BEACON Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable _1 Vision Cable ol N C U JSi WWAV. (ABC) Wilmington a WECT (NBC) Wilmington dJ WBTW (CBS) Florence liii WTVD (ABC) Durham (U UJ WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington BJ L*J WJKA. (CBS) Wilmington II l?J HBO (Pay) New York D lul ARTS A&fc. Wilmington U 111 ESPN Sports New York Q iSJ NICK (Children s TV) NY ID L1ZI TBS (Ind ). Atlanta Oil MAX (Pay). Cinemax. NY Oil SHOW (Pay). Showtime L1ZI m WGN (Ind 1. Chicago CI TMC. (Puy). Movies NY Ul WWOR (Ind) New Vork ? ill CNN. (Ind ). News. Atlanta 123 LIFE, lifetime. New York U i?l DISN (Pay). Disney. Calit ttl U TNN.'he Nash.v ;'e Netwo'k U i2l USA. Variety. New ?ork Oil III TNT (ind ). Atlantu Schedules reflect changes in Vision Cable channel numbers. THU. JUL 4 ? Weekdays - WED. JUL 10 Mo mj ^ ma [vanec 11 30 Oonafue Tnafwat* T>? Mriig iDoratae fe Kg n \Vr*xj 4,'wca t> 7aoMee loo Sesame Strw Girtng w |T otU>s SoT Van? T>ts Mtrwij THU. JUL 4 - Weekdays - WED. JUL 10 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY _&J3_ lOOTQ |(>* L?f B Lv Cam ho6ou Grj?g Pare Ctir ar? J ECT A CJase* Look Waned Vance Dwce Cl JuOcjp WBTW Yojig K Resness BratifJ As the Wbrtd Tut* Gjdng itft Oprah M^ry ;?? Or ATtar WTVD 11 Af \*y OK*** One Life to Uve Genera hqgocj Qprafi Wrhey tuples Cl News WUNJ Vaneo W Rogers Sesame Street Tott Cart Ivang & Resfes Bealfii As Tie Wortc Tjts T* Spr> Chp n Da?e Nop Tine Try Toons Sar Tn* Netf TNT ? CD Move THURSDAY EVENING JULY 4 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 VAY AST Jntearft' ; ITr uCvrtrt; Gafinss frt Korea Raw! Arseno Had ATlOS bOSS' ufov SftM jijrt *Vonc LA la* News 1 45> Tonqf* SfXM WBTW CBS News jaooany Disney s Grear Anercr Ccfeftfifton Back to Bjjhdad News FV t* N*jnt WTVD U Aft" (Vhee Finer Dowing Gatmeis Fre Kflooe Report News NqhOne JSSL L^ ft* Rear Sasrt A v4rt) Forth 1991 *lL Lowe Connect ?mgr<r- Cert C8S Vws |Ert Ton^ KnJ Copy jCteney s Gnsa Amenrar CaePrabor Vysery Barm "oos Goes r* Fourth On tne Waterways Eas$ riders Back ro Bagdad ImprtN Tartfe /one FV by Nqht fvenng at Impr*. World Today Moneys OxKSfr? (t^meNews Larry Krg lr*" World News Sports Mfl? IMoneylrr Up Onse Spots Oisr 'A*J League Baseban Ma** Leacjje BaseoaH J! Sop -w Sixf naw TVPttt Duet Mow Kkta Two lowers share an obsession for playmdT Jhar I Mc#y DoOd i'e threaten nQ Qa'nes A Geary Cray Kids Get fYtue ***> Gadget ILooney Tmes ISaiufc Short |Bew<ffiec Gel Smart Dragrift Greer Acres Best of SNL (A Fd TBS '05iBwtit- |(35iAndy 05 Map Leajjf BascOaf (50) VBto A bumbling outlaw is hired to ambush a stagecoach and steaL its cargo K Oajgas <500 VoeoPM Be a Star O" Sage Must Shop (Another E*?nng Wth The Stafler Brothers Crook. Chase E Stage Wm Shop _??_ 51 B*y Rows JuTto The son and daughter of r val _c 'Cus owners fa.? <n o,e D J&L Yo?