MOST TRYING TO AVOID RATE HIKES 1 7 Towns Take Different Approaches In Adopting Budgets For Cominq Year BY SUSAN USI1KK June .<() is gone ami a new fiscal year has begun, bui the N.C. Gener al Assembly has yel to adopt a bud get, leaving local towns wondering where they stand in terms of state revenues. A lack of certainty of what to ex pect in shared revenues has led at least three Brunswick County towns U> delay setting a lax rate and adopt an interim budget of their own. Instead they've adopted interim ap propriations so they can continue operating without a budget. "It's been a difficult budget time," said Jean Yates, finance offi cer and tax collector for Yaupon Beach, one of those taking a wait and see attitude. Nine other towns are holding the line for the 1992 fiscal year, keep ing lax rates the same as this year. These include most of the South Brunswick Island communities ? Sunset Beach, Ocean Isle Beach, lloldcn Beach, Shallotte and Var namtown, as well as Bolivia, Bel villc and Leland. At Sunset Beach, Mayor Mason Barber attributed the town's "good budget" in part to increased accom modations tax revenues, a source ol revenue also enjoyed within the South Brunswick Islands area by Ocean Isle Beach and I lokicn Beach. "It's higher than normal as a re sult of the occupancy tax," said Barber when the budget was adopt ed last month. " The gixxl Lord willing the people will keep on coming." For the coming year the town is "conservatively" estimating it will receive S15(),(KK) in accom modations tax revenues. Long Beach didn't raise taxes, but looked for other ways to hold costs down, said C'athy Harvell, fi nance officer. These included a "lease-purchase" package lor a group of five or six replacement ve hicles. One town. Calabash, cut taxes by 4.5 cents to 10.5 cents per SHX) val uation instead of expanding services as some of its residents had suggest ed. Commissioners hat! proposed an H-cents decrease at the public hear ing on the budget, but then in creased funds for roadside mowing and several other line items. Two towns have increased ihcir lax rale, while several others antici pate increases to ollset projected losses in suite revenues and higher costs of providing service. The highest lax rate increase by far is the Village of Bald Head Island's 7-cent hike. Stall had recommended a tax cut from 55 cents to 5(1 cents per SI'XI valuation, said Cathy McDowell, fi nance officer. Instead the governing body increased the tax rate to 62 cents to cover a portion of the town's share of a proposed beach rcnourishmcnt project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Figures were not available lor Navassa, whose staff did no! return phone calls last week, or from Sandy Creek, whose mayor could not be readied by telephone. Yaupon Beach, which has posted a KM) percent tax collection rate for the past four years, did not increase its water rate, absorbing a 5-ccnt in crease in the county wholesale rate for water. But it expects to increase the lax rate by three cents. Several other towns, including Shallotte and Sunset Beach, passed along the cost hike to their cus tomers. The towns sail! increases were needed to not only cover the increase but to set aside more funds lor upkeep ol their aping water dis tribution systems. Soulhport, Yaupon Beach and Caswell Beach are waiting to get tirm figures from the slate before locking in a tax rate lor the coming year. Rob Hitcs, Southport town man ager, said he was following the rec ommendation of the N.C. League of Municipalities, which sent out a memo regarding budget:; last week. It suggested towns that didn't "feel comfortable" estimating state revenues consider adopting an inter im appropriation instead. "I'm following their recommen dation," said the manager. The interim budget allocates $540,(KX) for a six-week period. Before that period ends, at the city's July 1 1 regular meeting, the board of aldermen is hoping to adopt a budget. Yaupon Beach officials adopted an interim budget lor July and ex pect to adopt a budget for the full Most Towns Hold Firm On Tax Rate 1WN R.VI'K CHANGK ltl'DCiKT VALlAHON Calabash 10.5 -4.5 S 438.809....