lo the BEGINNING. This property was reccnUy surveyed by Bobby M. Ixxig. and contained 17.76 acres. Msp arc available at Powell, Gore & Payne. lite last and highest bidder will be re quired lo make a 10% deposit of the bid in cash or bank check, and the sale will remain open for ten days after report of the sale for upset bids. William A Powell and Douglia B&xlcy, Co-Commissioner:* Post Office Box 844 Shallottc, NC 28459 (919)754 4389 May 3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as the Rxecutor of the es tate of Catherine G. Way, deceased, late of Brunswick County, this is lo notify all per sons, firms or corporations having claims against the estate to present same duly pruv en to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of November, 1990; otherwise, this no lice will be plead in bar of recovery. All per sons, firms or corporations mdebted to the i' Ma If will please make piompt settlement with executor. Ihis 4th day of May, 1990. 1 jwis I -leri/a, Kxecutor of the (-.state of Catherine G. Way, Deceased 110 Central Avenue l.exiiiglo<i, North Carolina 27292 Wayne I.. Michael lledrick. Harp and Michael Attorneys 28 Vance Circle l^xiugion. North Carolina 27292 May 24 April And May Offer Plenty Of Opportunities To Celebrate KY SUSANNE SARTELLE, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT South Brunswick Islands Chamber Of Commerce April and May seem to be chock full of National "Something" Weeks. We arc constantly celebrating, cleaning up, planning and focus ing on the future. Last week was National Secretaries Week, and the chambcr cele brated with a special luncheon honoring area secre taries, administrative assistants and clerical work ers. These arc the workers in the South Brunswick Islands who are behind the scenes keeping our offices open. It was fitting to honor them on their spccial day. Ijist week was also National Volunteer Week, and that gives me a good opportunity to brag on chambci members who arc always pulling their share of the load. Throughout the year, we need many volunteers . . . whether for to visit the mem bership. work a travel show or help with a particular sari ki.uk event. And chambcr members always come through. Spccial thanks to all of i>ur volunteers who are doing their part to make our community better. For the month, April has been Keep America Beautiful Month. Congratulations to the Brunswick County Keep America Beautiful pro gram for spreading the word about recycling and cleaning up our county. Being clean and attrac tive is another source of pride for us. Coming up next week is National Small Business Week, and the chamber will be involved in a number of celebratory events. On Monday evening, 1 1 Brunswick County businesses will be honored at the Awards Banquet, sponsored by our chamber, the Southport chambcr and the Brunswick Community College's Small Business Center. Also, through out the week seminars will be offered to assist small business persons. Then, on Saturday, May 12, our chambcr will sponsor its second Small Business Expo. There will be food offerings, free soft drinks and free balloons for the children. You can also take a helicopter ride for S10 and sec the area from above. Local businesses will be displaying and selling their gixxls, and there is no admission charge. The Expo will be heid from iO a.m. ui 6 p.m. ai the Oyster Festival Site (N.C. 904 <s N.C. 17^) in Seaside. Come to the expo and support those businesses who arc su|i|H>rting your community. Marsh Harbour Marina Grand Opening Slated Marsh Harbour Marina, a new vacation resort in Calabash, will celebrate with a iiraikl opening Sat uutay. tufonling to a news release IV site, with nearly 44 