BEACON Listings ? Atlantic Telephone Co. Cable J Vision Cable ol N.C. U U?J WWAY. (ABC) Wilmington ? Jj WECT (NBC) Wilmington Jj WSTW (CBS) I lofonco UJ WTVD (ABC) Din ham d Oil WUNJ (PBS) Wilmington III 111 WJKA. (CBS) Wilmington U LLI HBO. (Poy) New York Q 'ill ARTS A&E . Wi!m "jton LI 111 ESPN Spoits. Now York CJ Jsi NICK (Children's TV) NY m Uil TBS (Ind) Atlanta liil MAX. (Pay). Cmemax NY 0*1 SHOW. (Pay). Showtimo l!Zl 13 WGN (ind ). Chicago 11] TMC. (.Pay). Movies NY WWOR (Ind ) Now York LJ ill CNN (Ind ). News. Atlanta 123 LIFE. Lifetime*. New Yoik til S2| DISN (Pay). Disney, Calif UJ till TNN.The NashviMo Network U ?il USA. Variety New York Ll?l CI TNT (Ind ). Atlanta THU, JUL 25 - Weekdays - WED. JUL 31 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 WWAY Good Mamrg Amra Rsjs h KMtw Lap Fa a of lit F 3n#y CdruirwL Wrwig Today Csasac Canon hM Haw Ivanoc WBTW CSS News C8S T>? Momrg Oontfu Oestj Wonajvj*! vv^vd jOOd NVrwig Good Mamrg Amenca Safy 45) Mnr Today s Sql I Z ? <** Zoo %i3 Rwdo* CSSNev* C8S The Mamrg Guang Lqft Dcsqi tttomeHF.rTtfy Ftu! Woudy Foi Zone Ftoey* frag# Roc* |FY* Paths CX*Er Da Kfir THU, JUL 25 Weekdays - WED. JUL 31 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 230 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 WWAY ftjj <*ograr at a? "A omw ;0* Lit Id Lw Genera HosA Gro?g Pars Cfwrs C it ATar Ml 'Closer look lOays d On Uwes Another Wortfi Sarta Bartnra Oprah \Afrifry Dvorce & Judge T TW [YixiTQ & ResDess BhuTj As 7r /Art; Tuns Gudrg Oprah VHtf y 227 Or Affar WTVD lOWQ AJ V? OiJw One IJe to Iwe General Hospta Oprah NMrtrv PBOC*5 Cl News 1 45 Varwd Vared GED I Mr Rogers Sesame Strwt Tor? Care hang & Restes &SL&J jAs !he Mrt Turns T* Sot I Che n 0* Ntb Tjfle ITny Toons |S$ar Trf* ?A>.? Wwe THURSDAY *" EVENING ?) 199' TV '? rtorVi T? JULY 25 WWA1 _Oj? ?' ECT ' ?_ 6 PM 6:30 eft 'w ?JBC News 7 PM CosDy 7:30 JoaoartV Whos Boss7 8 PM Jamrxjs f 8:30 CosOy Or World 9 PM Gdbnps Ff? 9:30 OWR MNngi 10 PM I Prrretme Lm LA La# 10:30 11 PM 11:30 taero Ha Tontfi Sho* I WBTW CBS Jretacv Toats of Rose iMer Years News Ry by N(f* WTVO T1 ABC Vws teuoanV Ww Gdbncis F? f^TTirtrK Uv? Nqrr)?* WUNJ g> a Itfro Bus Report Goes Id War !t?ne T* Tha V titr'j** Mystery* HJVwofl fas&ndws tasfcrttr. Lew Cai?! I CBS '?vfi Em Torayt HjC Copy Too Coos Trats of Rose Golden Years T\w*e Zone fty Ntf* Sr/va Wte Ousade a# Ca-ta Vfcvr Go*g to Sly# Three senior citizens devise a w <c| scheme for a new lease on lite G (krt> .r Iri^irov <?I Were 'ooiy Money** Crosrfrc ?r tMw? Larry Kng Lm1 Wort) News S(WE Ntt Wl*V*r ksVN Thnrtugr arra Up Close Soors Center Amer Qc Wflaifrij Top Rank Bcwng Btu Ngr# Soort Center jg_ See r "Wl Shoo [>oo tv Ptm Duet LA La* rJhZi KjCS Gc f\3L? Insc GaJyet Loonpy Tj*s Mcrt & MnJy Bwftrefl Mcmb DmTi Drarm When a couple s daughter drowns, the father and mother are devastated C T Ulnar Moily Oodd (5rS*yr .Dragr?* Hftrfror> jGreer Acres BessoTSNL Mr Ed ' 05) B wtcfi |< 35? Ancy i'CSj Jeffersora ( 35) Go Tr* (06i Motag hi Acton Z The Begh*g A POW wages a one-man war aga -st t*e energy c Noms ? 