$ 88.0 million Sunsci Beach 16.7 N/C...1.36 million 17.1 Ocear. Isle Beach 17.0 N/C 3.1 305.0 Shallottc 47.0 N/C 1 .2 7 1 .5 Holdcn Beach 18.0 N/C 1 .5 230.0 Varnamtown 4.5 N/C 79,321 10.0 n??i " Bolivia 25.0 N/C .5.0 ' able 1.8 5.0 N/C 405.635 34.0 Navassa . Sandy ( reek Information not available 1.8 34.0 .Information not available Rolvilln information not available Ptv,lc '50 N/C 218,100 1 a Lelarnl. * " 1 ? hoi avananie Boiling Spring Lakes. ..40.0 +3.0 749,910 59.0 Southport Adopted interim budget Bald Head Island 62.0 +7.0 1 .85 125.0 Caswell Beach Adopted interim budget Yaupon Beach Adopted interim budget Long Bcach 39.5 JM/C 3.87 364.0 Note: Tax raic is shown in ccnis per SiiX) vaiuaUon. fiscal year on July X. Jean Yates, fi nance officer and uix collet lor, said she is expecting a 33-cents tax rale, an increase ol 3 ccnis, and a total budget of S530.1 IK. Based on projections in slate funding she said she expects most receipts from the state to he frozen al their 1990-91 levels, while oper ating costs have increased. Casweii Buich expects to firm up its opcrati-.g budget for the coming year on July i 1 , hoping by that lime the sunt has a budget of ils own. Meanwhile the town is running on an interim budget. Linda Bcthunc, town clerk, said she expects a 3-ccnts increase in die tax rate to 2 1 cents, up from the 1 S cents levied lor the past four years. The town has adopted a water fund budget of S76,4(X). ORDINANCE PASSES ON FIRST READING Holder i Beach Inches Closer To Nudity Ban BY doug r utter Holden Beach is a step closcr this week to joining the list of local bcaches that have outlawed risque swimsuits and sunbathing "au na turel." Town commissioners voted 3-0 Monday night in favor of an ordi nance that would prohibit public nu dity. However, a second reading is re quired before the new rules take ef fect. The town board cannot pass an ordinance on the first reading with out approval from at least two thirds of the board. With a five-member board, that means four of the five commission ers have to vote in favor of an ordi nance to pass it on a first reading, according to Town Attorney Ken Campbell. Commissioners Kcnncr Amos and Judy Bryan were absent from Monday night's regular monthly meeting. Mayor John Tandy said Amos wasn't feeling well, and Mrs. Bryan was out of town. If it's approved, the ordinance would make it illegal for any female over the age of nine "to willfully expose her breasts in any public area." The proposed rule defines expos ing as "the revealing of the female breast with less than a fully opaque covering on any portion thereof lower than the top of any part of the areola." Anyone over five years old would be prohibited from appearing If the ordinance goes through, H olden Beach would he the third South Brunswick Islands community to adopt a public nudity ordinance this year. in public "in such a slate of dress or undress so as to expose lo the view of others the human male or female pubic area, pubic hair, anus, vulva or buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering." Public areas arc defined as any areas in town that arc "ordinarily open to public use." That includes the beach strand, commercial premises and parking areas, public parking and access areas, town rights of way, public parks and town-owned property and any areas in town that are "visible under nor mal and usual lighting conditions to anyone making normal use of those areas." People who violate the rules would be fined S25 for each occur rence. They would have 72 hours from the lime they were cilcd to pay die Fine at town hall. Commissioners first reviewed an ordinance addressing public nudity last week, and this week's version was expanded to define public areas and clarify the penally. Seated in the audience, resident Daphne Fournicr asked if the ordi nance would apply lo an adult girl dancing topless on a deck ? a sitihi she has seen from her Lion's Paw Drive home. "Our renters do pet kind of wild," she said. Campbell said the ordinance would cover anything that is visible from a public area, such as a street or l inger canal. If the ordinance goes through, Holdcn Beach would be the third South Brunswick Islands communi ty to adopt a public nudity ordi nance this year. Occan Isle Beach officials im posed a ban on public nudity in May. Sunset Beach Town Council adopted a similar ordinance in January. Town officials at both beaches passed the ordinances partly be cause of complaints about a scanti ly-clad jogger. Mayor Tandy said last week that he hadn't seen or heard about the jogger showing up at Holdcn Beach. He said the ordinance was prompted by thong bathing suits, which make wearers appear nude from tht back. "I haven't seen it, but I'm sure it's out there," Tandy said. Discussion Delayed Wiih iwo board members absent Monday, commissioners delayed discussion of three items on the agenda. Town officials did not talk about the 35-foot building height limit as ii relates to rccent changes in feder al flood rules. Some builders have said the com bination of the height limit and llixxl rules could prevent some peo ple from building two-story homes and others from rebuilding storm damaged homes. Commissioners also postponed discussion of a proposed changc in the bulkheading requirements on canal lots and membership