aires, is on the bottler of North and South I'aiolina, adjacent to Marsh Mar bout I toll I inks and the new (Venn Haiboui goll course. A major international hotel chain will operate a 150-rooni, all suite hotel on a teriaccd site surrounding i Ik- manna. the news release contin ues. lite hotel will include convention facilities, iihUhhAhiuIoim pool. res taut ant and lounge with patio din tug, e\etvise loom, game room ami social specially shops Maish Haiboui Yacht Club, part ot the complex, will consist of 88 IwwbotltOtMIt compk'tely (unit shed to wit houses in 1 1 tleiactted build ings IV lust building, Mith model units. is sold ihii but tlie second one is under construction and will be complete this July, developers said. Construction is slated to stari by the end of this year on 70 "very ex clusive" waterfront villas directly overlooking the marina. Marsh Harbour Marina is located along the lntracoastal Waterway at Little River Inlet (Marker 343), where U).(XX) boaters pass annually, say developers. The marina is currently home |K>rt for 81) boats Upon completion, 265 slips will be available. A restaurant and commercial offit es are located at the entrance to Marsh Harbour Marina. Additional commercial development will be constructed in the near future. tlelomer Development Corpora tion, the marketing entity for Marsh Harbour Yacht Club, as well as As sociated Builders Corporation, the contracting entity for the project, maintains home office at this loca tion. NOTICE Garbage will be picked up twice weekly beginning May 1 through Sept. 30 in the Town of Sunset Beach. Residents must place their garbage containers on the curb by 6 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays for pickup. Linda Fiuegel. Sunset Beach Town Administrator Expo Offers Bird s Eye View lutes uttering a bud's <>*<> \IC* v?l ilk" vvVtM will be ottered wc\? wwkcttd iti ihf Stniih Hums nufc KUihIn Itumibci ol C'in? iw*\v Small lUiMiK" v\ ii*pu IV o\|v< k.\ stated Ua SjtUuvUy, \b> 10 am until b p in <ti th(< Sod VlSUl t'ltUIUUlvMI buikliug* iwat Uk> HiKiWk'liMi i?l N .C, I TV MK* \ i' "AM M Nv'AvkW' AltltUvVKMI It llw I WW in U?\HUH lK?ti ?ilh NaUv>4i aI SuvsUI lUk.vuv.v? Week, ihc- busi Mpx\ c\>\> ? ill k-<Miuv $10 hclU'^v M IXW\\ $l?Ulg iivo IVMvk-lllS ihc iYi\vtvuui> iv vul above ihc ttves JMK< *k*VS I fv tv<K hcs, *kv\Mllu<g k> * v Vfc'itvt V>l (XwiHIHV* IKV>S It k?M? In addition to the rides, a clown will he at the expo with free bal loons tor children. Free soft drinks also will be available. More than 50 exhibitors will be vhi liand, showing oil their products and services to die public. Kimball liellamy, chairman of the Small Business Expo Commit tee, said die public ts unaware ol many services and products that are available ui the South Brunswick Islands. "The success ot the expo will de pend on public attendance," he sard. "We would like to invite everyone to come and see w hat atva business es have to offer the public." Legal Ndtices NOTICE OF TAX IIF.N SAI.F. town of sunset beach, nc Pursuant to G.S. 105 the Town of Sunae) Beach does hereby advertise the following parcels of real property for the la* year 191*9 at la* liens George ("arras. Block B, I >ot 1 ... SHI 1) Christopher I. Fletcher, ( ana! A. \jc* 25 tm.m Barbara Hunn. WSA I/n 1 $19126 Marianne I .ink, Rlk 15 R. l,ot 31 $4*9 f* John T Madison. font ("ondo Unit 1 $42 4# Robe* K Mishler, Blk !7, \t* 2*. $11 73, Blk 17, 1joi29. $33 40 Johanna S Ptk*. Blk ft. I/* 30 $4ft 7ft UCB Trust Dq* . WSF 1 ot 5ft $4 1 75 Donald Safnt, Blk 1SR,Lm79 $13140 C Millard Stalling*. Blk 35. l-o? B $220 74 r> Ray Thigpen, Blk A. Ut 10. $275.53 Jim Thompson, Blk 34, 1 >nt C $lft3 ftft Clifton B TuttJe, Blk ft. I/* 31 $144 32 Thomas H. Underwood III. Block B. I XA IS $205 42 Twin I -akc? Resiaurant. equipment $52.53 T.G. Madison A Bill l.undy. Com ("ondo Unit 17 $55 4ft Joseph Rainey. Blk 30.1,ot 21 $147 13 Tri Con Builders, Inc . Blk 40 ly* 33 $139 95 Vickie R. Crawford, Personal $33.40 Ted Polk, Com. Condo Unit 2, $42.48; Corn CondoUnttI3 $42 41! Atlantic Telephone. Blk 1,|jot33 $67 52 Robert C. Kwald/llarrison. Club Villa Unit *A $154 29 Frank Barnes. Blk l.lx* 2Jt $140 13 Nancy Smith, Blk 32. 