Man Who Fired Shots Into Car Pleads Guilty To Assault A man charged with firing three shots into a car in Lcland pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon last week when his case was heard in Brunswick County District Court. Duncan Eric Flowers, 25, of Tay lorsvillc, was charged Feb. 22 by Brunswick County Sheriff's Detec tive Kevin Holdcn with discharging a firearm into an occupied vehicle. He was accused of firing shots from a ,38-caIibcr automatic pistol into a car occupicd by Kenneth Elton Hooper on Village Road in Lcland. In District Court last week. Judge Jerry A. Jolly gave Flowers a two year suspended sentence and placed him on two years' supervised pro bation. The defendant was also fined S200 and ordered to pay S500 in restitution to Hooper, to not go about the victim for two years and to not violate any laws for two years. The shooting stemmed from an argument the two men had over a girlfriend, Holdcn said. Wilmington police charged Hoop er, of Lcland, with first-degree bur glary after he allegedly broke into an apartment in Wilmington where Flowers was staying, Holdcn said. Flowers then allegedly followed Hooper back to Lcland where the shooting occurred at a stop sign on Village Road. ThfiT hit ?hr? ror Wnnrvr ft ft ft ft VV UWII V ???? V - - was driving while a third struck the ground. Hooper told dctcctives that he lay down in the car when the shots were fired but later jumped from the vehicle and ran. Sheriff's deputies found the car after it had roiled into a ditch. Judges Jolly and D. Jack Hooks Jr. also heard the following cases in District Court last week: Robert J. Annunziata, DW1, level 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections 12 months, suspended sentence three years, Brunswick County Jail seven days, $500 and costs, assessment, surrender license, not use any out of-state license for three years, not use, possess any illegal drugs, sub mit to test. Cathy Brannan, school atten dflnce law violation, prayer for judgment continued until child reaches the age of 16 years old. Michael Shane Causey, notice to revoke unsupervised probation, vol untarily dismissed, defendant has complied. Christopher Crabtrcc, improper muffler, unsafe tires, both voluntari ly dismissed. Robert Lcc Edge, intoxicated and disruptive, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended 12 months, not violate any laws for 12 months, S50 and costs. James Richard Edwards, speed ing 54 in a 45 zone, S10 and costs; no driver's license, voluntarily dis missed, valid license. Kurt C. Frankenfield, failure to stop at stop sign and flashing red light, prayer for judgment contin ued, costs. Ralph Lee Gatlin, Jr., vehicle not registered/titled, S10 and costs. Steve M. Gausc, one count ex ceeding safe speed, prayer for judg ment continued, costs; one count ex ceeding safe speed, S10 and costs. Wayne King, communicating threats, prayer for judgment contin ued on the condition that there be no further problems. James Alfred Marshall, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Teddy Mathews, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Vada Mitchell, Jr., speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued, costs. Kevin Pompey, injury to real property, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended two years, resti tuuon $280 to plaintiff, cost of court, not remain on premises of plaintiff without her expressed per mission, not violate any laws for two years. Lewis Philip Porter, exceeding safe speed, $10 and costs. Harriet Holt Smith, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S 10 and costs. Suzanne Watts, speeding 60 in a 45 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued, costs remitted. Mary Wigncr Wend, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $10 and costs. Donal James Worboys, no driv er s license, prayer for judgment continued until 5-6-90 to allow de fendant to provide valid license. HaiTy Benton, Jr., simple worth less check, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended 12 months, $25 and costs, restitution, not issue any worthless checks for two years William C. Payne, fictitious plate voluntarily dismissed, proof valid tag/registration; taking clams from polluted water, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended two years $50 and costs, 24 hours community service within 30 days, not violate any marine