* Wigor Two gold miners decide !o share a woman purchased at an auction L 1 Mirvm 35) SI Boal M. MacGyvw Mo,* Al f* PmsaJarf s Man investigative work by two reporters eiposes the Watergate scanCd' R fodn m PGA Golf Charles U*or Leagje B aset* j^angn in Tv*#e Zone iMagnrn pi 01! OR Cos&> Ccriedy Whed Quncy Ko?ak Sv?flCh !E"Test L v Drear 15) Stfi* Ber and Me New A?tantf*s d D&.y Crocker J lAngi MtMe Aprl Muiiu New England residents band * lo stand up ~ :oge!f - up to British forces J Junes i'500i Tenors Wmtxedor 91 Mwt Brtnar A brilliant, tortured milliona"e disguises -imself !o f oht cr;me J " * ' Mow Ftttr* ?? 13ti P?rt VI Jam LKw 1 1st & Ten Mitthe?s W SHOW MtMe Com Mc*ie How to Mate a Mondor R Hm> ?Aa* Frttoy to 13h. Pwt V? Jtaon Ttf OiQQttt Miwe Ad ol Ptocy G asey (45)Pcta Aodrny [vv>* Cor Vto VUorta A woman masquerades as a man who is a 1 te~ae T-^erso^ato' J Antvws Mtwe Qnfcudn I The Ghostbusters discover a river] u' sl rne beneath New York Q Murrj) F A*ye TMC |'500? Bat* Rooney \ n Aims M Mcn? Look Who's Tdtag A woman looks for a man ^whojw^j^^oo^fatneMo^ie^aDy^^^^^^ Mtwe Gron Anatomy a student s attitude m medical school quickly brands him a rebel M Atone Mtw* Btek Eagle S Kasu? FRIDAY EVENING JULY 5 WW AT 6 PM 6:30 ABC '<* 7 PM WW 7:30 JswV 8 PM Fji Hum 8:30 Frrty MaBr, 9 PM Bene 9:30 :Gong Races 10 PM 10:30 2070 11 PM 11:30 Aram J!L J0C Vvft CosiJ* AAos Boss' Tie Blje Wjw BvH Mttm ol ta DM C terser W|TW WTVD CSS Vws VA?e J??rV Oetectves LB Franaer (Pi 1 ol 21 L fvwo I News Dart Juste j^L A8C News JmoarrV WW Fji House Fmfy MartBrs Vacf? lenrer Bus Reoor NC Wee* DC Wee* >Vai Si Week |Gorg Raoes 120/20 Amencar Rayhoise News Ng htJne Dance Sayte Sft/ft Lrw Ccmec IC85 Err Tonqfi! Hat Copy DfifiCJMS Last FrurtH fR 1 at ?) L E vans Tw?e Zone Dark .lusace ART Avenger, Si///a Mc [Ousade M?! *?"? *n eccentric woman tries to save her nephew from 1 respecamy R fosse* lEvenng at Impnx World Today Moneyme Crostfre PnmeWews [Larry Kng uwe1 World News Sports Ntt W?yrp Ntow/t Ud Owe Sports Center Ma** League Basetttf Map Leagje Baseb* S>j w ^arver Saw market TV ft* Duet LA Law Oa/y Kids G* FVt/e nsp Gatige? Looney T-res l^i- & MndylBevrtctad Mc we BMk MoW A mental patient takes control ol Norman Bates motel 9 Can [Ga Smart I Dragnet iHtrtcoc* Green Acres Tracey Ulnar Best of SNL |Mr Ed JlL 35) An?/ fl6 35, Ai C, 05, Skd d Yault A nun dlternpts to gel d movie contract t>v using a tormo movie star P Atwnan Map League Basetuf (500 vooopv BeaStar Cr Stage leas Com torvue few ICrook. Chase lOi Stage Ileus Com Bc^, Bjr-y ait Pals 45001 P W Got VacGyw Mcwe Pnoa and Via fttta A magician and a pnncesd a^e_cj2!ufed by G ooflthirs', buccar.eers 'Ana 'Jt won; HWiooOi ~j^ Bratuy |Mcwe CranoMi't 9g A meek tailor s apprentice masquerades as the Qf eat lover, Casanova B ttye |Httftf*g "p Swamp Thng IMCrthte |PGA Golf GN (D 'OR A Griffith BewtLhed leatRf Man [Map Leap Baseball News Ccfthy MosSoss'* kjtt&fc* Map Leap BasetJ News QMfflNMd USA PAsc Mwe Sky Trackers P Martr 35) Jud Aran) r* Comer S rarrp* Ems Mar & fAa Hghaiaymen it# Mar Knew Too Much T /frn&adon 91 |Mcwe Nuv an ?? Run f rt? SHQW TMC Mow* Ctrl 'Awe Among Cofcsul G Ungr, SfP.*" ;Vn wujd Mtae W*hm I A man s dog is pursued ty an "Meilige-'t tiu' e>. wenef c rutant M Srpy [Mcmb We're No tag* Two escajJJJ convicts pose as '?"? "? 