35) a > i c BnjHjr i50j VoeuW Be a Stv Sage Mjsc Shop NasrvAe Now GrooK Chase Or Sage Mm SHv Gdtgar Bugs> Bony arc Pafc Mo*e Waiteutl Robots act out guests fantasies at a Mtx? Dry of to Ti futuristic amusement park Y Brynnar during a meteor shower and blind humans Strange plants fall to Earth md Din MacGywr R AaJarsr Witter She Wute "Awe R*m of to Bnwty h I B ftser PliA Golf WGN ? ? A Gnffar Ngtt Car A Gnffif Ml we Ony Moan An oddball s life is thrown outof (News whack when he falls in love K Sutiertn] TwMtt Zone M^u'i pi W| OR Cos&? Who s Boss7 tte&AMe IComeUy Whed Mcm e Bruttn Wit Nazi agents convince a captured American officer the war is over C Bemsen News Swtti ffr Lose Mcwe L Warvr ?Awe I tJ Wt** (35) Annas Mcvs Bnrr. ^ V K**"rn 35) & Hamei JTC 5X My t Marhr, S |( 15/ Lmartny A pizza ceiivery boy s life gets camp'tcated by lone'y wor-en P Dempsey Mwe PfBty In PMi M f*xj? tad [>Ban On 1st & Ten 35) T 'A, Me F?rm Oty OH M dm&nc* M we Chfctw a I a Lav God A teacher fa'ts m love with a struggling deaf student W hjgi Mx* Trul) 4 She/> y Ola* Ctonge I 5 X Prol Poppar J Dra tr Mc Me A World Apa 1 A midd?e class white journalist ?s ' ?n Sou:^ Af nca fl HeTm'k y Mwe R fxrstBf ( 35) 3^Mr Mov 10>3I>Mr (451 Mo? T?BC Sd Brnttm. Msang C Horns |McMe Shy tag* A writer visits distant relatives m the 1 Lou|Sjan^ayoj^j^^ij^^^^^^^^^^ Mwe raises questions Oowh^f A tragedy among drug addicts Mcnv Spared tnvsdsn R Dano FRIDAY EVENING t> 1991 Ty Li>tif>Q tnc JULY 26 JauwnY Mow Oppnftn Afrvd Two adversaries for mayor of a town become romantically involved VtfTJC jeooanv ?W*? Itfrcr McMe Araanfc and OU Laca Sweet old ladies spike drinks with arsenic and kill oft lonely men iteTteii 1= BUMS ?M Ccmfl jC8S Whose Sde? Awgers Money** Gwsfo [AvraNM IMckxka: 05) J0f9r5on^/ 35) Andy 05 1 ?Aad Max A police officer in a futuristic society goes after a gano to Gtsan 1500, VceoW M MB ftattaan Cnjsoe an Man An officer and a nor, key a U S space iQurnev to Mars (-20; 2001: A Spra OOywy A space expedition is d?sfupted by an out of control computer Swanp TtwQ |nc*ir*er |PGA (k* iMacGyur Aajgrsm Carnal WwlSeaee, al Lowe *we Hombre a white man raised by Apaches straggles to accept his roots P Nearer ?Awe Made r Heavan in heaven, two souls in love arelMw* Modvn low A man encounters problem^ after Mcwe Ti q .c ; 30 years to meet on earth J njttr I r>e marries his lovely R Benson Sliter MomerLf for lcw R Scntra Mr we Ghoctum I The Ghostbusters discover a rive' Mcwe Fourth War R Scrimta of slime beneath New York B Mumy ___________________ McMe Absoluto Dayman Teenagers m 1956 London itruggie to escape their youth P Kensrl C1W1 TMC BRUNSWICK BEACON Azaleas and Shrubbery ^ Leah's Nursery HALF MILE NORTH OF SHALLOTTE ON THE BYPASS'754-6994 MON-SAT 9-5:30 ? AUTO ELECTRIC ALTERNATORS STARTERS VOLTAGE REGULATORS GENERATORS REPAIR? REBUILT? EXCHANGED AUTOMOTIVE WIRING 754-7656 Royal Oak Road & Hwy 17 N., Shallotte 11 PM News Da* Jusbce E^nrg at Improv Sports Nte IMoneytae |M*jr league Basete* Miwe Mc* to&i A detective who <s a vampire only iTracey U?m*i works at niQht A Sm&tkJ 1 |Nttftooc* |Gn*r Acres PreserC. iBes: of SNL I Mr Ed (06) Escape From H&m K *Lss*' Zone JM^jrun. pi "gS. i0rtS jn,mjls sel,ches ,0' "* I*- ,"d "K *?