fisheries laws. Susan R Aycrs, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, $5 and costs. Beruand H. Barrow, Jr., speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs Bruce Timothy Blake, notice to revoke unsupervised probation sus pcndcd sentence activated, Bruns wick County Jail 24 hours, credit for time served. Lynnc Thompson Bohlen, DWI, voluntarily dismissed, no plaintiff. Sylvia Jean Brown, simple worthless check, county jail 20 days, suspended two years, restitu tion S20 to plaintiff, S20 and costs, attorney fees SI 25; uttering forged instrument, voluntarily dismissed. Timothy Cecil Brown, improper equipment, S5 and costs. Kevin B. Clcmmons, speeding 44 in a 35 zone, S5 and costs. Shcrrill E. Davis, improper equipment, S5 and costs. Marric Hickman Duke, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, no child restraint system, S10 and costs. Lee Lcnnon Frost, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. Dan Galloway, injury to personal property, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended two years, restitu tion S237.86 to plaintiff, fines and costs remitted. James Leon Galloway, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. James E. Gerstcmcies, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. Timothy Hughes, assault on a fe male, voluntarily dismissed. Jack Hayward Hunter, two counts of communicating threats, consoli dated judgment, Brunswick County Jai! 29 day?, suspended two years, not go about, communicate, threat en or assault plaintiff, not go on or about any premises owned or occu picd by plaintiffs, S50 and costs. Adina Yvonne Jones, speeding 54 in a 35 zone, SI 5 and costs. Gus Jones, Jr., driving while li cense suspended/revoked-not perma nent, DWI, consolidated, level 1, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, supervised probation two years, not operate motor vehicle until valid li cense, S200 and costs, assessment, Brunswick County Jail 14 days to run at expiration of any time present ly serving, attorney fees $300. Kevin Q. Lamb, no driver's li cense, voluntarily dismissed, in spec lion violation, S5 and costs. Joseph Allen Lewis, speeding 68 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued, costs. Teddy D. Long, probation viola tion, admits, suspended sentence ac tivated, Brunswick County Jail 60 days. Ronald Charles Lydick, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. Peter Charles Lynn, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. James C. McAlhancy, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, 55 and costs. Kenneth Allen Mercer, speeding 69 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs; no driver's license, voluntarily dis missed, valid license. Chris Lewis Moise, driving while license suspended/revoked-not per manent, N. C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended sentence two years, not operate motor vehiclc un til valid license, $200 and costs. Demctrios Mpatjakis, assault on a female, simple assault, consolidated judgment, Brunswick County Jail 29 days, suspended two years, not go about, communicate, threaten or assault plaintiff, not go on or about any premises owned or occupied by plaintiffs, S50 and costs. John Clifford Nutter, second de gree trespassing, larccny, assault on a female, all voluntarily dismissed. PerTy Lee Padgett, driving while license suspended/revoked-not per manent, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended two years, su pervised probation two years; DWI, level 1, Ps'.C. Dept. of Corrections two years to run at expiration of driving while license suspended sentence, suspended, supervised probation two years, not operate motor vehicle until valid license, 5250 and costs, assessment, Bruns wick County Jail 14 days to begin 4-10-91 at 9:30 a.m. to 4-17 and 5 10-91 at 9:30 a.m. to 5-17, no alco holic beverage prior to incarcera tion, submit to breathalyzer, attor ney fees SI 50; speeding 75 in a 45 zone, voluntarily dismissed. Lessel Vance Pitts, driving while license suspended/revoked-not per mancnt. prayer for judgment contin ued, costs. Robert Eugene Shipman, speed ing 64 in a 55 /one, S5 and costs. Bcnnic Smith, Jr., speeding 64 in a 55 zone, 55 and cost. Melody C. Smith, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. Kimbcrly D. Stephens, speeding 64 in a 55 /.one, S5 and costs. Virginia G. Williams, speeding 59 in a 35 /one, prayer for judg ment continued, costs. Arthur L. Zomow, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, S5 and costs. Dennis Tripp, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment contin ued, costs. Michelle Gatlin, second degree trespassing, communicating threats, both voluntarily dismissed. Edward Williams, probation vio lation, admits violation, suspended sentence activated, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years to run con current with other case (New Han over County). Derick Lee Abncy, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Jeffrey L. Ballard, injury to real property. Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended two years, costs, restitution S20.00 to plaintiff, not violate any laws for iwo years. Eric Christian Berg, speeding 44 in a 35 /.one, costs; registration doc uments fictitious/cancelled/etc., vol untarily dismissed. Bill Brown, trespass first degree, voluntarily dismissed at request of plaintiff. Joseph Anthony Byrd, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. David Leon Caison Jr., DWI, lev el 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended two years, costs, SI 00 fine, surrender license, assess ment, Brunswick County Jail days to begin Friday 4-19-91 at 5:30 p.m. until Sunday at 5:30, next 2-1/2 weekends, not violate any laws for two years. Preston Callihan, improper equip ment, inspection violation, costs. Emmctt Scott Caudill, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Frank L. Chasteen, driving while liccnsc suspended/revoked ? not permanently, voluntarily dismissed, valid license produced. George G. Cooper, owning and operating a vehicle without insur ance, vehicle not registered/tilled, Brunswick County Jail 30 days, suspended two years, costs, S25 fine, not violate any laws for two years, restitution S400 to H.O. Pe terson, S200 attorney's fees. Danna Ruth Daley, notice to re voke unsupervised probation, paid in full, voluntarily dismissed. Howard Lee Dclts Jr., speeding 71 in a 55 zone, driving while li cense suspended/revoked ? not per manently, consolidated judgment, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended two years, costs, S200 fine, not violate any laws for two years, S125 attorney's fees; speeding to elude arrest, resisting/ obstructing a public officer, Bruns wick County Jail six months to run at expiration of first cases, costs, SI 00 fine, not violate any laws for two years, SI 25 attorney's fees. Tracy T. Derbin, simple posses sion of less than half ounce of mari juana, S50 and costs. Clyde Walter Dick, DW1, level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assessment, 24 hours of community service within 30 days, not violate any laws for two years. Michael Heith Dunn, DWI, level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assessment, 30 days non-operation, not violate any laws for two years. Steven Mark Ellis, speeding 69 in a 55 /.one, no driver's license, coun ty jail 30 days, suspended two years, costs, $25 fine, not violate any laws for two years. Michael Kim Evans, no driver's license, voluntarily dismissed, has valid license. John Wayne Gore, DWI, level 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended one year, supervised pro bation one year, $100 and costs, surrender liccnsc, assessment, Brunswick County Jail seven days to begin Friday 4-12-91 at 7 p.m. until Sunday, 4-14-91 at 7 p.m., next 2-1/2 weekends, not violate any laws for two years. Patrick Grissctt, communicating threats, Brunswick County Jail six months, suspended two years, costs, assessment for substance abuse, not violate any laws for two years. Shonda Dcncal Haley, driving while liccnsc suspended/revoked ? not permanendy, voluntarily dismis sed; DWI, level 5, Brunswick County Jail 00 days, suspended two years, SiOO and costs, surrender li cense, not operate a motor vehicle until valid licensc, assessment, 30 days non-operation, not violate any laws for two years. Teresa P. Harrclson, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Wanda Sue Hazletl, no driver's licensc, voluntarily dismissed, has valid license; DWI, level 5, Bruns wick County Jail 60 days, suspend ed two years, costs, not operate mo tor vehicle until valid licensc, as sessment by any agency, S125 attor ney's fees, not violate any laws for two years. Robert Wright Helm Jr., DWI, motion to dismiss allowed. Guy