'W i nu CiL pnests to escape the police R 1st & Ten Mtwe Mnfcn erf h UnMna He Man comes to Earth seeking tr.e secret ol the jnive'se D brdmn |Mcmk Angel / Antra* Mcve Lad ol tv Ami Detectives uncover a drug ring w-th political and udioai overtones B n ? " \ Demety Sadudon Ma* The R hrster 'S(/ iatiouM Roc k [ Presley MtMe Pw :omes a bo?"ng content y A wrongly imprisoned black man tender L Kennedy Mtwe Ad hnocanl Maa A mild mannered mechanic is framed by two narcotics officers T Safe* Mcmb Lock Up S Safer* Calabash Shipping Service ?Shipping Supplies ?Small Office Supplies ?Gifts ?Local Crafts ?Video Games Thomasboro Rd. *579-1 460 {across from The Village at Calabash) Rust? Odor? Bad Taste? Good water is a telephone call away. Coastal Water Systems, Inc. 287-4022 or 1-800-252-0223 Ask for Jerry Quality Water Conditioning Equipment SATURDAY ' MORNING JULY 6 6 AM 6 30 7 AM 730 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 930 10 AM 1030 11 AM 1130 WWAY 6 18 J V* K*ts Kijs S '*??*> VW*? KwT r.?< i\n* Rsi iirn&Ar&rs HnrtP ??* Wi?*i V^-a8?j ECT (3001 (*? Ar Ou ttgf* (*?? A leu MCf N Tat*. Z I TW StfW flTO ;S*twrti% Mil j* M?ti Miy (driMl ft iflr WTVD jl l?Qr Rtisey IVAri? Specitf Mlgrt vw*w^d> hWador Qr Hm (ABa?K?s^ Bugs fc T??ely M. M h Fiji Acts/' Coofcg GOUNtt rL Wivrt Baby iMnp lirtf* S?twrtwy Saw Fat* JUL Gottn Age UdVp.'. Al CmHiR vwo Wuv ?Aw SmatfvUp The Story ol a Woman A singer finds |l#e wi tarth '?er I'*P take" ovff h> alCGhC-Srv IAmb Ahvays A .nan s spirit returns to earth to . juiVur 'ir *,?, h.??nds H i/?ytfC> (Ob) Thousands Cheer A singer puts on a sho* 'or the soldiers at an A'-ny V Mow Fr?md Roger tafabl tf QhBwIi fcfw .vifciMl IttavBrea^ **** Ctosetlp IfcTvttfV* Bu Story Shmtitf Style Baetnl 91 U? Oose jSif^w Mag Sours Center |f\ lisfnj IMm* J Hnfitor fsfo Hole Ma* Sown Fty Fehng NASCAR Rm*j JL (40Q| Se? ^'wmsw* Se# toiprwernai* Glide Bafcy kjwws Day by Day Art ft (v*t i R StMrtatar> Kjds Cait let Oriajfa Ha?**! *bp Gadget Itosp GadgS Yog Yog N*> H? LbJ j?L U?- 1(05) G^crwte (06) Bonanza k06i (05) 'rfnJ Gflngraflf* (300) 0* A/ BarJcyad Am {Garden Joy Aiwr Cnt ICartry M S?Je &y Sde I Go Our Way sffm Mtwe Fraghtors Dssfcny F Keene 15) Rto Grande PM I Hf NW Passajp jHorou rS [tun Mwe Cortt |Dng Hum pw F^ogram Hotyvraod Cnme Story 0 'are Yout> gfc*t I Dance Party Tran*? John V 0 tarry Jor^ World Tonrn* If am Haport p** Owrtarito (heap ^ Busies ft* iPad Wrsflrxj wwc OR Pad Pnqr* Pad Program ftmh Comer ItXmOo [WUqIbs DadoMrrg Win) Pi?jy IDortaM Duck |Mow Camel Boy Mouse Glut) ?8? i A Bart to School A miiiion?re joms his son ?n "Thar Wtard o? 07 IMw*: Amwd and Danger*? J On) Mew Dated IMps W M imp Con* Move l Was a Ti Bisseii Mcmp Grerrths ^ The Now Baft* / O^gan Mwr Second S^r 8 She's Ftevtog Baby SIJOW [Wjvc A World Apart A middle class white journalist is 1 eG " bui/f A ' i ? r ? 