1.ot IR $239 02 l.inda I'hiegel, Ta* Collector May 24 IN THEGENF.RAI, COURT t>F JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION HI E NUMBER: 90CVD396 NORI H CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY JERRY RAY COOK. Plaintiff vs. KATH ER IN E < "?OR E COOK, IMendant NOTICE OF SERVICE Of- PROCESS BY PUBLICATION It): KATHERINE GORE COOK TAKH NOTICE that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the ahove entitled action. 'Die nature of the relief it as follows: An absolute divorce on the gn>unds of one year continuous separation between you and the plaintiff. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 12th day of June. 1990, and upon your failure to do so the par ty seeking service against you will apply to the court for relief sought. This the 3rd day of May, 1990. Davey I.. Stanley, Attorney for the Plaintiff PO Bo* 1947 Shallotte, NC 28459 919 754 4375 May 17 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION FILE NO. 84 CvM 368 CAPE FEAR MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, Plaintiff vs. ARTHUR CHARLES PRIDGEN. Defendant NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE Under and by virtue of an execution direc ted to the undersigned by the Clerk of Supc rior Court of Brunswick County in the above entitled civil action, I will on the 1 1th day of May, 1990, at 12 (X) Noon at the door of the Brunswick County Courthouse, Bolivia, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for title and interest of the Defendant in the following described real property, said real property lying in Bninswick County and described as follows: BF.tNG all of lx* 8 of Sandy Hills Sutv division a map of which is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County, North Carolina in Map Cabinet N at Page 254. Ihis execution sale is being made subject to all prior recorded liens, encumbrances, outstanding taxes, and 5 penal assessments, if any. The purchaser will be required to make a deposit in the amount of 10 percent of the first SI ,000 00 of the bid and 5 percent of the remainder. Said deposit to he in cash or cer tified funds. This the 12th day of April, 1990. JOHN C. DAVIS Sheriff of Brunswick County By: I-iston llawes, Deputy Sheriff May 10 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK 87 CVD 207 A.H. GAINEY, JR. vs. RALPH E. BEASl.EY NOTICE OF SALE TAKIi NOTICE that under and by virtue of authority executed by judgment, the Brunswick County Sheriff's Department, Bo livia, North Carolina, will offer for sale at Public Auction to the highest bid in cash the real property recorded in Book 687, Page 1012, in the Register of Deeds of Brunswick County in Bolivia, N.C. The Auction will be held at the Brunswick County Courthouse Door in Bolivia, N.C., at 12:00 Noon on May 11, 1990. The successful bidder will he re quired, at completion of the auction, to de posit with the undersigned a cash deposit equal to ten percent (10"*>) of the first $1,000 00 bid plus five percent (5H0 of the bid in excess of SI ,000 00 This property being all of the rights and ti ties of Ralph F. Beasley except one acre as designated by the court order 87CVD207 he ing in Northwest Township more