Moore Higgins Jr., speeding 69 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment continued, costs. Kathleen J. Homberger, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. George H. Johnson, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued, costs. Kenneth Wayne Klutz, reckless driving to endanger, exceeding post ed speed, no driver's license, con solidated judgment, all voluntarily dismissed; DWI, level 1, N.C. Dept. of Corrections two years, suspended two years, S200 and costs, surrender license, assessment, pay any repairs to automobile not covered by insur ance, Brunswick County Jail 14 days to begin Friday 4-12-91 at 1 p.m. until Sunday 4-14-91 at 1 p.m., next 6-1/2 weekends, not violate any laws for two years. Kerri Rebccca Knight, failure to reduce speed, voluntarily dismissed, insurance paid. James William Lee Jr., speeding 63 in a 45 zone, voluntarily dismis sed, signs were down. Jerry Lee Lloyd, DWI, level 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assessment Columbus County, Brunswick County Jail seven days to begin Friday 4-12-91 at 7 p.m to Sunday at 7 p.m., next 2-1/2 weekends, not violate any laws for two years. Kevin Lee Malpass, exceeding safe speed, costs. Stephanie S. Mannen, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Jimmy S. McCorquodale, speed ing 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Brian Scott McMurry, speeding 74 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment continued, costs. Toby Dale Pridgen, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment continued, costs. Jamal A. Rahhal, speeding 69 in a 55 zone, S10 and costs. Junious H. Royal, speeding 73 in a 55 zone, prayer for judgment con tinued, costs. Kelley Hill Sage, following too SECURITY SYSTEMS RESIDENTIAL - COMMERICAL - INDUSTRIAL F3 PELEN, mc Palmetto Electronics & Engineering "Professional Sound & Security " ?Burglar Alarms 'Closed Circuit TV ?Fire Alarms -Sound & Intercom V^Medical Alert 'Digital Dialers (919) 754-5333 (803) 249-3333 <?) LICENSED IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA 3769 Sea Mountain Hwy. . Little River. SC 29566 y CIWI THE BHUNSWICK MACON Ramos & Lewis ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW MEADOW SQUARE, HIGHWAY 179 SHALLOTTE, N.C. 28459 'Real Estate Transactions (Document Preparation, Title Examinations ana Closings) ?Estate Planning and Administration (Preparation of Wills and Trusts) ?Domestic Matters (Divorce, Alimony, Child Custody and Support) ?Court Representation (Criminal, Civil ana Traffic) PREPARATION OF SIMPLE WARRANTY DEEDS $25.00 PREPARATION OF SIMPLE WILLS $60.00 UNCONTESTED DIVORCE $150.00 plus court cost? PREPARATION OF SIMPLE SEPARATION AGREEMENTS $195.00 Telephone: 754-7557 ? ^ mmm m^m m m ^ ^ ma ? ? m M ?MMM MM Wmm ?MdHjUUHflflUHfiHl closcly. voluntarily dismissed, in surance. Martha Cates Shcpard, speeding 68 in a 55 zone, prayer for judg ment continued, costs. Wilma A. Simmons, notice to re voke unsupervised probation, pray er for judgment continued until 4 22-91 to see if she pays in full. Angclcttc Joy Smith, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Robert Mellon Stanley, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, costs; no driver's license, voluntarily dismissed. Frank Billy Stevens, DW1, level 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assess ment, Brunswick County Jail seven days, not violate any laws for two years. David K. Stonestrect, expired registration card/tag, no driver's li cense, both voluntarily dismissed; DWI, level 5, Brunswick County Jail 60 days, suspended two years, SI 00 and costs, surrender license, assessment New Hanover County, 24 hours of community service work within 60 days in New Han over Counly, not violate any laws for two years. Joel Edward Taylor, unsafe movement, prayer for judgment continued, costs. Bcmice Walker, speeding 70 in a 55 zone, costs; no driver's license, voluntarily dismissed. Curtis William Walker, handicap ped parking violation, voluntarily dismissed. Athcda C. Watson, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. David Allen Wheeler, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Patricia Olcinik Wood, speeding 64 in a 55 zone, costs. Kimbcrly M. Yeoman, vehicle not registered/titled, voluntarily dis missed, valid. Steven Clark Yow, DWI, level 2, N.C. Dept. of Corrections one year, suspended two