Cause To Celebrate jack wood, shown with his son. Christopher, wdb itdif uf Liie i.wo man Ashing team that won the U.S. Open King Mackerel Tournament. For the details, see Page 11-c. THE Cot The Spirit | f Animals N Art I it s Spirit Week at west Brunswick High School | * Animals figure prominently In the work of as Trojan supporters get psyched fur Friday s | / ?? ^ ^ BrunswiCK community Coiieges new Visiting ? Homecoming game against rival west Colum- I / i L \r - Artist, partly because she likes them and also bus. A round up of activities and pictures of I - because they help bring people and art together, the Homecoming court are on Page 9-B. I Meet Emily welnsteln and her work on Page 6-A. .i.'N' '*? RINOI N 0, t I TWenty-elghth Year, Number 47 01990the brunswckbeacon Shallotte, North Carolina, Thursday, October 11,1990 25c Per Copy 38 Pages, 3 Sections MmmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmmmMAiJiJMm f3??r- - STAFF PHOTO BY DOUG tUTTIR Slipping Away The sun slips over the horizon at II olden II each Saturday as people surf fish and walk along the sirand. Some of iht best suustis in tin South Brunswick Islands can be seen during the fall and * inter, when the sun sets over the ocean. Clerk Says Annual Banquet Not Intended As Political BY TKRRY POPK An appreciation banquet tor Brunswick County boards, commis sions and commillce members will become a biannual event, with the first scheduled for Saturday night at the county government complex in Bolivia. Clerk to the Board of Commis sioners Rcgina Alexander planned the dinner last month, she said, after hearing of similar events held in Orange and Forsyth counties. It is being held in October, a month prior to elections, bccause the biannual employee appreciation dinner is usu ally held this month. "Wc don't do the employee ap preciation dinner this year, so we de cided to work this in during October on an off year," Ms. Alexander said. Of the more than 20 boards and committees invited to the banquet, only about five receive stipends or travel expenses for their meetings, she said. "I think the volunteers who give their time should get a pal on the hack," she said. "It's something new to Brunswick County, but oilier counties arc doing this sort of tiling." Interim County Manager David Clegg said Tuesday thai although a quorum of Ihc county commission ers is expected to attend, it is not a business meeting. The Brunswick Beacon questioned if the meeting *7 think the volunteers wht> give their time should get a pat on the hack." ?Regina Alexander Clerk, County Commission was subjcct lo the N.C. Open Meet ings Law anil why the press had not been notified in advance. The Bea con received a faxed notification of die banquet Tuesday. "It's an unique event in that a quorum of the board will be pre sent," CIcgg said, "but it's not a meeting because no business will take place." Money to fund the banquet will come from the contingency fund and from vending machine collections at the complex. Less than $1,000 will be used to pay for the banquet, CIcgg said. Those funds are also used every other year to pay for an employee appreciation banquet at the complex, Ms. Alexander said. She estimates the banquet and invitations will cost close to $500. County employees will cook the food, which will con sist of chicken or roast beef and green beans. Commission Chairman Gene Finkerton also called the banquet a social occasion ;in