particularly described in Book 687 Page 1012 in the Reg ister of Deeds of Rrunswick County G.S. 1-339 51 lite sale will be made to the highest bidder for cash. This sale subject to all liens Dated and posted this 2nd day of April, 1990. John C. Davis, Sheriff Biunswick County 253 4321 May 10 PUBLIC NOTICE The Brunswick County Board of Equalization and Review will convene Tuesday, May 1, 1990, at 10:00 a.m., in the Commissioners' chambers in the Govern ment Complex in Bolivia. The Board will adjourn on May 29, 1990 at 12:00 noon . If a taxpayer wishes to file an appeal or schedule an appointment, please contact the Tax Assessor's of fice in Bolivia or call 253-4341 . Legal Notices TOWS f* SHAI.I.OTTF advertisement <? tax in ns ??EA, .nontrTYrtniS? ,n r1 ^ W"^f ?*" ???>>""> ??fd ImW ^ c'" "* rf V"* f?" Sun"" P""w to an or *r of the R,mrci ,t A Merman. To?r> ,/ Soii d4!M *P"' *>. IWl f ?m herrh-, ?d Z?""* U* ' *m f" ,he >*" 19*9 up? ^ e"*" drtcnhed helow The amo.?i ^ ">n? ?d the ommion rrf mu.^n tri4 to<1< from the amount adverted Wl]j nfJ, rr^^u'n? ?""*?? rMl r,u" O"" '? ?ubject to J* l>?r>. the name of the prrv*, to ?horn the f*T5*"y " luted fw t?e, aRd l>y. . -n-n. the u,e. ,reie1M ' r7n",n "npaid rfter thi? adverb.*,^? ..completed. ,he hen w,|| he fo^clo^X ?,^"'7 un" r1 ^ ><? ..... 7 , U,n* un,? ? cl>.m for tuet Anderton, Ma?on f{ * ?. r . I98AA006 h. She?k Vk Umh. Will* ir. 1*200015901 i^l 11 |<*A|Xj02201 v.: Shall, Hie Rroadcutmg. 17*00025 i2V) 5* RofcoC?Wa?h. I'rtA|J003A..: L 3 *< R '"? l9*AK007 $5 22 iKS,.^: ,9,,AFW6' *,*>? W?m! ?2tt* M"k- 2KIAOOI M i2VS 10 W.ldrnn, Richard S , 2I4IAOOI17 u> ii -"?en. Harvey A dying. p,u| i<n<i\()0l fT~nw--.t lw, J0S4 Amo IiJt y, Conte, Hank M , 2141 H0"?t "toi SAW Inve?mmt?. 2I4IAOI4 t9, f?w"' Timothy. 2141 A0I5 7, M*je?tic Corporation, 2I4IA034 j91 65 N?Klry.I)ale.2l4IA070. \V. SAW Inve.tmrnt. 7141 A 107 s? I, HeUamy K it . J, . 1 971X0 1 1 j,., fc-nt'jn. William It.. 18200014201 %y ^ iwaIS* "y 1 AW,I"? (l>err?. Barry Crai*. I9XAH0I 70I S5? Vl Jr,({ht. Gcne T. |97MA0|ft S,' NT"' IK2W>?1401 ^2 ' 72 WAii'ii ' ? ""AD005. ill 99 * 7I' 182001901. J332 90* Si, 1 S:. "",A,XK^ <?'? gwiinu !1 V 01' ""0002302, JI94 0* rs, W7; "HAD004. S74 35 I98AIX)M, S242. 14; I9KAIX)I2 tX 1 {Km-^VwKS^7. ss2^ ^ ipJirz^ir7 ?'- $k JfcwcM. WMAOI* J383.45 !?2'??n 302. S^.'lS^T35, **J, ^ . ?,,i,U* I98AROOIOI .. Inman. Samuel I". I97MA0I7. $2'X) 34 <-onard. Annie I. . I97[)|XK)20I Jm 04 u m" ?!' '* 1 "SAI-00701 $23 (W Miller, lummy, IK|(XK)5*02 $4 405 72 Milliken, |.?Ty l>v,mr. I97OA007 $416 92 Moore. David A.. IH2(*)I720I $264 29 Ni>ni?, llarolil I) , I97IX II02. ?j ? R..in?, Nellie, I97MA0390I. $223 /0 Noni. Pe^y, I97MH0I3 i", ?? Ru.., Bailey, IK200I75 rcg, ,1! Ku?,. Ixme |>,v,d. 1 8200 1 750 1 j2, 47 ScIIct., Ihomas I... I98AA007.. $27ft *i ?97DCO?. J?",n " ? l97IX'(X)1- $498.49; Ao ml ? ;; ,g7Mno,?- ^Or; Stanaland, M?CU? IX, 18200170 $15^71 ^tanaland R.ta & Diane. 1810002201 $593 34 SuunK. IJclore, C? I97DA00I0I ^ 46 IWa, |..dwa,,| R III |97i:AOIO SlO 31 Iripp. I;>??KhUidgc |;? 197DD009 ty, a-, nt^Iln'i w- '*10002001 $86 29* K i r V 19800023 it J8.70 lO^Tr-mi r ?ycf- "8AC0I4, $1199 IR7t?^ A< ,SI',I 04; 18200052. $430 66* S. il90M: 1980002401, $47.05; Stanaland, Rosa Mae, I98AIW.3..... $m 84 llin the 3()th day of April, 1990. Sandra Hewetl. la* Collector TFN NOTICE OK HUM; OF APPLICATION KOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant 10 NCOS U3A-ll9(b), Bruns wick County, a locality authorised to issue CAMA permits til Arras of !