years, S100 and costs, surrender license, assessment, Brunswick County Jail seven days to begin Monday 4-15-91 at 6 p.m., pay jail fees, work release recom mended Monday to Friday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., not violate any laws for twd years. Boiling Spring Lakes Man Gets 24 Weekends In Jail A Boiling Spring Lakes man chargcd with possessing goods that belonged to a business destroyed by fire in February must spend 24 weekends in jail. Mark Steven Flynt, 25, of More head Street, pleaded guilty in Brunswick County Superior Court last week to possession of stolen goods and a weapon of mass de struction and with selling marijuana. Flynt was indicted on the charges by a Brunswick County Grand Jury in March. The indictments accused Flynt of receiving nine figurines, valued at S206, which were taken in a Feb. 13 break-in at the Good Vibrations Metaphysical Gift and Bookshop on N.C. 87 at Boiling Spring Lakes. Another Boiling Spring Lakes man, Frankic Joe Cuthbcrt, was in dicted on two breaking and entering charges and on arson charges for al legedly setting fire to the business following a break-in there around 5 a.m. on Feb. 13. He is also accused of a break-in there on Feb. 7. In Superior Court last week, J udge Gregory A. Weeks gave Flynt a five-year suspended sentence and placed him on five years' super vised probation. He was to begin serving 24 consecutive weekends in the Brunswick County Jail on April 12, from 7 p.m. on Fridays to 9 p.m. on Sundays, for a total of 75 days. He was also fined S250 and or dered not to use or possess any con trolled substances or illegal drugs. The court found that Flynt had co operated with the investigation. SBI agent Kelly Moscr issued warrants on March 14 for Flynt's arrest. The defendant was also charged with selling 98.6 grams of marijuana to an undercover officer on Feb. 18 and with having in his possession a rifle with an overall length of less than 26 inches. Judge Weeks also heard the fol lowing cases in Superior Court last week: ?Tyrone O'Neil, 18, of Navassa, was sentenced to 45 days in jail to begin June 3, at 9 a.m., after plead ing guilty to selling cocaine. He was given a two-year, six-month sus pended sentence and placed on five years' probation, ordered to serve 200 hours community service, sub mit to searches, pay S350 attorney fees, obtain a high school diploma or GED and to not use or possess il legal drugs. O'Neil was charged March 7, 1990, at a Navassa ball park for selling .6 ounces of crack cocaine to an undercover SBI agent. ?Curtis Williams, 42, Route I, Bo livia, received a two-year suspended sentence and placed on five years' supervised probation after pleading guilty to simple possession of co caine. Williams was charged with possession of three grams of cocaine on July 25, 1989 when he was ar rested by a Shallotte police officer. ?Clayton D. Stanley, Route 4, Loris, S.C., was sentenced to 90 days in jail to begin May 6, at 10 a.m., after pleading guilty to attempting to ob tain a controlled substance by fraud. He was given a two-year suspended sentence, placed on special super vised probation, fined S250 and or dered to pay $150 in attorney fees, serve 200 hours of community ser vice, submit to searches, report to mental health for evaluation and treatment and to not use or possess controlled substances. Stanley was indictcd on charges of attempting to acquire the dnig Dilaudid from Kerr Drugs in Shal lotte by forging a prescription dated Jan. 25, 1991. ?Gus Jones, 46, of Navassa, was sentenced to the State Department of Corrections for 90 days after pleading guilty to assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious in jury. He was given a five-year sus pended sentence and placed on su pervised probation, ordered to serve 200 hours community service, to submit to tests, to receive mental health counseling, to not use or pos sess alcohol and to pay S400 attor ney fees. Jones was charged with firing a ,22-caliber handgun and hilling Christopher Alston, also of Navas sa, in the right leg last September. Auto Accidents Disability Job Injuries ARE YOU A HARD WORKER NOW INJURED OR DISABLED? CALL: 1-800-336-0155 Kathleen Shannon Glancy Attorney at Law 114 S. Front St., Wilmington, NC LET ME WORK HARD FOR YOU TO OBTAIN FAIR AND REASONABLE COMPENSATION FOR YOUR INJURIES OIL CHANGE! 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