* A ??"**' ???** 'Awe 10 AUray 10 PM 10:30 ???*?: m iwm * naive Doy p ays Detective in i |nsly worm ol set and violence K UtMf IMcve F*i Bktk CSge SATURDAY ?" MORNING "? JULY 27 6 AM 630 7 AM 730 8 AM 830 9 AM 930 10 AM 1030 11 AM 11:30 WWAY ol Hiv> A T**** ;?*? Hj? |ft? Grusistrt ttartr IIT Wortt Ww an; ML EX>F*gr< ftri A Lou Camp Cariy CaptaiS Krin Hay UvuKs By If* Bel 0* 1* m TW Krrt*?? S?i? Force BiJ? Uarferi Teen Nip Tut* B* t. Ted WTVD Ei/t ts hiu/ VWJget IVWi* IWonJ J Oz F*h (ififtJhrtr Bart* uuf Tran _K_ Sesame S?w* S'JKt S&art Wuhwiv S UaoI Art Is f\P Amen Ca*y Gurr* J3d S^tar WW* Baby Tear) Nip Ti?t* TTtrter Giida Age WIWs'rs WW Wirfd SmaMi IWw Al Btfa ?ri toe Forty TYtmm J ** Brih al Eur** Ww A Summer Stay An upper class Londoner falls Min* fm Mo Angel V kite* Mow Go WM Young V Mter (45) P I *V /?*& UavBrea* [fcyBrn* [News-Ctosellp OayBre* ftg Story SMe SdHIP B***hA 91 12. ATP Tans iSirter Mdg Sourts Cater (Uttar. |FV Fshng J Houston Fehn Ho* SUv Soar FV Fisfw^ Outtos imports Orfei (400/ Sefl iTprovemert Salt tmpnaemenl Gude Bady Kno*s Day by Day Art & Grrt ER $twt*ub Eureefca Kris Out a Ourtaia iHeaCtJT Insp Gadget llnsp Gadg* Yog Yog CM CtftnJ SK8 TV ja. Gone Better lie 1(05) Gwsmote (05) Bcrurua (05l WesOng (06) taknal Geuj4'* lx*ra i300i Ott Af Badryard An (Garden Joy Atoer* Cr*t ICa/try Kt* S?Je by S?* Go On Way jflL VHt I ? 5 G (15) Mre al t? Range ' Hbff NW Passage I Hondo West Was Wbi I G Mx tar %V\* Cat I Dog Hu? Pari Progran Cnme Story D tarm [Youtv cuate iDanoe Party Trapper John MD Larry Junes |?Vtrt? Tamw I Farm Reourt iPom* Otartando ChcagoHrt iBusress f\i IPad MAutng J3E OR Pad FVogran Pari Program Wiaeoe ITrw F\nn Comer IDirtJO Mat? Goose Pouri PlfPi F^g^e Rtx* lOonati OuO IMca* Sword to f? Stow Muse C*jb (06? We re No Angels T*o escaped conv?cts pose as pfies(s to escape the police R Airy Bdtwr \Marc -1 0? I Mix* Indn Jonm and Vw Last Cnsadi Indiana Jones |( 15) Catm SA0D and his lather search for the Holy Graii H fxrf MAX Mo.* A Day at t? Races A horse doctor sees dollar gns when he meets a rich hypocr,ondnac Mcx? Seams Lka 0W Tknea A lawyer tries to help her ISVwe WQmv of t? Year A society reporter and a e? husband through a crisis G Hs*n sportswrile' r fiery married couple :>w Mia* Who Framed Roger RaOM a private detective tries to clear a comedian of a murder charge Mow I i Hwi G Gate Mtmp P^ti Beach Story C Otter Mia* Timer & Hooch T Hanks SATURDAY C 19 AFTERNOON *" viw^c nwwift t? JULY 27 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 AY wax? VL Preseason foods I Saw PGA Gc# J1CT Mama s Famrfy S^r Spoon | Mamas Fan |Ma* Md accidentally ? "ed ^ a A man s w fe and children are drug ra?d M Qrrtrs WBTW T fiAWA Wresarg FamrfyTes Speedway Th/tter Mo.