-.nvironmcntal Concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on April 25, 1990, North Carolina Department o( Transportation Division of Highways applied for a CAMA pcmul to construct a highway bridge over Royal Oak Swamp at the U.S. 17 crossing. The application may be inspected at the address helow. Puhlic comments received by May 23, 1990, will he considered 1 ater comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision Project modifications may occur based on further re view anil comments. Notice of the permit de cision in this matter will be provided upon written request C. Rohert Smith Jr , Acung CAMA l^ocal Permit Officer for Brunswick County Division of Coastal Management 7225 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 (919) 256-4161 May 3 ESTATE NOTICE Die undersigned, having qualified as Kx ecutri* of the l-.stalc of James Arnold Miller, deceased, late of Brunswick County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned >*i or before the 19th day of October, 1990. or this notice will be pleaded in bat of recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned 1>n? the 10th day of April, 1990. IXiroihy Jean Miller, Ksectitm of the Estate of James Arnold Miller Rt 9, Ro\ 75, Hnerw\xxi Estates Shalkvte, NC 28459 May 10 pd Legal Notices VOSTTH CAJMMJ>A BH I VVWK K I < X."NTV wmctw hjbjw.t/jsmie resale tnk> ml by virtue 'i ?i <*der iJ tor / S.4*r** f>?.rt of BmrrrwKi Our*}. N?*th farotaa, ?ytrr**1 the mtfier e***led In the Vjcct ?'/ 3* K-*ocJf *n"? I>ed of T"j? Vlwrirt D Sur?br?i md wife. RjU B Sum tmd to Waftac* K IItttt*. "Iruner, Reojrdcd n H ;k 62* a Page 59* of the ( itnty Registry" direct** the .rviercigned lo proceed with t>c forecfcrrure of the sasd deed erf mw and by vtrti* <4 the p imrt (M sale ?*>? unrd therewi. md t**ler *1 Oder <M Retale wi tered n tfcn rrucei o-t \pnl 23. I WO. the under ugned SuhflMute Ironee ?iH expute ft* sate ?i the 17th (toy of May. 1990 at I2tf) Noc*t ? tHe 4x* of tte Brjnawick Owity Oairthraise, Boh VI* . North Carolina, the Mkrwwig draenbed real property: A1J. that 'jiuii tract <i 1?*1 ?*>uinir.g 173.75 sctt-i , mure or le?t. kicalcd n Shallcfle I'/wrship. Bn*i?witi Oiumy. Sonh Caiolma. N mini now or formerly aa follows: On tte North by Umk of Kmea Sunaland, on the Kmi by l?ids of Kasie Smith. <*i the Soxh by lauli << rjhert Smith***. Jbti rnv Mcl??'b SR 1305 ^nd lennrwi Mc I*nb. on the Wen by SR 1300 and more particularly desmhed ?< follows: I -Oft a be I me to hrgirmmg point, be gimnng a a f'K nail m the intersection of the uerterlme of SK 1 300 and SR 1305. thence approximately ?oithea?t wtth the orrtrrlme <4 SR 1 305. 974 52 feet to a I'K nail in the tmterimr of SR 1 305 ihr plar? and point of hegmning i ron the hegmm ng [??nt as thus describ ed. thence North (I) degrees 10 minutes Kant 537.(13 feel to an old steel spring and inn pipe, thence South 81 degrees 28 mm utes West 483 94 feet to a pomt, th;nce North 59 degrees 59 minutes Kast 39270 feet to a point, tlience North 59 degrees 1 4 minutes 30 scconds Mast 133.45 fact to a punt, thence North 37 degrees 43 minutes 30 scciwkIs pjwt 120.91 feet to a post*; thence North 24 degrees 01 minutes 30 seuaids [vast 193.55 foci to a posit in the edge of SR 1 300, thence with said idge of SR 1300, North 24 degrees 17 minutes 30 seuaids I'jsst 1966.60 feet to an old ir<*t pipe axl stump of large pine, theme North 77 degrees 21 minutes 45 seconds I'Usl 812.46 feet to a large pine comer, thence Soith 88 degrees 07 minutes 30 scconds last 495 91 feet to a port, timer North 64 degrees 54 minutes 30 scconds liaa 1299 49 feet to a point; thetKe North 42 dc grees 46 minutes 15 scciwids Ivast 481.67 feet to a point; thence North 58 degrees 53 minutes 45 set owls I'Jist 54.84 feet lo a ponl, thence South 26 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds last 1257.95 feet to a port, thence South 70 degrees 37 miniles West 988.27 feet to a port: thente SoUh 70 de grees 19 minutes 05 scctrids Wert 737.75 feet to a point; I heme South 46 degrees 19 minutes (15 seconds Wen 885 0 foct to a port; thence South 04 degree* 40 minutes 55 secotds Kast 1551.0 feet to a peart; thence South 81 degrees 10 minutes 05 secsrtds West 2217.0 feet to port; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes FjuI 314. 