** ^ #???* ? -- - p STAff PHOTOS BY SUSAN USMf* ('//A'/V THO\frS(>.\. a Carpentry 11 stink nt and Carpentry I shop assistant, cuts plywood for the STUDESTS ('ROM III It HAROLD CRAIIA.M, dreg h>ng and Ronnie Evans add wheels and sides of a truck's cargo area. axle pegs, one car at a time. Instructor Gary I'oulos is in the background. Carpentry Shop 'Elves' Make Toys For 150 Boys BY SI'S AN USHER last lorcvcr," said Shirley Carroll, VIC executive dircc Whai about the hoys? lor. That was the question on ihc minds of stall and Gary Poulos, West Brunswick High School carpen voluntccrs at the Volunteer and Information Center as *0 teacher, said \ !C hoard member Brenda Register ihe 1^90 Christmas season approached. approached him to see it students would be interested in , . , , , , ntaking something, and also asked for suggestions. He hver\ vear volunteers dress beautiful dolls for girls , ,,, ? , , . ,. , , r .. , n told her a wixxlen car or tov would be best. as pan of WC s Christmas project for the needy. But Soon anolhcr coJmunilv volunteer. Jack .he center had never had a specal gift lor the boys Scarborough, appeared with a simple design and a mod Not until now. This year, because of the work ol 16 cl truck, and the hoys set to work. carpentry students at West Brunswick High Schix>! and Involved in the project were Carpentry 11 students other community volunteers. 150 boys each will receive Chris Thompson (also Carpentry I shop assistant), T.J. a small, hand-made truck. Thornton, Leslie Scoggins. Greg Long, Ronnie Evans, "They're as cute as they can be and 1 think they will Harold Graham, Willie Stanley, Derick Thomas and L eroy Simmons: and Carpentry I students Scot! shop, the students worked steadily and hard to meet Anderson, Richard Holden, Bobby l.ovet. Matthew their Friday deatiline for delivering the toys to VIC. Mint/, Mike Nelson, Jell Smith and Staccy Saunders. "Ii takes about an hour for a student to mak-j one hy .ii i j . i the time they cut. nail and glue it, then add the wheels," I don i nund helpmu somebody out, said . ? . \.c ... . .. . , . . ? ? c . . ,* v. . , .J ,, ?. said Poulos. So they vc put a lot of time in it. Scoggins. We re dome lor the kids who aren t gelling .... ... 3 1.. ? i . ... toys for Christmas " 1 hc s,udcnls wcrc enthused alxnii the project, he 3 '" s;iid. Each truck was fashioned from eight pieces of "That made me feci good also." said Poulos. "All wood. wc hear about kids is that they're selfish. This proves The Camp United Methodist Men's Club paid for they will do things for other people. I'm proud of them, the wheels and axles, which were too expensive :he l~he kids never complained, even when they had to redo stores and were ordered from a catalog inr 'u.d. "11 io something." wheels arrived last Monday, giving students less than a While the cars don't look like they came from a toy week to finish the trucks. Like elves in Santa's work- factory, hc said, "there's feeling in every one of them." Teenage Driver's Trial Postponed Until January A Sunset Beach teen-ager involv- while a provisional licensee b\ cd in an accident that lelt one man State Trooper li.D. Barnhardt. dead in March will face a number ol Court documents indicate officers driving-related charges in Bruns- determined probable cause did not wick County District Court Jan. K. exist for the DW! charge following a breathalyzer test. Arncttc's blood Matthew Shawn Arnclte, 17, was alcohol content registered .04, while charged Nov. 3 with driving while .10 is considered loo drunk to drive impaired, failure to heed a blue light in North Carolina, the report suites and siren, reckless driving, resisting Arncttc pleaded guilty in August arrest and obstructing a public offi- io the charge of misdemeanor death cer, driving while his license was by motor vehicle. The charge stem revoked and driving after drinking med from a traffic accident on March IS on Sabbath Home Road side a Seaside video store near Holden Beach that claimed the Detective Larry Joyncr <>l the lite of Clyde Justice Olive, M, of Brunswick I ouni> Sheritt s Derail Supply. ment reported A"?u*tte was shot with District Court Judge Jerry A. Jol- a .25-caliher pistol while parked ly gave Arnette a two-year suspend- outside Riptide Vi-Jeos. Amette told ed sentence and placed him on un- Del. Joyncr that the gun accident supervised probation. Arncttc's li- a">' fired while he was holding it cense was revoked until November 1991. He was taken to The Brunswick Arnette was hospitalized Nov. 27 Hospital in Supply and later trans alter he accidentally shot himsell in ferred to New Hanovei Memorial the neck while sitting in a car out- Hospital in Wilmington. ? THE BLIND CONNECTION ^ Xo%.< \JJordatAe Wtndou? J reatmtnts \\ ih Style' In Stock Sk>f*tes ? A'c*es ? Vesicals ? Mini ==^^=. Patio Verticals & Mico Bltntfs ? Wood Blinds ? i-EEE"" 4B A* Low A* Roller Spaces ? Piearec Shades ? r*? *79?? Valances ? Custom & Ready Mace ?raPe'? ? D'.4^?Wa"' JIBBtfl r RI i Mf DIKING 4 ESTW A. L; 'Professional Installation* \ + CALL: (803)249-1790 * F 1 102 Sundial Ctr N Mvrtle Beach M?\ 1? hioii (torn MtlXmaMt) Serving: Shallotte ? Calabash ? Sunset Beach Grand Opening In Brunswick County Complete 4-Wheel Computer Alignments ? '"irtmi i'iltt STAFF: (L-R) Clayton Freeman (mechanic). Deryle Babson (road service), Robert Crocker (service), Chris Thompson manager), Herman Gregory (front end specialist). Financing Available C01TI6 In And SGG US.. I Road Services Available I I I Take Advantage Of These BIG SAVINGS During Our Appreciation Days. ^GAr\ ioHTSU\ /S\ i^OUGUS\ /^TRAILEfK ivAS^ON^ ^DUNLOP ,,, \ I HS301 \ 0SATELLITE\ ^ MARK VIII \ | TIRE \ ||M^A\ | TERRAIN \ | QUESTOR 155R13 1$34-95 1 540.75 | $46.87 <\ $18.95 1 $55.17 ll $74.50 tl $60.95 155/80R13 J ^195f75R14 / ^205^7CR15/ ^ 480x8 J m-|95/70R14 J ^235/75R15 J ^235/75R15 Hwy. 17 N. SnSilOttG Black's Tire Service 754-7231 6 Locations To (Old Clem's Texaco Serve You Building) Complete Truck, Farm & Off-Road Tire Inventory m a -SINCE 1954