* PGA Golf WTVD A??encas 10 NFL F^eseasir Foottiali Senu PGA GoV TO Coohjng hMscr1 Coote About Tons lOegrassi Or Who ? Who Dr Wc Tia\? Mag Mctory Gdn ITrawcis Wood wn^* iHouse FVia EsQti; ISuper Force Uesrytes of tt* F^cf and Famous World s Best TBA PGA Golf Seats D?yri L Wolper fjewsOay |E/ans fJov? fJew^Oay I^Jews maters The hiff* Style Mia* A F^ace of t* Acton A retired cop forces two iNcago con men mio com-riunry se^wce 5 f\rter Caroine s Comedy Mau Ycu fAone y News CtaseUp Futut Water EarV^ne Nms maters Him Shoft Jj"u<j PBA 9o*?Ang Terns Aouss Amenra (11, She Done l*n Wrong V Atei Mwe Cant Buy Me Lcwe P Denysey (06) A Sunmv Story An upper class Londoner talis m love with a farm en J with Mia* DKk Tracy W Bat?, UFE Goum?t Sster Ka* Sitier market Its Garry MuragTOng ISpereer For Hre LA Law i>**s 05/ ?? Oanang Shoe IBro & Seter |Ma?c Head jCant an TV I Mate Grade I Double Oarv ISalu^ Short 05) S?a Woi A heartless captain of o mystery ship -?v 1 H s g.. ,j r, r C t ttMZil (05< Map loagje Basedal l( 50) CH^ lFfei*jOe*?j J Wr.t Can. Cita* U*arv ISiXUdi Basb Cu OuUrs Chariponshp Rodeo 35) Comnwri Deaston An Air Corps captain fights to send bombers farther into Germany C C*t*r Remodelng krweat Sports Cavanafc Ma* FU& Vaquert) A bandit and his half brother try !u G- %g uJ *? a-':t? t uus sett *" R U yiJ ujiwv Boai Maya M a* Tho Gui tor Hre An assassin and an e?otic ?:* ? 1 ?? t: .-sutd b> New Qflfrj' p;; i >? R >Vy>r Mca* Bgor Sancton A professor, once a paid toller, is hired to kill |We?jT* Bacfc] two men C Eastmxx! Mmh Voe Soul Tran 21 Jimp Street (20) Major Lea^je Basefw Tw??c Zor* W? OR Switcr. Scperman Siperman It Tales a Thef Aw?if Fin for You Ule Kragfit Ftoff DISH | <4 f Aa* Sword of Sherwood Fores! H Qvene Mca* Soul) Padfc A Navy nurse falls for ? French planter durmg World War II M |Ma* Saciel al f Giynof 1 _e!L Aa* F^wnge erf toe Nerts I Henh to Mca* 1Mb Shop al Honors R ttra ts ( 15i Squeaza An artist who designs sets tor discos is Ma* We re Ho Angets R Parattsa R Car*ine set up for murder M Katn Nno T Mca* Empee ol toe Sin A boy ?s separated from his parents m war lorn Ch na C &*? S^W 1(1100) Turner & Hooch J Hunks Mca* F%e Btrds N Cage Mca* nobody's Ported C Lone Mca* Weddtog Day Bkjes 5 l^rtrr Mta* Spaced kwaden inept aliens accidentally invade Osrwe Mia* Who Franwd Finger B ihe Earth after hearing a radio show R Dono Hoskms '35) Urban Cowboy SATURDAY *" EVENING JULY 27 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM B:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 WAY ABC News Hee Ha* Vouiq (tare Mcmc PreuJ Man A rancher s Bitterly estranged son returns tor a l.nat reconciliation C feslr! "?W5 Weeiwe Jam ?ECT L?_ W|TW 'iQC NeWS Hgrv?y to H??n Amen Gotten Grts lEmpty rtes: lOaar John |Bot) Cos&s News Sai N?j* Lw CBS News Cerent Aft* NVwe Bkj Easy A detective tries to charm an anxious assistant gistnct atto-ney 0 dad Bagdad Cafe Bagdad C?