97 feet to the place and port of beginning curtaining approximately 176 17 acres ac cording to a survey by Alvic R Uwit, R I.S dated 22 Ocufier 1979. Ijtccpt, however, 1.42 fcir-i f<* niad right-of-way and 1 (*) acres for I aytiwi 'lharpe. "litis sale ts made subject to all poor liats, un paid taxes (including deferred taxes), assess mrnti , restnctxms, casenietts, or other OKxari brmiea of record, if any Pursuant to North Carolina ("lateral Statutes, Sectkm 45 21 10(b), ami the letms of the Deed of Tnist, any successful b*d<icr may be required u> dcftKtf with the Tiustee nninediately u|*>n the inclusion of the sale a cash dejxisit ecfial to ten fK'rvnit (KW1>) of the successful bid. Any ?ic ccssful bnlder shall he mjuired to tender the full balance of the purchase price so hid m cash or certified chock at the time the Tnislee tenders to him a deed for the pn^X'^Y or aUmipts to tender sinh deed, and shoikl said successful bklder fail to pay uK full of the puiuwtt ptKe so hid at that time, he shall remain liable on his til as provided for m North Carolina (Vneral Su uites. Section 45 2 1 3Xd) and(e). lhe being a resale. ll.f T*',ln,R ^ Wl" $89r30ft?). llus sale will be held open ten (10) days for H*et tads as required by law l"his 23nl day of April, 1990. Timothy W. How aid. Substitute I'mstoe l\wt Office IV? 81,312 College Street Clinton, Ni*th Caiwlma 2S328 (919)592-1942 May 10 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BRUNSWICK COUNTY IN THE DISTRICT COURT SECURITY PACIFIC FINANCIAL SER VICES, INC, * Delaware Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. JOHN W. HALCOMB and KATHl.KEN HALCOMB, IWfenrtants. To: John W. Halcomb TAKE NOllCfi thai a pleading seeking rrlicf against you has been filed in the aK>vc entitled action, llie nature of relief heuig sought is: Plaintiff seeks to recover the out standing balance on a negotiable promissory note dated September 6, 1085 executed by John W. Halcomb and Kathleen llalcomb payable to the order of Maritime limited Partnership. lite outstanding pnncipal bal ance due is $8,946.10 plus the interest short fall of $13.80, with interest from August 21. 1989 at the rate of 16% pet annum, plus costs including attorneys' fees. You are required to make defense to this pleading not later than June 12. 1990. and up on your (allure to do so, the party seeking service against you w ill apply to the Court for the relief sought lilts the 27th day of April, 1900. III NTON A WILLIAMS By Margaret C 1 umdsen Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Bo* 109 Kaleigh. North Carolina 27602 (910)899-3000 May 17 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS To put in place and grade specifications of sidewalk 5 feet wide and 4 inches thick on the south side of State Route 1 144 from Leland Street to approximately the Winds Motel location and on the south side of East Second Street from Leland Street to Cumberland Street, a distance of approximately 3400 feet total. Drawing can be seen at Ocean Isle Beach Town Hall, 3 West Third Street Bids will be accepted until May 10, 1990 at 9 A M at which time bids will be opened. The owner reserves the nght to reject any and all bids. Emma Ross Town Clerk. Ocean Isle Beach

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