8 Hrfn y [Ww Major and f? Mtoor A woman poses as a 1 ijjrear o'd girl and gets protect'ot' H Mfai: Mrwe Tammy and He Bachelor D f^yvkJs SATURDAY AFTERNOON JULY 6 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY I WECT Q ? Mr VHHJ P;*? Awe Omar, 2 The Ma* Cora Ravenous lurbaiis from space return lo earth 5 G/trtes PBA Bowing '/?Vie Wtrtl <1 Snorts Tenms M<yvoy to H (XN>r Mow hvsaon ot Johnson Coirty H Buty W8TW \AWA Wresting TBA Mwe PGA Got WTV0 Soi/ Trar Amencas 10 Stcertjc^ SdH force ITrav Update IPSA Bovvkng W0p WorW o? Stnrts W vr Cooks Trarte Ahead Dcqra^ t> Who [> Who O Who Vctirv Gdn Trivefc Wood [Mouse iFntertar Tuwjn Celebrate the Sai cf Amenan Mr* Marys 4th of Jufy PGA Golf fWi for?J David I Wooer Tte FutjtM? Mtwe Airtto Mame An eccentric woman tnes to save her nephew from respectably R Hrseu f>*wOy Itvans fJnv# IVwsltey INpw, mates (1100) ?JASCAR Style Mmi Sena PGA Golf Yai Money '<pws OoseUplMife Watrh HS Track Eart^me l^ews v*as Siiwrflafc TMC !E Mow Cont Gar*** Dad A m:d<Jie age man is caned on to ca'e fo' ? , -g w y p- J Inrrvitr S*te? Katr S<oer marVet Ins Gary MnmkfUij Mir.* Longest Yart A group of convicts t'ams to play 1(45) Afcrays R Orv\*tss tootha'1 against p'so-^ guards fi Spenser For ?%* LA la Den" Cnr*et Coat Color Oif fjf Tmw A Cant on TV I Mate Grade OnuWe Dare IS* if Short k05) Aaporl 77 A (et valuable art over the Bermuda Triangle >s hijacked J L&wvn (05) Florida Fl/i 00 Five people are saved from an icy river after a ratal pane crash R toxsur Ri-!wirle*riq |Gm.? Otltn I Strew Bass 1100) Cona^er . timti Ce* OJtdrs lOvifiufN'*) Rodeo RemodBfcng iTao Prmi Carrie* Pro Mte Cartry Beat WtMe Canamr Homesteader m the 1880s rush to the Oklahoma from*' G RrV |NW P*?s?qe Hnndo Muw younger ma? B So<f Tr*n A top slunt man is challenged by a Mow I You (kaid See What I Hear Tom Sullivan. a o" pole' 't'uws !o 'ee: handn..a;>pvj Mew Parted Brtfc A woman nves' gates her brother s| Square pwqs ? ysler ?(> ,j', f a-ic^e 5 fevts Wrtuume EU*I Mime Gotag Berserk A man is b'ainwastied nto attempting an assassination J f 1 am 2 1 Juno Steet JL OR Swi?rt Siwvii Sicenrai It Takes a The* Arw/ F\f' for Yoif Life Ki*X* %J0I Mi t.v Or** Upon a &of>ar^ Gnmm 0 UK, Mr we Lassie Come Home R \W\ fw Annals M^.* BoaMcs A bumbling Coast Guard ensign tries tol catch three je*e thieves R Morse _fT L ( 15i R^awray A madman controls an army of 'C-da' rooots r Movw Sqjad 4 (imr Mw Mot Jons and to Last Crusade Indiana Jones |< 45) Bad a"d ^is father searct^ fpf the Holy Gran H fyrv | Sdcol r SHOW 30) sues M?wiq Batry n IiAjp Naaoral Lampoon s Ore?n<B VnKr ?" Okj Bicon I ? - - . ^ ? Karate Kid ? A *elu96s ?o n?H> I ? ?VjCpr- 3 ;/ j-v ^ .'.fai/a; Mw The 5 Afltf f/wt ^ewny rt to Nerds N Nerds n Move Rado Days W f anov |Mow A World Apart A middle r'ass white tournalist ?s imprisoned in South Africa B Hartley Mowe FiS-T. S S?br* SATURDAY EVENING (L/ l'? JULY 6 6 PM C30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WAY 1L News ABC 'Jews Yang Ffcfcrs K9 Weekend Jam NBC News Hqfiway to Htawr Anen I Dow Hon* Gotten Grts |Emt*y NesJ Dear John Carol ^ Co ;Nrvrt Sat Nqht Ljvc W|TW WTVD ? Nw. CBS News CtfTBrfl Affar Last Fmroer fR 2 of ?