*e Shwone m Apu?o WTVO ill News ABC News Rtftectnns WTws Varg Ffcjers Mtwe PrauJ Man A rancher s bitterly estranged son returns for a final reconciliation C Hestr News F\i*tttee New Yar *<* IGariet Wld Am Arwitafs Liwwct iVeft> Dance Co RjiVvwys Doc Watson New Cattry New Caitry Search IStar Trek. Next M*? Bty Easy A detective tnes to charm an anxious 1 assistant district dito- iey D Quae [Bagdad C*e iBagoad Cafe |Bq 6ns* w ftsoont Soide Al Ueatnes Mwe Low and Dwti A man reviews the follies of his life prior to hif execution W Aflen Comedy on the Read Eteraig at Inxrcr. ENN m. UFE Wund Today \Prnxx Capo: Gang Football Mali Fame Sport Garter Soorts Sat frimrfJews Spe edWeefr fJHRA Raong CAflT Repor S fwftz [Ftif? VMBl Wend News Spora rate Sannay ragrt ihmer BtHP ragm Capta Garq Sports Center Movie Day aa* The effects of a full scale nuclear exchange or. c.tiw.s is po'trayed J fot&VS Mcn* Daacfy Oecepfton a father refuses to believe his Iverraa C&e missing infant son is dead M SatngBf Hdden Room Confessors N,CK <D TB! [OazyKjos iF^shmen llnsp Gadget llooney Tires Looney Tines iBewtchac lOoma Reed I Mr Ed My 3 Sore iPaty DiJtf Dot* OAs mtchcoo CD 1 5 50; Wonc G^amponshp Wresting ^ Commandos pose as German soldiers to rescue an Allied (05) US Ofympc GoC |500? Canity Beat Out* Si |0pry Battel. Ote Opry Bartsra Mantel Mac Shop I Texas Conr Opry Battel |0?e Opry JSA Bugs Birrty and Pars Outer Lmfc (05) Outer L/nc ( 10) Outer Lmts ( 15) Outer units iMacGyver R fwanr Cartestrfce Mwe Skip A health inspector discovers a partially 1 eaten corpse M Gartoa mtfcoc* [Mow* Vampfcm on E Bidhim Stoer Forae iHangn In A. Gi*f*h $100000 Mwe kindii From Mai A boy is the only Earlhhng to realize Martians are invading K 9tx* News Honey torsrt: McMe Saraband lor Dart Lours A princess is torn between love and her royal duties 5 fongar News Newsworthy Howard Stem )<& Miwe Yowg C Chapto 3 T j^e^Hg^Sapim Ptopto Frwn ,mihi Move Motwr Goon Roc* "N- Rhyme S Duval I EKt Mar & M&c _^!L T_ Mow Cont I 45) Mn Jonas and fa Last Crusade Indiana Jones and his father search 'or the Holy Graii H fvrtf Boxrg J HBO Comedy Hon 15 35; Urtan Cov^xjy An oil held worker keeps looking If Awe fur iu^e m a I the wrong places J Trsvcte I C Noms ^"8 D*teV An aging Southern woman and |M(M ^oel" her chauffeur try to cope each ether SHj)W iS00) Who Framed Roger B Hoskins rAwe Tuner and Hootfi A compulsively neat detectue ?. pa. ted with a drooling dog / tenk s Movt W*mi A detective falls in love with an Arrnsh woman H Fan Mcm e I (500) Oak Tracy ?V fitony Awe Lovartov A pizza delivery bov s life gets complicated by lonely women P UBmfr*y Mtwe Can! ft/y Mi Um A nerdy overachiever pays a popular girl to act as his gintneno P Qgnxeey ^ WB. Bkie A Bean D Hisseihotl Over 300 Herb Plants SHELTON HERB FARM 3 Miles N. of Winnabow otl Hwy. 17 On Goodman Rd (SR 1414) Wed-Stt 10-5 Of Appt ? 253-5964 BRUCE WILLIS AT ASH BRING HOME THEfcBEACON On Sale At ASH GROCERY CORNER STORE LONG S GENERAL STORE RENY'S ANY OLD THING AT SUNSET BEACH BRING HOME THEfcBEACON On Sale At BILL'S SEAFOOD ISLAND GROCERY SUNSET BEACH GROCERY TAVERN ON THE TEE | ftfDl/ffl 7V . . . 17 N, Buskwsi Mm Strut, Siallotfa ' mW/V FLEETWOOD 'MANS/ON P1NEWOOD MANOR HOMES 754-8196 18 tfeAf-s o{j Meeting Housing /\Je,eds sIMPl V THF. W.ST \ Coming in -?? August on HBO Cain -800-222-8921 to order.

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