in the Ca|K Fear Council of Governments. Other Business In other business Monday, com missioners: ?Met in executive session for more than two hours to discuss le gal and personnel matters. Following the closed session, the board voted to promote Police Officer Robert Cook to sergeant. ?Set a public hearing for the Aug. 5 meeting on a proposed change in the fee for appealing a building inspector's decision to the board of adjustment. Town officials arc considering raising the fee from S35 to S50. ? Brictly discussed sidewalks and made plans for two commissioners to visit Ocean Isle Beach for a look at their reinforced concrete walk horeign Born Can Practice English Classes in conversational English are available lo those whose native language is something other than English. The English as a Second Lang uage course is designed especially for foreign-born students. Along with English conversational prac tice, students will study American customs and share their customs with others. There is no charge for the course or books. AT VARNAMTOWN BRING HOME THEfcBEACON On Sale At BETTY'S MINI-MART 1989 Geo Metro 1 owner, 34,000 mi., AM/'FM cass., great gas mileage-50 MPG! Stk# 1293A. (12.25 APR for 42 mo.) ?All payments based with $900 down plus tax & tags with approved credit Ocean City Chevrolet Ceo Hwy 17. Bolivia ? 253-5221 Prospective students can select from three class locations. At Wacca maw Community Center in Ash, the class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. through July 30. Lcona Tripp is the instructor. At BCC's Industrial Education Center in Lcland, the course meets Mondays ana Wednesdays through July 31 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Marva Moss is the instructor. At St. Brendan's Catholic Church in Shalloue, class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and arc Uiught by Elena Foster. For more information, contact BCC's Continuing Education De partment at 754-6922, 457-6329, or 343-0203. "SHALLOTTE CLEANERS OPEN DAILY 7 AM TO 6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM TO 1 PM ALL WORK DONE OX PREMISES CLEANING SHIRT LAUNDRY ALTERATION'S FUR & LEATHER SERVICES 754-4435 DOWNTOWN SHALLO'I It 116 VILLAGE RD , CORNER OF I7'f & 17 C L Bookworm^ OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 10 9 al the bridge lo Ho!den Beach Summer b each reading is in: Beast hy Pete r llenchky-equals his Jaiif. Pirconhas by I lamld Robbir\s -al his rfjxirious besl And now in paperbacks: Hammerheads hyflblr Jfroun An Inconvenient Homan bj/iA?ni/uflt Oumme Plus the chilicr of the dciadr: Silence of tke Lambs bylhanasllcna Shipping, Fax and Copying Services Available FLAGS & KITES State & American flags, custom designs, too. Colorful stunt kites. CAUSEWAY PLAZA ? HOLDEN BEACH 842-5678-OPEN DAILY 9-9 Say *1 saw it in the Beacon!' American Heart Association ways. Holdcn Bcach officials arc considering concrctc, wood, marl or grass sidewalks. The town has had S40.000 in the budget for sidewalks sincc the 1989-90 fiscal year. ?Voted to send a letter to the president of Vision Cable objecting to the way the company switched its channels without notifying the town or its customers ahead of time. 1988 Chevy Cavalier Auto, tilt, cruise, cassette, stk# 1003A. (13.95% APR for 30 mo.) Or,lyS4,495or S1 4962* ? per mo. ?All payments based with S900 down plus tax & tags with approved credit Ocean City Chevrolet Ceo Hwy. 17, Bolivia ? 253-5221 "Why F arm Bureau life insurance?" "Value. Their rates are competitive and Help you get great value for your money. Your agent will help you plan for the future with a wide range of products. Life Insurance, Annuities, IRA's, Mortgage Cancellation, Disability Income, Whole Life... you name it. No wonder Americans from every walk of life depend on Farm Bureau Insurance." Call Your Farm Bureau Insurance Agent 754-81T5 ? 253-4220 457-9559 ? 371-2111 Helping you is what we do best. The Largest & Latest in Knitting & Seedlepoint Supplies " Cross-stitch and Anchor Floss ? Seedlepoint Camas and Yarns Wools, Cottons i Silks ? Buttons & Books ? L'ltrasuede Kaffc Fassett's \'idco Tape Fot Rent ? Classes or Instruction Available 919-791-2157 3401 1 2 Wrightsville Ave., Wilmington' 10am-4 pm Mon.-Sat. or by appointment w nni needlepoint too... THE STORM IS OVER... Take time this July 4th holiday to be thankful for your freedom & those who are willing to protect it. J.M. PARKER & SONS Hwys. 211 & 17, Supply ? 754-4331 UNCLE ms PRICE ? ? REDUCTIONS** Celebrate Low Prices! At... CHOICEMTER Wayne Culbertson, RHS rjw AMM| Ann Brown. RHS HOMES BV ANN "Service Is Our Commitment"\ Hwy. 17 N., Shallotte, 754-5147! ? ft****************************** i(

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