\ L /urs Doctor Gnofl Sports News ABC News Retortions IWhoei You*} ffcfcr. K 9 5**t Foji Shurtme I Apoio News Wortd War 3 jPM]_ f?v Vankpp Gftrp? WW Am AramJs Move Me* John Doe A corrupt politician hires a naive man to lead a nationwide campaign ( 15) A?rar Qty Lmfe 15) Vdeo Giad?arors Star Trek Next last Frontier (Pt ? of 2) L fvars Doctor Good Sports Bcj Break All Cranes Mcm? Bananas A timid man travels to South America nd leads a revolution W AHer Comedy on the Road Fvenng at Inptx Wnrlr! Toriay IPinrurle Caplal Gang Sports Sat PnmeNews Stomfti |Futut Watch World P#ws Sports Nte ICaptt Gang ESPN O 4 LIFF Horse %crg Sports Center ISpeedWte* MRA Drap Raarnj Satirday N?jht T>u Oer Bbal N^i Sports Cerfcf Miw Mutter Ontoned (R 1 of 7) K Ora#** Mrwv Muntor ftrrtetoad fR 2 d 2) K terrarkr Kv^Tf Crazy Kits |Fr?hmen Ihso Gadget llowey Tines (05i World Champonsty Wresting looney Tires BeMtcned IDoma Rued |Mr Ed My 3 Sons Pany Du* Dot* Gits Htchooc* 1(06) See Wol A heartless caplain ot a mystery ship 1 realizes he s go nq plmd t ftimsai [Mapor Loa^e Has rtwfl USA D? M. (500) Cot/Hry 3eat ICruch St Opry Bacfcsi joe Upry &*js BiXirTy arc Pas tertian Mandrel Muse Shop MacGyver Smer Force [Harxjn In m A Tear Coufersito Mtwe tip! F*assagB An outlaw gang tries to steal ra.'road workers payroll j Srrwn lews Conn Opry Backst Ot Opry A Griffith Mwe Hooftual A troubled teen inherits teiekmetic skills from his evil father A Awe Conartai A widow with two children meets a tough put honest cowboy S (left 5100.000 Major Leap Basebafl Hfchmr* Mc\* Detour to fatfiere An insurance investigator uncovers corruption behind tour murders G " 'Jews Nwrsworthy Movw I lE fymes News Howard Stem T_ Mwe Gryphon A Pkuw Tier PAr* Bear An orphan bear cub is befr.ended by a 1 wounded Kodiak bear j naj&y 1(545) Back to School R UunjaltekJ 1(5 OOi The Goones S Astr. SHOW Il500( F LST. S SMrv Mow Armed and Dangerous J GnJy Mtwe Gran#* 2 The H&m Batch / GJKfr 'A' * Ftownge of toe Harafltw n Lanxine Herts I Nenh r Vbv* Norti Avvu toag^m tadies of a church help bow the whistle on a syndcate Mo.* Quk* Change S Mray Comedy Hon * Ax* My Fa* Lady A Hepburn I Crypt Tales Mtwe Kkttanr A man learns kickbomng to avenge hid tragically cr.ppieC prother j l&hj* 1 Mrw F?e Bfrtfc H Or p? ?ar Jotes I Cop V Yah Sow 0-.c jWamar/i Qun (4 A5i ANrays H CtoyG* iMo.v Bmfctodc Mtetog hi Adon ? C Nona, TAx? Dtt Tracy A sultry songstress spells trouble for _danng detective Dick Tracy w deany W w Red Heat L Am SOUTH WIND SIGNS CUSTOM PAINTED SIGNS ANY SIZE SPECIALIZING. IN CUSTOM ELECTRIC SIGNS INSTALLATION & REPAIR 754-8439 HOLDEN BEACH ROAD Caii Us On The Carpet! ,, We Spcciulizc in EXPERT Cleaning of Carpel And Upholstery ^800-649-3013 Not Delighted? Don 7 Pay! ?mwny iMBma GUARANTEE CARPET CLEANING St DYF CO. Stning Hruntwick County for 15 yean Order in the Magic of MERMAIDS. Cher and Winona Ryder light up the screen in MERMAIDS. Light up your night treat yourself to tins enchanting comedy. It's easy, affordable and fun. when you order it this month on I'ay IVr View -5C Vision Cable Channel 61 Call 1-800-222-8921 to watch your selection. Ready, Set, Let Yourself Go! ? twi Piy P* Vi?w N?twrf>rv Inc V?w*r ? Cho*c*? * 4 regitt^Kl mark ot Pay M*r v?w N?tw?>V mc

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